IMPLEMENTING CITY GOALS See Editorial Page Y Sil~r zgan ~E~aitM AMORPHOUS High--68 Low-42 Cloudy, chance of showers Vol. LXXXI, No. 30 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 14, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages SGC seats to stay open until Nov. election By LINDSAY CHANEY Student Government Council yesterday decided to leave four vacancies unfilled until the election next month. The vacancies occured when four members resigned last week, citing unhappiness over Council procedures. Meeting in special session, SGC members debated 45 minutes before reaching a consensus agreement not to fill the vacancies. A formal motion will be approved at the regular SGC meeting tonight. The general election is scheduled for Nov. 16 and 17. "It takes a long time to go through the interviewing and ap- pointment procedure," said Jerry president. "At this point it would be a total waste of time." Much 'of the debate yesterday 'protest se centered around whether the SGC constitution requires vacant seats to be filled immediately. The con- sitI O itution says SGC "shall" fill at IJUII: vacncie by "interview and ap- pointment." However, it sets no time limits for the appointments. By GERI SPRUNG Council interpreted the wording Special To The Daily I to mean SGC has the option of DETROIT - The Prisoner's filling or not filling vacancies. Solidarity Committee and Michi- The present number of vacan- gan Mayday have called a state- cies is the most which has ever wide rally and march at the De- occurred at one time on SGC. troit House of Corrections (DeHo Many Council members felt that Co) Saturday at 2 p.m. to pro- appointments to fill vacancies only test prison conditions and alleg- one month before an election ed racist oppression. would lead to charges of trying to "DeHoCo was chosen for the "pack" SGC. demonstration," say its organizers, "W'gebterepsnaio "because only one month ago 300 if we wait until the election," women from DeHoCo had a three Rosenblatt said. day strike and sit-in over very 'Three of the four members who specific demands." stepped down last week-Karen " Haas, Mary Schnelker, and Rick Since then, the organizers Higgins - were members of the claim, few improvements have conservative Student Caucus, and been made. A leaflet distributed charged that SGC was "unrepre- by the two committees quoted De- sentative" and "esentially power- HoCo Superintendent James Ban- less." non telling a Detroit Common Other Council members called Council meeting last week that the statements by the conserva- many conditions had not been tives a "slander" and pointed out corrected. that. the resigning members had "Being restricted to bare rooms attended only five council meet- for up to four days until a hear- ings. ing can be held on an alleged rule The fourth member to quit- violation, not being allowed to Marnie Heyn-cited e x t e n s i v e have visits from or write to their "power jockeying" on Council as boyfriends, not receiving a pay one reason for her resignation. raise in 25 years (women inmates "Everyone has their own pet pro- are paid 10 to 50 cents a day), and jects and they forget about larger not being able to sit on rounds in issues," she said. groups of three or more" are some The Student Caucus slate-which of the conditions Brannon has ad- pledged to make SOC more "rep- r mitted were notrcorrected, the resentative-won four of seven at- leaflet said. large seats in the general election last March. To increase the rally's effect a In an effort to better acquaint suit was filed in Wayne County students with SGC activities,' Circuit Court to allow demonstra- Council will begin publishing a bi- tors to march around the women's weekly tabloid newspaper called gate and in the parking lot. In Student Action. previous demonstrations, protest- ors were not permitted past Five o The first issue will be distributed Msle oan out ofm ight pand Fi on campus today. SGC officials Mile Road - out of sight and said the paper which had an init- earing distance from the women ial press run of 10,000 copies will prisoners. A decision is expected be put in all dorm mailboxes and on the suit today or tomorrow. handed out on the Diag. Michigan Mayday spokeswoman The first issue devotes two of Leslie Otter says that the Ann Ar- its eight pages to an attack on: bor group is trying to get together "biased political motivation" in car pools to go to the prison. Per- Daily coverage of recent SGC ac- sons who have cars or ned rides tivities. should meet in front of the Stu- The i s s u e also describes the; dent's Activities Building from Women's Crisis Center and the 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Saturday. Student Print Co-op Moratorium crowds low In city, ar ound country -Da iy-Sara Krulwichl -Daily-Sara Krulwich -Daily-Robert wargo PROTESTERS RALLY on the Diag, march to City Hall and at- tend workshops as part of yesterday's Moratorium Day activities. In the evening, 300 gathered at Hill Auditorium for a convo- cation. Sagg ingspirits greet ~U'ain t IUwr activties By SARA FITZGERALD Moratorium Day, 1969, drew a crowd of 20,000 to Michigan Stadium to protest the war in Indochina. Moratorium D a y, yesterday,, inspired 450 persons to march to City Hall after a noon Diag rally. And, after an hour of speeches under the threat of rain. the crowd dwindled to about 100" Afternoon workshops elicited more interest-perhaps because they involved mental work in- stead of marching. The work- shops displayed how the move- ment has diversified over the past two years-with t o p i c s ranging from non-violence to the "Evict Nixon" actions sched- uled to begin in Washington this month. The poor turnout was probably not caused by faculty insistence that students attend classes. Both Senate Assembly, the fac- ulty representative body, and President Robben Fleming granted permission for c 1 a s s cancellations. But classes which were held seemed to be well attended. One auditorium could be completely empty, while at the same time the one next door might be near- ly filled. Some students had no choice-it was mid-term time. One junior said her Germanic languages Prof. planned to can- cel classes-until his students complained they would be miss- ing a class. "Another professor called off class," she said, "after we ex- plained to him what a morator- ium was." When asked what she thought of the moratorium, an LS&A junior replied, "I didn't see it." Another student commented, "The novelty seems to have worn off- Maybe we should make the moratorium a national holiday." One anti-war leader com- mented that yesterday's pro- gram "really provided anti-war organizers a chance to work on the 'Evict Nixon' campaign." But watching people march once more from the Diag to pro- test the war that never ends, a former Student Mobe leader just shook his head sadly and walked away. Local actions include rally, march, speeches By MARCIA ZOSLAW and GENE ROBINSON A noon Diag rally and a march by about 450 people started yesterday's anti-war moratorium activities in the city. The day culminated in an anti-war convocation fea- turing Father James Groppi and Zolton Ferency last night in Hill Aud. The marchers walked to City Hall where the crowd heard speakers from local anti-war, organizations as well as a short speech by Mayor Robert Harris. The moratorium began as about 500 people grouped at the Diag where members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) acted out the looting and evacuation of a South Vietnamese village. Dave Gordon, spokesman for the Ann Arbor Coalition tto End the War, then led the crowd on the march to City Hall where deputy registrars were present to register voters. Medical Prof. Donald Rucknagel told the crowd that the prevailing feeling that marches and rallies will not end the war is not valid. He said he thought the anti-war move- ment had already achieved many goals, and that without the influence of the movement the United States would probably be at war with the People's Republic of China. According to Harris, the anti-war movement has "no more right to quit its struggle than the abolitionists did." He called the Vietnam war a "sin" which he said has to be ended. Harris also called for an end to "economic imperialism" and said that the movement must "set the nation on a dif- ferent course." Hank Bryant of the Black Economic Development League (BEDL) called for an end to inconsistencies in the anti-war movement. As an example he claimed Ann Arbor churches sponsor anti-war activities but hold stock in war-related corporations. Bryant said the war is a manifestation of three "vi- ruses": capitalism, racism, and imperialism, and that until the three "viruses" are eliminated there will always be wars to protest. Madison Foster of the International Black Appeal, a fund-raising organization designed to help black workers, expressed regret that there were not more blacks and workers in the audience. He said he hoped that the rally was not just an isolated incident, but that those present would continue to struggle against the war. After the City Hall rally the activities moved to small workshops designed to discuss and plan for various as- pects of the anti-war movement. Last night six speakers addressed a crowd of about 300 people at Hill Aud. They criticized resignation that the war will continue, lashed out against racism they said per- mitted the Indochina war and voiced optimism that the base of anti-war protesters is broadening to include workers. Father Groppi Workshops add life to war protests In a moratorium marked by low attendance at public demon- strations, organizers here were pleased to observe that approxi- mately 600 people attended anti- war workshops in the afternoon. Centering on the struggle against the war in Indochina, the workshops served to inform stu- dents about conditions surround- ing the current war. The workshop entitled, "Racist America and the War Against the Third World" included a Vietnamuveteran's observations on his tour of duty in Indochina. He pointed out that, while many white draftees seemed to end up with desk jobs, black soldiers s t o o d a better - than - average chance of being assigned to ac- tive combat roles. The discussion then turned to more theoretical topics, with one panelist obesrving that a young, lower-class black has but three possible courses of action in a time of widespread unemploy- ment: accepting welfare, joining the Army, or turning to crime. Members of the "Evict Nixon" worshop discussed plans to force President Nixon from power by confronting him wherever he See 'U', Page 8 National actions hit Nixon, war By CHARLES STEIN A moratorium on "business as usual" yesterday drew small crowds to a series of nationwide rallies to protest the war in Indochina, in sharp contrast to a similar mora- torium two years ago which attracted thousands of dis- senters across the country. Crowds of under 1,000 persons persons were common at many of the nation's largest college cam- puses where two years ago a noticable majority of students had participated in the moratorium ac- tivities. Locally, 450 persons marched to City Hall after a noon Diag rally to listen to speeches and then dis- band into smaller workshops. At an evening convocation at Hill Aud., Father James Groppi and Zolton Ferency denounced the war and the Nixon administration be- fore an audience of 300. Some prominent anti-war liberals participated in the numerous small rallies held around the country. Mayor John Lindsay addressed a crowd of about 1,500 union em- ployes in New York, while Daniel Ellsberg and activist Vietnam vet- eran John Kerry spoke in Boston and New York, respectively. Chicago 7 d e f e n d a n t Rennie Davis addressed about 500 students at the University of Vermont. On the need for protest, Davis com- mented, "There is absolutely no evidence to support the view that the Vietnam war is winding down." He calledreports to this effect "the most incredible decep- tion" yet to come from the Nixon administration. If students around the country agreed with Davis, it was not dem- onstrated in their turnouts for campus rallies. At the University of California at Berkeley, the scene of some of the nation's most dra- matic protests, only 200 people at- tended arally and march organ- ized by local peace groups. The University of Minnesota drew some 500 people for a similar march. Students at Indiana University saw the CBS documentary, "The Selling of the Pentagon," while the University of Texas presented President Nixon's famous "Check- ers" speech. No moratorium activities were scheduled at Ohio State University, Princeton University or the Uni- versity of Buffalo. Lack of stu- dent support for the moratorium was attributed largely to frustra- tion with the failures of the anti- war movement. In other areas, Robert Black- well, mayor of Highland Park, Mich., officially declared Oct. 13 Moratorium Day and gave city employes two hours off from work to participate in the protest. In Seattle, high school students were excused from school for the day if their parents signed notes 'WriteOn' authors term papers, for harried, wealthy''students Py JAY SHEYEVITZ using prefabricated papers could how many students would use such University students are rap- be suspended or expelled. a service, but Write-On has taken idly learning that there is an Write-On still asserts that their about two-dozen orders for papers' papers are a good investment. "We since it began business late last easier, although more risky, don't guarantee a grade, but we do week. way to grub for grades than guarantee a high quality paper," According to Stevens, customers pulling all-nighters. says John Stevens, Write - On's include a football player, an ele- Now, for only $3.50 a page, stu- local manager. "After all, they're mentary school principal taking dents can buy "custom tailored" not getting some dope - smoking courses at the University, and a 'term papers from "Write - On, sophomore drop-out writing their senior who placed an order for Inc.", as well as language transla- papers. Representatives of the five papers at a total cost of tions, computer programs, lecture group claim that it operates with about $200" notes and speeches. a staff of 60, all of whom hold a Meanwhile, University admin- University administrators stress, B.A. It has been ascertained, how- istrators have taken a dim view of however, that the workings of ever, that this claim is not entirely the whole affair. Write-On are strictly illegitimate, true. E u g e n e Nissen, chairman of and that students found guilty of It is impossible to estimate just L S & A's Administrative Board, says handing in a paper written ,": by a term-paper service consti- tutes plagiarism. The penalties for: this offense within the University, include expulsion and assigned failure in either the paper or the' course with "a notation on the student's transcript which the student has the option to remove upon graduation." Although Nissen feels that term' paper writing services are un- ethical, he claims that the fault in the system which increased the SUIT UNDER REVIEW Wayne Jail conditions stagnant By GERI SPRUNG Special To The Daily DETROIT--On May 18, 1971, a panel of three judges orderedthe Wayne County Commissioners to end the "inhumane con- ditions" in Wayne County Jail. Now, nearly five months after that deci- sion, a team of lawyers are contending in a series of hearings-which began last to hold about 900 prisoners at its capacity, presently has over 1400 inmates. Most of these inmates are only awaiting trial and havenotebeenconvicted of any crime-but they are poor and unable to post bond. Cells designed for one prisoner often hold two or three. Mattresses are a rarity but if a prisoner does receive a mattress it is usually covered with bugs and human excre- County officials eventually submitted a plan to end these conditions, although it came a month after the judges' deadline. The plaintiffs-the inmates of Wayne County Jail-are contending in a step by step analysis that the plans submitted are "un- realistic and in no way cover the problem." Further, in the second part of the hear- ing which began yesterday, the plaintiffs ehaar1 thaf't. he ffioiAlq -,hn,,1d hp "h~1r1