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October 09, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-09

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See Editorial Page

Yl r e

Si r1ta


Cloudy and cool,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 26

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 9, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


asks Meany



power for

to sit on Pay

By The Associated Press
Treasury Secretary J o h n
Connally made an extraordi-
nary public appeal yesterday,
asking AFL - CIO President'
George Meany to participate
in President Nixon's Phase 2
economic program.
But Meany, head of the massive
13-million member labor federa-
tion, withheld an immediate an-
swer to Connally's appeal during
a nationally televised news con-
Instead the veteran labor leader,
who has been sharply critical of
Nixon's economic moves, called a

Secretary Connally

Labor, Dems wary of
Nixon's Phase 2 ,plan
+1a By The Associated Press
Some Democrats and labor leaders criticized President
Nixon's Phase 2 economic program yesterday, while business-
men generally reactedt favorably.
AFL-CIO President George Meany said various interpre-
tations of the program "raise serious questions" that must be
explored thoroughly.
Meany, who has been critical of the 90-day wage-price
freeze, announced he was calling a special meeting of the
federation's executive committee Tuesday "to take action on
the President's announcement." He said Leonard Woodcock,
president of the United Auto Workers, and Frank Fitzsim-

Unemployment rate drops
slightly in September. See story,
Page 3.
special meeting of the AFL-CIO
executive council next Tuesday to
vote on Phase 2.
Sources said Meany will not de-
cide to cooperate with the Nixon
program and serve on the Pay,
Board until the meeting. The key
factor, they said, is whether Nix-
on's Cost of Living Council would
have veto power over pay decisions
made by the board.
The Pay Board and the Price
Commission will be the chief units
handling the Phase 2 program-y
determining individual wage andI
price increases, subject to general
guidelines which the boards must
formulate to keep inflation within
2 or 3 per cent by the end of 1972.
Connally said he hopes the un-
employment rate will be comingf
down but added the administra-
tion has set no specific goal.
He said the job of policing Phase
2 will be "fairly simple" and I Kinig of the Blues, B.B. King hugs his fay
should be manageable by a force with the blues that can only be his. "Me
of about 3,000 people. the crowd.
The wage-price freeze, Connally
said, will remain in effect until NEA R WILLOW R UN'
midnight Nov. 13, "and beginning
the next day, the freeze is really
still in effect, subject to whatever " "
standards and criteria the two .
boards set in the meantime."
Connally also said he expects a
number of foreign trade barriers
against United States' exports to
be removed within the next several
months. Though he did not say J a e b
specificallyhwhat barriers might be
removed, he said he expected it to
happen as a result of unilateral By JONATHAN MILLER vestiga
or bilateral negotiations. Special To The Daily Was
Meanwhile, stock market nrices YPSILANTI - Two investi- tor W
took a sharp drop in moderate gations were underway yester- refused
trading yesterday as investors re- day into the police s 1 a y i n g gation
acted with uncertainty to unan- of a 17 year-old Ypsilanti ing fu
swered questions about Phase 2, Township youth. early Thurs- Stat
analysts said. day morning. JohnF
Chairman Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.) The youth, Darrell Loomis, ing an
also turned down a call from Pres- was killed by a single .38 cali- both t
ident Nixon yesterday for the bre bullet as he fled from a Sgt. F
House Ways and Means Committee stolen car which State Police of- trict C
to act within two weeks on Nixon's ficers forced off the road near Police.
plan for sharing federal revenues Willow Run airport. State Po- Sgt.
with states and local governments. lice detectives said he was un- for con
Mills wrote Nixon that the coin- armed. A sp
mittee's time is committed, large- Both the Washtenaw County post c
ly to other administration pro- Prosecutors Office and the yesterd
posals. State Police are currently in- shotI

-Daily-Jim Judkis
mous Lucille last night before a jammed Hill Aud. swaying
'n Lucille learn somethin' new everyday," he beamed to
. e
youth slain in
State Police

the students?
The resignations Thursday of four Student Government
Council members have again focused attention on an old
issue-what is the role and relevance of SGC at the Univer-
Three of the resigning members-Karen Haas, Rick Hig-
gins, and Mary Schnelker, of the conservative Student Caucus
-charged that SGC is essentially powerless and unrepresen-
The other resigning member, Marnie Heyn, cited exten-
sive "power jockeying"' on Council as the primary reason for
her resignation.
The sudden resignation by the conservatives surprised
other Council members. Several said they felt Council had
been "slandered" by resigna-
tion statements from the Stu- ,
dent Caucus.
Heyn's resignation had been an-
M o s t Council members con-
ceded, however, that the charges
of being "unrepresentative" and
"powerless" were true to a certain
"The resignations are possibly a
good thing," Council member Ar-
lene Griffin said, "because they
have forced us to look at how we
operate and to assess our short-
As an institution; SGC is em-
powered by the Regents to regu-
late student organizations,
schedule student activities, appoint ~
student members to various policy
boards, spend money allocated by Rebecca Schenk
the Regents, and hold elections.
However, most past and present
Council members agree that SGC's
major power-or lack of power-
lies in bringing student influence
to bear on University decision-
SGC, they feel, can wield the .
most power if it is recognized by.
the Regents and administration
as a legitimate voice of students
on campus.
"Power is what we make it,"kh
says Rebecca Schenk, SGC presi-
dent. SGC can raise more hell on -
campus than any other campus > . >' ,"
Former SGC President Marty a'$f y
Scott agrees. "This power is the
type you can put together and use t.
if. you want," he said. "SGC has
access to a lot of places, it is in
the public view, I think you can Marty Scott
do a lot with it."
The extent to which SGC can influence University administra-
tors, however, apparently depends on how representative of students
the administrators think SGC is.
Sources close to the administration say that many University
executive officers consider SGC "unrepresentative" of student in-
terests and "childish."
An exception is Vice President for Student Services Robert
Knauss. Contacted yesterday in Nashville, Tenn., Knauss said "SGC
has been and can continue to be a powerful organization."
Knauss admitted that SGC "has possibly lacked direction" this
year. He attributed this, however, to general student apathy and lack
of concrete issues around which student support could focus.
The terms "student support" and "representative of students"
occur frequently when persons involved with SGC discuss the subject
of SGC power.
"SGC can do anything it wants so long as students support it,"
said Joel Silverstein, a Council member.
The conservatives who quit Council, however, felt that SGC did
not have student support because it was not representative of stu-
"It's not a diverse group, its a small clique," said Mary Schnelker.
She cited the example of the vacancy on Council which was filled one
week ago. Only six persons applied for the position, and the person
who was finally appointed--Doug Richardson-was a personal friend
of half the Council members, Schnelker claimed.
"The fact that students are so disinterested in SGC is an indica-
tion of its lack of importance," she said. "If 85 per cent of the
students don't vote, I can see no reason to have an SOC. It's a farce
in this context."
Approximately 17 per cent of the student body voted in the last
SGC election.
In the wake of the resignations and charges of being "unrepre-
sentative" SGC has begun immediate steps to make students more
aware of its existence and activities.
Starting next Monday, SGC will begin publication of a bi-weekly

newsletter called SGC ACTION.
Council members plan to give the publication wide circulation by
placing it in dorm mailboxes and distributing it on the Diag.
The newsletter is intended to inform students of SGC activities,
and provide a forum for student views.
Council members hope the newsletter will lead students to take
a greater interest in Council activities.

New campus
drive planned

mons, president of the Team-
sters Union, would attend.
The AFL-CIO chief said there
were conflicts between interpreta-
tions of Phase 2 given newsmen
by the White House and earlier
briefings given privately to labor
Tre3asurySecretary John Con-
nally said earlier he hoped Meany
would serve on the Pay Board
which will oversee much of Phase

ating the slaying.
htenaw County Prosecu-
ililiam Delhey yesterday
d comment on his investi-
, stating. he was await-
rther information.
e Police Director Col.
Plant said he was await-
report on the slaying from
he post commander, Staff
ay Johnson, and the dis-
Commander of the State
Johnson was unavailable
rmment yesterday.
okesman at the Ypsilanti
of the State Police said
day that the officer who
Loomis, Trooper Duane


Wolak, fired after warning Loo-
mis and an unidentified male
companion who escaped, to
Trooper Wolak was also un-
available for comment yester-
day. A state police spokesman
said he was taking a long week
end vacation.
The following account of the
death of Loomis has been pieced
together from interviews with
his family and State Police of-
ficers and official police records
of the incident:
At approximately 1:35 a.m.
Thursday, Trooper Wolak and
his partner, Trooper Barry
Beck, were on patrol in the vi-
cinity of the newly completed
Harris Rd. overpass near I-94.
The pair observed a vehicle
crossing the unopened overpass
without its lights on, and gave
chase. The car fled east on
Ecorse Rd. towards the U.S.
12 by-pass.
The chase continued for
eight miles at speeds of up to
120 miles an hour and ended
when the fleeing automobile
left the road west of the Gen-
eral Motors Hydramatic plant
on the south side of Ecorse Rd.
near Willow Run.
Loomis and his companion
jumped from the car and fled
into the woods towards an area
known as the Wiards Ponds.
Trooper Wolak chased the
pair on foot while his partner
radioed for assistance.
See YPSI, Page 3

Dy CHR1LIS L 1~~
City Clerk H a r o 1 d Saunders 2
disclosed plans yesterday for a Consumer advocate Ralph Na-
new voter registration drive this der was critical of the program
mnt nh. calling it "very disappointing."

The drive, scheduled to begin
Monday. Oct. 18 and last two
weeks, will include several new1
campus locations.
SGC Executive Vice President
Jerry Rosenblatt said, "Every two
days, there will be a different setf
of four places" at which students]
may register. .
The schedule of registration sitesi
is expected to be released by theI
city clerk's office next week. 1
Rosenblatt said all dormitories,
the Michigan Union, the Fishbowl,
and a number of North Campus
sites are likely to be included. I

"How are working people go-
ing to accept a 20 per cent tax
break for corporations and only a
2.3 per cent tax break for per-
sonal income?" he asked.
Sen. Gegrge McGovern (D-
S. Dak.), said Nixon's program
had three flaws: he failed to
mention the Vietnam war as a
prime cause of inflation; he did-
n't mention the chief economic
problem, unemployment; and the
business tax credit is unfair to
those who have to live on wages.
Srn. Hubert H. Humphrey, (D-
Minn.), however, praised estab-
lishment of the wage board.

SEMCOG: Help or headache?
By HANNAH MORRISON 1 as pollution, transportation a n d U.S. Department of Housing and
Can a voluntary regional board land use, cooperatively. Urban Development (HUD), 35
act as an effective governmental The council's clout lies in it s students are being trained in four
body, sensitive to the needs of the responsibility to recommend var- universities throughout the south-
smaller areas it represents? ;.ious projects for federal and state eastern portion of the state. Five
The Southeast Michigan Coun- funds - its "watchdog" function, recently graduated from the Uni-
cil of Governments (SEMCOG), according to William Hardy, di- versity's first class, housed in the
an outgrowth of the Intercounty rector of communications. Institute of Public Studies.
Board of Supervisors, has been It also acts as a source of city Although SEMOG was originally
struggling with this dilemma ever planning information and a lob- composed of 114 representatives
since its creation four years ago. bying agency in Congress for local from six counties, membership has
According to executive c o m- ( needs. dropped to 91 because of some dis-
mittee member Robert Page, a SEMOG has generated such satisfaction with its performance.
Birmingham city commissioned, programs as training for minority Hardy says, "When there is a
SEMOG was designed to help local students interested in municipal question in the minds of 1 o c a 1
governments solve problems such management. Financed by the officials regarding the value of
FAIRS FFICEservices in relation to the dues,
FAIRS OFFICE some of them opt for paying half
the salary of a janitor, as opposed
to being with us. It's all a matter
- - - -of priorities."


As religion today is takingc
new forms and growing into n
areas, the University's Office<
Religious Affairs (ORA) is fo
lowing suit.
ORA is expanding its counse
ing, educational, and prograr
ming functions to try and pla

History department OKs policy
for equal treatment of women

oroaaens outook, scope.
his religious life with the study..
o f religion.
ew Most of the staff at OIA
f no new n s developmentstaking
l- . ce in religion today.
"In the late sixties," Kachel
says, "there Emerged a willing-
ness to discuss fundamental
questions about a person's life,
ay vhat's going on in socie y and

To counteract this trend, t h e
council - which is partially de-
pendent upon local dues for its
support - is making membership
at the county level compulsory, as
of Jan. 1.
Each county - including Wash-
tenaw - will pay the co un c il
dues at a per capita rate of eight
cents - twice the present sum.
For each sub-county unit of gov-
ernment which joins, the county
will be reimbursed.
Local dues are matched by fed- I

The history department has unanimously ap-
proved a code for the equal treatment of women.
The code, now being sent nationwide to history
departments. was first passed at the April con-
vention of the Organization of American Histor-
ians (OAH).
Adoption of the code represents a significant
step for women's equality, according to several
T- -VO - -vcmin

The code does not provide for violations.
According to department chairman Prof. Brad
Perkins, the department will work toward imple-
mentation of the code.
"In the past we have not made the positive
efforts to search out women candidates which
we should have," Perkins said.
He explained that the department will speci-
fically request "recommendations of people with-
not -pa-rd t -Y t rnmnnirainn ih nthm.

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