news briefs By The Associated Press EGYPT'S ATTITUDE towards an interim settlement in theI Middle East has become slightly more positive, U. S. officials said yesterday. Following a lengthy meeting between U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad, Rogers now feels that Riad himself is in favor of some form of: interim settlement. Americans had been pessimistic because Riad stated Wednesday that his government would reject any agreement that would lead to continued occupation of Egyptian territory by Israeli forces - while Israel insists that no Egyptian troops should be allowed to cross the Suez Canal. TWO SOLEDAD BROTHERS were ordered yesterday to stand trial Oct. 18 on murder charges stemming from the killing of a Soledad Prison guard in 1970. Superior Court Judge Lee Vavuris ordered the trial of Fleeta Drumgo and John Cluchette to begin in 9 days despite strong pro- test from a lawyer for the two black convicts, who asked for a 30- day delay. Lawyer Floyd Silliman protested that the public needs a "cooling off period" because of the violence at San Quentin Prison Aug. 21 when the third Soledad Brother, George Jackson was killed. NATIONALIST CHINA'S Foreign Minister Chow Shu-kai declared yesterday that it would be a "dangerous delusion" for the United Nations to assume that the Peoples Republic of China "is ready to give up its policy of world domination." Many Peking supporters such as Algeria, Cuba, and the SovietI Union stayed away from the General Assembly meeting to which Shu-kai addressed his remarks. REBELS IN OLAVARRIA, a city 150 miles from Buenos Aires, Argentina, demanded the resignation yesterday of Presi- dent Alejandro Lanusse. A communique signed by Lt. Col. Florentino Diaz Loza ( chief of the 500-man army base, said Lanusse should give up the presidency and resign as commander in chief of the army because "the people have lost confidence and faith" in him. A similar communique was issued in Azul, city 30 miles from Olavarria, where 1,200 soldiers are stationed. A local radio station broadcast a communique signed by Lt. Col, Fernando Amadeo Bal- drich, chief of the Azul garrison, demanding Lanusse's resignation. CALIFORNIA'S WORST BRUSH FIRE, this year slowed its advance because of subsiding winds and a 1,400 man firefighting team. The fire has already claimed four lives and charred more than 4,500 acres around Santa Barbara. The four victims were caught Thursday night in a "fire storm" which suddenly sucked the oxygen from the air and apparently asphyxiated them while they were using bulldozers to carve a firebreak on a ridge. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 94C Mfriri!3an Iait4 page three . ,, Ann Arbor, Michigan Saturday, October 9, 1971 SatudayOctoer 9 197 COURT ORDER: West Coast strikers resume work toda SAN FRANCISCO (R) - Stevedoring and steamship com- panies geared up yesterday for the unloading and loading of 249 ships stranded in 24 West Coast ports by the longest-ever walkout on Pacific docks. Striking longshoremen were sched- uled to return to work today under federal court order. Maintenance men were back at work yesterday in some ports cleaning and repairing equipment that hasn't been used since the International Longshoremen and Warehousemen'sI Union (ILWU) went on strike 100 days earlier, a spokesman for the shippers said. Unemployment i ro- drop s sli1ghtly acosnation WASHINGTON (R) - The total of Americans unemployed dropped in September to six per cent of the nation's work force, but Secretary of the Treasury John Connally said yes- terday "That's frankly nothing to crow about." The jobless total declined 221,000 to 4.8 million, and the unemployment rate was down one-tenth of one per cent from 6.1 per cent in August. Secretary of Labor J.D. Hodgson said there was some "cheer" in a 325,000 rise in seasonally adjusted total employ- ment of 79.2 million, but that the continuing high level of Ysi youth slain b p liceman (Continued from Page 1)j Wolak twice warned the two to halt and then fired one shot from a distance of about 50 feet, felling Loomis. Ypsilanti State Police Detec- tive Sgt. Kenneth Ruonavaara in an interview yesterdaysaid, "As far as the State Police are concerned there's no such thingI as a warning shot." He explain- ed that "it is impossible to know where, the bullet might come down," if such a warning shot were to be fired. Trooper Wolak, described as an experienced and dedicated officer by his colleagues, "acted, under the circumstances, the way he figured that the circum- stances dictated," Ruonavaara said. State law permits police of- ficers to shoot fleeing felons, the detective explained. Col. Plants concurred with his opinion, though he said that officers were instructed to "shoot to wound, not to kill." The State Police has "no set procedure" regarding the use of firearms, Plants continued, but as they are "trained in criminal law" they are compe- tent" to make decisions based on the conditions in each case. Auto'psy reports released yes- terday afternoon said Loomis died of massive hemorrhaging caused by a gunshot wound. Doctors said Loomis lost over four pints of blood in as many minutes and was dead on arriv- al at University Hospital. James Robertson, secretary of the Pacific Maritime Association,I which represents 120 employers," predicted that all orders placed through dispatching halls for' longshore gangs would be filled.r The 15,000 striking longshore- men were ordered back to work' Thursday by ILWU president Harry Bridges. He said the union's strike stra- tegy committee had voted unani- mously to comply with a 10-day temporary restraining order is- sued Wednesday night by U.S.: District Court Judge Spencer Williams. A hearing to convert the tem- porary order into an injunction for an 80-day cooling-off period! under terms of the Taft-Hartley Act was postponed from yester- day to Oct. 15, Military and perishable cargo and passenger ships, which have been handled throughout the. strike, will continue to receive first priority in loading. After that, Robertson said, the first ships unloaded will be the first{ ones that arrived in port after the! strike began. One of the first to get long- shore crews will be the Korean ship Kyung Jr, which arrived in Sacramento, Calif., 2 hours and 50 minutes after the strike began at midnight June 30. Bridges noted that the union will return under the old con- tract in which the PMA gave the ILWU jurisdiction over off-dock container operations. The board said agreement had been reached on a guaranteed 36-hour work week for regular week for secondary workers but not on PMA's insistence in a $6 million annual ceiling on guaran- teed wage payments. Both sides were only 10 cents apart on the salaries, the board said. The ILWU had sought a two- year contract with a raisetof $1.60 over the present base of $4.28 per hour and a $500 month- ly pension for men retiring at age I 62 with 25 years service.E -Associated Press JOHN SEXTON SR. and his wife Mildred hold pictures of their son John Jr., a U.S. Army staff sergeant, released by the Viet Cong after two years of captivity. Photo at left was after high school graduation and at right upon entering the Army. North 1Vietnam frees POW after two years 'A This Weekend $1.50 Kate Mc~arrig le AND Sieve Dawson "everything about her is up ..if she keeps going like she is within a few years she could be one of the hottest acts in the business." N.Y. Times 1411 Hill T IT T6 tgasI Daily Classifieds Bring Results Saturday and Sunday YO JIMBO (The Bodyguard) Dir. A k i r a Kurosawa, 1961. with Toshiro Mi- fune. A shaggy samurai with a sword for hire-a comedy-satire about the bodyguard who kills the bodies he is supposeA to guard. ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 7:00 & 9:05-75c SAIGON () - A wounded U.. S. sergeant, freed by the Viet Cong after two years of cap- tivity, reported that he saw many other U.S. prisoners while he was in prison. Sgt. John Sexton, 28, of War- ren, Mich., exhibited cut and bruised feet from the eight hours he had walked through the jungles to the base camp at Loc Ninh, 70 miles north of Sai- gon. Although tired, his face drawn, Sexton was pronounced in "generally good condition" after examination at an Army hospital. Sexton told U.S. officers he "kept seeing new faces all the time, never the same ones" but he did not say how many other American prisoners he saw. He said he was constantly be- ing shifted around during his captivity and was never allowed to approach the other prison- ers. Sexton was wounded and cap- tured in an ambush of his ar- mored unit near An Loc, 15 miles south of Loc Ninh, Aug. 12, 1969. He told officers a Viet Cong grenade s p r e a d shrapnel through his right side. He said he had lost vision in his right eye, and that his right elbow was shattered and immovable. While he had no idea where he had been held, allied intelli- gence sources believed it was somewhere in Cambodia. Offic'ers said Sexton appear- ed bitter and dejected when he walked into the Loc Ninh base camp, 10 miles south of the Cambodian border. He had hobbled through the jungle with a rough map drawn for him by the Viet Cong and a note asking four people to as- sist him in getting back "to the U.S. Embassy." joblessness called for prompt ac- tion by Congress to enact Presi- dent Nixon's tax proposals. Connally, briefing newsmen on Nixon's plans to restrain wages and prices after the current freeze expires Nov. 13, said the Presi- dent's over-all economic plan in- cluding the tax proposals was aimed at boosting the total of American jobs by 500,000 to one million by the end of 1972. The Labor Department figures on last month's job picture also showed a drop in the average length of the work week and an accompanying decline in average wages, an indicator of lagging in- dustrial activity. The average paychecks of some 45 million rank-and-file workers dropped 27 cents to $128.76 per week because of a 12-minute de- cline in the average work week to 36.7 hours, said the report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average pay was $7.03, or 5.8 per cent above a year ago but the 4.5 per cent rise in living costs since then wiped out $5.44 of the gain, cutting the rise in purchasing power to $1.59. T o t a 1 employment actually dropped 1.4 million, but because it usually drops more than that in September when youths with summer jobs return to school the bureau figured it as a 325,000 rise on a seasonal basis. The report said that in the third quarter of the year ending in September, average employ- ment rose 520,000 to a record quarterly high on a seasonal basis, but unemployment still averaged 6 per cent because of a continu- ing rise in the labor force. Unemployment among men to- taled 1.8 million in September and their jobless rate remained un- changed from August at 4.5 per cent, the bureau said. The women's jobless rate edged down from 5.8 to 5.6 per cent with a total of 1.8 million out of work, and the rate for teen-agers edged up from 17.1 per cent with a total of 1.1 million. The jobless rate for white work- ers moved down from 5.6 to 5.4 per cent witha total of 3.9 mil- lion, while the rate for non- whites - mostly Negroes - rose from 9.8 to 10.5 per cent with a total of 927,000, the report said. Mao alive, well, living in 1Peking TOKYO (P)-Mao Tse-tung, smil- ing and in good health, met with Emperor Haile *Selassie of Ethi- opia in Peking yesterday, accord- ing to dispatches from the Chinese capital. A Yugoslav correspondent said members of the emperor's en- tourage told him the Communist party chairman was in a "very good mood and ready to make jokes." Another correspondent said he was told Mao was smiling and waved his arms to greet the em- peror. This was Mao's first reported appearance since Aug. 7, when he greeted Ne Win, the leader of Burma. Recent events brought speculation since that Mao was dying, but Chinese officials said last month his health was excel- lent. The cancellation of China's Na- tional Day Parade Oct. 1, and other events had fanned specula- tion on Mao's health. Speculation later turned to a power struggle in Peking. This was after all planes in Red China were grounded for several days in September. T h e disappearance from public view of Chen Po-ta, who led Mao's cultural revolutiq in the late 1960s, fanned interna- tional guessing. Registration drive planned (Continued from Page 1) According to Saunders, this new plan should be able to "get 40-50 per cent" of eligible students reg- istered "by the end of October." In order to staff this expanded program, however, both Saunders and Rosenblatt say more deputy registrars are needed. "The more registrars we have," Rosenblatt said, "the more regis- tration places we will be able to open." Saunders said persons interested in becoming registrars can do so by applying at the city clerk's office. Rosenblatt, however, said he would prefer that students register their names with SGC before ap- plying at City Hall to keep "a safety lever on Saunders in case he backs down. Critics have charged that in the last drive, Saunders claimed he did not have enough registrars to open extra campus locations. They claim that the 50 students who agreed to be registrars would have been enough. New training sessions for regis- trars will be Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 2-4 p.m. and 7:30-9:30 p.m., and Friday, Oct. 15, from 7:30- 9:30 p.m. in City Council cham- bers, second floor City Hall. NEW PROGRAMS ADDED Office.of Religious Affairs broadens role (Continued from Page 1) ing up for grabs," questions are being asked which are akin to those which fostered religion in the first place: "Who am I, how do I fit into the basic structure of things, and, what is the basic structure of things?" Staff members at ORA cite the movement to Eastern reli- gions and the increased interest in drugs within a religious con- text as examples of changing trends. They also s p e a k of a r e t u rn to "fundamental" Christianty. In Ann Ar- bor, this trend has manifested itself most strongly in the Word of God Community, a rapidly growing Catholic Pentecostal group. The increased membership in such groups has been accom- panied by a "growing rejection of organized religion," accord- ing to Scott. "The growth is outside traditional r e 1 igion, while still maintaining an ex- ploration in what I would call a religious realm." As part of its increased parti- DIAL 5-6290 SHOWS TODAY AT 1 -3-5-7-9 P.M. cipation outside the realm of traditional religious counseling, ORA was one of the first coun- seling groups on campus to move into the area of problem preg- nancy counseling. Kachel claims ORA was in- strumental in helping the Uni- versity recognize the problem, which other counseling organi- zationsihave lately begun to work with. In addition to its counseling functions, which cover virtually all types of personal problems, ORA sponsors educational pro- grams concerned with social and moral issues, as well as religious ones. It also provides assistance to religious organizations on campus and to campus minis- ters, and works closely with the literary college's rapidly grow- ing religious studies program. Kachel emphasizes that while members of the office staff all have backgrounds in religious disciplines, they favor no parti- cular religion in dealing with problems. ORA employs four full-time professional directors to imple- ment its programs, and several associates, mostly graduate stu- dents. All of the staff members act as counselors to some extent. Scott runs the counseling ser- vice in an informal atmosphere, where, he says, anyone can just come in and talk about any kind of problem. "I think we're as skilled as anyone else on campus," says Scott, "but we're more flexible than most groups." He says that because the counselors in the ORA are not thought of as psy- chologists, people are more will- ing to approach them before their problems become serious. Scott says a majority of the people who come into the of- fice do not think of their prob- lc -s as "religious," although m re have viewed them as such this year than in the past. Another major aspect of the ORA's work is planning and sponsoring seminars, speakers, films, discussions, and other ed- ucational programs. Program Director Bob Hauert, who has been in his present post six years, says that the programs deal with ethical-moral issues as well as religious-theological ones. There is talk this year, he says, of holding a "Third World Conference," but nothing spe- cific has yet been planned on that topic. Educational programs are also set up through the office of Ed- ucational Director Mari Shore. Shore, after a month on the staff, is spending a major part of her time setting up a series of weekly programs, and work- ing with women's movements and women's services on cam- pus. In her work with women's groups, she also hopes to have a lecture or discussion series on women's roles in religion. The program series, coordi- nated by LSA religious studies program director Prof. Noel Freedman, is tentatively sched- uled to begin. some time this month and will feature informal weekly discussion groups and monthly lectures. The topics will be universal to many religions, and may concentrate on the re- lationship between Eastern and Western religions. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 Professional Theatre Program: "The Grass Harp," Power Center, 3, 8 pm. School of Music: Mich. Contempor- ary Directions Ensemble, "Music for Instruments I," Rackham Lecture Hail, 8 pm. Placement Service All interested students are invited to come to CPP for interviews with pros- pective grad. & prof. schools, and bus., and govt. organizations. Call 764-7400 for more info. SUMMER PLACEMENT, STUDENTS: now is the time to think ahead - to get ideas - toward a summer job. Don't be caught napping! Summer Placement is open. Come in, browse, ask questions. General Notices U. Fellowship of Huron Hills Baptist Church, Oct. 9, 7:30 PM, 3150 Glacier Way. Speaker: Dr. Norman Geisler, "Why the 66 Books of the Bible?" 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY GRETA GARBO in NINOTCHKA with MELVYN DOUGLAS directed by Ernst Lubitsch 7 and 9 p.m., AUD. A, ANGELL NEXT WEEK: Gunga Din and the Hound of the Baskervilles .OY ~Y DY46 eM Y. SATURDAY < o AAANJCWIIfs LASER WEAPONRY Pentagon plans 'Death Ray by 1980 (i a By ROBERT BARKAN and LEONARD SIEGEL Pacific News Service If Pentagon plans are successful, Buck Rogers' "Death Ray" will be operational by 1980. The laser, a beam of high-energy light popu- larly acclaimed for its potential applications in communications and medicine, is nevertheless mak- ing its greatest contributions to the military. rapidly and accurately focus vast amounts of energy, heating targets to the point where they melt, burn, or explode. Recognizing this, the Defense Department's Advances Research Project Agency (ARPA) launched its initial laser lethal weapons pro- gram in 1961, only two years after the first operating laser was dem- onstrated. In February of that year, the ficiency, and a technological prob- lem-scientists were not able to create lasers with high enough power to be used as weapons. But a classified breakthrough rekindled the Pentagon's interest. In 1968, United Aircraft developed the first efficient high-power laser, and ARPA set up a top secret project, code n a m e d "Eighth Card" to oversee further develop- ment. research, the Air Force's Special Weapons' Laboratory near Albu- querque, N.M., a prototype laser gun was used to shoot down an unmanned aircraft. The application of lasers exem- plifies the domination of science and technology by the military. According to a survey reported in Electronic News, about $70 million will be spent for military laser devices. Yet only $9 million will be In the near future, laser ray guns appear to be feasible for de- fense against low-flying targets at forward air bases, for on-board ship defense against guided mis- siles and for disabling the enemy's spying devices. The Air Force is considering equipping its forth- coming F-15 fighter and B-1 bomb- er with laser weapons capable of destroying aircraft and missiles. Recently, ARPA requested $5.8 I WARREN I