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October 01, 1971 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-01

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Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

deep greens and blues
Dial-a-puff: The persecution of a recluse
by larry lern perit

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials orinted in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Funding ROTC: Who pays?

AT THE HEIGHT of the anti-war move-
ment on this campus the Reserve Of-
ficers Training Corps (ROTC) in North
H;all was a prime target for protest ac-
tivity. Symbolic of the military estab-
lishment it stood as a highly visible re-
minder of American adventures around
the globe, especially in Indochina.
The Regents voted in December 1969
to renegotiate the University's contract
with the Department of Defense (DOD)
so that all ROTC costs would be paid for
by the government. This came shortly
after an overwhelming vote to that ef-
fect by Senate Assembly, the University-
wide faculty representative body.
But after nearly two years, University
financial support for ROTC continues
Since that time, pressure to remove
ROTC from campus has declined, and it
has now been months since North Hall
was the focus of any protest activity.
face of the present budgetary crisis
should draw our attention once again to
what is at best, a monumental misappro-
priation of University funds.
It may be safely estimated that, in
direct and indirect costs, the continuing
operation of ROTC places a burden of
between $200,000 and $300,000 per year on
the University.
Although the U.S. government, through
the Department of Defense (DOD) pays
the salaries of ROTC instructors, most
other expenses of the program includ-
Published at 420 Ma: lard St., Ann Arbor, Mich, 48104.
Owner - Board for Student Publications,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.
Bond or Stockholders - none.
Average press run - 8200.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan,
420 Maynard St.,Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Editorial Staff
Executive Editor Managing Editor
STEVE KOPPMAN ......... ...Editorial Page Editor
RICK PERLOFF . .. Associate Editorial Page Editor
PAT MAHONEY .... Assistant Editorial Page Editor
LYNN WEINER ...........Associate Managing Editor
LARRY LEMPERT .. ..Associate Managing Editor
ANITA CRONE ................. ....... .Arts Editor
JIM IRWIN..................Associate Arts Editor
JANET FREY.....-..............Personnel Director
ROBERT CONROW . . ............. Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS... ........ . . . . .....Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Lindsay
Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy
Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan Miller, Hester
Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Robert Schreiner, W.E.
Schrock, Geri Sprun'g.
COPY EDITORS: Art Lerner, Debra Thal.
DAY EDITORS: Pat Bauer, Linda Dreeben, Jim
Irwin, Hannah Morrison, Chris Parks. Gene Robin-
son, Zachary Schiller.
Conn, John Mitchell, Beth Oberfelder, Kristin
Ringstrom, Kenneth Schulze, Tony Schwartz, Jay
Sheyevitz, Gloria Jane Smith, Sue Stark, Ted
Stein, Paul Travis Marcia Zosaw.
Sprts Staff
MORT NOVECK, Sports Editor
JIM KEVRA, Executive Sports Editor
RICK CORNFELD .. ... Associate Sports Editor
TERRI POUCHEY,......Contributing Sports Editor
BETSY MAHON . . ........ .... Senior Night Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bill Alterman, Bob An-
drews, Sandi Genis, Joel Greer, Elliot Legow,
John Papanek, Randy Phillips, Al Shackelford.
Business Staff
JAMES STOREY, Business Manager
RICHARD RADCLIFFE......... Advertising Manager
SUZANNE BOSCHAN. ..............Sales Manager
JOHN SOMMERS ....... . . ........Finance Manager
ANDY GOLDING.. .......Circulation Director
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Bill Abbott-Display Adv.;
Rebecca Van Dyke-Classified Adv.; Fran Hymen
-National Adv.; Harry Hirsch-Layout.
ASSOCIATE MANAGERS: Alan Klein, Donna Sills,
Judy Cassel.
ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Paul Wenloff, Steve Evseef,
Ashish Sarkar, Dave Lawson.

ing secretarial help, educational mater-
ials, and maintenance and upkeep of
North Hall are still paid for by the Uni-
Reliable sources within the University
say that secretarial and educational
services to ROTC cost the University
over $55,000 per year. Maintenance and
heating costs for North Hall are esti-
mated at roughly $45,000 a year.
In addition, the University provides
ROTC with North Hall on a rent-free
basis, thus losing between $100,000 and
$200,000 per year.
While hopes had been raised this sum-
mer that DOD would soon help finance
ROTC, they were dashed this fall with
the revelation that DOD had withdrawn
its support of a $500-per-cadet reim-
bursement program.
While Williams says DOD is searching
for a "more equitable" formula, it seems
uncertain of what value it would be. Even
the $500 originally proposed would have
been far from enough to cover the finan-
cial burden incurred by ROTC.
Any expense of the proportions should
be given close scrutiny by the University
community in times in which program
after program is either being cut back or
left by the wayside in order to pare down
the budget. And this is a program that
community had decided to stop support-
ing even during a prosperous period.
THE FACT IS that the ROTC program
has no business on campus at any
Earlier this week, Senate Assembly
moved toward barring most classified
military research from the University.
Obviously, if ROTC were to be judged by
the same standards its removal from
campus could be the only reasonable con-
clusion. The training of soldiers in the
skills and tactics of war is a flagrant vio-
lation of University standards.
Further, the $200,000 which goes to
ROTC each year could be much better
spent, especially when meaningful pro-
grams are going without.
The Center for Research on Conflict
Resolution, for example, was terminated
this summer, because, according to Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming, "we
can't afford to do everything we used to
THE IRONY of a center studying peace
being cut while one which promotes
war continues is lost on few members of
the University community.
It is unclear however whether such a
system of priorities can be chalked up to
militaristic decision-making or mere
bureaucratic. inertia.
According to administrative Dean Rob-
ert Williams, reduction or termination of
ROTC to save money was never con-
To make a decision to keep ROTC and
drop CRCR would have been wrong,
but to not have even made an effort to
judge their relative worth is beyond jus-
tification. Such methods of operation
make a mockery of the idea of rational
decision-making and priority setting.
WHILE THE complete removal of ROTC
from the University campus would
be the ideal solution, as a minimum step,
further financial support for the pro-
gram from a hard pressed University
must be terminated.

FAMILY PRIDE, that's the thing to re-
I'm glad you're taking an interest in
your family, son. Most fellas your age
can't wait to leave their heritage behind
them. Then they get out in the world and
they're lost-there's no foundation to build
on and they crumble. But that's neither
hide nor hair.
Let me see. Last week I told you about
the abortive battle between your Uncle
Herman and the candy machine. Remem-
ber what brought Herman to his down-
fall? He was leading a revolution against
higher prices, but he just couldn't resist
his craving for Payday candy bars.
Well, cravings seem to run in this fine
family of ours. It's the price we pay for
such high-strung intellectuals like Herman
and, of course, Thaddeus.
How often do you call your U n c 1 e
Thaddeus? That's right, you never call
him. And do you know why? He doesn't
have a phone, that's why?
And let me tell you why your Uncle
Thaddeus doesn't have a phone.
We all have our insecurities, but Thad-
deus had a real problem - he coudn't
stand talking to people. He was a brilliant
man, but he'd fall apart in a conversation
- lost his cool, is that the expression? He
was terribly nervous; all that intelligence
bottled up inside just shook him to pieces.
His nerves led to another big problem
and this is where the craving comes in.
He was an incorrigible smoker, three packs
a day, and he'd be a helpless wreck with-
out them.
UNABLE TO RELATE to people, Thad-
deus organized his entire life so he never
had to talk to anyone. He stayed in his
room and did all his office work by dic-
tating into a tape recorder.
However, as Thaddeus says after many
years of hard experience, solving o n e
problem merely creates another. He could
not relate to people, so he shut them out,
But what do you think happened then?
Very simple, he was lonely. He hadn't
heard a human voice for months.
It seemed virtually impossible. Where
could he find someone who would t a 1 k
without eliciting any response?
And then it struck him one day, like a
flash. Pausing only to pop a cigarette
into his mouth, he dialed the Weather.
"Sunny and mild, High - 73, Low in the
mid-60's, getting cloudier tomorrow with a
chance of rain."
His hands were shaking so hard he
could barely light his cigarette. It was
everything he could ask for.
SMILING FOR THE first time in
months, he dialed frantically - Dial-a-
prayer, Dial-a-poem, News Briefs, movies
at the local theaters. Wherever there was
a tape recording, he could hear someone

"Both may be symptoms of serious res-
piratory ailments. Frequent coughing plus
spitting up heavy mucus may mean chronic
bronchitis. This is an inflammation of the
bronchial tubes that slows down the pas-
sage of air to and from the lungs.
"What causes bronchitis? Cigarette
"Cigarette smoking, as many people now
know, is a major cause of lung cancer.
This is a respiratory disease that strikes
many more cigarette smokers than people
who do not smoke.
"Why not kick the habit? Join the un-
hooked generation. You know its a matter
of life and breath - YOURS."
After hearing that, Thaddeus escalated
his efforts. Whenever he felt that craving,
he'd just pick up the phone. And soon
he was down below a pack a day.
The system seemed flawless, but if
there's one thing to remember, son, it's
never be over-confident. It was very late
one night - about 3 a.m. when Thaddeus
work up with a start. He'd been dreaming
about tobacco plantations and he had a
terrible urge to light up.
Holding himself back, he grabbed the
phone with shaking hands and - it was
an emergency, after all - dialed the
"hacking and spitting" line.
The phone rang five or six times, then
there was a click. "Porkowsky's, Arnold
THADDEUS WAS immobilized by the
shock. In the darkness, his hands shaking,
he must have . ...
He stuttered incoherently.'
"Listen buddy," said the voice at the
other end, growing irritated. "It's 3 in the
morning and I'm in no mood for playing
Thaddeus tried to pull himself togeth-
er. "Is this the Dial-a-puff message about
hacking and spitting?"
"You bastards 'li stoop to anything for
a laugh, won't ya. A guy can't get a de-
cent night's sleep anymore, goddam it."
A sharp click indicated that Arnold Pork-
owsky had hung up.
Thaddeus had the phone disconnected
the next day - he waited in the bathroom
while the repairmen took it away. And
that, son, is why your uncle no longer has
a phone.
WHAT ABOUT the smoking habit, you
say? Well, Thaddeus was an intelligent
man, remember, and he realized he couldn't
go back to three packs a day.
It was very simple - he started eating
Payday candy bars, just like Uncle Herm-
an,. It worked like a charm - he hardly
smokes at all anymore.
Today's column was brought to you by:
Arnold Porkowsky (unlisted



-Daily-Rolfe Tessen

talking, without feeling any need to reply.
Now I've told you, son, that Thaddeus
was a man of great intelligence. And you
know what intelligence is -'putting 2 and
2 together, son, it's as simple as that.
Well, Thaddeus did just that. On the
one hand, he was searching for more re-
corded phone messages. As time went on
you see, he began to get tired of "Put your
life and faith in the hands of the Lord."
On the other hand, he was still fuming
through three packs a day, and he was
developing a hard cough to show for it.
He didn't know that what to do until. one
great day, he found the magic number for
chronic smokers.
"This is smokers' dial message No. 5,"
a voice began in reassuring tones. "In
order to break the smoking habit, it is
vital that you get off to the right start
first thing every morning.
"During your first waking moments, get
your will power acting by saying, 'I choose
not to smoke today.' Then hop into a
warm shower or bath. Next, begin grad-

wally to cool the water by stages while
briskly rubbing your skin with a wash-
cloth - rub until your skin is pink.
"This friction dilates surface b 1 o o d
vessels, helps to stimulate the nervous
system, and gives a morning pickup while
weakening the craving to smoke."
Thaddeus tried it the next morning, and
what do your know, it worked right away!
He cut down an entire pack the very first
time - it got soaked when he dropped it
in the shower.
In his continuing search for undemand-
ing companionship, Thaddeus found a
second number to dial, listed under "Dial-
a-puff." This voice was less reassuring, it
was harsh and forboding. But what the
hell, said Thaddeus - you meet all kinds
of people in the real world, too.
"Do you wake up in the morning hack-
ing and spitting? Do you fight for breath
when breathing used to be so easy?
"These two complaints, that is, chronic
cough and shortness of breath, bother
many cigarette smokers.

Letters to The Daily: ARM criticized

To The Daily:
ARM - American Revolution-
ary Media - was plagued last
year by the Gestapo-like tactics of
a right-wing organization called
DISARM, which defaced and dis-
torted the leaflets distributed by
ARM to promote its films.
On Saturday night, however, it
became evident that ARM -
through George De Pue - does
not hesitate to use those very
same tactics in slandering revolu-
tionary organizations which do not
enjoy the approval of De P u e.
De Pue began the evening, during
which two Godard films were
shown, by lamenting the "lec-
ture" atmosphere of the Natural
Science Auditorium. However, he
made use of that very same at-
mosphere between films to de-
nounce a leaflet which had been
posted on the auditorium door bMj
the Young Workers Liberation
League, a week ago
De Pue began his attack on the
"so called" Young Workers Libera-
tion League by pointing out a re-
presentation of an olive branch
clutched by a white arm and a
black arm, such that the white
arm was above the black. He
then brought. to our attention a
reprint of the YWLL button

(which reads, "Unite Against War,
Racism, and Repression - De Pue
did not read us this, or anything
else the leaflet said) which sup-
posedly pictured one brown, three
black, and one white fist, with
the white fist raised "above" the
black. That was because "m o r e
black fists are raised these days"
(De Pue's analysis). This was all
"very interesting" to De Pue, who
then crumpled the leaflet and as-
sured us it would not have been
there at all if he had seen it
I am a member of the YWLL,
and needless to say, I felt obliged
to respond to this profound ana-
lysis. However, I was prevented
from doing so first, because of my
anger and astonishment and se-
cond, because the unfortunate
"lecture" atmosphere provided vi
very nice opportunity to turn out
the lights and project the film.
Because there are slogan-mongers
who find it so rewarding to en-
gage in such low tactics, I feel
compelled to offer another "an-
alysis" of the leaflet's composi-
tion. To get to the heart of the
matter, the YWLL does not ac-
cept the idea that whites should
"fight to the last black man and
woman". Perhaps De Pue feels
whites should sit back and watch

black people make the struggle
for us.
As the population of the U.S. is
about 70 per cent white, a pro-
letarian revolution will not be
achieved in this country until the
great masses of white workers
have actively taken up the strug-
gle. And central to the mobiliza-
tion of whites is the responsibility
of whites to combat racism among
their own people. Only the unity
of black, white, brown, and all
oppressed nationalities will ac-
complish their mutual liberation.
This might be an answer, if one
is necessary, to De Pue's challenge
- or less politely, De Pue's sland-
The YWLL, as a nation-wide or-
ganization, is multi-racial at ab
levels of work, and has been con-
stantly involved in the struggle
against racism. De Pue's "analy-
sis" of YWLL focuses upon the
difficulties of reproducing color
photographs with limited financ-
ial resources (the original but-
ton consisted of five fists: white.
black, brown, yellow, and red). I
would urge all those who hesi-
tate to accept such an approach
to follow the activities in which
the League is engaged, and to ap-
praise the League on the basis of
ideas and actions, rather than the
"very interesting" approach to
printing technicalities. ALL POW-
-John Clinton
Sept. 25
Passing up
To The Daily:
IT'S TIME that someone ques-
tioned the traditional practice of
"pasing up" certain people at
football games. It involves throw-
ing girls upward through throngs
of grabbing, obnoxiously clutching
hands. This practice is extremely
prevalent in freshman and sopho-
more sections.
As girls who have experienced
this highly dubious 'privilege, we
have something to say to the un-
restrained male Michigan fans.
Although this letter may appear
at times light-hearted, we are very
sincere and hope the sentiments


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"Good heavens! For a moment I thought
itwas Martha Mitchell!"

-rIMG$ Ji.{ YOU
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&OlAI- A MIdL~rg.
WIfIIu6 T IdKRK 141; OUT

'MAT $AL2.

of such crude sport. In an atmos-
phere like Ann Arbor's, it's very
difficult to imagine that males
are so hard up that they muSt
clutch at every and any girl who
happens to be passing by or, in
this case, up.
Common, (and we strongly em-
phasize that word), common de-
cency demands more considera-
tion and a measure of respect for
personal feelings and dignity.
Contrary to popular belief, we do
not "really love it." You are do-
ing us no favors, neither bolster-
ing our egos nor fulfilling latent
sexual desires.
A FINAL WORD to skeptics who
insist it is merely a show of spirit:
Then why do male victims g e t
booed unless they are very old or
a boy scout? Why do males in-

you were forewarned. Just once,
we'd all like to watch the game
and half-time free from obnox-
ious hands and cries.
Jermaine Greer '74
Wives' tickets
To the Daily:
THE FORMS a couple fills out
to obtain married football tickets
must be someone's warped idea of
a joke. Surely it could not be be-
lieved that with so many women
students enrolled at the Univer-
sity, a good proportion of them
would not be married to non-stu-
dent males. The unmitigated gall
of making out forms with "Wife's
Name then Student's Name" is
disgusting. It would have been
just as easy to put in that space
Spouse's Name (that they have
to be married in the first place is
raannrprr a nn.,I'

M ORE bCS f AOc-
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