See Editorial Page
YI e
lJE~fr iba
:4Ia itM
Cloudy and mild
Vol. LXXXII, No. 32
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 16, 1971
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
GOP sues
Harris on
veto use
Ward board also
included in suit
cutback seen
Mayor Rol
Woman o1
for havin
DELAND, Fla. (i--Shirley
a 103 year-old state law by h
on two .years' probation yesterd
Florida and return to relatives
"I don't think they had a
tion," she said as she left the co
"I was told I could stay in
don't believe in marriage. I won
The housewife said the or
year-old~ Robert Wheeler, the
~ Aort ion
in court
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Wayne County Cir-
cuit Court Judge Charles Kaufman
yesterday considered a request for
a temporary injunction against the
enforcement of Michigan's abor-
tion laws.
The court, however, made no
decision and postponed the case to
Oct. 29. at which ,time more testi-
mony will be heard.
The injunction request is part of
,.. Republican members of city
council have filed suit against
Democratic Mayor R o b e r t
Harris and the members of
the Democratically-controlled
Ward Boundary commission,
intensifying their battle to
gain a controlling influence in
city redistricting.
The suit, filed in Washtenaw
County Circuit Court, seeks a de-
claratory judgment on Harris
Sept. 20 veto of a Republican
backed resolution to add two Re-
publicans to the boundary com-
Further, the suit challenges the
legality of the entire commis-
bert Harris sion as presently constituted,
charging that commission mem-
-- -- __- bers were not duly sworn-in as
ED required by the city charter.
L .EDThe commission, appointed last
January by Harris and unani-
mously approved by council, was
fl directed to redraw the city's ward
S rob atio boundaries based on the 1970
census but has been unable to be-
cause census tracts have not yet
g abortion been received.
a o r io Early in September the Rpbi
cans introduced a motion to coun-
Wheeler, convicted of violating cil calling for the addition to the
Wheeerconvcte of7-man commission of two Repub-
aving an abortion, was placed lican councilmen, changing the
lay and given one week to leave balance from 4-3 in favor of the
in North Carolina. Democrats, to 5-4 for the Repup-
ny right to put me on proba- licans.
house here. The motion passed by Council
'urthoshe. was subsequently vetoed by the
Florida if I got married, but I mayor who charged the Republi-
n't do that." cans with trying to pack the
der will force her to leave 25- commission.
man with whom she has been An attempt to override the veto'
last week fell two votes short of
living for 31/2 years, and under the necessary eight vote major-
whose name she was charged. ity required by the charter.
Meanwhile, women's g r o u p s Councilman James Stephenson
around the country are planning (R-4th Ward) said last night that
demonstrations in s u p p o r t of the suit filed on Thursday is an
Wheeler. attempt . to challenge whether
According to Kip D a w s o n, Harris has "the legal authority"
spokeswoman for the Women's to exercise the veto in such mat-
National Abortion Action Coali- ters.
tion (WONAAC), marches in pro- Under the charter, Stephenson
test of Wheeler's conviction will ' claims. the Mayor is not empow-
take place in Detroit, New York, ered to veto resolutions pertain-
Cleveland, Denver, Boston, Atlan- ing to boards and commissions.
ta, and Philadelphia next Thurs- Harris, contacted last night, de-
day. nied Stephenson's contention stat-
In addition, it is expected that ing that when a commission is to
women's groups from Seattle, be constituted "in the usual way"
Portland, Los Angeles, San Diego, (appointment by the mayor and
and Albuquerque will participate subject to council approval) the
in a march in San Francisco. mayor does have veto power over
Wheeler, 23, was convicted last moves made by council.
July of having an abortion. She See REPUBLICANS, Page 8
faced a maximum penalty under
With expressions of concern, the Regents yesterday re-
viewed a mechanism for general fund cutbacks which had
been drawn up at the request of the governor's office.
According to official sources, the cutbacks-which could
amount to two per cent of the general fund budget--will be
made half through an across-the-board budget cut in every
University department and half through general cutbacks in
non-academic areas.
The looming imposition of a cut in the University's $78.1
million state appropriation stems from a state law which
empowers the governor to cut all appropriations up to three
-Daily-Jim Wallace
REGENT ROBERT BROWN (R-Grand Rapids), left, reacts to discussion at yesterday's Regents
meeting, as President Robben Fleming and Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge) look on.
Proposal for student advocate
receives approva y Regents
After a year of formulation and
debate, the Regents yesterday ap-
proved a proposal establishing a
University ombudsman, despite a
lack of budgeting and procedural
The ombudsman position, pro-'
posed and to be administered by
the Office of Student Services
(OSS), entails handling any prob-
lems incurred by students in their
dealings with faculty members or
University administrative offices.
"This will, if budgeted, add an
essential service to our office,"
said Vice President for Student
Services Robert Knauss. "In a Uni-
versity this large many students
find it difficult to resolve even the
simplest of problems."
Knauss stressed that although
the Regents approved the provi-
sion, action will not be taken until
funds become available.
A three per cent University-wide
budget cut may be ordered by Gov.
William Milliken before the end of
the year. This would mean post-
ponement of the ombudsman plan
for- an indefinite amount of time,
said Knauss.
"This is an example of another
fine program which is threatened
by Milliken's possible cuts," Re-
gent Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stock-
ridge) said yesterday after the
"But if the budget cut is not
made," Knauss said later, "we
hope to have the ombudsman work-
ing by the winter term."
per cent if he deems it nec-
essary to balance the budget.
Throughout the 45 minute meet-
ing yesterday morning, various
Regents expressed their dismay
with the impending cutbacks and
lauded the administration's at-
tempts to conserve funds.
Governor W i 11 i a m Milliken's
budget bureau requested last week
that each state department, in-
eluding the University, promptly
submit a description of the "im-
pact" a cutback would have on
their programs.
Speaking at the Regents public
meeting yesterday, President Rob-
ben Fleming said the University
has advised the budget bureau
that a cutback now in state appro-
priations would essentially mean
no "new" funds for the school and
a virtual, freeze on personnel ap-
pointments, remodeling and plant
Fleming, h o w e v e r, confirmed
that no faculty salaries or student
aid funds will be touched in the
event of a cutback.
In feverishly planning for the
impending cutbacks during the
past week, the executive officers
last week opened the dgors of their
traditionally sequestered b u d g e t
meetings to consult heavily with
top faculty members.
The administration made this
move in apparent response to in-
creased faculty clamor for input
into budgetary decisions which af-
fect their departments' future op-
Last year, in anticipation of a
tight budget situation, University
officials ordered all units to make
plans for saving three per cent of
their salary budget for fiscal year
'71-'72 which was then reallocated
into the general fund.
''There was a tremendous gnash-
ing of teeth over the across-the-
board cuts last year," said psy-
chology Prof. Warren Norman,
chairman of SACUA, the faculty's
executive body and a participant in
last week's budget meetings. "This
year, we have the beginnings of
meaningful faculty involvement in
budgetary decisions."
See FUND, Page 8
Norman talks
on research
Geoffrey Norman, vice president
for research, reported to the Re-
gents yesterday that while re-
search expenditures at $1.2 million
less in fiscal year 1971-72 than the
previous year, the "pinch of na-
tional cutbacks in research sup-
port has not been so painful" at
the University as it has been at
other institutions.
Looking at the University's ex-
penditures of its $68.1 million re-
search program by broad fields,
Norman reported that the life
sciences segment continued to
grow, and is now almost forty per
cent of the total volume of re-
search. The physical sciences and
engineering segments, on the other
hand, continued to decline.
In other action, the Regents
yesterday approved a resolution
encouraging all students to regis-
ter to vote and urged the Uni-
versity officials to aid city voter
registration processes.
Sen. Kennedy
-Daily-Robert Wargo
VICE PRESIDENT Robert Knauss listens to discussion at Regents'
meeting yesterday.
as a manslaughter conviction.
a class action- suit filed by over
1,000 Michigan women who seek
to have the state abortion laws
declared unconstitutional.
A group of Detroit women and
lawyers filed the suit last summer!
against Attorney General Frank
Kelley and Wayne County Prosecu-
tor William Cahalan.
The women argued that the ex-
isting laws infringe on a woman's
right to privacy and control over
her own body.
Represented by Barbara Robb
and a team of Detroit lawyers, the
1 plaintiffs argued yesterday that the
temporary injunction is necessary
to protect women who have abor-
tions before a final decision is
made regarding the constitution-
ality of the laws.
The suit was organized by the
Detroit chapter of the Women's
*National Abortion Action Coalition
(WONACC) and financed complete-
ly through donations.
According to her lawyer, Public'
Defender James Robers, Wheeler's "
probation officer gave her the N ew b ri
choice either to get married or to'e iewt eltvsbcuecm
live with relatives because com-
mon-law marriages are illegal in LANSING (YP)-Leni Sinclair yes-i
Florida. terday announced that "several'
Wheeler's probation officer also thousand pages" of briefs are be-
orohibited her from going into ing filed in an effort to get her
bars and staying out all night dur- imprisoned husband, John Sinclair,
ina her two-year probation period. out of prison while awaiting appeal.
Felony Court Judge Uriel Blount Sinclair said the briefs support
said he was confident Wheeler was efforts to get her husband, founder
not a danger to society and should of the White Panther Party, out of
be placed on probation. The judge prison while the State Supreme
denied a defense motion for a new Court studies his appeal of a 9-/2-10
trial. year sentence for possession of two
Afterwards, Wheeler said the marijuana cigarettes.
court order involved "too many S
restrictions" . on her freedom and She made her announcement at
would force her to leave her home a press conference, flanked by Rep.
in Daytona Beach where she' has Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit) and
lived for 31/ years. Zolton Ferency, former State Dem-
"I will have to go back to Mor- ocratic Party chairman and one
ganton, N.C., and stay with my of the leaders of the new Mich-
brother," she said. "I don't know igan Human Rights Party.
See WHEELER, Page 8 Vaughn said he will meet with
efs filed for Sinclair
its NiXn01
court list
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.) yesterday at-
tacked President Nixon's list of six
possibilities for the Supremn Court,
calling it "one of the great insults
to the Supreme Court in its his-
Nixon submitted the names of six
potential justices to the American
Bar Association (ABA) this week.
The ABA panel looking into po-
tential nominees for the two va-
cancies plans to meet next Wed-
nesday. Sources indicate that the
working list will be expanded and
final choice by the White House
may be delayed.
Both Kennedy and Sen. Birch
Bayh (D-Ind.) said the President
could surely find distinguished
nominees from the bench or the bar
who would bring credit to the Su-
preme Court.
"If the President is to give us
a laundry list of candidates," Bayh
said,. "it should at least be a list
of stature, a list of quality."
Bayh said he didn't know wheth-
er "the trial balloon process" is
being used to test the political ac-
ceptability of potential nominees or
"their apparently shaky legal qual-
But he said that whatever the
reason, "the process demeans the
court, embarrasses the President,
and insults the nation."
Qualified sources have confirm-
ed that bond lawyer Herschel Fri-
day ana Judge Mildred Lillie of
Los Angeles are the leading pros-
pects for the two high court posi-
A sign that Friday and Judge
Lillie are' ahead is the fact that
they are under more intensive in-
vestigation o u t s i d e their home
bases than are the four others:
Judges Paul Roney and Charles
Clark of the Federal Appeals Court
in New Orleans, Sen. Robert Byrd
(D-W.Va.) and Judge Sylvia Bacon
of the District of Columbia.
Gov. William Milliken next week
to discuss the Sinclair case and 1
possibly ask for a pardon. Vaughnf
also said he wants to ask Milliken]
that "all censorship" of prison mail.
be stopped.
Sinclair had complained that
some of her letters to her husband
were not getting through or were
being returned because they con-
tained newspaper clippings about
his case.
She also said she hoped the
briefs may pursuade the court to
overrule the conviction by show-
ing broad public support of such
a move.
The Court last September denied
Sinclair's release on bond pending
a hearing on his appeal. The Court
The ombudsnan will be a faculty
is scheduled to hear the appeal member, Knauss said.
SNov. 2. Knauss also noted that although
Sinclair was sentenced in 1969 the position has been approved in
and has been in prison since then. principal by the Regents, several
Ferency called Sinclair's sen- procedural details concerning the
tence "cruel, unusual and improper functioning and election of an
punishment" and said Sinclair ombudsman have yet to be worked
may be in danger at Southern out.
Michigan Prison at Jackson. However, Knauss said a general
"With the turmoil and rebellion plan has been formulated.
we've seen recently at San Quen- As proposed in an outline pre-
tin and Attica, it is evidence that sented to the Regents, tie ombuds-
it is not safe in prison for persons man will be selected from tenured
out of the mainstream of Ameri-, faculty, and- will have, by virtue
ca nlife," Ferency said. of this tenure, the job security to
take controversial positions if
Ferency said prisoners "with necessary.
some notoriety or political feel- "The ombudsman will be a me-
ings . . . are convenient targets diator, not a decision maker,"
for reprisals by prison officials."Knauss explained. "The man will
Organizations who submitted the be an important member of the
"amicus" briefs include the Mich- faculty and he will have the in-
igan American C i v i I Liberties fluence to get the student's wishes
Union, the Detroit. chapter of the through."
National Lawyers Guild, the Law The ombudsman will provide
Center for Constitutional Rights in direction for students in ^earch of
University resources, shortcuts for
New York, the Subcommittee on SeeADVOCATE, Page 8
-f T-,T%+4-,+ TSee,.
F. Lee Bailey
lectures at
llackham Aud.
Famed criminal lawyer F. Lee Bailey,
defender of Sam Sheppard, the Boston
Strangler, and Capt. Ernest Medina, yes-
terday addressed a packed audience in
Rackham Aud.
The lecture, titled "The Defense Never
Rests." was sponsored by the School of
Business Administration, and concerned the
art of cross-examination.
Bailey drew from some of his cases to
illustrate aspects of cross examination. He
Drugs of New Detroit, Inc., the!
Michigan Americans for Demo-
cratic Action, the Penal Reform
Institute of Washington, D.C., the
'National Organization to Reform
the Marijuana Laws of Washing-
ton, the 40,000-member American
Ortho-Psychiatric Association of
New York, and Center House in
Under Michigan law, maximum
penalty for possession and use of'
marijuana is ten years in prison.
Milliken has submitted a pro-
Wine bottle collection planned
While some Ecology Center
workers and volunteers collect
empty bottles of Boone's Farm
wine in the stadium today, oth-
ers will be selling organic ap-
ple cider at the Farmer's Mar-
for volunteers to help collect
the glass.
Volunteers are needed for
about an hour following t h e
game and on Sunday morning
from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m., ac-
cording to the Center.
The University is financing the