Wolverines surge pas t Na vy, 46-0
Middies,; music
and moonmen
There was something new-or rathei
somebody new at the football game yes-
terday. The Middies of Navy (left) came
to Ann Arbor to swelter in their uniforms
Sand watch their team take a drubbing at
the hands of the Wolverines. At half-time,
the Appollo 15 astronauts, (center, from
left) David Scott, Alfred Worden, and~
James Irwin got a drive around the Tar-
tan turf and a warm welcome from the
crowd. And Band Director George Caven-
der (right) got into the swing of things
by leading the band in "Anchors Aweigh"
and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon.
See story
Page 7
--Daily-Jim Jucilus
-Daily-Robert wargo
See Editorial Page
Sir ija
Partly cloudy; chance of
late afternoon thunderstorms
Eight Pages
Vol LXXXIIL No. 21
,Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 3, 1 971
Ten Cents
-ssucaeu r- ~
A PRO-GOVERNMENT South Vietnamesc hands out posters promoting President
Thien recently. The election for the Presidency, with Thieu as the only candidate'.
will be held today.
Dock strike slows shipping;
West coast settlement seen
Vie! election
opens amid
shells, strife
SAIGON (IP)-Demonstrations in Da Nang
brought voting in South Vietnam's one-man
presidential election to a virtual standstill
there today. Early reports from other parts
of the country indicated a light and scattered
turnout at the polls.
President Nguyen Van Thieu is the only
Election officials in Saigon, where a bar-
rage of Soviet-made missiles killed three
persons before the polls opened, reported a
light early turnout which picked up by mid-
Rockets were also fired into three other
cities, killing an additional six persons. The
rocket attacks wounded 20 persons, including
five in Saigon.
Demonstrators in Da Nang, Vietnam's sec-
ond largest city, attempted to close all the
polling places there.
Three hours after polls opened, unofficial
election returns from half of the 'country's
44 provinces showed an average voter turn-
out of 14.4 per cent. The turnout ranged from
a low of .3 per cent in the opposition strong-
hold of Hue, to 41.6 per cent in Phong Dinh
province in the Mekong Delta.
t ~D''a Nang,eBuddhist monksandnyouths
bombs and blocked intersections near at least
Thieu technically is assured of reelection
but has declared he will resign if he does not
eeve more than 50 per cent of the votes
Opposition factions have called for a boy-
cott of the election.
Thieu lashed out at his critics last night,
charging their acts "are illegal and lend a
hand to the Communist enemy in sabotag-
ing the nation."'
Minor terror incidents broke out in Saigon,
where police reported four explosions within
an hour, and in the coastal city of Qui Nhon,
275 miles northeast of Saigon, where a bomb
destroyed part of a bridge.
"'Terrorim"~ preceding the election had
been at an unusually low level in the rest of
South Vietnam until a surge in shelling at-
tacks in the 24 hours before the voting
The election day action followed a series
along the Cambodian bordae The raids wr
among the heaviest there since the allied
invasion of Cambodia 18 months ago.
-Associated Press
THE REV. JESSE JACKSON explains the "black power handshake" to Chicago Mayor
Richard Daley at the Black Expo this week.
Blakxo: Chance
.t Oseek 'the dream~l
Clamp put
on Mayday
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Washington po-
lice may not disseminate arrest records for
nearly all of the 12,000-13,000 persons ar-
rested during last spring's Mayday anti-war
demonstrations, the U.S. Court of Appeals
here ruled Friday.
Any records already released must be tra-
ced and retrieved, the court said.
In addition, the city must refund collat-
eral forfeited by those who chose not to re-
turn for trial. The Washington Post esti-
mated the city would have to refund $30,-
000 for the approximately 3,000 such cases.
The court action is the latest in a series
of judicial rebuffs to the city's arrest pro-
cedures. The American Civil Liberties (AC-
LU) filed suit against the procedures lead-
ing to Friday's order.
The demonstrationls, last April 28 through
May 5, were aimed at disrupting the gov-
ernment, and resulted in the largest num-
ber of mass arrests for a single cause in a
single day. The usual field arrest routine
was abandoned, leading to challenges of
the legality of the arrests by the ACLU and
other groups.
The court also said it may order all May-
day arrest records expunged, except those
un es it y official can dem onstrate "legi-
In addition, the court issued a temporary
injunction stalling the estimated 325 May-
day cases still pending until the city's law-
yers conduct a thorough "screening". Be-
fore a case can be tried the court ruled, the
prosecutor's office must show cause for ar-
rest and demonstrate the probability of a
sound case.
The court said that, in retrieving the
records, the police department must pro-
vide the total number arrested; the dispo-
sition of all cases, including the number
dropped and number in which collateral
was forfeited; the number of cases dismiss-
ed, including .those due to lack of suffi-
cient identification or police data; and the
number of persons who have already sought
The ACLU hailed the court- ruling as an
"almost total victory." Meanwhile, city
See COURT, Page 8
2 con1victs shot
PONTIAC, ILL. (P-Two prisoners were
shot. and five guards injured yesterday in a
disturbance at Pontiac State Prison, officials
About 300 inmates at the maximum secur-
ity institution armed themselves with home-
made weapons anid scattered throughout the
prison, an official said.
John Drieske Jr., an Illinois Department
of Law( spokesman, said he had been in con-
tact with state police at the scene who re-
ported that two inmates suffered gunshot
By The Associated Press
Longshoremen's walkouts ,at all but a few
4U.S. seaports have halted miajor ocean trade,
although the shutdown poses little threat to
the economy since importers had expected it
for months and stockpiled shipments.
On other labor fronts, "substantial pro-
gress" t o wi a r d settlement of the three-
month-old W e s t C o a s t dock strike was
reported and there was a weekend recess in
the soft coal mine strike talks. About 80,000
miners in more than 20 states had walked
out Friday in a wage dispute.
The Association of American Railroads
embargoed freight movements of export
items such as grain and coal to East and
Gulf Coast ports that were struck Friday
when dockworkers' contracts with shippers
Ports in Houston and three other Texas
cities were kept open by the International
Longshoremen Association (ILA) locals that
refused to join the walkout, while union
workers under separate contracts with Mid-
western shipperts kept freight moving from
The nation's first simultaneous shutdown
of Atlantic and Pacific ports idled interna-
tional bulk mail, forced passengers arriving
aboard cruise liners to carry their luggage
ashore and posed a threat to farm prices.
President Nixon withheld immediate emer-
gency acticn under the Taft Hartley Act to
halt the two strikes temporarily. He said he
had received optimistic reports on negotia-
tions on the West Coast and hoped for a
quick settlement there.
There was little hope, however, for an
Searly settlement of the east's walkout.
Each of the ILA's contract rounds since
the end of World War II has end-'d in work
stoppage. Last July importers began step-
federal mediators failed to resolve the im-
passe between the union and the New York
Shippers Association over guaranteed an-
nual income.
The guarantee entitles eligible dock work-
ers in New York pay for 40 hours a week',
52 weeks a year whether or not work is
available for them.
The shippers agreed to continue the year-
old guarantee only if union members became
employes of specific shipping firms where
they would be under closer supervision and
could be assigned to any pier on the dock,
thus increasing their productivity'.
The union rejected the offer.
The 45,000 East and Gulf Coast dockwork-
prts down" tradition in which tey usuall
follow the lead of the New York local. How-
See DOCK, Page 8
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - Among the crowd of over
200,000 yesterday at Chicago's Interna_-
tional Amphitheatre were children wear-
ing small signs which read, "we had come
to see the dream come true" - an apt
description for the third international
Black Expo here.
The minority business and cultural ex-
hibit is sponsored by the Rev. Jesse Jack-
son and Operation Breadbasket - the
economic arm of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC).
The exhibition -- a memorial to Martin
Luther King -- has attracted more than
400 exhibitors who are displaying teir
busneses and sto promote black capital-
As it has in the past, Black Expo offers
black people - businessmen, politicians,
entertainers, and visitors - an oppor-
tunity to share knowledge with each other.
The conference is focused on stronger
national economic and political involve-
ment for black people. And black produc-
tion is proudly displayed with booths set
up by groups such as Freedom Ways mag-
azine, Joe Lewis Milk,- and Motown Re-
However, not all of the. exhibitors or
visitors are black. Ten per cent of the par-
ticipants are white companies here to do
business in the lucrative Afro-American
Cooperation comes fo ousde the
business community as well. Chicago
Mayor Richard Daley proclaimed last
week Black Exposition Week, and urged
citizens to take advantage of the event
which ends tonight. *
The exposition has also attracted a va-
riety of national and local black politi-
cians, - including Cleveland Mayor Carl
Stokes, Reps. Ronald Dellums (D-Cal.),
William Clay (D-Mo.) and Parren Mit-
chell (D-Maryland).
Jackson has been a major figure
throughout Expo.
"Our survival hinges on our solvency '
Jackson said last night, as he compared
black America to an underdeveloped na-
Vote set on
Senate Assembly is expecteG to take a final vote tomorr(
on a proposed policy that would eliminate most classified i
search at the University.
.In a special session set for 7:30 p.m. in Dow Aud. of t
Towsiey Center, the faculty representatives will consider
resolution stating that the University will not generally acce
projects that limit open publication of research results.
Last Monday, Assembly voted 31-15 to substitute the resol
tion, proposed by sociology Prof. Howard Schuman, for t
report of its Research Policies Committee (RPC)-.
Assembly ordered RfC to conduct a study of Universi
policies concerning secret research last March. In its repo
RPC urged continuation of classified research on campus l
with certain procedural changes in the' review process I
secret research