Thursday, Sept6mber 9, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, Sept~mber 9, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three 'U labor relations: The year of the walkout Faces of the APSCME strike By SARA FITZGERALD Supplement Co-editor In contrast to previous years, it was not the students wh: near- ly closed the University last year, but University employes. For two days in January, 2,700 workers staged a .walk-out which, by cutting off food sup- plies and causing severe sanita- tion problems, nearly forced Uni- versity officials to call cff classes and "send the students home." But, in many ways, the strike by Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, Counry, and Municipal Employes +AFSCME t was more than a display of cis- content which had been browmrg for two years. It was also symptomatic of the problems inherent in the some- what shaky relationship betveen public employes and their "boss," the University. Until 1965 and the passage of a state law' permitting unionization of public employes, the Univer- sity did not have to bargain col- lectively with its workers. Since then, the University has continually fought union .zation attempts by the workers-at- tempts which it knew would lead to a greater drain on the Univer- sity's already tight budget. As the University's staff size has grown to over 20,000 work- ers, the University has difficulty giving adequate attention to the needs of its diverse groups of workers. Meanwhile, the Univer- sity's budget also sets priorities on areas such as faculty salaries, while the rest of the employes feel that their interests are being neglected. Thus employe/employer ten- sion exists not only between the University and the largest union, AFSCME, but also several groups which attempted to union- ize over the past year, including the Interns and Residents Asso- ciation and the Pharmacists' As- sociation. Two years ago, when AFSCME and two smaller blue collar unions appeared on campus, the unions were more concerned wi.h obtaining recognition as bargaii- ing units than with writing their contracts. Since then, the 100-page agree- ment between AFSCME and the University had seemed increas- ingly "unworkable," as a union official described it, both in the wage levels it stipulated and in As negotiations began last Oc- tober, worker dissatisfac ion centered on the level of wages the union members received. Be- fore the strike, the average wage for AFSCME members was about $2.69 an hour, according to Charles McCracken, union presi- dent. More than 77 per cent of The University's offer was made, not only because of bul- getary considerations, but also In the knowledge that any large wage increase for AFSCME would be followed by demands for similar hikes in salaries and benefits by other members of the University community--par- ;,: When it comes to University money matters, the person with the most experience and influence is WILBUR PIERPONT, vice pres- ident and chief financial officer. Pierpont has his finger in almost every administrative pie that con- cerns University financing, and a few that don't. Pierpont's main concern, natur- ally, is seeing that the University remains solvent and the bills and salaries get paid in a gigantic bu- reaucracy through which nearly $250,000 flows annually. After 21 years handling Univer- sity finances, Pierpont has been in office longer than any other ad- ministrator. His power and influ- ence are second only to President Fleming's. Aloof and protective of his power base, he has seldom been Willr rierpolt the subject of student trust. .;;:.::.*; "::.:.::;":s: the rights it guaranteed tne cents an hour the first year of the workers. contract and 16 cents the next. circuit court judge who heard the case. Both sides submitted to fact-finding sessions, also pro- vided for by state law, during which an agreement was event- ually reached-a contract with many language changes favor- able to the union, but with rela- tively small wage increases. The strike itself was an abor- tive enterprise. The wave of union militancy subsided in the below-freezing January tempera- tures as only a small percentage of the union members partici- pated in picketing. A small student coalition or- ganized to support the workers also bogged down. Part of the problem ,was the lack of anything to do--the union asked the stu- dents not to join picket lines but to provide pressure on the Uri- versity by demanding services and "eating dormitory food like hell." However, the settlement reach- ed in February does not mear that the University has seen the last of AFSCME. For the work- ers seemed dissatisfied with the contract, approving it by only a; small margin. And three years from now, when the contract runs out, the University may once again be faced with a situa- tion comparable to this past year's. While the University was ne- gotiating a contract with one of the "older" unions (as if three years can be considered old), it was also fighting anionization attempts - this time by two groups of professional workers. First to petition the Michigan Employment Relations Commis- sion (MERC) for designation as a bargaining unit was the Internc and Residents Association (IRA), which represented 500 University Hospital interns and eesidents. However, the University op- posed the formation of the union. contending throughout hearings with MERC that the interns were hired as students and not as pro- fessional workers. The issue was so crucial to administrators that they filed an appeal in the Michigan courts, attempting to overrule the MERC decision which gave the interns the right to unionize. The 2-1 split decision, adminis- trators said, "invited" the ap- peal. Although the case still was not resolved by late May, the University became the first in- stitution in the country to have an intern's union. HEW DISPUTE: Job sexism and the IT. Answering the charges (Continued from Page 1) HEW, although it crystallized the issue and forced the Univer- sity to take steps towards rectify- ing the situation, is legally limit- ed to regulating employment practices of institutions to which the government grants funds. Therefore, issues such as pos- sible sexism in admission prac- tices at the University fall out- side the realm of HEW. An example of this specific distinction is the problem of while the University's projected average for 1073-74 was only 6.6 per cent. Other figures in the Univer- sity's timetables have been equally criticized.. For example, of a total 1970-71 instructional staff (not including teaching fel- lows) of 3,015, women numbered 411. The University projects a 3,162 person instructional staff in 1973-74, with 550 women. In one administration state- ment, the University said that 'r.{;.;.^.v:: ;..yn}" .}: j}iiii}'.°{;.:}":{;:"';}..7;{{ .}:%4i+. G:L :v ' ie " }." ' G, ,S'.?:i% : ;r:. }}.i ... ,...,..:??;^";;;....i 'fi: t ...... ...................s.. rjj:j:; t"± .}, ";,:r?:: .:".:, ,+" rr}"r.v....?.i . i.°": :v'b'rrru."av'${vr:='r'rtrt.}E r}}r..[.Yr When HEW said the University was guilty of sex discrimination in employment last December, FEDELE FAURI, vice president for state relations and planning, ti was given part of the job of set- ting. things aright. Though he's had some experience in similar fields as dean of the University's school of social work, he is saddled with a virtually impossible task of stopping University sexism. His main concern is trying to get more money for the University from the state Legislature at a time when the state is cutting all requests for money drastically. He's spent a lot of his first year at his new post going back and forth to Lansing and city governments, in an often futile attempt at find- ing solutions to the University's. budget problems. The Commission included ten women and two men handpick- ed by the administration. Bar- bara Newell, special assistant to President Robben Fleming, was appointed chairwoman; and Fedele Fauri, vice president for state relations and planning was appointed to work with the Commission. However, when the goals and timetables were formulated, Commission members did not see them until the day after they were sent to HEW. According to Fauri, there was not enough time to consult with the Commission, but its mem-' bers will be involved "next time." The fledging Women's C o m - mission has had many other problems. Set up to oversee work connected with the HEW em- ployment of women issues, the Commission's powers are flex- ible, yet limited by the fact that it is presently predominantly an administration-appointed Com- mission. The powers of the commission, too, are somewhat vague. The University originally set t h e commission up without a budget, and since then has been grant- ing piecemeal allocations for specific Commisison projects as they are proposed. Commission members meet on office time, but any- extra work they do, they are not paid for. As the Commission continues to develop its role, several mem- bers intend to try to expand the activities to include aspects of sexism outside the immediate . bounds of the HEW issue, such as the issue of sexism in ad- miss.ons. Thus, although the Univer- sity has always pointed to its dedication to the cause of equal opportunity for women, it seems that positive steps towards achieving such equality are only just beginning, a result of a government agency's judgment on a charge of sexism. the union's members-primarily dorm workers, custodians, and University Hospital employes -- earned less than $2.90 an hour. Another aggravation was infla- tion, which caused the cost-of- living to rise more than rime per cent over the two years, while AFSCME workers, with no cost- of-living provision in their con- tract, retained the same earnirgs throughout that period. However, wages were not the only cause of AFSCME's frustra- tion with the University. In- deed, the negotiators spent !our months rewriting the language of the contract-a contract which AFSCME claimed the Uni- versity had violated moie thsn 1,200 times in the last two years. While a great deal of AFSC- ME's contract was rewritten, 1971 was not a year for trying to geat more money from the Unil versity. Hard-pressed and faced with an austerity budget, the Un- versity told AFSCME it could only provide an eight per cent in- crease - or approximately 16 ticularly professorial and pro- fessional staff. Thus, after four and a half months of bargaining and two contract extensions,, negutia- tions reached a stalemate. The membership, spurred by their desire for greater wages, gave their bargaining team the right to call a strike and then voted not to accept any more contract extensions. And when the con- tract ran out the second time, the workers walked off their jobs. However, a one-day work stop- page was just what the Univer- sity needed to use its most pow- erful lever against the union- the legal system. Citing the dis- ruption of dormitory, hospital, laundry, and research operations, the University sought an injunc- tion against the union. Almost paradoxically for the union, the state law which pef- mitted the union to organize and bargaining collectively, also for- bade them to strike. The University was denied the injunction, but the union was p,r- suaded to return to work by the Even while it awaited recog- nition, IRA was planning job ac- tions of its own. The group threatened to begin withholding some of its services, for exam- ple, out-patient work and non- emergency in-patient cases, if its 15 demands were not met. However, as it was not a union yet, the IRA's position was even more tenuous than AFSCME's. And having received a partial re- sponse to some of their non-eco- nomic demands, and told that salaries could not be changed un- til a budget review some months hence, the IRA never followed through with its plans to with- hold services. Though its militancy dissipat- ed the IRA may have succeeded in setting a precedent for union- ization of such groups as teach- ing fellows - groups which have a joint status as students and University employes. As MERC must still rule on petitions filed by University teaching fellows seeking to create a union, the board may be influenced by its decision in the interns' case. Also potentially important to professional University employes is a MERC ruling authorizing the formation of a pharmacists' union. The University had again opposed this unionization at- tempt, arguing that its 14 phar- macists should be considered part of a large heterogenous group of University professional staff, rather than as a separate union. The pharmacists how- ever, contended that the smaller group could represent their in- terests more effectively. Again the MERC ruled in fav- or of the employes, a decision which could mean that other professional groups, for instance the clerical workers, may be able to break off and form their own unions, rather than remaining part of the larger employes' group. Yet, in the often complex world of labor relations, the pharmacists. designated as a bargaining unit, voted against the organization which h a d been working towards unioni- zation for more than a year. .l 4&- '11 fl - _ . 7hie "fiod 9Sox Located in Scenic Northern Ann Arbor Area (Dixboro) Fedele Fauri t: ..ti:"..'.... :'a': iit:.. v. .. r.. 1}'. ^."."1{'i::t .........,. ."::::':: "i ': JIB ti ' " '.J .r....".ar t.1"A'.'J.'..41.J..".'J^:.11".:^:::t:tt:'}:V}:: Jtf:{Y....ta:^: ': }JJ.. S: Sf. ........ ... VS t.'f.'."t:: """"J: t: t: graduate students. During the negotiation period, HEW claimed that since most graduate students are teaching fellows or research assistants, they are employes of the University and their admis- sions and jobs should be included in the "affirmative action plan." H o w e v e r, the University claimed that graduate students are primarily students and should be treated as such. Both the University and HE W's contract compliance unit even- tually, agreed to refer the issue to Elliot Richardson, secretary of HEW, for final adjudication. As of late May, Richardson had not yet given his decision cn the issue. Although the issue' of graduate students was the one blatantly undecided issue, there were other aspects of the "affirmative ac- tion plan" which remained in question as late as May, four months after the spirit of the plan was accepted by HEW. The most doubtful area was that of the University's project- ed "goals and timetables" for employment of women, submitted to HEW's contract compliance cf- fice in Chicago March 8. By late May the ,oafs had not received final acceptance from HEW, and there were indica- tions that the University might be asked to revise them and re- submit new figures. Of the plan's nine major points, the goals an dtimetables were the only specific numerical commit- ments made by the University in regards to further employment of women. These goals include raising the number of female professors at the University from 4'7 in the much of the change in instruc- tional positions projected in the goals and timetables would be "limited to turnover, in current staff" and that in most schools and colleges there would be "no increase in instructional posi- tions for the next three years" because of the budget crisis In order to review the goals and timetables, and formulate plans for carrying out the other commitments made by the Uni- versity, the "affirmative action plan" set up a Women's Com- mission in January. ANNOUNCING: for. 1971-72 Fill out the form below and mail it in so you don't miss one exciting issue! 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