t 9 i tirlygan an'Ill Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan futures past Making the sexes more human I by dave churdwin 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, ich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editforials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: HESTER PULLING New anti-war focus needed DURING THE Cambodian invasion of. 1970, campuses all over the country exploded in protest. Thousands of stu- dents angrily denounced the Nixon Ad- ministration, and these denunciations had a substantial effect. No longer could the U n i t e d States government commit open atrocity and proclaim it to the world as a victory for the forces of freedom. The next U.S.- sponsored invasion, this time in Laos, was blacked out to the press so even now we know little of the devastation of that country. Whatever one's political outlook, it is difficult to challenge the fact that anti- Politico hippo "H EN THE Human Rights Party (HRP) filed petitions to allow it a place on the state - wide ballot, they also filed their symbol - the hippopota- mus - taken from the emblem of the Ann Arbor HRP faction, the Radical In- dependent Party. Asked, "why a hippo?" HRP member Zolton Ferency, former star of the Demo- cratic Party, replied: "It is an animal that believes in living and letting live. It is extremely difficult to arouse, but when aroused is very de- fensive about what it believes in." OTHER HRP MEMBERS disagree with what they call Ferency's "bull." They offer their own reasons for adopting the hippo., "The hippo," they maintain, "is a na- tural predator of the pig." -T.J. Nixon on equality, PRESIDENT NIXON has consistently preached that we must strive f o r "fairness and equity for all Americans." In his address to the nation last week, however, Mr. Nixon's real view on the status of a majority of Americans was blatantly exposed. "For example," the President said, "in the past six years, workers have received big. wage increases. But every wife of a worker who has to do the family shopping will tell you that those increases h a v e practically all being eaten up by rises in the cost of living." It seems that Mr. Nixon's regard for women as "wives of workers," ignoring the fact that women may be workers themselves, points up his real conception of women -as second class citizens. -G.S. Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHDWIN Zxecutive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN .. Editorial Page Editor RICK PERLOFF :. .: Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY .... Assistant Editorial Page Editor LYNN WEINER........ ..Associate Managing Editor LARRY LEMPERT . .. . Associate Managing Editor ANITA CRONE... .....................Arts Editor Business Staff JAMES STOREY, Business Manager RICHARD RADCLIFFE .......Advertising Manager SUZANNE BOSCHAN.... ..A.Sales Manager JOHN SOMMERS............ Finance Manager ANDY GOLDING ..... Associate Advertising Manager war demonstrations have had a major effect on policy implementation in this country. And most of these past demon- strations have occurred through a "spon- taneous combustion" - an eruption of outrage at a particular course of action. Yet there are many weaknesses with this approach. FIRST OF ALL, it leaves the anti-war movement in a state of virtual rigor mortis when there is no conspicuous im- morality to protest. Thus, we have seen a mood of apathy prevail over the campus- es during the last year, with the profile of the war dropping lower and lower. The Administration has learned that a purely visual "winding down" of the war can be as effective in stifling dissent as would a virtual end to the hostilities. With fewer American casualties and more soldiers coming home, the Administration can throw up the facade that the war is drawing to a close. More than anything else, this has il- lustrated the problems of spontaneous demonstrations, yet the fact that U.S. atrocities are not quite as blatant now should not serve to thwart the anti-war movement. The movement must be an ongoing activity, which constantly points out the interconnections of governmental policy. It must, for example, link the war to economic stagnation at home, and show the connections between overseas expansion and domestic poverty. Although a demonstration may be tem- porarily exhilarating, when it constitutes the only-focus of the anti-war movement there is something definitely wrong. THUS, WE MUST concern ourselves with developing a larger perspective. Right now, there are a great multitude of groups working on progressive causes - women's liberation groups, anti-war groups, wel- fare rights organizations, people working for the rights of prisoners and any num- ber of others., However, there is no unity between these groups. Occasionally, they may come together for short periods of time, but they do not have any common ap- proach. It is quite obvious that a unified group of people - working on particular issues because they have been judged as im- portant, and cooperating with each other to the fullest extent - can accomplis. many times as much as scattered sects. A unified analysis, taking into account the mistakes of the past and the realities of the present,, can provide the key to eliminating the apathy both on campus and in the community. IT IS IN this context that one should support tomorrow's moratorium. In- volving a broad spectrum of organizations - ranging from Vietnam Veterans Against the War to the Clergy and Lay- men Concerned - it will bring many new people into the protest, and will widen the scope of the movement to include more than just young people and academ- icians. The moratorium focuses on the war, but connects to it the related issues, of the wage-price freeze, the fate of Ameri- can prisoners and political repression. Workshops on these issues will show how they are related, and hopefully will pave the way toward providing a broad per- spective for the American movement as a whole. -ZACHARY SCHILLER "MAY YOU live in interesting times," reads an Oriental blessing. And in the last few de- cades we have all been q u i t e blessed in this regard as a num- ber of social and political revolu- tions have permeated our society. One of the most striking aspects of these upheavals has been bur- geoning movements by social groups oppressed by law, custom and personal prejudice to regain their pride and to assume t h e i r rightful place in the world. Blacks, Indians, chicanos homo- sexuals, Middle Americans - all are realizing the discrimination they face, regaining a group pride and identity, and then banding together to free themselves from the constraints society has put upon them. PERHAPS THE MOST import- ant of these movements, over the long run, is Women's Liberation. Considering that a majority of people in this country, and in the world, are females, the implica- tions are tremendous. Furthermore, both overt and co- vert discrimination against women is so pervasive in our society that when women and men become aware of it there will be an enor- mous burst of awareness and re- action. It is difficult for a male to un- derstand Women's Liberation be- cause of the layer of sexism that our culture paints over all of us. We have been conditioned to think of women as passive housewives and of men as dominant producers, of women as weak and emotional and men as strong and rational. This sexism is even apparent in our speech patterns with words like chairman and spokesman and the use of masculine pronouns when refering to occupations such as lawyers, doctors, and politic- ians. The University, for example. recently sent out invitations to professors and "their wives," lead- ing some faculty women to wonder whom they should bring along to the event. DESPITE THIS inherent sex- ism, it seems to this male writer that the women's movement has three thrusts - legal, economic and interpersonal changes. While most men can support the first two areas of change, many a r e Le To The Daily: I WOULD LIKE to offer two observations about Student Gov- ernment Council's latest political crisis - one is procedural, and the other is more substantial. It would be very wrong for the Council itself to attempt to fill as many as four vacant seats. What SOC needs is now blood from the outside and a robust debate by its constituents as to who should be on SGC and why. Leaving the seats open until the election, which is a mere 4-5 weeks away, ise the best way to accomplish this. Since the quorum and voting requirements do not include vacant seats, the absence of 4 members (although certainly not desirable) will not really im- pair Council's operations for so short a time. On the other hand, since in- cumbents, even appointed incum- bents, tend to get reelected, the effect of appointing 4 members now would be toamake Council self-perpetuating, and this is just what the campus doesn't need. In the election, the voters in general, and The Daily in particular, should start insisting that candi- dates become responsible and an- nounce that they will serve out their terms, insteads of using re- signations as just another atten- tion - getting political device. Meanwhile, Council should re- solve and announce that it will, in the future, not fill vacant seats (even though it will have the pow- er to do so). This will end the musical chairs attitude which has ferences, the majority are cultur- ally determined. Women are supposedly: recep- tive, submissive, dependent, sensi- tive, gentle, emotional, non-intel- lectual, weak quiet, intuitive and virtuous. Men are supposedly: aggressive, competitive, power-hungry, asser- tive, violent, independent, intel- lectual, insensitive and rational. THE ESSENCE OF Women's Liberation is rejecting these rigid sex roles in favor of a more flex- ible view of masculine and femin- ine characteristics in which ag- gressive women would not be shunned and emotional, gentle men frowned upon. It is precisely this aspect of Women'snLiberation that is most threatening to males (and females for that matter) whose identities are largely based on the old ster- eotypes. Yet these roles are inexorably changing annd we had all better get used to .it. The soft, submis- sive dumb blonde is becoming an object of the past as is the mus- cular Herculean he-man. AS THESE STEREOTYPES fade away, it might be appropriate to sound t leas tone coutionary note: It would be a shame if in casting off traditional sex roles women lost some of the more desirable characteristics usually attributed to females and took on some of the les desirable male character- istics. A hard, cold, super-intellectual female is no improvement over the submissive woman of the past - these are unfortunate traits in anybody. The same is true for any changes that might come about in the roles of men. Furthermore, while women should continue to become-more self-sufficient one can hope that they will also learn that independ- ence need not. prevent emotional attachments or relationships in which two people are dependent on each other. And finally, while women a r e justified in developing a group identity and pride, they should perhaps be more concerned with people as people and not members of a specific sex. What is needed is that we all become a bit more human and let our sex roles take care of themselves. I 4 I wary - perhaps because they feel threatened - of any changes in sex roles. In the legal sphere women are demanding an end to the last 'ves- tiges of archaic laws that m a k e women second-class citizens. They are seeking changes in property laws, divorce regulations, tax schedules and social security bene- fits that discriminate against wo- men. A major. battle in this fight for legal equality has been in the area of abortion reform, with women asking an end to government re- gulation over their bodies.. There are not only compelling moral reasons to support t h e s e changes, but also constitutional ones. The 14th Amendment re- quirement for equal protection and the 19th Amendment giving wo- men the vote indicates a general thrust toward sex-blindness in the law. The Equal Rights Amendment. now before the House of Repre- Sexism and the single girl sentatives, is an attempt to make this explicit by stating that "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex." BESIDES REVISING LAWS, a major goal of Women's Liberation is changing the economic patterns that have contributed to discrim- ination against women. In the past, women were in fact dependent on men because of eco- nomic considerations - the wo- man needed to stay home a n d- take care of large families with- iout any modern conveniences while the man was the breadwin- ner. Today, however, the working woman is a common phenomenon as family size has decreased, the number of non-factory service oc- cupations have increased and the stigma against working mothers has ended. Along with this trend, the con- cept of child care centers for the children in families where b o t h parents \vorked has arisen. There has been, and continues to be, widespread bias against women in hiring, promotions, pay scales and responsibility. Clearly the concept of equal pay for equal work should apply to both men and women but such a standard will be hard to achieve because discrimination is built into a sys- tem that keeps women in second- level service jobs and men as de- cision-makers.l Most men would probably sup- port attempts by women f o r equality under law. A slightly smaller number would, agree with efforts to end economic sex bias. The changes that will come the hardest are in the area of inter- personal relations. Our society has shaped certain characteristics into the psyche of men and women in general. While some of these characteristics might be rooted in biological dif- Dv tters: Leave SGC vacancies unfilled become so prevalent on the Coun- cil. More substantially, the problem with SGC is that much of what it does for 25c per student is a col- lection of low visibility highly- contingent services that are taken for granted (the same problem as most state governments have). Only when SGC has taken on such tough, difficult, long-term projects such as the bookstore, or the issue of sending grades to draft boards has it arousedwide- spread support and interest of its constituency. What SGC must decide to do is to take on more of these dif- ficult, large projects that really affect the lives of its constituents. Naturally that takes money, and lots of it. The sad thing about last spring's election is that after put- ting the funding question onto the ballot, virtually all the coun- cilmen, presidential candidates, other candidates, and school gov- ernments who supported funding quietly abandoned this issue as a lost cause. The Right's intensive and mis- leading campaign was left virtual- ly unanswered. Even so, 42 percent of the9300 students voting gave SGC lthe benefit of the doubt and voted for adequate funding. It is obvious to me that the student body is quite willing to give SGC a chance to do good things is only the Council will seize its own op- portunities. SGC should therefore leave the vacant seats unfilled, ask again for the money that everyone knows it needs, and go into the election with a list of signifi- cant projects to really benefit its constituents. The Council would also do well to put this list on the ballot itself in order to give the student body a choice of directions, and also in order to focus this next election around the question of what SGC should be doing. The outcome of the election would then be new blood on the Council, a clear di- rection to move in, and the money to do it with. -John Koza, Grad Oct. 8 Beach Boys To The Daily: I NEVER thought The Daily would give so much space to the real giantsof American rock inu- sic - the Beach Boys. Neal Gab-' ler's article was very well done, Surf's Up is a classic album, and after seeing them in South Bend, last weekend, I can say that no Beach Boys freak should miss them next time they come around because their concerts are just about the happiest thing you'd care to hear. -Steve Marovich Oct. '7 Asian group To The Daily: WHILE WE APPRECIATED the front page picture spread of o u r guerrilla theatre (Daily, Sept. 29), the caption was highly misleading. While the soldiers were played byl Vietnam veterans, the caption failed to mention that the victims were played by mem- bers of Issho Yigong (One Life Together), an organization of Asian-Americans. Failure to men- tion Issho Yigong comes too close to the kind of racism that we saw so much of in Vietnam, and that we wish to fight back here. One of the major purposes of our guerrilla theatre is to remind peo- ple that whatever else may be happening, Asians are still dying at American hands. -Vietnam Veterans Against the War * Well what do .you know= It's moratorium time t 1~ A-. A WR APJL V Li 1 I ,i i 1 AMP l'oe'. ,f 1 £ W~~ITA2)T AD-t. 5LL-&Y ,-ITi 1t ": 4) n An open letter to New Mobilization: OKAY. IT'S moratorium time again. The war is still going on, and as good liberals, we all have some sort of obligation to do something about this wai. So, dear people, I want you to know that I did something. But in the process, I also learned that as the war progresses and continues and goes on, our interest in ending it is waning. How many moratoriums have been called? How many thousands have given time and effort to see what they can do to end the war? And this year, just yesterday, when I brought up the idea of cancelling a class, I was met by ambivalence. Not even an "oh boy, we don't have class tomor- row" but complete ambivalence. There was no discussion. There can't be. Every- thing has been said, and so many times that I'm getting sick. We're beginning to sound like a broken record. End the war, free the prisoners, dump Nixon . . . everything is an extension of a continuing existence . . . a re-release of a, good record, that somehow just doesn't seem to make it this time. WHY DO YOU put me in this position? Why do you make me do something that I no longer get excited about doing? If you feel a necessity to jog my memory and remind me that the War is continuing, do it gently, do it softly. I can't feel confronted. I remember the first moratorium, I remember the Pentagon in '67, and the March on Wash- ington in '69 and the March against Death and April 24 and Mayday and so many other times. anything left to grab. My body is tired, and it is becoming wasted. You can only resurrect an old body so many times, and then it begins to die, and there's.no miracle medicine left toscure the disease. I know, you tried to stop' it, but apathy has spread to become a plague. When plagues run rampant over the country, the only thing left to do is isolate it. Don't let new and young people come in contact with it. They too will succumb to the disease. It's too late for the old people. But please save the young. l * . i