e Campus film groups: History of a controversy By TONY SCHWARTZ Recent charges brought against a leading campus film society could throw open a controversy that has been brewing for months among var- ious groups offering low-priced movies to students. Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) will meet tomorrow night to consider charges by Director of Student Organ- izations Vic Gutman, '73, against the Orson Welles Film Society. The complaint alleges certain im- proprieties in the group's conduct and seeks withdrawal of recognition as a student organization, which would can- cel all future Orson Welles film show- ings on campus. Specifically, Gutman charges Orson Welles with signing for an auditorium under an assumed name, obtaining a film without the distributor's consent and advertising without identifying the sponsoring organization. Members of other campus groups, however, claim that the alleged impro- prieties go far beyond those cited in the complaint. The crux of the controversy involves Friends of the American Revolutionary Media (ARM) and an organization called DISARM. Although the story may have earlier origins, its unfolding at the University seems to have begun last January. ARM spokesmen contend that Janu- ary marked a rash of attacks on post- ers advertising their films. The post- ers, they say, began disappearing in "amazing quantities". They claim advertising which cus- tomarily remained posted for three weeks would often be torn down after a few hours. In February, an anonymous tele- phone call to ARM identified the as- sailants as a group labeling itself DIS- ARM. In March, the harassment intensi- fied. ARM showings scheduled in the Natural Science Aud. were sabotaged on repeated occasions, according to ARM spokesmen. The sabotage was two-fold they say. First, the blackboard which rides on a carrier was jammed in front of the screen and the chain that moves the blackboard up and down was tangled. Second, the electrical box was short- ed out. The harassment was invariably accompanied by a note: "Sorry for the inconvenience. Compliments of DIS- ARM." At this time, the ARM collective be- gan to receive a rash of late-night phone calls. The calls, according to spokesmen, often totaled 20 a night and were concentrated between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. The callers, who alternately threat- ened bodily harm and made obscene statements, identified themselves as members of DISARM. In March, another group entered the picture. Tenant Union (TU) spokes- men say that, Arthur Maurello, a law student and then president of Orson Welles, walked into the TU office and asked that they cancel a benefit show- ing of "Cool Hand Luke." Maurello cited a conflict with an Orson Welles showing of "Cool Hand Luke" four days later, witnesses say. TU representatives refused Maurello's request, citing advertising costs incur- red and previous booking. Shortly thereafter a call was placed to Modern Sound Pictures, distributor of "Cool Hand Luke" to TU. A rep- resentative of the distributor, Keith Smith, who remembers the incident, says that the caller identified himself as Arthur Maurello. According to Smith, the caller asked that Modern Sound not allow TU to show the film, citing a scheduling con- flict. Smith explained that because Or- son Welles had booked the film with another distributor, there was nothing he could do. Smith called the Tenants Union the next day to question their legitimacy as a student organization. When he was reassured, TU was given a go-ahead to show the film. The day after that, the TU's adver- See FILM, Page 8 -Daily-Jim Juclals MOVIE-GOERS eye a leaflet distributed at an August showing by the Orson Welles Film Society. Members of Friends of ARM were protesting the showing. - - -------- - . ...... CLASSIFIED RESEARCH See Editorial Page f iga :4Ia it'j PUMPKIN PIE High-60 Low-40 Clearing, frost on the patch this evening Vol. LXXXII, No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 6, 1971 Ten Cents REGENTAL APPROVAL SOUGHT Eight Pages Research By ALAN LENHOFF While opponents of classi- fled research are congratulat- ing each other on their recent victory in the Senate Assem- bly, regental approval of the : proposed new classified re- search guidelines will prove a difficult test. A key factor will be the position assumed by President R o b b e n Fleming and the University vice presidents regarding the new pro- posal. Typically, major decisions of the Regents in the past have been influenced greatly by the recommendations of top Univer- sity officials-and there are no indications that the research issue will become an exception. After a lengthy debate, Assem- bly Monday night endorsed a res- olution that would ban most re- search which produces classified results from the University-with exceptions made "in cases where the proposed research is likely to contribute so significantly to the ; advancement of knowledge as to justify infringement of the free- dom to publish openly." The proposal also calls for a 12- member committee to review re- quests for exemptions from the policy. The committee would, by design, include : -Two members who are "philo- sophically opposed to classified research;"j -Two members who are en- gaged in classified research at the time of their appointment to the WoM committee; and prese -Three student members. an i The proposal, however, will not of we be implemented unless approved educ by the Regents-who are expected to act on it at their November meeting. 'CO Fleming last night declined com- ment on whether he will actively support or oppose Assembly's pro- posal. Comments made by Fleming last week, however, indicate that he may be wavering toward op- position of the measure. "I would prefer that there be t no classified research at the Uni- versity," he said. "I recognize the tension it creates." WAS But Fleming added that "it is policya very difficult for me to tell a be sen professor that he cannot have "makec anything to do with classified re- Preside search. It's hard for me, as a law mainla professor, where the r e S e a r c h announ problem doesn't really exist, to - Follo suddenly assume a moral position press which my colleagues (engaged in Kissing research) will find difficult to the-rec bear." WhiteJ Fleming met yesterday with that h members of the Senate Advisory full ad See RESEARCH, Page 8 special: plan faces obstacles -Daily-Jim Judkis -Daily-David Margolick 'Power' to the people For the first time, people flooded the Power Center for the Performing Arts last night. Former President Harlan Hatcher (left) gives the dedicating address at the opening ceremonies, while earlier (fr om left to right) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Power and President Robben Fleming cross the threshold of the lobby. The theater, built largely as a gift from Regent Emeritus Power, opened with a gala premier of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp." (See Page 2 for stories andadditional photographs.) 1817 TREATY: Indians demonstrate confidence -Daily-David Margolick Making it in film-making nen's Film Collective members, supporters, and bystanders participate in a "guerilla theater" entation yesterday at noon on the Diag. Here a male film producer fondles his "sex object" as ncompetent male cameraman records the scene. The demonstration, said to depict the plight vomen in the film-making business, publicized the collective's cinemagraphic activities and ational programs. NCRET E ARRANGEMENTS:' Lissinger to make second trip o clear Nixon's road to China in seeking reparations f By MARCIA ZOSLAW American Indian spokesmen yesterday expressed confidence that they have a tight legal case in their lawsuit against the Uni- versity. The Regents must respond by Oct. 24 to the charge that the University h a s "continuously" and "arrogantly" violated its 1817 Ft. Meigs Treaty promise to educate Indian children in return for 3,640 acres of land ceded by the Indians to the University. Paul Johnson, grad., is filing the suit on behalf of the Chip- pewa, Ottawa, and Potowomy tribes. Johnson in a press conference yesterday viewed the treaty as a device for implementing long- time but never militantly assert- ed Indian demands for a more proportional representation in their state University's student population, better Indian ele- mentary and secondary educa- tion, and more Indian culture courses at the University. The Ft. Meigs Treaty, signed by Lewis Cass, governor of the territory of Michigan and Presi- dent James Monroe, ceded one huge tract of land to the Uni- versity in return for the Uni- versity's promise to further high- er education for Indian children and another tract of land to the then church of St. Anne. In re- turn, the church agreed to fur- ther elementary and secondary school education for Indian de- scendants. When the University acquired the church's tract sev- eral years alter it also took on the obligation to help with the education of Indian youngsters, contends Johnson. Johnson is demanding that the courts force the University to account for the profit it received through the years from the sale and rent of these Indian lands. He proposes that the accumu- lated University profit, which the plaintiff's lawyer Elmer White calculates as "in the hun- dreds of millions of dollars" be divided into two equal funds. The first would finance more teach- ers, para-professionals, and In- dian ethnic programs in schools for young Indians. The second fund would give college scholar- ships for descendants of the three tribeswho wished to study in any college institution in the state. "We're not out to break ;he rom 'U' The one available Regent, Robert Brown, said he didn't think the Regents had been in- formed well enough for him to comment on the matter and add- ed that he had not heard the case was especially urgent.. At the Regents' meeting last month, after Johnson had filed his lawsuit, Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith declared that the University was prepared to i n c r e a s e Indian course offerings, admissions, and financial demands. HINGTON (VP) - Foreign- adviser Henry Kissinger will t to Peking this month to concrete arrangements" for nt Nixon's planned visit to nd China, the White House nced yesterday. wing the announcement by secretary Ronald Zeigler, ger himself made a rare on- ord appearance b e f o r e House reporters, disclosing e will be accompanied by a dvance party of technical ists from such arms of gov- ernment as the Secret Service and White House Communications Ag- ency. This development, coming amid speculation on happenings that might indicate significant events within China, was seen as indica- tion that the President's plans re- main unchanged. "There is nothing unusual or unforseen that has produced this announcement," Kissinger said, re- fusing to speculate on what hap- pened in China to produce the much-publicized grounding of air State court won't bar Williams' extradition CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT House debates women's rights traffic and cancellation of an Oct. 1 National Day parade. "We have not raised the issue with the People's Republic of Chi-, na, and they have not volunteered any information but their per- formance has made perfectly clear that if anything is happening, it is not related to the visit, because our communications have been unchanged," he said. The announcement of Kissin- ger's plans suggests that what-, ever group is in control, Red China means to establish effective com- munication with the United States, regardless of political conflicts. Kissinger, who confirmed that Washington has been in direct, although "cumbersome" contact with Peking since the July an- nouncement of Nixon's trip plans, emphasized several times that planning for the journey has been handled by the Chinese "meticu- lously, correctly and carefully" and there has been no impact of whatever developments may be occurring on these preparations." Asked about the timing of the Nixon visit, Kissinger said: "We will, of course, discuss that while I am in Peking, and I think we should zero in on a date while I am there and, therefore, should have an announcement within a By SARA FITZGERALD RobertWilliams, a black na- tionalist and for~mer research fel- low in the University's Center for Chinese Studies, yesterday 1 o s t. another round in his efforts to block extradition to North Caro- lina to face a 10-year-old kidnap- ping charge. ''h n c 4-cQ,nrama a('nn+r ra- fled to Cuba and later to the Peo- ples' Republic of China, where he became close friends with several Chinese leaders. While he was gone, he was elected president of the Republic of New Africa, a loose coalition of groups trying to establish a black nation in five American states. He returned tn h TT n i te d , By SUE STARK Debate begins today in the House of Representatives on a constitutional amend- ment seeking to establish equal rights for women. The final vote is slated for Thurs- day. Though it is expected to pass the House, the measure faces stiff opposition in the Senate. Similar equal rights amendments have h-.,-n nrni..nain - a ra lCananrac, inn As in the past, however, an amendment has been added that critics say cripples the original intent of the measure. This year's rider, introduced by Rep. Charles Wiggins (R-Calif.), would exempt women from the draft and retain protec- tive legislation. Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-N.Y), 'k.:i/o Sunday announced her Presidential candi- dacy, is very much against the Wiggins vote down the Wiggins amendment, then cast your vote openly against the equal rights bill. Stop trying to fool us! " Rep. Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.), also thinks the Wiggins amendment "hopelessly guts" the Equal Rights Amendment. "The discriminatory stereotype of a wo- man's traditional place would still be per- petrated if the rider is allowed to pass," she said. I