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September 09, 1971 - Image 28

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-9

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Page Four


Thursday, September 9, 1,971

Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thu rsd~y, September 9, 1971

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aculty member


Stop what you're doing for a
1minute and pretend that you
are in a different role.
Imagine instead of listening
to someone talk to you in class,
that you are the one giving the
lecture. Imagine instead of
reading that book from the
course syllabus, that you are
the one who wrote it.
What would you do if you
were being hounded on the one
side to increase your teaching
load, but knew that if you did,
it would cut down the t i m e
available for your research,
thus possibly putting your job
and academic reputation in
And how would you react
when a bunch of kids less than
half your age demand to have
an active voice in matters that
closely concern you,?
If you can visualize yourself
in these situations, and know
how you would feel, then may-
be you can begin to understand
a member of perhaps the most

crucial set of University em-
ployes - the faculty.
There are about 4,000 fa-
culty members at the Univer-
sity. About 3,000 of them are,
full time teachers throughout
the 18 schools and colleges, and
their student audience numbers
over 35,000.
Each year, these faculty mem-
bers do over $62 million worth
of research. They also teach,
write books, publish articles, ap-
pear on television, give speech-
es and win prizes - not neces-
sarily in that order.
Some faculty members a r e
former or current high govern-
ment officials, and many more
are consultants to various
branches of the governments
and big business. Among their
ranks are Nobel Prize-winning
scientists, famous authorsnand
an overwhelming number of re-
nowned leaders in their fields
of specialization.
Whether tenderfoot lecturers
or department chairmen and
deans, the vast majority of fa-
culty members are men. Be-
Sginning steps are being taken,
however, to ; increase the num-
ber of women teachers at the
While"the faculty runs the
gamut of the entire political
spectrum, naturally the tie
which binds the most radical
faculty member to the most
conservative is their overwhelm-
ing commitment to the pursuit
of learning and education.
It has often been said that
the real measure of a col-
lege's excellence lies in t h e
quality of its faculty. If one
accepts such a premise, t h e n

he has reached a sufficiently
high level of "academic excel-
lence", he is promoted to t h e
rank of associate professor, and
may never be legally fired by
the University, except for ethi-
cal reasons.
Although the criteria for de-
termining "academic excel-
lence" are kept purposefully
vague, teaching ability and per-
sonality are among the things
considered. However, overrid-
ing emphasis is placed on re-
search and scholarship, in the
form of published books, ar-
ticles and the like.
Thus, the need for a fledging
teacher to "publish or perish" is
often at the root of faculty dif-
ferences with students concern-
ing academic questions.
Many students, tired of cours-
es closing early and in some
cases not even being offered
during a term because of alleg-
ed insufficient teaching staffs,
have persistently called f o r
faculty members to spend more
time teaching and less time do-
ing research for their own
Such students argue that a
faculty member's top priority
See VIEWING, Page 6

Labs: Profs' other home
"Research makes this University what it is," says A. Geof-
frey Norman, vice president for research. However, in the midst
of decreased budget allocations and student demands for a more
personalized education, faculty have been caught in an on-go-
ing controversy over how to spend their time-in teaching or in
While this controversy continues, the University's re-
search volume continues to spiral-increasing 145 per cent in
the last ten years to a total of $62,399,268 for the last fiscal year.
Among the most prominent research faculties at the Uni-
versity are:
-A two-million-watt Ford Nuclear Reactor;
-The Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, which includes a
360-foot naval towing tank and a 100-foot wave and maneuver-
ing basin in which ship and hull designs are tested, and
-The Cyclotron Laboratory used by researchers studying
nuclear structures, which includes 83- and 50-inch accelerators.
Federal agencies provide the largest amount of research
funds-the largest sponsor being the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare, providing 29.3 per cent, and the De-
partment of Defense sponsoring 16.7 per cent of on-campus
research. A combination of other governent agencies funds
26.5 per cent of the projects.
The other 27.5 per cent of research funds come from non-
federal agencies, including industry, the University, private
foundations, and state and local government agencies.

Faculty as researchers: 'Publish or perish'



the University can be consid-
ered among the top schools in
the nation.
A report issued recently by the
American Council on Educa-
tion indicates that such is the
case. In surveying over 6,000
academicians across the coun-
try, the report ranked t h e
University's faculty as among
the top few in the country -
equalled only by Harvard,
Berkeley, Princeton, Chicago,
Stanford. and Yale.
But while the quest for aca-
demic excellence is a common
denominator among them, there
are other questions and issues,
on which faculty members are
divided, and others where as a
group they are at odds with

The first problem which a f a-
culty member must deal with is
the very personal one of ad-
vancement. Just as most stu-
dents have as the driving force
the desire to graduate, faculty
members desire to become "ten-
When a faculty member prov-
es to his older colleagues t h a t


... Seeking a greater voice


As the University grows, so does its bur-
eaucracy - and an increasing number
of faculty members here are expressing
fears that the administration's bureau-
cracy is getting too tough for them to
Recently, faculty members have polite-
ly but firmly stepped up their drive for a
greater voice in formulating University
policies along with an increased role in
administrative decisions.
For the past several years, business af-
fairs - such as buying new property -
and financial matters concerning alloca-
tion of budget funds have been handled
by the administration with relatively lit-
tle faculty input. Faculty, on the other
hand, have chiefly dealt with such aca-
demic concerns as course offerings, new
educational programs, and gradling meth-
However, last year faculty members
voiced strong objections to their minor role
in determining University budget priorities

and pressed the administratioh to open
channels for increased faculty input in
this area.
The faculty's major input into the ad-
ministration has in the past been primar-
ily advisory and done through S e n a t e
Assembly - the all-faculty representative
body. Composed of about 60 faculty mem-
bers elected from the various schools, col-
leges and departments, Assembly is re-
sponsible for putting information and ad-
vice into the hands of the administration
and making sure faculty views and inter-
ests are heard.
Assembly gathers and disseminates in-
formation through its numerous com-
mittees - each involved in a specific as-
pect of the University community.
Senate Assembly's executive committee,
the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs (SACUA) is Assembly's
most influential and most important com-
mittee. Often President Robben Fleming

Each of the six vice presidents at the
University has an Assembly committee as-
signed to work with him. However, a large
faculty complaint is that, the Assembly
committees, because they serve in only an
advisory capacity, are sometimes ignored.
Although some vice presidents are more
receptive to Assembly's committees than
others, SACUA and Assembly chairman
Warren Norman feels that "overall, they
are willing to work with faculty and will-
ing to listen when they thing it is in
their interest and the University's."
Some faculty have criticized Senate As-
sembly, contending that the faculty body
does not take strong political or moral
stances on issues and has little effect on
the administration.
INorman contends, however, that As-
sembly is not a political body, but a
representative one, and so must follow
the dictates of its elected members. An
because faculty viewpoints and opinions
"range from one extreme to another" in
See FACULTY, Page 8

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will turn to SACUA
on an issue.

for faculty opinions

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Faculty unionization, tradi-
tionally scorned by university
professors as a means to gain
power, has been an issue of
growing interest and contro-
versy at the University dur-
ing the past year.
A poll taken by the local
chapter of the American As-
sociation of University P r o-
fessors (AAUP) last January
showed considerable faculty in-
terest in the possibilities of col-
lective bargaining and yet some
Since that time, a Senate As-
sembly Committee on the Rights
and Responsibilities of Facul-
ty Members has been formed to
look into the whole question of
faculty participation in Uni-
versity governance of which un-
ionization is just one aspect.
The committee was directed
to evaluate and find possible

alternatives to the present sys-
tem of faculty governance and
see whether a more effective
means "might be obtained
through the formation of a
unit affiliated with a state or
national organization." T h e
committee has prepared a
lengthy report which will be
presented in June, after this
supplement goes to press.
One of the chief reasons for
the increasing faculty interest
in unionization has been t h e
University's failure to keep fa-
culty salaries in line with in-
flation. "Economic problems
have forced faculty members
everywhere to re-examine col-
lective bargaining," says p s y -
chology Prof. Wilbert McKeach-
ie, former president of the
local AAUP
Faculty salaries have b e e n
particularly threatened by the
relatively small increase in
state appropriations received by


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the University in recent years.
Faculty members had origi-
nally been promised salary rais-
es which would require $10 mil-
lion in new funds this year.
However, Gov. William Milli-
ken's proposed cuts in the Uni-
versity's request for funds would
allocate only $7.5 million for
all University salary increases.
Education Prof. Terrence Tice,
assistant chairman of the
Rights and Responsibilities
Committee cites other reasons
for the growing interest rn un-
Tice sees it as part of a trend
starting six years ago, when
faculty members across the
country took advantage of a
wave of state and federal legis-
lation which allowed teachers
and public employes to unionize
and engage in collective b a r -
Since the passage of Michi-
gan's Public Employes Act in
1965, the faculties of almost
all of Michigan's 29 two-year
colleges have become unioni-
zed. The faculties of between
80 and 100 colleges in the coun-
try have unionized, almost all
of which were community col-
Yet so far the reaction at this
campus has been mixed.
University teaching fellows,
whose salaries have been notor-
iously low, have already peti-
tioned the state employment re-
lations board for recognition as
a bargaining unit. University
administrators have fought the
move, however, and a decision
from the board is still pending.
In response to the AAUP poll,

however, faculty members dis-
played a more cautious atti-
tude than the teaching fellows.
The most common response re-
quested that AAUP keep fa-
culty members informed on the
processes of collective bargain-
ing and its expansion at other
According to McKeachie, com-
ments written on the question-
naire indicated that there were
"quite a number of faculty who
feel that collective bargaining
would destroy the concept of
the academic community."
President Robben Fleming,
expressing the view of m a n y
administrators and some facul-
ty members hypothesizes that
for any money to be available
for higher salaries, it w o u ld
have to be obtained through re-
duction in the number of pro-
fessors employed by the Uni-
versity an increase in average
class size, and more extensive
use of technology in teaching

Prof. McKeachie






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