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October 16, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-16

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Page Eight


Saturday, October 16, 1971

Page Eight IHE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 16, 1971

Court suit challenges
Constitutionality of.
scholunding System
LANSING, Mich. (P--Gov. William Milliken and Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelley yesterday filed suit in Circuit Court challenging
the constitutionality of the state's system of financing public
schools through local property taxes.
Acting on their recently announced intention to have the
financing system declared unconstitutional as of next July 1,
Milliken and Kelley filed the suit in Ingham County Circuit
Milliken said he would ask the State Supreme Court to take
up the question for "urgent consideration." Since suit cannot

Republicans file suit on Harris veto

The comedy ill-at-ease

(Continued from Page 2)


(Continued from Page 1)
Only in the case of commis-
sions specially created by council,
Harris said, is the mayor's veto
The second part of the suit
seeks to unseat the entire com-
mission on a technical legal ques-
tion 'over the swearing in. of city
According to Stephenson, no
one can be a valid member of a
city commission if he has not been
officially sworn in within 15 days
of his appointment.
None of the members of the
Ward Boundary Commission, he
said, have taken such an oath.
Citing the pending legal ac-

tion, commission chairman Rob-
ert Garce declined to comment
last night on whether or not com-
mission members had been duly
sworn in.
Commission member Raleigh
Morgan, however, readily admit-
ted that ' e and his fellow com-
mission members had taken no
City Clerk Harold Saunders
who has the responsibility for ad-
ministering the oath to city of-
ficials, declined comment last
Harris, while conceding that
commission members had not
been given the oath, contended
that the matter is a technicality

the bitchiness and acidity the
and that many members of the role required.
government, including some coun- Finally, Joan Susswein, as
cil members, never bothered to Madame Xenia, the seer from
take the oath. next-door, created a gypsy char-
Stephenson admitted that he acter possibly unmatched by
"retches a little bit" over the high anyone since Rita Moreno.,
degree of technicality involved in
the question of taking an oath.I
He maintained however, that Eco-Center to
the Republicans have been forced
to take extreme action in response collectbo
to the mayor's use of the veto. bottles
The case involves the "serious (Continued from Page 1)
principle," Harris contends, of and to those familiar with spec-
whether a mayor presiding over a tator drinking habits it is clear
council dominated by the opposi-
tion party is obligated to appoint
commissions dominated by that The bottles will be taken to
party. the Arborland recycling center,
Harris also contends that the which pays two cents a pound
suit, as well as a scheduled coun- for used bottles.
cil resolution to replace Demo- Selling organic apple cider at
cratic commission member Theo- the Farmer's Market is designed
dore Beals with a Republican con- both to raise money and pro-
stitutes a challenge to his appoin- mote recycling by having people
tive power as mayor. bring their own containers, ac-
Acting circuit court Judge Ed- cording to Mike Schechtman of
ward Deake has scheduled a hear- the Center.
ing on the suit before Judge John Because the cider is on tap in
Conlin Oct. 28 in circuit court. large barrels, prospective cus-
tomers are advised to bring
* ej their own containers or enjoy it
Advocate OK d at the Market by the glass.
The Center picked the organi-
(continued from Page 1) cally grown apples from a local

Deny suit,
on march
RmR ,h

be filed directly in the Su-
preme Court, Milliken and
Kelley used the Ingham Coun-
ty Circuit Court as the legal
vehicle to get the question into
the judicial process.
The action was prompted by a
recent California Supreme Court
decision declaring unconstitutional

Wheeler put on probation-

The Killing of Sister George
insists that we consider what
"consenting adults do in the
privacy of their own home." Its
tenets are imposed upon us and
I think we are unfair if we do
not reflect upon them. Plays
about lesbianism must tell us
more than that these people
suffer; they must force upon us
an awareness that different hu-
man conditions exist. Sister
George is neither wholly comic
nor wholly tragic but amix-
ture, as life is, of both. This
is certainly a far cry from the
Tea and Sympathy type of dra-
ma dealing with homosexuality;
it is because we do laugh, in-
wardly or outwardly, with a cer-
tain nervousness, that The Kill-
ing of Sister George is ultimate-
ly successful.
The production was the result
of the efforts of an independent
group of students financed by
UAC called The Actor's Guild.
They plan several more pro-
ductions throughout the year.

Day Calendar
Computing Qtr. Open House: Tours,
10 am.-8 pm.
Football: Michigan vs. Illinois, Mich.
Stadium, 1:30 pm.
University Musical Society: Marcel
Marceau French pantomimist, Power
Center,3, 8 pm.
Placement Service
ATTN: PhD's and Post-Docs: Corning
Glass ,Works, Corning, N.Y. is offering
fellowships for independent fundamen-
tal research projects to start Apr. 1,
1972. Deadline for submitting pro-
posal: Dec. 31, 1971; call or stop in
for more info.
School will be interviewing interested
students on Oct. 19 in our office; if
interested, call or stop in Mon. for
quite a few fobs for the A.A. area. Stop
in and look. thru current openings
American Field Service Returnees'-+t
Hosts' Club post-game party, Oct. 16,
4:00 PM, 520 South Division.
India Students Association, Diwali
celebration Oct. 17, 5:00 PM, Scharling
Auditorium, School of Education Build-
ing. Call for reservation 764-2547 or 769-
Meeting for representatives of all Uni-
versity School and College Govern-
ments. Oct. 18, 3:00 PM, Homer Heath 0
Lounge, Michigan Union. Discussion of
government funds, proposal for No-
vember election ballot.
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking at
Hidden Lake Gardens (Irish Hills), rain
or shine, Oct. 17, 1:30 PM. Meet at
Huron St. entrance to Rackham Bldg.

(Continued from Page 1)
whether he has room for me or
Wheeler said she was also upset
because she would have a crim-
inal record.
"The state of Florida is the
riminal not m chpadded.RPa-

TO ][J e n 0 U 'that state's methods of financing'
I shools through local property

taxes andt grants. u i1u, cu 11, .Si auc. r
The Wayne County Circuit Court Milliken' and Kelley said they
yesterday rejected a suit which asked that the ruling be effective
would have permitted a protest July 1 so as to avoid interrupting Fund cutback
group to march in the parking lot school operations this year.-
of the Detroit House of Correc- Milliken has proposed that the (Continued from Page 1)
tions (DeHoCo)- state eliminate property taxes as Warren noted that Vice Presi-
The suit was filed last Tuesday a base for school financing and dent for Academic Affairs Allan
by the Prisoner's Solidarity Com- replace the lost revenue with a Smith will be addressing Senate
mittee and Michigan Mayday- boost in the state income tax. Assembly, the faculty's governing
groups which have scheduled a i body, this Monday to discuss she
demonstration today at DeHoCo Milliken estimated six months implications of the possible cut-
to 'protest prison conditions and ago his proposal to eliminate prop-
alee aitoprsini h erty taxes for school financing bcs
alleged racist oppression in thewould require an increase of 2.3 To meet an appropriation cut-
country. ner cent in the state's personal in- back of three per cent - which
The protest organizers wanted come e tax. would amount to a two per cent
permission to march up to the cut in the University's general
prison, so prisoners could see and At 'he present level, that would fund, since state appropriations
hear the demonstration. m~>n a total tax of 6.2 per cent. make up only 60 per *cent of the
In previous demonstrations, pris- Under his plan, the state would University's general fund-Flem-
on officials blocked the demon- provide the same support to every ing said the following temporary
strators from proceeding up to the school child regard,ess of whether steps would be attempted in non-
prison. he lived in a rich or poor district. academic areas:
Demonstration organizers said Kelley had cited an example of -A freeze on modernization and
the rejection was expected. "The a $960 per-child difference in sup- plant improvement projects with
reason we initiated the suit," said port between two districts in the the exception of projects deemed
one organizer, "was to expose the same county under the present fi- vital in the interests of safety, se-
officials and 'police to the public nnneing system. curity or a minimum level of
for what they really are. They just Milliken and Kelley argued that operations;
do not want the wiomen to know the present system. under which -A curtailment of expenditures
that we are there." some school districts speid more for supplies, travel and other ex-
DeHoCo was chosen for the dem- per pupil than others, causes dis- penses charged to state funds; and
onstration according to the or- rarities in educational opportun- -A curtailment of equipment
ganizers because "only one month ities. They claim the present sys- funds.
ago three hundred women frt tern violates the equal protection In academic areas, Fleming out-
DeHoCo had a three day strike:;
. clause of the 14th Amendment to lined the following steps for con-
and sit-in over very specific de- the U.S. Constitution. serving funds:
Since then, the organizers claim, Named as defendants in the -A close supervision and cur-
few improvements h a v e been school financing suit, and purely tailment of most new appoint-
made. for filing purposes, were State ments, temporary staff and other
Persons who have cars or need T r e a s u r e r Allison Green, the personnel actions.
rides to Detroit should meet in Bloomfield Hills School District, -A freeze on filling vacancies
front of the Student Astivities unless. immediate replacement is
Building from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 Dearborn City School District and critical to the ongoing activities of
p.m. today. Grosse Pointe Public Schools, the unit.

ers said Wheeler has 30 days to
decide whether or not to appeal
the sentence.
Cyril Means, a co-counsel for the
defense and a professor at the New
York Law School, said the Play-
boy Foundation was prepared to
finance appeals by Wheeler.
At her trial, Wheeler admitted
she paid $150 to have an illegal
abortion in Jacksonville. She said
she had the abortion because a
doctor in her hometown of Mor-
ganton had told her a pregnancy
could be dangerous because she
once had rheumatic fever.
The Florida statute makes it a
felony to have or perform an abor-
tion unless it is "necessary to
protect the life and health of the
mother," and is recommended by
two doctors.
Wheeler, who has a young son
living with her brother in North
Carolina, was asked if she plan-
ned to have any more children:
"I will never have another child,"
she said. "I don't want to bring
o n e i n t o t h i s over-populated
<;; <;;;><;;;;>J<;;;;;;>
folk and soft rock
Friday and Saturday
124 Pearl at Huron Hotel
0 < -> -><-><->0 -

those caught in "red tape," and
will be an advocate for the student
whose problem is not readily
Modeled after the "citizens de-
fender" in the Swedish govern-
ment, the position of college om-
budsman has been employed by 65
universities throughout the coun-
try with varying degrees of

orchard owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Wing.
The Wings have not used any
chemical sprays on their or-
chard for 10 years.
The Wings discontinued 3hem-
ical sprays in 1961 when Wing,
an ornithologist, noticed a de-
crease in the bird population-
a fact which he attributed to the

Kansas City Jammers
Saturday, October 16
8-12 p.m.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
$2, $3,$4
Tickets Available at Michigan Union
Presented by Enact and the Ecology Center

























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