Thursday, October 14, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 557 FOR REN. FOR RENT ROOMMATES WANTED 1-BEDROOM ;furnished apt. near cam- 2 BEDROOMS, A/C, well-furnished. THIRD MAN WANTED for modern cam- pus, central location. Call 663-4363. 1111 S. State. Call after 5. 662-1862. pus apartment, 1 block from campust 72032 cCtc Call 761-6833. 79Y32 2 Bnon modern ni (jemio.u les3dMAN WANWTDfonr mod .ant $0/1 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES 3DC3C^I.L A I DCDnW LIA! SUBLET Jan.-May-Own room in 4- bedroom house on Ardmore. Lots of room downstairs. Call 761-2773 after 6. 74040 4TH MAN NEEDED for mod. apt. $69/ mo. Call 763-6589. 61C341 1 SPACE available in North Campus' Coops. Room and board. Less than $115/mo. 663-9508. 63C35 AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY on campus - One bedroom apt. Married couple. Maintenance duties. No children or pets. Call 769-1054. 90031 NEW 3-BEDROOM apt. Carpeted, fur- nished, panelled. 769-1837. dC35 ROOM available now thru Dec. or April, one space in double room. Newly refurbished house, Hill and State. kitchen privileges available. $85/mo. Call 663-5387 or 663-5883. 32C34 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Arbor Park Cooperative, 2 and 3 bdrm. urits, $147-183. Couples or families preferred. For more info, call 761- 0024. 89C32 3rd GIRL NEEDED for modern, three- bedroom apt., five minutes from campus. 769-0081. 78C31 SINGLE BEDROOM in private apart- ment, fully furnished, modern kitch- en, A/C, parking. Grad student pre- ferred, male or female. $70/month. Call Art at 665-5513. 86C31 2 Bedroom bi-level apartments A/C, dishwasher, garbage disposal Available Immediately C arria e House 1224 WASHTENAW 665-8825 cFtc APARTMENT AVAILABLE VILLAGE GREEN 4800 Washtenaw 434-0400 open 9-7 Daily C'. prfrrd Carll 769-790. 40C31 #mo. 62-929. f68Y33 iei 'e . - - - - - - . Y ~ a~ GARAGE FOR RENT. 723 Packard. 59C31 -_ _-- _ --- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY SSeveral 2-bedroom furn. apts. left t$200 Near campus locations SUMMIT-HAMILTON' MANAGEMENT. CO. 761-8055 cCtc eCt FALL FURNISHED 4-MAN $75/month per person Single space liability 8-month lease. 2 blocks to Diag Models shown daily 9-5 Sat., Sun. 10-5 UNIVERSITY TOWERS 536 S. Forest at S. University 761-2680 cCtc DETROIT FURNITURE RENTAL COLLEGE MARKET SPECIALISTS LOW PRICES FREE 24-FOUR DELIVERY ANN ARBOR REPRESENTATIVE NEIL MILLER 769-2074 .cCt c 1 or 2 BEDROOM APTS. Air-condition- ing, dishwasher, garbage disposal. Parking. $180-$240 per month. 406 Packard. 769-1394. eC10 HOW WOULD YOU like to live on the lake in Hell, Mich., 20 min. from Ann Arbor. Single room, cooking privileges. Rent $75/mo. Engineering student preferred. Call Jim, 1-878-6861 after' 6 p.m. 65Y32 HOUSE near Campus needs 4th girl. $60/mo. 663-2779. 53Y31 1 FEMALE roommate needed to share, 2-bdrm. apt. 662-6973 evenings. 05Y33 GRADUATE STUDENT, male or female, wanted to share modern, bright apartment with couple. Own bed- room, air-conditioning, parking, fully furnished, near-campus location. $701 month on flexible lease. Call Art at 665-5513. 85Y31 WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21 -25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41 -45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 1 day 1.00 1.15 1.30 1 .55 1.80 2.05 2.30 2.55 2.80 2.80 5.20 7.40 9.40 11 1.20 2 days 2.00 2.30 2,60 3.10 3.60. 4.10 4.60 5.10 5.60 5 60 10.40 14.80 18.80 22.40 3 days 2.40 2.90 3 60 4.30 5.00. 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 7.60 14.65 21.10 26.95 32.20 4 days 3.20 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.80 9.80 19.10 27 60 35.30 42.20 5 days 3.90 4.80 5 90 7.00 8.10 9 05 10.00 10.95 11.90 11.90 23.45 34.00 43.55 52.10 6 days 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 10.50 11 .60 12.70 13.80 13.80 27.60 40.20 51.60 61.80 odd. .55 .75 :85 1 .05 1.20 1.35 1 .50 1.65 1.80 1.80 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 PERSONAL PRSObNAL FOLK MUSIC-Tonight featuring John SPECIAL RATES on SUN. 1-6 P.M. Elliot - Friday and Saturday with Union Billiards and Table Tennis., Michael J. McKay and Joseph Ricci, cF27 who sing and play your favorite --- songs. Saturday BEER NIGHT. Huron DRUMMER NEEDED - For well-paid, Lounge at Huron Hotel, 124 Pearl, well managed rock band. Weekends Ypsilanti. 77F30 only during school year. Call Ron, 761-3480. 58F34 GANDALF-Why is Gollum such a --- -- - - - rotten guy? Could it have anything The "SRC" plays tomorrow at the to do with not shopping at Applerose RUBAIYAT. 85F30 Natural Foods? Frodo and Bilbo. 92F32 -INALLY G FINALLY GETTING it together in at- ANTIQUES MARKET tempt to beat the system, Last term seniorship sneaking out with a teach- Sunday, Oct. 17, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ing certificate. Can't do the lease Farmers Market, Detroit Street. 130 trick but can't afford to leave Ann Dealers from 6 states, Antiques only, Arbor. Down to pack and bag sacri- Lots of Furniture, Walnut Cupboards, ficing all ties of stableness and se- decorated blanket chests, paper- curity for experience. I'm reaching weights, bells, toys. for YOU-the human consistantly Last of the Season reading this personal section. I want 44F32 to crash Ann Arbor 'til Christmas and need places to stay a week at a time. FRODO AND BILBO-It has every- I'm not a parasite-have bread. Can't thing to do with not shopping at promise scintillating conversation but Applerose Natural Foods, 404 W: Lib- can try. Can't really get into my per- erty, 769-3040. Artificially colored sonality here, and what can a phone fruits, vegetables grown in poison- call harm anyway. My name is Tom you are what you eat, my dear Hob- and can be reached at 763-3937. Leave bits. What you buy at Applerose is a message. 35F32 better, naturally. Gandalf. 91F32 -___...---.-.- BOARD EXAM TUTORING - Kaplan WEDDING INVITATIONS, Mod or Tra- tutoring courses for the Dec. LSAT ditional style. Call 761-0942 anytime. and Jan. DAT board exams are being cFtc formed. Call (313) 851-6077 for en- - _.-__-- -rollment. 51F56 GAY Community Potluck, Friday, Oct. - _ _ _ _ 15, 6:30 p.m., Canterbury (above CONTACT LENS Supplies at discount Mark's). BYO. All welcome! 98F31 prices. The Village Apothecary, cFtc C rt iltin WEDDING RINGS AND JEWELRY N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word Hyphenated words over 5 (this includes telephone 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 characters count as two words numbers) words per line PERSONAL PAINTING JOBS DESIRED. 5 years ex- perience. Free estimates. Reliable, ref- erences. Calil 662-4736. dF CUSTOM designed diamond engage- ment rings hand engraved, hammer- ed, crafted wedding rings. Profes- sionally styled. The finest work and lowest prices in Ann Arbor. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc WRITE OFF class work with WRITE ON. Term papers - custom written and used . . . thousands on file. Tutoring, translations, computer pro- grams, science projects, theses writ- ing, dissertation consultation, legal, medical, and specialized research. WRITE ON, Room 212, MICHIGAN THEATER BLDG., 663-8733, 10-5 p.m., M-F. cFtc ACU-I Billiards Tournament Sign up now! Union Billiard Room Open 10 a.m. Mon.-Sat., 1 p.m. Sunday cF30 DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE with dou- ble knit suits, sportscoats and slax from Marty's, 310 S. State St. 1Fte PIANO . LESSONS, reasonable, experi- enced. Call Stan, 764-7954, leave mes- sage. dF30 : CLASS OF '72, make your mark before you're thrown out into the cruel world. What a deal! A private sit- ting, six neato proofs, and your very own lasting image in the 1972 MI- CHIGANENSIAN. Sign up for Senior Pictures on the Diag, every day from 10 to 4 until October 15th. dF30 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! $2. Unusual printing jobs our specialty. MBL Press, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. CFto HOT PANTS make any waterbed simmer. GIRL NEEDED for 4-man apt. Call 665- 1 9687. 57Y31 --. -HELP WANTED ROOMMATE WANTED for modern spa-. cious 4-man apartment. 761-3559. --C. O. SEEKS experienced help with 150 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS dY30 3rd GIRL for furnished 3-man. 665- 9675 after 5. 48Y30 NEEDED: one female to fill 2 bedloom 2-man apartment. Kitchen, living room, bathroom. 403 N. State. Call Cindy, 665-5651, $65/mo. 77Y13 PHOTO SUPPLIES VIVITAR 90-230 mm Telezoom lens with 2-4 mount. Leather case. Used only on Sundays. Any reasonable offer. Call 764-8832. dD34 form. Call 764-0854. 93H31 VIOLIN, two bows, case, excellent con- PART TIME office help needed to work dition. 665-6935. 75X35 evenings. Call 769-9207 for interview. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 89H31 Unavailable instruments, repairs and EXPERIENCED BANK TELLERS instructions - 209 S. State, 665-8001. Your attention please. Huron Valley cXtc National Bank is in need of several CLARINET for sale, excellent condi- experienced men or women for part- tion. Call Jeff M. at 761-0557. 23X33 time teller positions. If you would enjoy having an additional income, AMPEX micro 87R cassette stereo with please call John Eman, Personnel tuner, amplifier and extension speak- Manager at 761-2211, Extn. 258. ers. Complete warranty. 763-6309. HURON VALLEY NATIONAL BANK. 33X31 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY _. - .- - EMPLOYER 47H34 ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE CENTER -ungrua uun!5S Engaged Lady Luv, Sam, Lynne, and Judy{ 88F30 Tomorrow night at the RUBAIYAT, you can enjoy Ann Arbor's most i _,_. _ _ .V ._. 4 ;t. - l I i , r I VIVITAR 90-230 mm Telezoom lens with - - - - - Marine Band Harps-$2.98. Fender T-4 mount. Leather case. Used only DIVERSIFIED OFFICE work with young Rock and Roll Sets-$2.98. We Buy,. on Sundays. Any reasonable offer. organization. Hours flexible. Call 434- Sell, Make, Repair and Restore String Call 764-8832. dD34 3082. 43H31 Instruments, Accessories and Instruc- ; tion. 668-9836. 516 E. William, above TICKETS $25.00 PER HUNDRED addressing, mail- bike shop. cXtec ing, possible. Work at home your - NEED TICKET to Marcel Marceau Sat- hours. Details and instructions 25c FOLK GUITARS-Hard to find Yamaha urday afternoon. Call 761-1820 or 763- and stamped self-addressed envelope, and Gibson models in stock: fg 75, 6311. 78Q31 CHASMAR, Dept. AJ, P.O. Box 263, only 75. fg 140's, fg 180's, and Rose-I Elkhart, Ind. 46514. 55H31 wood body fg 300. New Gibson models:I fabulous bands, "THE IRIS BELL AD- VENTURE" and "SRC." 82F30 SELECTING WINE from the Village Apothecary's cellar means properly stored wine at a reasonable price. cFtc DELUXE COMBINATION PIZZA $2.25 (Cheese, Pepperoni, Sausage, Peppers, Mushrooms) USED CARS Quiet Residenti Close to cam Very nice 2 bedroom Has just become avai cancellaltiin. If you're looking fo nice, call 665-0154.. CG al Street pus bi-level apt lable due to r something ecte Qtc '65 PORSCHE Koni shocks, Abarth ex- haust, Michelin tires. Mint cond. $2750. 761-0499 after 1 p.m. 80N34 '65 CORVAIR, runs well. $200. 662-2081 after 5 p.m. 94N35 . GILBERT GT - unique 4-seat sports- ,o car with overdrive. Needs minor elec- trical repair. 665-6340. 69N32 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1965, clean and 9 good. Must sell. 761-9881. 71N33 68 RED OPEL Rallye, excellent trans- portation, big engine. 668-7141. 22N34 VW, 1965-Excellent cond., radio; car should run forever. $500. Call eve- nings, 764-0121. 54N34 '59 VOLVO 544, 75,000 miles, needs clutch. 663-5648, Dave. 25N32 69 TRIUMPH GT6-plus, needs some work, good buy. 662-9348 evenings. 50N34 DESPERATE, need ticket to Marcel - Marceau Saturday evening. Will pay LIVING ac profit. Call 769-0186 after 5 or '764- for helpi 9300 between 12 and 3. 76Q31 wheelchai _____ . . - interview TICKETS WANTED for OSU game. Pay - --- -- top money, call after 6 p.m., 449-4672. TIRED OF1 60Q33 us help S .. .- - National TICKETS FOR SALE: Illinois game, 663-1614. Saturday. Good seats. 971-9379. 96Q30 STUDENT WANTED: 2 tickets Illinois, Indiana. time con Call 971-3842 after 6. 62Q35 money a - ..-- - ---.---.- - those who NEED 2 TICKETS to Ohio State game. 971-8452 b Call 662-6003. 66Q32 -N--- -.____. _. WANTED - NEED 4 TICKETS to Illinois game (no histologis singles). Call 668-6684. 26Q30 ence pref 4364 dunir DESPERATE! I need one ticket to the Ohio Statengame. Please call 665- -UT 2716 persistently. dQl9 VOLUNTEE] ---- --- ---- --- "special" TICKETS needed for Illinois and Ohio 769-5422. State games. Please call Rich, 761-1422 -- eves. 46Q31 BIKE WANTED-14 tickets (together) for Ill-I nois game. Call 662-1077 after 5. 26Q30 GIRL'S 3- $25.761-5 WANTED - 4 adjacent tickets, OhioD-R State. 665-7453 before 10 p.m. 07Q30 769-3657. MUST HAVE 4 good tickets for Ohio - - State. 761-0802. 63Q31 19710RA65 -- K, $11011.f ' . .-65-- --------- J-40, J-50 Custom, and Herritage Cus- ODYSS mY-28ptm. commodations in exchange tom. Hurry-limited supplies. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ng -to care for invalid ni ANN ARBOR MUSIC MART cFtc r in his own home. For an 215 E. Liberty, 662-6550. ABBIE HOFFMAN says "cut it" We call 662-4351. 45H34 X ABE OF AN ay ct .We - -.- -X-say let us "style it." Call 662-4431 LOOKING FOR A JOB? Let new super for an appointment. Mich. Union fas rsuls.Cal jAMPLIFIER super deals, Barber.uper you get fast results, Call Ampeg Sut amp-600 watts, in stock. Barbers. cF30 Employment Consultants. West 300 watt head, Reg. $600, Now you 96H33 $199. Vox 240 watt top, only $149. enoy A ArboUBAIYAt fabulous -Earn while you learn. Part Fender Pro . Reverb, reg $450, now bands, "THE IRIS BELL ADVEN- ntt work promises good $199. Vox 70 watt 2-12 Spk. Bass TURE" d "SRC."8 nitnl ekpries n od Amp, reg. $349, now $139. Kalamazoo an . 82F30 d qualy. Frneriewca Practice Amp, reg. $69, now $49. Callih L- oetweifn.F6randtrpim. ,9cHll us for an amp at your price. ANNRihrLeIc{ betweeny6 an9pm.98H31 ARBOR MUSIC MART, 215 E. Liberty. Photography for the Discerning. - b t secretary and- -- - 662-6550. cX3l Editorial, Publicity, Commercial, - Combination secretary and Portraits and Weddings. Call 761-9452 t. Biol. or chem. lab experi- ZENITH Circle of Sound stereo, $100. cFtc' (erred. Call C. Butter at 763- PANASONIC portable tape recorder, ---___------ - I____ ng day. 663-7885 after 7 p, m $15. Negotiable. Call 663-6581 after MORE PEOPLE come every week to the 95H32 5:30. 03X31 other coffee hour. Free coffee, tea, R TUTORS NEEDED for LIKE n d G pastries. Thurs., 9 p.m. onwards at L WOULD LIKE an old Grundig or Hive Gauche. 95F30 children. Call 761-8182 or C,. f, r i T Have Jhan create your own design in white or yellow gold. Reasonable prices. 769-7550. cFtc EUROPEAN sheepskin coats. Wholesale price. 761-4655 after 5. 30F34 Creative Photography "Something New" for wedding pho- tography. Choice of styles, no mini- mum order. Weddings by David, 769- 0053, or see window display at 612 S. Forest, Suite H. cFtc WANTED: 5 tickets for Michigan-Ohio State game. Phone 483-5489 after 8:00 p.m. F WANTED, RADIO FANS. W8UM, U of M Amateur Radio Club organizational meeting. Thurs., Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m., 4511 EE. Beginners welcome. 45F30 GET SOMETHING you didn't expect?I Could DRUG HELP help? Call 761- I HELP anytime. dF32 UNION BOWLING- Open noon Mon.-Sat., 1 p.m. Sunday cF3C T.G at N E N Med. Frat, 1912 Geddes Fri., Oct. 15, 6:30-8:30 Featuring Man Child" i J i s' i i4 t l i i E k s i Love, Tom i& Harry cFte BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED Rh positive $7.50, Rh negative $10 and $12 only Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-3:30, Wed. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's written permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 cFtc Join, ,The Daily I Roommate, CONTACT US TO SHARE AN APT. AT ARBOR FOREST OPEN Everyday 'till 7 p.m. 663-6052 Inquire Apt. 102 721 S. Forest Immediate Occupancy a few campus apartment still available Charter Realty 5 69H30 S AND SCOOTERS PEED BIKE, good condition, 003 before 2 p.m. 73Z33 ELY NEED BICYCLE. Call 67Z33 YE Super-Course, 10-speed, -0926. 24230 Tieletunkxen German table raai r, i -with cabinet in good condition. A fair price paid-exact amount de- pending on condition of your radio! 764-7991 early evenings. dX31 PIONEER model SX-1000tw. AM-FM Stereo receiver-amp. 150 watts. Call 763-6386 mornings. $200. dX30 AKAI model X-200D auto-reverse, four track stereotape deck. Call 763-6386 mornings. $300. dX3O Daily Classifieds Bring Results 49F31 BEAT THE HEAT, set your seat, we can make your summer a treat by joining the Wave of the Future Fleet. Love, Tom & Harry cFtc --____________________________________ I For the student body: Genuine Authentic Navy PEA COATS, $25 Sizes 34 to 5b CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty SCLES.want tosellyu MMU - 69 JEEPSTER Commando, V-6, 4-wheel yo BIKE, good cond. $30. Call 662-1056 ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE CENTER, 516 drive, new tires, positraction, radio, football tickets? Good price. Call 769- after 4. 51Z30 East William, above bike shop. Used many extras. 761-8433. If no answer, 5940. 61Q30guitars Gibson J-200, LG-, B-25 769-6634. 31N34 NEEDED: 6 tickets for Ohio State HONDA Super Hawk, must sell to pay 12-string, 1933 L-4; Martin D-35 12- CHEVY NOVA-'69. 6-cylinder, auto., game. Call after 3 p.m., 663-7211. tuition. 768-2656 string; 2 Epiphone electrics, Goya radio. Truely exc. cond. Owner left 42Q30 125cc KAWASAKI-Must sell, best offer. G-10; National Electric lap steel, country. Sacrifice. Call 761-2903. 42N31 A FOUND Call 663-4492 after 6 p.m. 97Z33 otFides,Banjo u -.-.LOST AND HODAOU9NDminw irtimers, prompt repairs, accessories, 1970 BARRACUDA-AM/FM stereo with HONDA305, 9,040 mi., new tires, bat- instruction. 668-9836. cXtc 5 speakers; air, p.s., p.b., new tires. FOUND-Gray and white kitten, Hoover tery, paint. A-1 condition. 763-6840. 26,000 miles. Bench'seat. $1995. 665- and Main, to good home. 769-1377. 48Z20 GUITARS, amps, organs.dFender,abot- cCtc? 4663. 36N33 dA3l - tom $100. Marshall and Sunn amps - -.--.-_ . .YASHICA 135 mm. automatic lens, 2 in stock, Martin guitars all models. MUSTANG, '68, V8, automatic, power LOST-My light brown suede jacket on weeks old. $80. 761-5305. 66D28 Farfisa organ $275, Repo Fender Bass- steering, bucket seats, vinyl top, new Huron near the Power Center. Please - - mn $295. APOLLO MUSIC CENTEE tires, 36,000 miles, no accidents. Must . . . call Ann, 763-2875. dA33 WANTED TO RENT 22 S. Main, Ann Arbor, 769-1400. LSA Student Government EXECUTIVE COUNCIL has a vacancy Sign-up for interviews Mon.-Thurs. 4-5:30 p.m. Room 3M, Michigan Union r . t sell-best offer. Mike, 663-6860 after 7 p.m. 61N33 VOLVO station wagon 122S, 1966. Good cond., good price. See at Malleks' Texaco, 1500 Jackson. 37N27 '65 T-BIRD. Loaded, no rust. Make offer. Days 469-8523, eves. 665-0582. 01N - 1965 MUSTANG Conv., 6. $150. 763-6602 after 6. 06N33 A GOOD 1964 FORD Econoline, con- verted for living. Insulated and music. Call 668-9750 mornings, ask for Dave. FOUND-Geometric figure made from UNFURNISHED HOUSE in the Ann Ar- - threads on board. To describe and bor-Ypsilanti area. 2 bedrooms and ANN ARBOR MUSIC MART. Home of: claim call Tom, 761-8768. dA32 garage. Desired rent $125, but nego- Gibson, Fender and Martin guitars. . _ -.__ ..._- -- tiable. dl a ihml a. Name brand Amps always 'in stock FOUND-GLASSES in car with driver Adult man with family cat. at lowest prices. 215 E. Liberty, 662- FoN-GAeSu riEmployed by the University. Call 483- who picked up rider on Jackson 5489 after 8 p.m. dL35 50 cXtc Highway into town. 662-4374. dA32 FCONTACT LENSES, Oct. 11, MALErdesperately needs living space. PERSONAL T appan and S. U niv. C all E laine Thef"rsC "wprays.t7n9ght4.t3th3 Brayan, 769-3290. dA3l YOUNG PROFESSIONALS need a 4-6 The "SRC plays tonight at the ---RUBAIYAT. 81F31 I bedroom apartment or house to rent LOST-PUPPY, black male mutt "Bal- starting before December 20 Call 663- MICHIGAN UNION DINING ROOM lentine." White chest, a little white 4086. dL3 sprnnfbetraDcemer2dlsNDINNROO r around nose and feet. 5 mos., 28-lbs. dy, Openfootball weekends, Dinner on Fri- Lays on belly, rear legs spread. 668- days, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner on ALTERATIONS Sat- cF32 SUBSCRIBE NOW 665-8825 cCtp BARGAIN CORNER BEAD SALE 1/3 OFF! From now on- there's always a bead on sale at the Bead Bag! Come by and see this. week's selection. MORE SALE SPE-, CIALS: tie-dyes; 1/3 off on analine ! dyes. Black and brown suede splits, 65c per square foot (limited supply). THE BEAD BAG, 211 S. State. 34W34# 10N33 9544. 29A31,. o -fl- 1966 CORVAIR, automatic, good cond. FOUND-H.S. ring outside 182 P. & A. SEWING DONE, alterations and dress- INTERESTED? Involve yourself i Uni- 350. 769-3734 13N33 Call 761-4299 and identify. dA3l es made. Please call 665-0914. 53P30 versity activities. Join the University $a- Activities Center. Come to 2nd floor '64 OLDS, 4 door, good cond., $500. 662- LOST $50 REWARD! WANTED TO BUY Union 12:30-4:30 or call 763-1107. 88F30 3929. 11N33 Large, mostly black Husky-type male1 - 11111 _- - --- dog. Curly tail, bear-like face, 100 WANTED-A cassette player recorder. Tomorrow you can enjoy the warmth of MUSTANG convertible, 1965, V-8, auto- pounds. 9/27/71. 487-3191 from 8-5; Call Debbie, 761-4677. dK32 "SINGLES NIGHT" at the RUBAI- matic, factory air, many extras, body 971-3529 after. 43A27 - YAT, 102 S. First. With IRIS BELL and motor good. $475. Martin Lee,! -11D Iand- !playing upstairs and "SRC" playing 769-6455, 764-0248. Try both, anytime. FOUND - Siamese cat, on Thompson 6 use at the Tavern. You can also have 14N30 near Biffs. Owner can have by i si *e a LIVE LOBSTER DINNER for only _.-! identification. 761-6863. dA30 Liy sseus $5.00. 81F30 I I (:all 76zL-OrSR ,kA"-IL-JL 0 ILJF F JU N-F T-.P T-OF ML-P : I iilh - - - -- - -- - '70 MAVERICK-Must sell this week; j excellent shape; highest bid; call LOST-Tan and white male cat with Chin-Hung, 769-5790 (9-5). 39N31 collar, S. Quad area. 761-0633. 12A30 '65 VALIANT, must sell. Good trans. LOST: large tan, male German Shep- Cheap. 761-5221. 70N31 ard. Important to family. 761-0802. 62A31 nan r'v'-n-.' V1 A'4. l nnndiU W e Don't Just SAM S STORE LEVI DENIMS Bell Bottoms . Traditionols Button Flys ... Super Slims ... LEVI CORDUROY (several colors) X$8.00 .$7.50 .$6.98 .$7.00 1967 CHEVROLET VAN. Good conai tion. $750. 437-2724. 56N31 1 FOUND: a purse on North Univ. side- -____._ --walk. Person claiming may call 662-1 '70 BUG with AIR. $1900 or best offer. 9851. dA26 663-3345. 31N30 FOR SALE FORD FAIRLANE 500, 6 cyl. economy car. Ideal for campus driving. BestiSALE-MINI SKIRTS, 25% OFF-Indian offer. 665-0914.52N30 and Persian prints, tie dyes, handl 1968 VW; AM/FM radio, new tires and weaves from Guatamela. UnusualI en handmade and imported things to I son Persistetler663-774. NExcel wear from all over the world. Custom ' order service. GET FROCKED, 211 S. BUSINESS SERVICES State. c1tc -.-ARGET RIFLE. 22 Mussburg, scope EXPERIENCED MENDING, alterations, and case. 662-1548 after 6. 52B30 sewing, ironing, babysitting. Call Car- o1, 761-7742. 37J30 I SWIFT MICROSCOPE-SMB, 3 turrets. , 4. Call Linda, 485-3069 after 5. dB31 TYPING: Fast, accurate, reasonable. 21-in. B-W TV -with rolling stand, $40. Call 761-4830 or 971-6347. 87J35 665-5447 eves. 68B30 CUSTOM SEWING and design for men VAN FOR SALE: Good for travel - and women. From traditionally tail- beds built in-or as band truck. 1961 ored coats to simple sewing Levi style International Harvester. Call Larry pants and shirts. Also dresses for or Jim at The Daily, 764-0562. dB27 weddings and formals. Reasonable - - - - rates. Kathy, 769-6799. 40J31 10x52 MOBILE HOME, 1966, skirting, --- -- mint, must be relocated. Only $2300. n"l-10 - 72 9,A11 R Publi*sh a Newspaper " We meet new people * We laugh a lot " We find consolation a gelpindl Nan Bell's ...........$8.50 Slim Fits ........ $6.98 LEVI STA-PRESS SLIM FITS Five Colors......$7.50 LEVI SLIM FITS Five Colors......$5.98 * We play football * We make money (once) (some) it * We solve problems * We gain prestige * We become self confident LEVI FLARES i . .,.,., *1