Legislature adds $1.8 million ti o ' ' appropriation Funds provided for essential increases Dorms, tuition go up despite price freeze By CHRIS PARKS Despite the Legislature's approval of the University's budget Tuesday, clouds still remain over aspects of the University's finances due to the federal wage-price freeze. Pending further interpretations of the freeze, the University is present- ly following these procedures: * Planned increases in dorm rates and tuition here will remain in ef- fect. The President's Cost of Living Council ruled that universities that had already collected "substantial" deposits based on a higher rate could raise their fees. The freeze, however, will apply to apartments rented on the commer- cial market. ! The status of a -6.5 per cent faculty salary increase planned to take effect July 1 has yet to be de- termined. President Robben Fleming has asked the Cost of Living Council for a ruling on the matter and as this edition goes to press he has not received an answer. Until an answer is received, the University will withhold the planned increases. Following the Legislature's ap- proval of the budget Tuesday, Fleming speculated that body would probably deduct the appropriation for the salary increase if the council does not allow the hike in salaries. According to one high University official this sum could run as high as $5 million, ! Teaching fellow stipends will be increased as planned unless a future ruling on the freeze prohibits the increases. In that event, the Uni- versity has said it will set up a spe- cial student aid program for the graduate students. By ALAN LENHOFF The S t a t e Legislature Tuesday approved a compromise higher edu- cation bill appropriating $78.1 mil- lion to the University's general fund for fiscal 1971-72-$1.8 million more than Gov. William Milliken had recommended. The measure was reported out by a House-Senate conference commit- tee Tuesday morning, and was pass- ed by both houses later in the day. The governor was expected to re- luctantly sign the $312.9 million higher education bill into law some time next week, informed sources re- ported. The bill's total exceeds Mil- liken's recommendations by more than $6.5 million. The final appropriation figure ap- pears to assure that the University will be able to fund the budget in- creases that administrators have said were essential - including an average 6.5 per cent hike in faculty and staff salaries. However, the planned, salary in- creases are being delayed because of President Nixon's wage-price freeze. The University is awaiting a ruling from the President's Cost of Living Council on whether the faculty pay boost will be permitted. University officials were unavail- able for comment on the exact impli- cations of the approved appropria- tion, but James Lesch, assistant to the vice president for academic af- fairs, Tuesday night said that fund- ing at the level of the governor's recommendations "would have been a disaster." Milliken had recommended in Feb- ruary that the state provide the University a $2.8 million increase over last year's appropriation. Sub- See LEGISLATURE, Page 3 President Fleming For 'Subscriptions, Phone 764-0558 L S ir aitij FALL SUPPLEMENT Campus Edition Front Section Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 9, 1971 Fifty-eight Pages Students get college town vote Knauss Rhodes Dispute over new VP seen By GERI SPRUNG and TAMMY JACOBS Vice President for Student Services Robert Knauss will leave the University in early 1972 to become dean of the Vanderbilt . University 1 a w school. Knauss, who has held his pre- sent position since last fall an- nounced his resignation in Au- O t h e r administrators are leaving the University. See story, Page 7. gust. He was a former University law professor and SACUA chair-, man.t- Under his direction, the Office of Student Services (OSS) was completely organized and, for the first time, jointly ad- ministered by Knauss and a stu- dent-faculty policy board. Because the policy board and Knauss' appointment were b o t h highly controversial, the resigna- tion may rekindle some old is- sues. Forced to respond to increased campus unrest in the sixties, the University administration a p - pointed a commission to study the student's role in decision- making. The rather vague pro- posals of thercommission were given substance by another com- mittee which drafted a group of regental by-laws to implement the suggestions. Among the drafts was a pro- posal, for a student-dominated policy board to govern OSS. Meanwhile, the by-law en- countered a number of snags. Its passage was delayed because of a student-faculty-administra- tion disagreement over aspects of the proposal. See KNAUSS, Page 7 resigns from named LSA VP Knauss Dean Rhodes OPPONENTS SEEK BAN: for military researc OSs; dean Will stress undergrads By GERI SPRUNG Former Geology Prof. Frank Rhodes has assumed the post of dean of the literary col- lege, having replaced Acting Dean Alfred Sussman on July 1. Speaking at an interview prior to his appointment, Rhodes said his primary priorities as L S A dean will include a reassertion of' the importance of undergrad- uate teaching, and the develop- ment of a greater sense of com- munity within the University. Rhodes also said he envisions -- a variety of educational experi- ments for the literary college, in- cluding more interdepartmental programs and varying approaches to the standard lecture course. Rhodes also indicated that he plans to set aside some time each week when students from the literary college may come [ speak with him. In what he terms a personal effort to "restore the dignity and e- importance of undergraduate ri- teaching," Rhodes will continue n- to teach an introductory geology course while dean. he President Robben Fleming se- i lected Rhodes last April from a in list submitted earlier that month e- by a special search committee. ed The committeedcomposed of three students and six faculty rt, members, was appointed by Flem- ed ing early in January to consider es nominations, interview candidates ot and present a list of four names to re him for the final decision. nt Officializing his appointment, the es. Regents approved Rhodes' new n- post at their May 21 meeting. all over the state. In Ann Arbor, out of a popula- tion of about 130,000, nearly 39,- 000 are students over 18 and now able to register as Ann Arbor vot- ers. Following up swiftly on the ruling, several groups in Ann Ar- bor - including the Democratic party and the newly formed Radi- cal Independent-Human Rights party - are planning extensive campaigns to register students. Regular registration takes place during office hours at the city clerk's office on the second floor of City Hall. Auxiliary sites in- cluded one at Waterman Gym which registered students during class registration hours. It's that time of year Harried parents and frightened freshmen unload the family Volkswagen as students flooded into Ann Arbor for the start of another year. Court voids residency rule By CHRIS PARKS Thousands of college students across the state will be able to vote in their college communities for the first time this fall due to a recent ruling by the state ,Supreme Court declaring special voter residency requirements unconstitu- tional. This ruling, coupled with the ratification of the 26th amendment granting 18 year olds the vote, creates the po- tential for sizable student voting blocs in campus towns By ALAN LENHOFF After using the, summer to re- group, opponents and propo- nents of classified and military research on campus will square off again this fall. The hotly disputed issue was to have been acted upon this summer by Senate Assembly- the faculty representative body -but action has been deferred until at least this month. At the height of the contro- versy last spring, Assembly de- cided to table action on the is- sue until summer, and directed two of its committees to under- take studies of campus research. The move was an unpopular one, as students and faculty members on both sides of the issue felt that it was too im- portant to besettled during the summer when the campus popu- lation was scattered and with- out a voice in the decision. In spite of these protests, S nate Assembly stuck by its or ginal decision to wait for con mittee reports. The firstreport, from ti Classified Research CommittE was presented to Assembly May. The report was suppos to review the committee's pr cedures for approving classifi research proposals. But, according to the repo the committee was satisfi "that the present procedur for determining whether or n classified research proposals a in accordance with "curre University research guidelin( Only minimal procedural cha ges were suggested. Current research guidelin( adopted by the Regents in 19E prohibit research "whose spec fic purpose is'to destroy hum life or to incapacitate hump beings." In spite of the committe claims that it can enforce the guidelines, critics have point, out that the University's r search labs are pioneering nE remote sensing devices for t Defense Department which e able American troops in Ind china to detect the enen through the heat. sound a: movements of his body. These sensing devices, criti claim, have the "specific pu pose" of destroying or incap citating humans. However, pr ponents of the research say t devices merely seek human b ings, and do not aid in destru tion. In addition, Assembly's IR search Policies Committee w scheduled to present possi recommendations for changi the Regental research policies June. The committee was u Prior to the ruling, many col- C lege communities in the state had uiier inewvs briefs restrictive voter residency regu- jWl IS lations which often had the ef- feet of preventing students from A DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE offer to partially reimburse colleges for their ROTC programs would fall far short of the Re- registering. gents' December 1969 demand for full funding of ROTC by the Here, students were required to. military, fill out a special form asking University Administrative Dean Robert Williams has described questions concerning employment, as more equitable a plan currently in a bill in the House of Repre- sentatives that would provide the University $500 for each com- OOPS! missioned ROTC cadet. (See story, Front page, Section B). Drinking age cut b st t o "Michigan's 18 to 20-year-olds will be able to order alcoholic refreshments starting next Jan- uary. Through legislation passed in July, the state's more than 500,- 000 18-to 21-year-olds will also be able to enter into legal con- tracts, sue and be sued, and share other rights previously re- served to those over 21. The measure, in effect, lowers the states age of majority to 18. In addition, state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley has ruled t h a t those over 18 may hold Michigan public offices for which they are qualified and which have no spe- cific age limits. Kelley said his ruling is based on the 26th Amendment, which says the rights of citizens 18 years of age or older cannot be abridged by any state because of age. The ruling opens the way for 18-year-olds to serve as state secretary of state, sheriffs, ma- yors, or on the board of regents for state colleges. The positions of governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. sena- tor and representative, and state senator and representative, how- ever, all have age minimums of at least 21. Rep. Michael Dively, (R-Trav- erse City), sponsor of the lower- ed majority age, said the law's passage indicated the legislature held "a great deal of faith in young people." THE LSA FACULTY has approved the establishment of a joint Faculty-Student Policy Committee, designed to increase student involvement in the governance of the literary college. The committee, to be made up of 10 faculty and 10 student members, will be able to introduce legislation before the faculty and make recommendations to that body. Student members of the committee will be accorded the privilegesj of faculty members at LSA faculty meetings, except the right to vote.- *t * * cC wTHE REGEfVNTP losed~c th Unvrit's conrtrovverial Cnter for The registrar's office reports Universitycomputers "forgot" to print out Friday and Satur- day classes on schedules sent to students this summer. Stu- dents are advised to go to their Friday and Saturday classes as listed in the Time Schedule. amount of time spent in the city, degree of support contributed by their parents, and future plans. In general, students who were not at least 50 per cent self-sup- porting, or did not live year- round in Ann Arbor were not deemed qualified residents. For nonstudents to establish vo- ter residency was less complicated See STUDENTS, Page 3 Table of Contents The Daily's Fall Supplement is compiled each year to orient newcomers to the University and to provide a summary of important summer news. Front Sections (A, B)-News of the summer Summer national news analyses .. Pages 2, 3 Editorials ............. Pages 4, 5 Anti-war protest Pages 12, 13 Student Life Job recruiting debate Page 1 'U' political climate Pages 3, 6 Student publications Page 9 Academics Classified research debate Page 1 Black admissions ..Page 2 Personalizing 'U' education . Page 3 .es, 68, ci- an an e's use -ed e- ew he ,n- 0- my nd ics r- a- '0- he e- c- 'as ble ng in in- At the time of Rhodes appoint- r 1. *ttfl.A tt u A ,Jtj e .AA. it6IIYJ AUi ment, President Fleming said, Research on Conflict Resolution this summer amid charges that the "Frank Rhodes has demonstrated action was politically motivated. great talents in science, teaching, President Robben Fleming said the center was -closed for finan- and administration." cial reasons, while Psychology Prof. Robert Hefner, the center's di- Rhodes will head the largest and rector, claimed it was closed because of its "radical" reputation. oldest of the University's 18 The center, one of the first of its kind in the nation, primarily schools and colleges. With an en- conducted peace research, although it was also involved in issues rollment exceeding 16,200, the col- such as the BAM strike for minority admissions in spring, 1970. lege includes 29 departments. See SUMMER, Page 7 By LARRY LEMPERT Associate Managing Editor Complacent in the 100-degre people in Ann Arbor lay back summer, resting in the shade trees that block out thoughts of fied research, recruiting polici discrimination. The University c nity puts. its issues on ice, like POLITICAL PROSPECTS 1971: Out of the dry spell? e heat, in the of tall classi- es, sex ommu- a keg for an active term carefully qualify their optimism. There is no lack of issues, with the continuing presence on campus of classi- fied and military research heading the activists' list of ongoing concerns. There may be, however, a lack of organization, and a more serious lack of people in- terested in being organized. "The day of the charismatic leader is over," says a former SGC vice president, describing what he calls the "macho radical." Many of the old leaders have left or are leaving Ann Arbor, he says, and he points to "groups over personali- ties" as taking the leading role in cam- pus politics. Onegroup, SGC i t s e 1 f. naturally they arise. But they are not saying who will form them; nor are they venturing to predict what actions the groups will take if and when they suddenly blossom. The last year has seen steadily dwin- dling response to strikes, marches and rallies, while the tactic of the sit-in has, at least for now, been successfully dis- couraged by harsh penalties. "It's not