Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 9 1971 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 9, 1971 Fleming: Seeking stability the expense of innovatioi at n? Terry Ma'Crthy A Regents meeting: The once a mouth visit to Ann Arbor The Regents: Influenced by courtesy or disruption? By HESTER PULLING Few students at the Univer- sity have seen them, fewer still have talked with them and most students have no idea how this eight-member body charged with running the University affects them during their four-year stay here. But when a student begins to involve himself in trying to change. - University policies or formulate new ones, the signifi- cance of the University's Board of Regents immediately b e - comes apparent. All major pol- icy disputes ultimately c o m e before the * Regents in their monthly meetings here, and the final decisions are theirs. Under the Michigan consti- tution, the Regents are respon- sible for general supervision of the University and with govern- ing the allocations of general working capital. Serving stag- gered shifts, the Regents run in state-wide elections for e I g h t- year terms, and usually are pulled into office by the party which carries the state. Since the Regents constitu- tionally head the University's chain of authority, students frequently approach them with proposals and demands for new University policies - and the two groups often clash over the issues students raise. Students pressing for the im- plementation of new proposals this past year have voiced an increasing frustration with what they see as a lack of interest and serious consideration of their ideas on the -part of the Regents. No, cyedible or respected channel of communications seems to exist between the two groups, and students contend that the Regents pay little at- tention to issues raised by Stu- dent Government Council a n d other student groups on campus. Arguing that their positions are not adequately represented at the Regents' monthly meet- ings, students are turning away more and more from presenting written proposals for the Re- gents to consider, and are in- stead trying to organize the University community to pres- sure the Regents into adopting their demands. Students hope that by draw- ing attention to their proposals through leafleting and rallies, more members of the University community will back their de- mands and help act as a pres- sure force on the Regents. "The only way to change any- thing here is to disrupt-other- wise nobody listens," says one student. The Regents, however, strong- ly object to disruptions of their meetings, and often refuse to respond to the demands and questions students put forth at 'these sessions. "Real,communication cannot be fostered by rudeness, 1o u d noise and physical pressure," Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R- Stockbridge) angrily contend- ed last October when students interrupted and surrounded the Regents in an open hearing. Lindemer added that the "Re- gents are concerned about the intent (by members of the aud- ience at the hearing) not to re- solve and not to communicate, but to harass and insult, and demonstrate an expertise in ar- rogance." An important factor in stu- dents' concern for a response and commitment from the Re- gents is the limited time a stu- dent spends at the University. Students have a greater sense of urgency than the Regents, who serve eight-year terms. Of- ten students feel that unless they keep pressing the Rlegents, the issue will be dropped after they leave the University. by Fleming or his executive officers. Another important factor in the apparent gap between the Regents and students at the Uni- versiy, is the social background of many of the Regents. Many of the Regents come from mid- dle and upper class backgrounds =where the position of Regent is viewed as a socially prestigious one. The life style and values of members of the University community are significantly more radical than the Regents' - making communication be- tween the two groups nearly im- possible. "Politically they're way out in right field," says one stu- dent. "They get turned off just by long hair and swearing." In the past, students pushing for new programs have usually "Real communication cannot be fostered by rudeness, loud noise and physical pressure," says Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stock- bridge). But a student answers, "The only way to change anything here is to disrupt-otherwise nobody listens." *" ..r - ....... - -., -.-....r -.-}FL.:j9"'' r "3, '-., {": -""%:4:".hr" }."}t e:%':Lr:v;:- fi:%%"i:}:%:"$-;"-vt: : :i:4t ~~b:4 With the intention of urging the Regents to accept their de- mands by using disruptive tac- tics, about 250 students attempt- ed to attend the Regents pub- lic meeting in February. How- ever, they found the doors lock- ed and the building guarded by police, and while trying to force their way into the Regents meeting, a violent confrontation between police and the students broke out. Insisting they would not re- spond to pressure form students and disagreeing with the stu- dents' plan, the Regents reject- ed the student-supported r e - cruiting policy. Despite their appearance to much of the University com- munity as a solid, unified group, the political viewpoints of the Regents run the gamut from conservative to liberal. Sources in the administration say that the two most recently elected Regents-James Waters (D-Muskegon) and Paul Brown; (D-Petosky) -have already sub- stantially liberalized the politi- cal viewpoint of the Regents. Although W a t e r s, who is black, has voted more liberally than Brown, both of them seem more interested than the rest of the board in talking to students and finding out students' opin- ions. Waters frequently talks with members of the Black Stu- dent Union and with several other campus student leaders. Regents Gerald Dunn (D- Stockbridge) and G e r t r u d e Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills) are considered to be fairly lib- eral, and often side with stu- dents in issues raised before the Regents. Dunn, for instance, voted in favor of a child care center when the Regents re- jected it. More moderate in outlook, Re- gents Nederlander and Lindemer generally h o 1 d the "swing" votes. Lindemer is one of the more vocal Regents and has lashed out at students for what he sees as their "rude" and "in- sulting" behavior when talk- ing to the Regents. Regents Robert Brown (R- Kalamazoo) and William Cudlip (R-Detroit) are the most con- servative members of the group. Both for example, voted against a proposal to permit WCBN, the University's student - run radio station, to apply for an FM permit until they felt certain the station would not be "taken over" by radicals. By DAVE CHUDWIN Managing Editor "I don't know why anyone would like to be the president of any university," R o b b e n Fleming said half-seriously last year when he was being con- sidered to head Harvard. Yet, three and one-half years after he became the University's ninth president, Fleming is still chief executive here, pursuing his difficult goal of keeping a sometimes-troubled University running stably and smoothly. He has been able to accomp- lish this task because his qual- ifications are not merely those of an educator. Fleming is, by profession and tmperament, a erisis manager, adept at harm- onizing the diverse forces which pressure a large educational in- stitution. It is this type of president- the problem solver - that has taken the helm at a growing number of universities. For Fleming, maintaining campus stability Chas often meant -,resolving political dis- putes between campus activ- ists and the University, disputes which have frequently escalated into turmoil. He has been able to do so by coolly handling emergency sit- uations, calmly arbitrating dis- putes and hammering out com- promises which might m a k e no one happy but are acceptable to everyone. In the absence of major dis- orders, Fleming's problem solv- ing abilities turn largely to the University's financial difficul- ties. And during the past school year, more and more of his time was taken up with lobbying for increased funds, hobnobbing with alumni and the public in the hopes of greater tupport, and campaigning for an early hike in the state income tax to get more money for the Uni- versity. With less of his time spent on quelling campus disorders, how- ever, Fleming's weakest point - his failure to provide sufficient leadership for the University in terms of personally pushing for educational and administrative innovation - has become ap- parent to some students a n d faculty members. While ready to approve chang- es proposed and pushed through the bureaucratic tangle by.oth- ers, Fleming has not personally led offensives for changes in University policy. He has been a responder rath- er than an initiator, often leav- ing others to spearhead change. He is more concerned with play- ing off the different constituen- cies that pressure a University, seeking a middle .ground. Relatively successful as both a mediator and financial lobby- ist, Fleming has won a national reputation as one of the best college presidents around. This regulation has been enhanced by the dozens of speeches he makes outside Ann Arbor each year, his many appearances on national television and his quo- tations in publications ranging from Newsweek to TV Guide. But it is his characteristic of being a. middleman that has en- raged so many student activists on campus. They fault his state- ments for their ambiguity, his policies for their lack of clear direction and his general public stance for changing with the political wind. In an era when activist stu- dents and faculty members of- ten raise moral issues, Fleming, a practitioner of the arbitrator's pragmatic art, does not gener- ally base his decision on moral considerations. "Some people call me a com- promiser, but I never worry about that," Fleming said in an interview last year. "You can't expect diverse groups to live together without comprom- ises." His pragmatism is directed, however, towards keeping the University running and not to- wards his own personal stand- ing. "I never worry about being expendable." A major characteristic of Fleming's administrationch a s been its decentralization. He leaves day-to-day operations of the University to his vice presi- dents, only stepping in when there are major policy decisions to be made or when called upon to resolve a crisis situation. As a result, it has taken sit- ins, strikes and other forms of protest to get Fleming. to inter- vene and adequately deal with student demands. Fleming usually does have well-defined views on issues. that are current; but in line with his generally low profile, he holds them close to his chest. moratorium, he spoke on t h e same platform as Rennie Davis and came out strongly against the Vietnam war. / Along with his anti-war views, Fleming holds other views tradi- tionally ascribed to "liberals." He questions U.S. foreign pol- icy, but supports the right of students to take ROTO pro- grams at the University if they wish, and believes they should be able to obtain on-campus interviews with job recruiters from corporations. In addition, he has support- ed civil rights causes to which he has reportedly contributed large sums of money. In personal matters, Fleming has a tinge of conservatism. He neither smokes nor drinks is impatient with those who make demands and are disorderly, and views the counter-culture of college youth with amusement and at least some condescension. In a speech, for example, in Texas, he compared the looks of people on campus with a "Hal- loween masquerade." As president of the Univer- sity, Fleming is at a, crossroads. The first year and one-half of his tenure was a period of grace for him, during which Fleming gained the respect of most students and faculty mem- bers by putting his conciliatory imprint on the University ad- ministration. "obben Fleming riowever, the year was a trial new president. 1969-70 school by fire for the AIlMName Brand YARNS N = }1 His unprecedented actions in calling in police on campus dur- ing the LSA bookstore sit-in and numerous job recruiter dis- ruptions alienated activist stu- dents. His willingness to nego- tiate with dissidents -during sit- uations such as the BAM strike alienated the right. Overall, he has maintained the confidence of the middle ele- ments that make up the major- ity of the Univeristy commun- ity. Whether he will be able to retain this confidence is the key question for the University and for Robben Fleming in the year ahead. . rrrw1 Rug Making and Needlepoint Instruction Books, Buttons, etc. The Regents, on the other hand, argue that they need time to study the students' proposals because they are often unfamil- iar with the students' plans and need more information on the subjects. As Regent Robert Nederland- er (D-Birmingham) said after students raised a proposal for increased low-cost housing at the Univeristy, "We may have an answer on it next month, but we'll have to wait for the administration to assemble ne- cessary information on this re- quest.' Because, as Nederlander com- mented, the Regents must rely so heavily on the administra- tion to gather information f o r them, students feel that Presi- dent Robben Fleming and h is executive officers "feed" the R e g e n t s, prejudicing them against their demands. In addition, since the Regents come to the University o n 1 y once a month, and are unfamil- iar with issues raised w h ile they are away from the campus, they often are not aware of the viewpoints and feelings of fa- culty members and students. Most of the matters submit- ted to the Regents for their ap- proval are simply procedural. For instance, at every meeting the Regents approve faculty ap- pointments and leaves of ab- sence, when the real decisions were earlier made by the faculty member's own department. Proposals such as tuition in- creases and dorm fee hikes are also worked out in advance, and the Regents rarely disagree on the recommendations m a d e been asked by the Regents to prepare a carefully researched plan to consider before they take any action on the students' z proposals. However, students now often say that before they put time and effort into formu- lating a workable plan, t h e Regents should make some commitment to their ideas. If the Regents offer no pledge, the students' plan is likely to end up being totally rejected, stu- dents contend. Frustrated with paper propos- als, students have used pres- sure tactics more and more to force the Regetns to accept their demands. Following the U.S. supported invasion of Laos last February, students opposed to the Vietnam war protested what they saw as the University's complicity in the Indochina war. Students demanded that the University abolish war research and ROTC from campus, and also ban job recruiters from corporations which operate in countries where discrimination is legally en- forced, such as South Africa. For all your knitting needs, stop in and see us AT THE YARNCRAFT SHOP Located in the Arcade 11 Nickels Arcade-Between Maynard & State Occasionally, speak out. For the October, Fleming d o e s example, during 1969, anti-war Jill i i i{ i! 4. ___ MI ,-i .' . .u.":.2. :?.;.:'. f/ S'" , :r.F":' ;'b?' vt3 '::' A 'l : . 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To help you avoid the mettlesomeness by trial-and-error, we cordially invite you to stop in and become acquainted with us-the right place for you-for service as you like it-WHEN you like it! EVERYTHING you bring in is thoroughly cleaned and expertly pressed; cuffs are brushed and tacked, miss- ing buttons replaced, rips mended-All these extras are included in our regular, moderate prices. GOLD BOND CLEANERS TA ? IvJJ 9u0 YUS 3uJ i oV a m 1a i 4 I !I k i 'I I of fine stainless chinas, crystals, steel and silver ' ' j l IJI; ,%rnw i. I.'l piznv chnhh;wo, I I II .t I