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October 15, 1971 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-15

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Warner Bros. presents:
produced by P. Yarrow (of Peter, Paul and Mary)
appearing with: Poco, Peter Yarrow, Paul Stookey,
J.-Denver, John Conyers and Eugene McCarthy
at U. of D., Monday, Oct. 18-8 p.m.

76-Guide: Immediate



anti drug-abuse benefit

50c admission J

(CHINA, 1965)
~An opening attack in the
Chinese Cultural Revolution"
Alice Lloyd Hall
9:30, 12 Free Coffee Admission $1:00

A unique university program
offers a multitude of services
as diverse as abortion referral,
an exotic spinach recipe or
merely a friendly ear when
you're feeling blue.
76-Guide, a 24-hour referral
and information service spon-
sored by the Office of Student
Services (OSS) Counseling Of-
fice, is staffed by 17 student
counselors and a professional
back-up crew..
Guide handles an assortment
of problems and questions rang-
ing from information on campus
and community events to per-
sonal crises. Guide differs from
other campus counseling serv-
ices since it offers immediate
personal counseling and a re-
ferral service.

Guide began as an experi-
mental project in the lobby of
the Student Activities Building.
"There was a need," says David
Patch, of the OSS Counseling
Office, "for a service where stu-
dents could find help without
Since its creation in Sept.
1970, Guide has gained t r e-
mendously in popularity. Last
month, Guide received 23,000
calls dealing mainly with regis-
tration, fee payments, the uni-
versity housing system, and of-
fice locations. Last year Guide
received only a total of 43,000
"Probably, the most import-
ant of all services rendered is
the availability of someone who
will listen when no one else
will," says Patch.
5 554

Guide is presently located in
the lobby of the Union during
the day and moves into the OSS
office at night. The student
staff, who answers all calls, are
primarily interested in fields re-
lated to the social sciences.
"I find that a student staff
works better than a professional
one at taking the calls since
they come across more success-
fully to fellow students," says
Any student can apply, but he
or she must undergo a training
session before being placed on
the job. There are also regular
clinical sessions for staff mem-
bers to help smooth over prob-
lems encountered during crises.
Guide has a professional coun-
selor available at all times upon
request. At night a back-up

crew is ready for emergency sit-
uations such as suicide attempts
and drug overdoses.
"A good element of this ser-
vice is that it's anonymous. A
person can talk with you without
inhibitions," says Lori Monthei,
a student who works the day
People have also called from
other places including Ohio and
California for information dur-
ing crises.
However, the run-of-the-mill
calls concern less serious ques-
tions such as "Where can I find
a blackberry sundae?" a n d
"Should I put in a whole clove
of garlic into my health soup?"
Monthei feels that many stu-
dents misuse the service by ask-
ing questions that Bell Tele-
phone Co., student locator and

Omega Pizza could answer more
Nonetheless, Guide's policy is
that no matter how ridiculous
a question, it is taken seriously.
"Usually people who want to
talk about something more per-
sonal will begin with a trivial
question," says night staffer
Irva Faber.
The two most frequent stu-
dent problems concern abortion
information and loneliness. "It's
amazing the numbers of people
suffering. from the plights of
loneliness and depression," says
Faber, "'Where can I meet peo-
ple?' they ask. All you can do
is be understanding, make sug-
gestions and hope for the best."



page three

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, October 15, 1971

news briefs
By The Associated Press
LONGSHOREMEN DECIDED in a voice vote yesterday that
a key 12 man work crew should go back to the job, apparently
terminating a dispute that had snarled the West Coast's largest
port despite a federal back to work order.
About 2300 members of the Los Angeles-Long Beach local packed
their meeting hall and approved the move, recommended by Harry
Bridges, president of the International Longshoremen's and Ware-
housemen's Union.
day to keep troops in Northern Ireland, while renewing pledges
to bring 'representatives of the Roman Catholic minority into
broader provincial government there.
The two part stand was approved after Home Secretary Reginald
Maulding stated that, "As long as Northern Ireland remains in the
United Kingdom our army will do its duty to maintain law and;
SECRETARY OF STATE William Rogers said yesterday thec
United States will reconsider increasing military aid to Israel
because of a new Soviet promise of more military aid to Egypt.
Rogers discussed U.S. aid policy with reporters after an hour*
conference with the Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban.
Eban had earlier indicated that Soviet promises to Egypt made_
resumption of U.S. warplane shipments necessary.1
* *. *
warned yesterday against "attempts at intimidation or threats"
from the far left or far right.
Speaking a day after party regulars mashed a move by reform
elements to name Sen. Harold Hughes (D-Iowa) to a key convention
post, O'Brien told those unwilling to work within the party "to
look elsewhere for a political hall."

Kissinger to





WASHINGTON (P - Dr. Henry Kissinger, the top White
House foreign policy expert, will leave for Peking tomorrow
to make final arrangements for President Nixon's historic
journey to mainland China.
Press' secretary Ronald Ziegler, announcing Kissinger's
travel plans yesterday, said the presidential assistant would
stop en route in California, Hawaii, Guam and Shanghai.
Although Ziegler said, "I don't want to suggest anything
to you about the President's trip," it was believed Kissinger's

-Associatea ress
My Lai court martial.
Brig. Gen. Samuel Koster, followed by Col. Oran K. Henderson,
arrives yesterday at Henderson's court martial trial. He is
charged with attempting to conceal the 1968 massacre of civilians
at My Lai.
Dispute heightens in
India and Pakistan

route would closely - if not
As preparations for the Presi-
dent'sitrip went forward, h i s
domestic economic policies struck
sparks in China. The official
Hsinhua news agency said in a
broadcast monitored in Tokyo
that Nixon's Phase 2 economic
plan meant that "in his opinion
the way to solve all problems is
to let the capitalists have m o r e
profits . "
The broadcast said U.S. infla-
tion is due basically to policies of
' aggression and war by the U.S.
ruler classes, and particularly the
unleashing and expansion of the
war of aggression in Indochina."
IKissinger will be accompanied
by eight White House specialists
in such diverse fields as communi-
cations and presidential protec-
tion, plus a State Department re-
presentative. The party, w h i c h
also will include a small support
staff, will return to Washington
via Anchorage, Alaska, on or about
Oct. 25'
The American advance group will
spend about four days in Peking,
stopping in Shanghai, en route to
pick up a Chinese navigator.
Ziegler said neither Kissinger
nor any of his traveling compan-
ions would make any public state-
ments during the journey.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone : 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day throughSunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $11 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5 by carrier, $6 by mail.

exactly - parallel the Nixon
House passes
consumer bill:
House of Representatives voted
yesterday to set up a new fed-
eral agency to promote and de-
fend consumer interests, as part
of a consumer protection bill.
The vote on the proposal was
344 to 44.
The vote, however, was a de-
feat for consumer advocate Ralph
Nader's forces who called strong-
er consumer protection legislation
crucial to creating an effective new
federal agency.
A vote on a stronger proposal
offered by Rep. William Moor-
head (D-Pa.) was defeated 218
to 160-
Moorhead's amendment center-
ed on expanding the authority of
the proposed new consumer pro-
tection agency and the scope of
intervention that would be per-
Opponents of Moorhead's plan
insisted they saw no genuine jus-
tification for complaints a b o u t
the array of legal powers that
would be granted to the agency.
Earlier,' a "friend of the con-
sumer" amendment, was , beaten
240 to 149. It was challenged by
congressmen who charged it would
slash the new agency's powers.


* * *~ LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -War
A $2 AN HOUR minimum wage for some 35 million Ameri- fever is mounting along the bor-
cans starting next Jan. 1 - two years sooner than President der between West Pakistan and
Nixon asked - was approved by the House Education and Labor India.s
Committee yesterday. Motorists are decorating their
cars with signs saying "Crush
Beside the $2 an hour for 35 million workers, the bill would India." Bank officials say many
raise the minimum for an additional 10 million workers brought people are withdrawing their
under the federal minimum wage law in 1966. mone or transferring their ac-
counts to other cities, and busi-
The bill extends the coverage of the minimum wage law to nessmen are sending away their
faiiso-nkn ln od
federal, state and local employees, preschool ceiter employees and ilies ormaking plans to do
so. Peasant families are 'leaving
conglomierate workers. their homes near the border.
President Agha Mohammed
Yahya Khan, who heads Paki-
stans military government, has
said publicly that war with In-
dia is inevitable if the Indians
continue to back Bengali rebels
in East Pakistan with arms,
training and sanctuary.

If a war is to be fought, mili-
tary observers say, the time is
right for Pakistan.
Its Chinese allies can still
move troops through the passes
in the Himalayas, which will
begin filling with snow in No-
vember. The' Pakistanis believe
the threat of Chinese military
pressure on India led to the
halt of the last war between the
two nations, which ended in
stalemate in 1965 on the fields
around Lahore.
Yahya's army already has
taken up positions along more
than 10 miles of the border
stretching from the disrupted
territory of Kashimir in the
north to the Indian state of
Rajasthan in the south, relia-
ble military sources report.

pin-on versic
pictorial little
with bright gi
of today's fre
the collection
_. t t a 1 fn


The bill was sent to th
which passed similari
legislation last year.



he Senate
H lA


ons of stained glass graphics.. .
pins of cast resins outlined
old-tone metal. They're super signs
e and happy mood. The largest pin in
is the 2" arrow, while the smallest

With Katherine Hepburn,
James S t e w a-r t, Cary
Grant and Ruth Roman.
To quote from our schedule: "Hi
Jinx in Hi Society. Katherine
Hepburn charms the pants off.
all comers and the four frolic
in and out of marriage with ef-
fortless elan. The wittiest and
most charming movie you'll ever


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