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October 07, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-07

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Partly sunny
chance of frost

Vol. LXXXI1, No. 24

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 7, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

-Associated Press

Pedaling for peace
Marco Antonio Navis of Colombia pedals on his second trip around
the world. He came into Detroit yesterday for the cause of "peace
and international good will." Most people are friendly, he says,
but he takes no chances. Whenever he leaves his bicycle, he
removes the front wheel.
Relocated Canterbury
now leads quieter life
"This seems to be a time for contemplation-a time for get-
ting yourself together," says Rev. Mark Harris, co-director of
Canterbury House, the campus Episcopal Chaplaincy.
In line with this view and the realities of limited space in their
new offices, Canterbury no longer sponsors the mass entertainment
activities it has in the past and now serves as a meeting place for
small groups 'and a semi-counselling center.
Canterbury House closed its popular weekend coffeehouse last
fall, moving from 330 Maynard St., to 603 East William St., in the
The house abandoned .its- nterainmeni programsa-nd. its
Maynard St. location "partially because of financial difficulties,
but partially because we were simply tired of it," Harris explains.
"Besides being prohibitively expensive, the coffeehouse program
didn't allow us time to talk to people," he says.
The House offers its space to small groups with political, social,
or religious aims. A drug help and rehabilitation service now uses
the offices on Mondays, while a gay liberation group uses the space
for Friday evening meetings. In addition, a yoga class may begin
there soon.
The House continues to conduct contemporary worship services
every Sunday morning at its old location on Maynard St. The
services, rather thaw being explicitly religious, deal more with per-
sonal development, Harris says, and cut across denominational
lines. The services will involve some experimentations in the future,
including a special Halloween service this month.
Though there have been disagreements between the house's
directors and the Episcopal Diocese over controversial house poli-
cies and activities, the Diocese has continued its support of Can-

CSJ not to
try movie
fraud case
issue instead
given to SGC
\ Charges brought against the
Orson Welles Film Society
w e r e transferred yesterday
from the jurisdiction of Cen-
tral Student Judiciary (CSJ)
to Student Government Coun-
cil (SGC) in order to facilitate
a more thorough investigation.
A letter from Vic Gutman, di-
rector of student organizations, to
the chairman of CSJ, asked that
his complaint, made last month,
be withdrawn.
Gutman explained that the jur-
isdiction of CSJ-which is limited
only to direct violations of SGC
regulations-had limited his case
SGC, on the other hand, may
deal with violations of a more
general nature. They may act,
therefore, on Gutman's complaint,
which labels Orson Welles an "un-
desirable influence on campus."
Gutman originally charged Or-
son Welles with signing for an
auditorium under an a s s u m e d
name, obtaining a film without
the distributor's consent and ad-
vertising without identifying the
sponsoring organization.
He explained his decision to seek
a forum for expanded charges by
saying "I honestly believe that the
Orson Welles Film Society is the
biggest campus rip-off this uni-
versity has ever known."
Members of Orson Welles Film
Society were unavailable for com-
ment last night.
Gutman claims that Arthur Mau-
rello, former president of Orson
Welles, stole university film pro-
jectors. Maurello faces a similar
charge in civil court.
Gutmn claims that Orson Welles
members stole films and harassed
other campus film groups.
He plans to present as evidence,
a letter from Frank Pedi, repre-
sentative of Films Inc., detailing
a series of complaints against Or-
son Welles.
-Finally, Gutman hopes to show
that Orson Welles has been con-
sistently uncooperative in arrang-
ing scheduling with other campus
film groups.
If Gutman's motion is read and
seconded by SGC, a special meet-
ing will be called to consider the
The Orson Welles Film Society;
case is part of a controversy over
what has been brewing for months
among different campus groups
offering movies at reduced prices
to students.

Judge orders
dock employes
to stop strike
WASHINGTON UN---A federal judge agreed last night to
issue the order President Nixon asked to temporarily halt
the 98-day West Coast longshoremen's strike.
U.S. Dist. Court Judge Spencer Williams in San Francisco
acted only two hours after the Justice Department, on Nixon's
orders, had filed suits seeking injunctions against the West
Coast strike and a shipping tieup in Chicago.
Williams, as expected, ordered an immediate end to the
longshoremen's walkout and sent the 15,000 West Coast
strikers back to work for an 80-day cooling-off period as
provided by the Taft-Hartley Law.
Nixon has not, however, sought to invoke this law to end
the week-old strike of 45,000 dock workers against East and
Gulf Coast ports. Instead he a
sent federal officials to New
York in an urgent effort to
get negotiations off dead cen-Ru
At the same time, shipping
sources reported yesterday that
longshoremen were flocking back
to work along the Gulf and South
Atlantic coasts as many believedpost on e
a Taft-Hartley injunction immi-
A strike by the AFL-CIO Inter- By ROBERT SCHREINER
national Longshoremen's Associa-
tion appeared to be faltering in A seven-hour arbitration hearing
its sixth day. yielded no decision yesterday as

--Associated Press
Who okays wars?
Sen. John C. Stennis (D-Miss), left, testified yesterday before the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee calling for reassertion of congressional war - making authority. He s t a t e d that the United
States should never go to war again without the moral sanction of the American people. Arthur J.
Goldberg, former Supreme Court justice, is seated on right.
Senate Assembly encourages
war moratorium participation


As it did in 1969, Senate
Assembly, the faculty represent-
ative body, has again urged fac-
ulty and students to feel free to
participate in this year's Na-
tional Moratorium Day which
calls for an immediate end to
the Indochina War.
Senate Assembly's resolution,
passed late Monday night im-
mediately after approving sug-
gested new University restric-
tions on classified research, was "
presented by psychology Prof.
Dick Mann.
It passed by voice vote with
only one audible dissenting vote.
unlike the1969 approval of 36
to 10 which came after lengthy
debate and numerous amend-
ments to the original proposal,
presented by geology Prof. Henry
The resolution this year, which
containssthe same wording as
the 1969 resolution, reads:
"The members of the Senate
Assembly encourage faculty and
students to feel free to partici-
pate in the activities of Oct. 13,

1971 which have as their purpose
to focus the attention of the
nation, and especially its poli-
tical and military leaders, on the
need for an end to the Vietnam
"The Assembly further urges
all members of the University
community to devote their in-
tellectual energies, through the
special opportunities provided on
that day, to consider ways in
which to focus the resources of
the University on the problem if
war cessation.
"If such participation by a
faculty member leads to an ab-
sence from his usual responsi-
bilities, the Assembly urges that
each faculty member so affected
take the appropriate steps to
reschedule his responsibilities to
the University for teaching, re-
search, or service."
Ann Arbor will host a teach-:n
Oct. 13 in conjunction with 'he
national moratorium.eOrganiz-
ing the day's activities is the
Ann Arbor Coalition to End the
War. The featured speaker will
be Noam Chomsky, well-known
linguist and long time anti-war
activist, while the day's other
activities will be highlighted by
a march from the Diag to City
Hall to promote student voter
The resolution hardly yielded
the controversial debate it did in
1969. After long debate on the
classified research issue at Mon-
day night's special meeting. As-
sembly gave Mann an easy mar-
gin over the two-thirds vote
needed for a non-Assembly per-
son to address the group, and

Invoking the Taft-Hartley Act1
for the first time since he tookj
office, Nixon acted after a four-
man board of inquiry told him
the West Coast and Chicago ne-
goitations were deadlocked and(
that there was little hope forC
quick settlement.
In the San Francisco suit, the
administration raised the possibil-
ity of the permanent loss of U.S.;
export revenue because of the
In an affidavit signed by Agri-,
culture Secretary Clifford M. Har-
din, the government said Japan,
for one, is questioning the de-1
pendability of the United States{
as a supplier of agricultural com-1
'In recent bilateral discussions
with the Japanese, 'we learned
that they are sending missions to
o t h e r supply countries of the
world to urge that they increase
their output especially of grains
so as to reduce Japan's dependence1
on the United States," the affi-~
davit stated.
The Taft-Hartley Labor Man-
agement Relations Act entered'
the books when the Senate, by a
[68-25 vote, overriding Presidentj
IHarry Truman's veto.
Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio)1
and Rep. Fred A Hartley Jr. (R-
N.J.) called the measure a reas-
onable reform of labor law, basic-
ally the 1935 Wagner Act which
created the National Lebor Rela-
tions Board.
Truman told a nationwide radio'
audience the bill was "shocking
bad for labor, bad for manage-
ment and bad for the country."
Meanwhile the strike that has
idled about 80,000 soft-coal miners
in 20 states continued with no
indications of any early break in1
the stalemate over the United1
Mine Workers' demand for an in-
crease in the top daily wage from
$37 to $50.
Negotiations were interrupted1
Wednesday afternoon because thej
UMW president W. A. "Tony"
Boyle had to go to federal court
to another matter. They are to be1
resumed Thursday.

to whether Robert Hunter, the
fired assistant director of the city's
Human Rights Department (HRD),
legally belongs on or off the city
payroll-a dispute stemming from
his controversial dismissal last
Feb. 1.
After hearing lengthy testimony
from witnesses on behalf of either
Hunter or the city, Gabriel Alex-
ander of the American Arbitration
Association ordered a continuance
of the proceedings until Oct. 27
at 9 a.m.
Although Alexander, along with
attorneys for both sides, declined
to comment last night on the pro-
ceedings so far, all expressed con-
fidence that a decision would defi-
nitely be made at the upcoming
City attorney Jerold Lax said
last month that in effect, if the
arbitrator rules in favor of the
city, Hunter's firing would be up-
held, and if the decision comes out
in Hunter's favor, Hunter would
be placed back on the city payroll.
Hunter, for almost five years a
center of controversy at City Hall
due to his radical views concern-
ing the human rights field, was
fired by his superior, HRD Direc-
tor James Slaughter, for allegedly
"no longer performing the duties
of his position in an effective and
responsible manner."
Hunter has contended, however,
that his firing was discriminatory
and resulted because city officials
could not condone the "aggressive
manner" in which he pursued the
responsibilities of his position.
The city succeeded in -lismissing
Hunter until April 7, when Judge
John Feikens of the Eighth U.S.
District Court found that Hunter
had been denied "due process" in
his firing and ordered that he be
reinstated to his post.
Meanwhile, the city filed a no-
tice of appeal asking that Hunter
be required to post a $10,000 bond
to cover costs to the city in the
event that it should succeed in
overruling the decision to place
him back on the payroll.
See HUNTER, Page 10

Prof. Mann

in less than five minutes passed
the up-dated resolution present-
ed by Mann.
In 1969, even some advowedly
liberal professors questioned the
University faculty, or the Uni-
versity itself, taking a stand on
a political issue.
"Basically, I think the Uni-
versity should be politically neu-
tral," said law Prof. L. Hart
Wright before the Oct. 13, 1969
Moratorium, "and t h e r e f o r e
shouldn't as an entity take a po-
sition on any question that has
significant political relevance."
"I believe we should get out of
Vietnam," said Wright, but I
am going to class to preserve
the neutrality of my professor-
ship although I have strong
feelings against the war."


College finance

bill faces debate

-Daily-Rolfe Tessemr

Most anybody can find somewhere to
spend a few extra bucks these days-the
problem comes in getting it. But colleges
and universities, as eager for money as
anyone, might soon have part of that prob-
lem licked.
In a measure recently adopted by the
House Education and Labor Committee,
every institution of higher education around
the country would be granted federal aid--
with no strings attached.
Although colleges have received federal
funds for years for constructions, research,
student aid and other specific purposes,
there have never before been grants that
could be spent at a school's discretion.
However, the bill would prohibit schools

private higher education institutions could
qualify for bankruptcy within ten years if
the deficits they are now operating under
Extending over a five-year period, the
bill authorizes about $1 billion in both emer-
gency and longer term general aid to higher
education institutions.
Approved by the House committee last
Thursday, would base federal grants to
colleges partly on the total number of stu-
dents in each college and partly on the
number of students at each school receiv-
ing direct federal loans and scholarships.
But the proposed legislation still has to
stand the test of floor debate, where it
could be substantially altered. According
to a spokesman for the House committee
contacted by The Daily, the amount of
mn- - r - -r -,o A f - ---mn avc i lirn-

Harvest reaps benefits for garden group

Organic gardening became a
way of life this summer for 500-
600 people who applied scien-
tific techniques to the Organic

versity donated seven acres at
Beale St. and Glacier Way.
A second grant was awarded
by HEW last July to promote
further research, which is to be

for the creation of satalite gar-
dens throughout the community
are being studied by staff at the
Ecology Center.
"Everything that could be
annum in Arinh an n" wn z,,mu

u ty girl scouts, and foreign
One worker commented, "Ev-
ery day I'd go out there, and
see how things had grown. It
.rpnll.,h,.nra n mart nof min ,

Vice President Smith

smaller sum.
Where the University would put these
new monies, says Vice President for Aca-
Anmin Affairq Alnnm1 mmith.wnul h e den,.

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