UNITING ON CLASSIFIED RESEARCH See Editorial Page YI L IA1Fr :43 ii4H WILTING High-88 Low-63 Warm and partly cloudy, chance of thundershowers Vol. LXXXII, No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 2, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages STUDENT VOTE: Registration on campus closes By SARA FITZGERALD The city's two-week special voter registration drive ended yesterday with 2,543 new voters as of Thursday. City Clerk Harold Saunders expects that the September totals for registration, including sign-ups in Waterman Gym, will be between 4,000 and 5,000 new voters. The special drive, Sanders said, registered 18.6 per cent of those between 18 and 21 in the city. "I feel this was a pretty good beginning," he said. However, campus organizers said they were disappoint- ed with the turnout and hoped Saunders would extend the drive for one more week in the Fishbowl. Student Government Council voted Thursday night forj Strikes U.S. do it cks, coal mines. WASHINGTON (M - An estimated 45,000 East and Gulf Coast longshoremen struck yesterday while a walkout by 80,000 miners virtually shut down the nation's production of soft coal. Meanwhile, a strike by West Coast dockers moved into its fourth month. It was the first time both coasts had been struck simul- taneously. The contract disputes of the AFL-CIO Interna- tional Longshoremen's Association in the East, and the in- ' 'oCnnin ~r rtnn vnn" J~ ai~o r Tr"4 Trade tri to e ma e byblackis By GAYLE POLLARD Special To The Daily CHICAGO - Illinois Gov. Rich- ard O g.i l v i e announced at the Black Expo yesterday that mem- bers of his staff have received the "official blessings" of President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State William Rogers for an "un- precedented trade mission to Gha- na and Nigeria." Claiming that Illinois has scored a "nation-wide first" with this "the clerk to extend the drive and set up registration tables in the dorms. Saunders reported that regis- tration was heaviest at the two Central campus locations, the Fishbowl and the Union. More than 200 people registered each day this week at the Fishbowl and more than 100 daily at the Union over the two week period. Critics have charged that Saunders has not made the regis- tration process as convenient as possible for-newly enfranchised students. "The drive was not very suc- cessful," said Roger Wilner, Democratic Party voter services chairman, "because we were strait-jacketed by Saunders' loca- tions. We need more locations and more deputies for an effective registration drive." Wilner and others have urged Saunders to extend registration to the dorms and conduct door-to- door registration. Saunders plans another drive later this month, but has not yet announced plans for any dorm sites. So far he has refused to allow door - to - door registration, saying he fears it would lead to duplicate registration and costly administrative problems for his office. Saunders said he will also an- nounce one or two more classes for deputy registrars. Deputies are registered voters who can sign up new voters after they have com- pleted the clerk's course. Meanwhile, the Human Rights- Radical Independent Party has been signing up new voters as they register, hoping to make a Monday deadline for filing 15,000 petitions to get their party on the state ballot. HR-RIP members report, they have about 18,000 signatures, but that some of these may be dis- qualified by state officials. , Under state law, the petitions must be filed at least six months before the election. In order to be on the Ann Arbor ballot in April, RIP must file by Monday. Pressure has been put on Saunders by several ' groups. Members of city political parties, SGC, and the Office of Student Services have all asked him to make an additional push this month. -Daily-Jim Judkis APOLLO 15 ASTRONAUTS David Scott, Alfred Worden and James Irwin (right, from left) appear at a technical presentation to students and faculty members at Rackham Aud, yesterday. Scott (left, above) told of landing on the moon with Irwin and showed slides of the lunar surface (left, below). Apollo cre pasa U Jesse Jacks on . historic trade mission, Ogilvie said that a dollar volume of nearly $50 million in business contracts be- tween Illinois black businesses and the two African nations is pro- jected for the next two years. More than 400 predominately black businesses are exhibiting a their goods and services at Black Expo in a display of black capit- alism engineered by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and "Operation Bread- basket"-the economic arm of the S o u t h e r n Christian Leadership Conference. Over 200,000 have attended theI 4 SCLC-sponsored event here since its opening Wednesday. At least 750,000 are expected to partici- pate by its ending tomorrow night,. The Governor, speaking at aj meeting yesterday. added that "as a purchaser . . . we (Illinois) are committed to a far-reaching pro- gram to place solid cash orders; with small businesses, black busi- nesses, black suppliers." According to Ogilvie, solid gains have been realized in the field of black employment. "Our criteria for affirmative ac- tion for minority employment on state building 'projects and Gen- eral Services Dept. work are the strongest in the nation," he said. According to one s p e c t a t o r, Black Epo "is hip . . . people can shov their wares to let people know there's a whole lot of bus- iness here." By LINDA DREEBEN The Apollo 15 astronauts yester- day gave a technical presentation to an audience of 1,000 in Rack- ham Lecture Hall as part of their two-day visit to the University. Col. David Scott. Col. James Irwin and Lt. Col. Alfred Worden interspersed humor with their more serious comments during the hour-long discussion and slide show of their 12-day mission. The fourth manned lunar land- ing, last August's flight used the first lunar roving vehicle on the moon, and brought back to earth+ some 180 pounds of lunar rocks and soil. Scott, Apollo 15 spacecraft com-j mander, opened the symposium1 with several comments on man'sf need to discover and the impor- tance of lunar exploration. "Data returned from the moon will lead us to an understanding; of our own origin," Scott said. "From exploration comes dis- covery and from discovery comes knowledge and understanding of mind and spirit," Scott, also a1 veteran of the Gemini 8 and Apollo 9 flights, told the crowd.1 Scott said that the Apollo 151 mission yielded valuable geological; results, including a core sample of nine feet of lunar soil that included over 58 different layers. Scott then showed a series of; slides of the moon's surface, thei moon rover, and rock specimensl he and Irwin collected during their 66 hours on the lunar surface. I T"mT 1'71T lw W1 7'1 Ir- IN THE DOGHOUSE Trained in engineering and as- belt problems which stopped the tronautics, Scott said the astro- lunar rover, Scott said he saw an nauts began the study of geology interesting rock and used the seat seven years ago. Because of this belt ploy as an excuse to stop and training, he said he and Irwin to satisfy mission control, which were able to identify most of the was rushing them to finish. rock samples they gathered. Irwin. lunar module pilot and Scott described a green rock "the first ditch digger on Ine that neither he nor Irwin could moon," -"described the Genesis identify. When they brought it Rock, which scientists at the State back, geologists on earth were also University of New York at Stony- mystified as to the rock's origin brook have said is 4.15 billion years and color. old. "They decided the best dispo- Wo sition would be to take it back,"'bitrde.otreandinnwlker Scott quipped. He also mentioned a on the oon ad he spent sample which the Apollo 15 crew onte moon, said he spent three called the Buckeye rock-"it was very enjoyable days by himself. hollow on the inside.'' He discussed some of the net- Speaking about a radio com- work of scientific equipment left munication with earth about seat by Apollo 15 to study the moon, the earth, and the moon-earth re- lationship. At the conclusion of the presen- tation the astronauts received the College of Engineering's Distin- guished Professional Achievement Awards. t~d in g sIn a reception fallowing the pro.- gram,Scott said that at least two combined U.S.-Soviet earth orbital 0 missions are on the planning podalthough cutbacks in space GI I~ -~ I f spending might prevent them from materializing. Worden had earlier discussed mented one of the more human talks taking place between the residents of West Quad. "He two countries on the development doesn't do anything, doesn't eat of cooperative rescue systems in much, justs sits there and looks space. ugly." The three astronauts will give a The only real problem of hous- public lecture today at 10 a.m. in ing an animal in a dorm room Rackham Lecture Hall. The lecture may come from the housekeep- will include the showing of Apollo ing staff. Maids are apt to com- They are also scheduled to at- plain if they find an animal in tend this afternoon's Michigan- dependenti Longshoremens a the West were not related. In the mining strike, the1 sociation said the wage price future federal restraints had blocked agreement. But President W.A. "Tony" Boyle of the United Mine Workers said "a contract must be negotiated without fur- ther delay." Both sides announced in a joint statement atmid-day that ne- gotiators were recessing to re- port to their respective mem- bers on the status of the talks and that "they will resume their deliberations early next week." Bituminous coal is mined in more than 20 states, most of it in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The union is seeking to boost the current top wage of $37 per day to $50 and to at least double the current 40-cent per ton indus- try royalty payments to its Wel- fare and Retirement Funds which has operated some $66 million in the 'red the past two years. The fund still has an unspent bal- ance of nearly $113 million. "New wages and benefits could in no event be placed into effect during the freeze," said an in- dustry spokesman in unsuccess- fully urging day to day extension of the old contract. "Our contract has terminated and the miners have no desire to extend it on a day by day basis," Boyle said. The East and Gulf coast ship- ping tieup involved a provision in the New York contract guarantee- ing 40 hours a week pay through- out the year, regardless of whe- ther there was that much work available. It originally was adopt- ed as a hedge against the increas- ing automation of the New York waterfront. The shipping firms sought to revise the formula, claiming abuses were costing the industry $30 million a year. The ILA balk- ed at scrapping the clause. President Nixon withheld any immediate Taft Hartley action, al- though he was on record as pre- pared to invoke an 80-day cooling off period rather than allow a protracted strike on both coasts to virtually paralyze the deep sea shipping industry. However, Nixon was said to be hopeful that the three month West coast dock strike would be settled by Saturday night, a dead- line he himself had urged upon negotiators. Thus, he was depicted as unwilling to interfere by means of the Taft Hartley law at this stage. The issues affecting the 15,000 West Coast strikers were off-dock container jurisdiction, a guaran- teed work week, and wages and benefits. Immediate effects of the ILA strike was a halt of grain and coal exports, and the importing of for- eign automobiles. Cruise liners coming into New York were unloaded at the piers by supervisory employes, after which passengers were forced to lug their own baggage to cabs and cars. However, the impact on the economy was eased by the fore- sight of importers who had been stockpiling goods for months. ,n warehousemen s union in Bituminous Coal Operators As- e freeze and uncertainty over I Reps call Viet race mockery' 6 WASHINGTON (I)-A statement strongly protesting tomorrow's one man Vietnam presidential election as making a "mockery" of U.S. efforts for Vietnam's self-determin- ation was released yesterday with signatures of more than 130 con- gressmen. Nearly all the signers were sup- porters of immediate Vietnam war withdrawal, but several have been backers of maintaining U.S. sup- port until the South Vietnamese can defend themselves. t "It is apparent that Sunday's election will not demonstrate self- determination for the people of South Vietnam, and will make a mockery of the effort and sacrifice we have made in this a.fection,", the statement said. Meanwhile, new clashes between police and antigovernment dem- onstrators broke out yesterday evening in Saigon. Police fired volleys of tear gas into the headquarters of the mili- tant An Quang Buddhist sect after fire bombs were hurled into the street in front of the Pagoda. Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky yesterday urged South Vietnamese to boycott tomorrow's presidential election "and do not accept the results of the election." Addressing an antigovernment political rally, Ky said President Nguyen Van Thieu's unopposed candidacy w a s unconstitutional. Other speakers called Thieu a dictator. Meanwhile, ,the war continued as South Vietnamese paratroopers broke a North Vietnamese siege at an artillery base near the Cam- bodian border yesterday and im- mediately joined with the defend- ers in a sweep operation. The siege was broken after the installation Fire Base Tran Hung Dao, had undergone five straight days of enemy shelling. At the same time, another South Vietnamese relief column ran into strong resistance trying to reach a second beleagured fire base across the border in eastern Cam- bodia. At last report, the relief troops were still locked in fighting with enemy forces blocking the way to Fire Base Alpha, three miles east of the rubber plantation town of Krek. The action at the two fire bases capped the sixth day of a North Vietnamese offensive along the Cambodian-Vietnamese frontier in a region 60 to 90 miles iorthwest of Saigon. Pets barredfromU' buafter By JUDY RUSKIN Security has been tightened against dogs and other pets in buildings under a new crack- down on animals by the Uni- versiy. Pets are prohibited from all University classrooms, resi- dence halls and even the cam- pus buses. The clampdown on pets be- gan last May when small, blue, "No Pets Allowed" Snoopy signs were placed in all University buildings. A hundred signs were placed in the Union alone. According to William Joy, di- rector of the department of en- vironmental health and safety, the signs were posted because of an increasing number of com- plaints from maintenance crews, faculty and students about loose dogs running in and around buildings and central campus. The basic problem, he said, was one of sanitation and health. Although compliance with the pet rule is voluntary. Joy re- ports that cooperation from stu- dents has been good, There has been an 80 per cent decrease this year in the number of com- plaints his office has received about dogs in the central cam- pus area. The decrease in dogs may also be due to increased activity by the city's Humane Society. this has not deterred those stu- dents who feel their pets should enjoy the "benefits" of dorm living. A week ago, the occupants of one West Quad room included a monkey, three cats, an iguana, and a seven week old puppy. All that remain now are the puppy and Lucifer, the friendly iguana. "Lucifer is a great pet," com- the halls. Navy football game. OVERPOPULATED CLASSROOMS Na turat resources school booms By ART LERNER As interest in environmental problems has skyrocketed at the University, en- rollment in the natural resources school has nearly doubled since 1969. Enrollment has risen from 442 stu- dents in Fall, 1969, to over 800 this term, get is extremely tight and this has had a profound influence." The "by no means unique" lag in . hiring faculty after increased enrollment, the budget situaiton and a belief that natural resources classes could success- fully absorb moderate expansion, have "It's not so hard for me as it would be for a sophomore,"'she added. Many undergraduates in the school agreed that it is now harder to find pro- fessors for discussion. A grad student noted, however, that the "same ones who were available before are still around." dents. In Fall, 1970, there were 662 total, of which 253 were at the graduate level. Although this Fall's official total is not yet available, the number will probably be around 850. Not only has the school's official en- rollment increased, but a flood of LSA :. ,_ .r.. {.