Eier 3frIyigan Pauh Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan reporter's notebook Children's car seats: Safety last jonathan miller 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor; Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LINDSAY CHANEY Uniting on the research issue FTER WRESTLING with the question for six months, Senate Assembly fin- ally seems ready to chart an effective course of action aimed at resolving the debate over classified research at t h e University. Last Monday, a majority of the faculty representative body appeared to have come to terms with the thorny issue. Hav- ing considered virtually all points of view - during several of the most well- argued and wide-ranging debates in re- cent University history - Assembly members indicated support for one par- ticular line of reasoning: That it is gen- erally inconsistent with the goals of a university to engage in research whose results are not open to the academic community. By a vote of 31-15, Assembly deciqed to give its primary consideration to a propos'al that the University shall not, in general, enter into or renew "federal contracts or grants that limit open pub- lication of the results of research." The proposal, authored by sociology Prof. Howard Schuman, will come before the faculty representatives for a final vote Monday night. And if they main- tain the view expressed last week, both major segments of the University com- munity - students and faculty members - will have gone on record as opposing the continuation of on-campus classified research. rJ"HE STUDENT BODY'S opposition to such research was formally expressed last March, when a referendum urging the University t,) ban classified projects passed by a 3-2 margin. Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUDWIN Executive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN .. Editorial Page Editor RICK PERLOFF .. Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY .... Assistant Editorial Page Editor LYNN WEINER .. Associate Managing Editor LARRY LEMPERT . .. . Associate Managing Editor ANITA CRONE .... ..... .. ..........Arts Editor JIM IRWIN ........ ......... Associate Arts Editor JANET FREY ... .......... . . . . Personnel Director ROBERT CONROW Books Editor JIM JUDKIS............. .....Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Lindsay Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan Miller, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Robert Schreiner, W.E. Schrock, Geri Sprung. COPY EDITORS: Art Lerner, Debra Thal. DAY EDITORS: Pat Bauer, Linda Dreeben, Jim Irwin, Hannah Morrison, Chris Parks, Gene Robin- son, Zachary Schiller. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ric Bohy, Kenneth Conn, John Mitchell, Beth Oberfelder, Kristin Ringstrom, Kenneth Schulze, Tony Schwartz, Jay Sheyevitz, Gloria Jane Smith. Sue Stark, Ted Stein, Paul Travis, Marcia Zoslaw. Sports Staff MORT NOVECK, Sports Editor JIM KEVRA, Executive Sports Editor RICK CORNFELD . Associate Sports Editor TERRIPOUCHEY. Contributing Sports Editor BETSY MAHON .. .... Senior Night Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bill Alterman. Bob An- drews, Sandi Genis, Joel Greer, Elliot Legow. John Papanek, Randy Phillips, Al Shackelford. Business Staff JAMES STOREY, Business Manager RICHARD RADCLIFFE......... Advertising Manager SUZANNE BOSCHAN ..... ..... Sales Manager JOHN SOMMERS....... .. .... .. Finance Manager ANDY GOLDING Circulation Director DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Bill Abbott-Display Adv.; Rebecca Van Dyke-Classified Adv.; Fran Hymen -National Adv.; Harry Hirsch-Layout. ASSOCIATE MANAGERS: Alan Klein, Donna Sills, Judy Cassel. ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Paul Wenzloff, Steve Evseef, Ashlish Sarkar, Dave Lawson. Senate Assembly, meanwhile, was hesi- tant to act without first conducting an in-depth study of the question. That sudy took Assembly's Research Policies Committee the entire summer, and was presented to the faculty representatives last Monday. But although the committee's final report recommended only minor changes in current University policy on classified research, the majority of Assembly had by then decided that a more sweeping measure was required to effectively re- solve the issue. Assembly's view is easily justified by the history of the classified research con- troversy. Three years ago, when the propriety of having classified research at the Univer- sity was first questioned, the faculty and the Regents decided to continue such re- search except when its "specific purpose" was death or injury to human beings. The ostensible intention was to get the University out of the business of develop- ing weapons, and Assembly named a Classified Research Committee to review research proposals with this in mind. BUT OVER THE LAST year, the Univer- sity community has learned that de- spite the 1968 guidelines, on-campus classified research has continued to be a prime contributor to the development of modern military technology. The ultimate use of this classified re- search remained a secret between the re- searcher and the defense department, - with the University community only learning much later'of the more effec- tive weaponry that the research spawn- ed. And it seems likely that if the Uni- versity continues to allow certain re- search to be conducted under a veil of secrecy, some of this research will con- tinue to be of a nature that comprom- ises the integrity of this 'nstitution. That is what Assembly members seem- ed to recognize last week. They maintain- ed that the establishment of a general policy against the acceptance of classi- fied research projects, students and fa- culty members can be assured that this institution's mission - the enhancement of human welfare - would not be easily undermined. ALTHOUGH LAST WEEK'S vote would seem to indicate that this is the pre- vailing viewpoint among Assembly mem- bers, Monday's meeting is not likely to be merely a cut-and-dried reaffirmation of that viewpoint. Faculty members on both sides of the issue are expected to offer amendments to the Schumanproposal. It is indeed wise to perfect the proposed policy as much as possible but Assembly members should carefully avoid modifying the pro- posal so that it no longer effectively pro- tects the integrity of the University. Passed in its present form, the Schuman proposal would allow the University com- munity to firmly unite on this difficult issue. And as the debate moves to a new arena - the October and November Re- gents meetings - the presence of a strong mandate from both segments of the academic community would assuredly prompt a swift conclusion to the classi- fied research controversy. -ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor MANY OF THE estimated two million car seats sold annually to protect children in this country from death or ser- ious injury in automobile accidents are "essentially useless," according to auto- motive safety experts at the University. Despite the implementation of new fed- eral standards for car seats last April, many pre-standard seats remain legally on sale on the shelves of 'the nation's re- tailers, according to government spokes- men. Others, though they meet the stand- ards, remain ",dangerously inadequate," ac- cording to safety specialists. Car seats are necesary ,because regular vehicle seat belts are not recommended for use by children of less than 40 lbs, the weight of an average four year-old. The root of the problem, believes Dr. Verne L. Roberts, who heads a team of re- searchers at the University's H i g h w a y Safety Research Institute, is the lack of effective standards governing the manu- facture of such seats. Roberts, who is regarded as one of the nation's foremost experts in his field, says that manufacturers objections played a major role in the creation of the test standards for the seats, which he feels are an inadequate measure of their effec- tiveness. NO ONE KNOWS how many children die each- year as a result of ineffective car seats, but the overall automobile accident death figures for children of between one and four years-old make gruesome read- ing. Aside from those injured or killed as pedestrians, approximately 1,000 children are killed annually in car crashes. Pedia- tricians estimate that as many as 250.000 more may be disabled or seriously injured. Dr. Seymour Charles of Irvington, New Jersey - president of the 400-member Physicians for Automotive Safety - says he believes. as many as half of these deaths could be avoided if parents would use effective seating restraint systems for their children. But ironically, though there are good child restraint systems on the market ac- cording to the research conducted at the University, they account for only a tiny proportion of the total sales of these pro- ducts, estimated by manufacturers and ex- perts at between one and a half and two million units per year. Though the annual sale of so many car seats, at prices ranging from about $13-25, would seem to encompass almost half of the nation's annual births, Dr. Charles is skeptical that very much protection at all is afforded to America's young. Due to a combination of parental ignor- ance and neglect, Dr. Charles says, auto- mobile accidents pose a greater threat to children than any of the infectious dis- eases. "The problem is more basic than that the seats are inadequate," Dr. Charles says, "it is that the vast majority of Amer- icans are using no restraint devices at all." Dr. Charles speculates that "most of the seats sold each year just sit in some- one's garage." DEBATE ON THE car seat question hinges on the word "effective." --Courtesy of Bunny Bear Company Manufacturers of the seats feel embit- tered by the criticism of Dr. Roberts and his team, saying their. industry is gen- uinely trying to upgrade standards and improve the effectiveness of their pro- ducts. "Its a mistake to say that what is on sale now is simply no good," declares Mr. Samuel Linden, executive vice-president of the Bunny Bear Co. of Everett, Mass. Bunny Bear makes about 250,000 car seats annually, according to Mr. Linden. "None of us are 100 per cent satis- fied," Linden explains, "but what we've got now is better than nothing at all - which is the situation we were in before April.'r l Mr. Charles Dietrich, a Cambridge, Mass. research engineer who helped represent members of the Juvenile Products Manu- facturers Association during the period of "rulemaking" before the setting of the federal standards, concurs. "Though I would agree that the stand- ard does not go as far now as I hope it will in the future, the manufacturers now make a product that provides children with the same amound of protection as an adult receives from a lap belt," s a y s Dietrich. He regards all seats meeting the federal standard as adequate for protecting child- ren. Dr. Roberts could not disagree with him more. "The vast majority of seats being sold are essentially useless, and the federal standards dangerously inadequate, he declares. Roberts bases his objections to the standards on the procedures which they use to test the effectiveness of seats. "The standard consists of a simple static test," says Dr. Roberts. "A child seat is subjected to 1,000 lbs. of force and if it moves less than a foot it's free to be sold." He argues instead for the use of a "dy- namic test" standard. This test procedure, he states, "simulates tie stresses found in real acidents." The dynamic test used by Dr. Roberts and his team of researchers consists of strapping a child-size dummy of up to 40 lbs. on an impact sled and then crashing the sled into obstacles at speeds of up to 30 m.p.h. Dr. Roberts says he has tested 37 seats in this manner and found all but a few to be essentially useless. "Frankly, I'm frustrated by the ways things have gone," says Dr. Roberts. "We strongly recommended to the government that a dynamic test be the standard, but I'm afraid the objections of the manufac- turers played a major role in the establish- ment of a static test." NEITHER the manufacturers, nor the government, denies this, Mr. Gil L. Watson, a consumer affairs officer with the Department of Trans- portation, readily concedes that manufac- tuners' objections played a decisive role in the decision not to write dynamic test- ing into the standard. "But it doesn't matter who makes the objection." Mr. Gil argues, "as long as the objection is_. valid - and the objection was valid." Gil feels that dynamic testing is only "in the stone age," as a science and that although impact sled tests for adults have been conducted for many years, tests us- ing child sized dumies are comparatively new - thus the decision to rely on static tests. Mr. Dietrich bases his major objections to dynamic testing on cost factors. "Most of the manufacturers of these seats - members of the juvenile product manu- facturers association - are small com- panies." he explains. "Dynamic testing runs into thousands of dollars w h i 1 e static tests cost only hundreds," he says. Dr. Charles, while agreeing with Dr. Roberts that "today's seats are not per- fect." warns against over-attentionto ,the static vs. dynamic test issue. "The standards have eliminated some of the more dangerous devices," he says. Seats that hooked over the back of the cars regular seats and those with toy steering wheels are especially hazardous, Dr. Charles says. and these may no long- er be manufactured. though remaining stocks may still be sold. Dr. Charles warns that parents who al- low children to travel in cars without re- straint are doing their offspring no fav- ors. "There are effective devices available," Dr. Charles insists, and his group recom- mends three types for general use. 0 The safety seat: Acceptable seats are anchored to the vehicle by the automobiles regular seat belts. They are equipped with a full harness to distribute collision forces over the child's body; The protective shield: The shield con- sists of a large plastic device which is strapped in front of the child, acting as a buffer in collisions. Dr. Roberts found this device to be the most acceptable for use with children over 25 lbs; * The safety carrier: This device, manu- factured by General Motors, is designed for very young children of less than 25 lbs. The child travels in a reclining posi- tion, facing the rear of the automobile. All of these devices must be secured to the vehicle with the cars regular seat belts to be effective. Devices in which the infant is direct- ly restrained by an auto seat belt are not recommended, says Dr. Charles. Dr. Roberts finds only two of these de- vices to be- really effective, however, and even these, he stresses, have some short- comings. They are the protective shield, made by the Ford Motor Company and marketed under the brand name Totguard, and the G.M. safety carrier. But these two devices, sold through Ford and G.M. dealers, share only a very small portion of the market for car restraint systems. According to figures released by the auto manufacturers,, Ford sold only 8,500 of its protective shields last year while GM has sold only about 66,000 carriers since introducing them in June 1969. MEANWHILE, Dr. Roberts says, "most of these seats are good for watching tele- vision from - just as long as there isn't a television in the car." Copyright ), 1971 4 4 nu mmmmmmmmmm ma 111X1111Rl~S WaC your step-crack stepping is immoral by lind~say chamney 4ONE AFTERNOON last week I was sitting on the wall in front of the Union waiting for the bus to North Campus. An elderly, woman standing next to me suddenly gave a groan and sighed, "disgusting, how can they do it?" A young man in patched blue jeans, a work shirt, and shoulder- length hair was walking by, en- twined with a young woman sim- ilarly dressed. Since the elderly woman ap- peared to be speaking to me, I gave a shrug and mumbled a neu- tral comment. They get worse and worse all the time," she said. I didn't say anything. A minute later she gave a gurgle and muttered, "another one." THIS TIME, a man in blue jeans with moderately long hair and a. barefoot woman in shorts were both passing simultaneously and independently, so I wasn't sure to which person she was re- ferring. I mumbled, "huh" and hoped the bus would come pretty soon. A moment later, the elderly woman sputtered "there ought to Letters to The Daily:. Harris on registration be a law," in a voice which made me think she might be having a heart attack. This time the person passing by - whom she was giving an ex- tremely dirty look - was a prom- inent professor from the school of business administration. The professor was dressed in a business suit and seemed the quin- tessence of establishment proprie- ty. Somewhat puzzled at this point, I ventured to comment "he certainly seems well dressed." "Those commies are a I w a y s well-dressed," the woman snapped. "Yeah, I suppose so," I. said. A FEW SECONDS later she gave a w~himper and seemed ready to collapse when tan ordinary- looking mailman walked by. "It's really terrible," I said, fig- uring this was a pretty s a f e statement. "And don't I know it," s h e replied, seeming slightly relieved that someone sympathized with her problems. "It seems to be get- ting worse and worse every year." "I've noticed a lot of it re- cently," I said. "It's so ... well, so IMMORAL," she sighed. "I know what you mean," I said, not knowing at all. "I just don't understand it," she said, shaking her head. "There seem to be so many people step- ping on cracks." To The Daily: ANN ARBOR'S City Clerk, Mr. Harold Saunders, is conducting a registration drive this fall which has so far succeeded in adding nearly 5000 new voters to the re- gistration list. By providing con- venient places and 'times for re- gistration, he has expanded the services usually offered by h i s office. We assume that Mr. Saun- ders will take whatever additional steps are necessary before the next general election to see that the newly enfranchised voters are registered to the same extent as the rest of the voting population. The leadership of the Ann Ar- bor Democratic Party supports Mr. Saunders in his efforts to ex- innovative person following the next election." Atree To The Daily: AS I AM SURE you are aware, there is a massive street renova- tion being undertaken in the vi- cinity of Washtenaw and Forest in which Observatory Street is to be extended and joined to S o u t h University. In the triangle of land partially bounded by Washtenaw and Forest is a group of trees. Of these, one tree is particularly striking. It is a magnificent oak better than three feet in diameter with an expansive crown. This t r e e -+ -.a ,, +h '- a f la rn could be possible to route one lane of the street on either side of the tree. This may require extensive modifications and some additional expense, but it is possible. Here is a small portion of the environment that might be saved if enough people become actively concerned. If anyone is interested in helping or wishes to express support, call me at 769-1514. -Landy Doyle, Grad. Oct. 1 Angela Davis To The Daily: IT IS DIFFICUT to imagine a more inane editorial than "The Case for Angela Davis." (Daily, Sept. 29). Governor Rockefeller was right in signing the affadavit so quick- ly. Indeed, it should be an auto- matic gesture to extradite a fugi- tive who appears to be involved in such a bloody incident as the shootout in Marin County. As for the whole case being a frame-up for Davis, I find it dif- ficult to believe that the govern- ment stole her guns and gave them to Jackson after organizing the entire affair just to imprison her. Angela Davis should be given a swift and impartial trial; that is as soon as the defense stops de- manding that each judge selected to preside over the hearings dis- qualify himself. If Davis is found "Maybe." I said. "I think it started with t h e college kids," she said. "Its part of a breakdown in the moral fab- ric of our country. And now, even people like that man in the suit a dning it" -Daily-Jim Judkis permissiveness out in the r e a l world." "Hmm." "Of course, the next thing you know, someone will probably be agitating to legalize it. Can y o u imagine that? But then. w i t h I