RETROSPECT- THE MONTH IN REVIEW See Page Five Y [ e 1MIE :4Iaiti1 COOLER High-74 Low-52 Chance of showers Vol. LXXXI, No. 18 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 30, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages Milliken approves state funds' Higher education bill to let 'U' fund salary increases In sweeping approval of nearly all the bills which will cover this year's state budget, Gov. William Milliken yester- day signed the higher educa- tion bill which includes an ap- propriation of $78.1 million to the University's general fund for fiscal year 1971-72. Stymied for over two months as legislators struggled with theE state's tight financial situation; the new appropriation assures that the University will be able to fund the budget increases that administrators have said are es- sential - including a 6.5 per cent' faculty and staff salary raise. Warning that the state's budget will be "precariously balanced"' up to next July, Milliken an- nounced he vetoed some $4 mil- lion in budget items and ordered further spending controls. At the same time, the governor: announced the expected - he has signed 15 appropriation bills cov- ering the bulk of a state budget that will fall between $2.056 bil- lion and $2.088 billion. The final level depends upon the welfare budget, to be set- tled by the Legislature when it returns late next month. The House has passed a $534.9 million appropriation, the Senate a $503.4 million measure. Milliken also took a slap at the Legislature, recommending that it ask the auditor general to give legislative spending the same scrutiny given other state agen- cies. The auditor general is ap- pointed by the Legislature, and while issuing scores of audits each year, does not delve into the Leg- islature's personal spending. Milliken has criticized the Leg-! islature for "self - indulgence" in remodeling offices and overspend- ing its own appropriations. The $4 million in items vetoed represented only a tiny fraction- some one-fifth of one per cent- of the total state budget. Stricken ,by the governor were $1.5 million in trailer park fees for school aid, $1 million from the Depart- ment of Education budget for community s c h o o 1 programs, $750,000 for a portion of the State Police Narcotics Squad, which would be paid by the state if fed- eral funds are not appropriated. Also cut were $400,000 for op- erations of data processing pro- grams in intermediate school dis- tricts, $216,000 from the higher education budget for medical augmentation grants. $100,000 in operations of intermediate dis- tricts' educational media centers and $50,000 from the auditor gen- eral's appropriation for race track auditing. -Daily-Jim Wallace LSA holds coffee hour to encourage discussion By TED STEIN In a friendly, informal atmosphere the LSA "coffee hour" con- vened yesterday, bringing together about 100 college administra- tors, faculty members and students. The coffee was the first in a series to be held each Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. at 2549 LSA Building. Generally, the tone of conversations was light, although topics of discussion ranged to course offerings, suggestions for curriculum changes, and the meaning of education. Dean Frank Rhodes, who envisioned the coffees as "a neutral ground where the college can become a community again", was im- pressed with the turnout. "A large range of interests are represented, from freshmen to graduate students, and in the faculty from younger professors to department chairmen," he said. Rhodes noted that there was about an equal mix of students and faculty. "I hope in the future when the coffee is not a novelty, it will do as well", he said. Also planned for the future are formal office hours for LSA administrators and guest lectures of common interest to the College. Those who attended felt that the forum provided everyone with an opportunity to meet and talk with people in the College. Near Eastern Studies Prof. Lovis Orlin said, "I'm sure that in the future See LSA, Page 10 -Daily-Jim wallace LSA DEAN FRANK RHODES speaks to faculty members and students yesterday at the first of a weekly series of coffee hours. The sessions, aimed at promoting communication within the literary college, will be held from 3-4:30 p.m. each Wednesday in 2549 LSA Bldg. REPRESEN TA TIVES MEET: Draft 125 liE WASHINGTON ( - About 15,000 men are scheduled to be called for service in the armed forces by the end of the year, thus possibly plac- ing the draft lottery ceiling as low as 125. Marking the end of a three month draft holiday, Pentagon officials yesterday said the new call - covering inductions for October, November and Decem- ber, will bring total 1971 callups to under 100,000 for the first time in nearly a decade. They added there were no exact specifications on which men would be affected. although they estimated the majority of those inducted to be largely college and junior college graduates and drop- outs whose draft deferments ex- pired last June. The actual number called up during the three month period will probably range somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000, with their lotery numbers going no higher than 140, and possibly as low as 125. Draft calls in the first six months of this year totalled 88 - 000, but only 84,000 were actually inducted before the draft law died June 30. Pentagon sokesman J e r r y Friedheim said it will take about two or three weeks to gear up for actual inductions. Selective Service said it would be possible to send out the first letters of "greetings" in three or four days. However, the law requires that ten days' notice be given before a young man is ordered to report. The last time the annual draft fell below 100,000 was in 1962, be- fore the Vietnam war heated up, when 76.500 men were drafted. Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird has said this well be the last extension of the Selective Service Act. except for standby emergency machinery, because the administration hopes to achieve an all-volunteer force by mid- 1973. The bill renewing the draft for two years. was signed into law Tuesday by President Nixon. Included in it is a 2.4-billion- a-year military pay raise which Nixon ordered delayed until the expiration of his general wage- price freeze Nov. 13. Meanwhile. the Pentagon issued a new monthly report on total military strength showing that the armed forces declined by 47, 000 in August to a total of 2.657,- 000, smallest in more than six years. After months of delay the Sen- ate last week passed and sent to the White House the bill extend- ing the military draft until June 23, 1973. That measure included the pro- vision authorizing Nixon to drop undergraduate student deferments starting with those students who entered college this fall. Other provisions of the draft bill included extension of proce- dural rights of draftees before their local boards and limitations of inductions to 130,000 this year and 140,000 next year. Passage of the bill by a vote of 55-30 came with surprising suddenness after the Senate by just one vote had invoked its anti- filibuster rule to limit debate on the measure. Th aary increase is expected to be a major lure in attracting enough persons into military ca- reers to enable the U.S. to form an all-volunteer armed forces by mid-1973. At the time the bill passed, one of the defeated leaders of the campaign to delay the draft, Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), said the Senate's action would plunge the issue into the 1972 presidential campaign and could bring out hundreds of voters against Nixon. CaI resumes; nit expected -Daily-Robert wargo DEBBIE BUSTIN, national coordinator for the Student Mobili- zation Committee, discusses plans for the Nov. 6 anti-war demon- strations in the UGLI Multipurpose Room last night. SMIC speaker sees large fall protests, By GENE ROBINSON Debbie Bustin, national coordinator for the Student Mo- bilization Committee (SMC), expressed optimism for the fall antiwar actions last night, saying, "Nov. 6 is going to be the largest set of demonstrations we have ever seen in this country." About 40 people heard Bustin deliver the remarks last night at the UGLI multipurpose room in a speechsponsored by SMC. She was instrumental in organizing SMC activities ----____ - in Ann Arbor during the fall rn-yanti-war actions of 1969. New Graduate Assembly sought By MARK ALLSHOUSE and GLORIA JANE SMITH A graduate students' repre- sentative group thought to have breathed its last, is undergo- ing a reorganization aimed at increasing its former legitimacy. Representatives from 11 grad- uate schools' student govern- ments met last night to formu- late plans for reorganization of the body - Graduate Assembly (GA) - expressing hope for the establishment of a GA with a new "sphere of duty." The main proposal, yet to be adopted, would have GA become a federation of the 11 graduate student governments instead of the previously assembly of al- most 120 graduate students. The group plans to formulate a constitution for the proposed assembly this week. The previous assembly, com- prised of students in all grad- uate disciplines, had its legi- timacy questioned last spring when several groups charged that GA was not representative of the constituency it said it represented. In addition, the groups charg- ed GA with acting illegally in conducting business without a quorum of its members present. Michael Davis, Grad, repre- senting these groups-which in- cluded the Law School Student Michael Davis I Women here prove successful in full-duty police officer role. Senate and the Executive Com- mittee of Philosophy Graduate Studies -'brought the issue be- fore Central Student Judiciary (CSJ). CSJ called on GA to disband unless it could show "good in- tent by Oct. 1 of this year." CSJ also ruled that until "good intent" was shown, GA's account would be frozen and that their apportioned office space would be confiscated. At that time, a proposal for a Rackham Student Government (RSG) was being considered as a possible replacement for GA. Davis commented then that he believed RSG would be able to "take up functions which GA should have performed and didn't." Rackham. students voted to ratify a Rackham constitution and elected a student govern- ment executive body headed by President Dan Fox. After the CSJ ruling and the subsequent formation of the RSG, it was believed by many, including former GA president Norman Wilson, that GA was destined to fold. Much to the contrary, GA president Jana Bommersbach contends, the formation of a Rackham government has pro- vided GA with the opportunity to "shed its ineffectiveness." The proposal outlines the fed- eration as being -a board of fourteen members, including one representative from each of the following schools: social work, medicine, law, business admin- istration, architecture and de- sign, dentistry, music, natural resources, pharmacy and pub- lic health. 'laylor in recall fight1 By W. E. SCHROCK Student Government C o u n c i l member Brad Taylor will soon face an uphill battle to retain his SGC seat in a recall election this term. Taylor, a conservative, is ac- cused of betraying the trust of his constituency, smearing individuals, and misrepresenting the nature of last February's Peoples' Peace Conference in testifying "willingly" before the House Internal Security Committee (HISC) this summer. Taylor says the charges are "un- fair" and "illegitimate." An ad hoc committee has collect- ed more than the thousand student signatures needed to place the re- call question on the SGC ballot. It is unclear, however, when the com- mittee will submit the signatures to SGC or when a recall election will be held. A 60 per cent majority is needed to recall an SGC member from office. The recall committee will hand the signatures in "after the tran- script of Taylor's testimony is available," says Bob Black, '73, head of the committee. A HISC spokesman said Tuesday he believes the testimony is now being published and will soon be accessible. The recall committee believes Taylor should be ousted because his testimony before HISC, former- See SUCCESSFUL, Page 10 Bustin cited the involvement of larger segments of society into the anti-war movement as the chief reason for a major anti-war of- fensive this fall. Bustin refuted claims by the Nixon administration that the war is "winding down". She s t a t e d that the war in Indochina has been actually on the rise, citing as evidence the escalation of the air war in N. Vietnam, the up- coming elections in South Viet- nam, and the extension of the draft. She said the wage-price freeze was instrumental in bringing lar- ger numbers of people into the anti-war movement. Bustin specifically referred to a statement issued recently by over 150 trade union leaders condemn- ing the war. The statement urged "millions" to protest on Nov. 6. Nov. 6 is the focal date of the fall actions, with large demonstra- tions scheduled for major cities around the country. In addition, a nationwide student strike is slated for Nov. 3, in which Bustin hopes schools around the country will be converted to anti-war centers to build up the Nov. 6 action, She emphasized the continuing role of students in the movement. "Students are still a primary force in the anti-war movement, now more than ever," since. students have access to university facili- ties," she said. She said the anti-war movement in this country was not dead, but it "has just begun" to end the war. "This is a fight we can win," she concluded. - - I- By SUE STEPHENSON "It's a good idea, but it'll never happen," commented a city police officer two years ago when some- one mentioned hiring women as police officers. Well, it's happened. For six months now, three women have been walking beats, assuming all the duties formerly reserved for males, including mak- ing arrests and carrying side- arms. Az'd, d :spite the .qualms of some of their male counterparts, the experiment has proven re- markably successful, according to Ann Arbor police Chief Walter Krasny. The d-cision to promote three former meter-maids - technically limited duty police officers - to the rank of patrolwoman was tak- en late :ast year. police officials say. In December, the three entered the police academy for a two- month training program, includ- ing training in weaponry, self de- fense and high speed driving. By the end of March, officers Martha Parks, Tommie Stewart and Tanya Padgett had hit the streets for the first time. Officer Padgett says she took the position because, during her three years as a meter maid she had been unable to make arrests when she suspected a law was be- ing broken. In her new position, she can step in and bring the matter before the courts. Officer Stewart-who had been writing parking tickets for four and a half years before her pro- motion - says she feels her job! as a police officer helps her serve the community. Besides, she points out, it's an interesting job with a chance to meet people. Though the three perform the same tasks and receive the same pay as patrolmen, they find they can be especially useful in cases where children or family prob- lems are involved. When police are called to quell family fights, says officer Parks, "the feminine touch" can often be en officers "are all they're made out to be." "They're OK in some cases," he said, "but what do you do when you want her to come to work and she has a period?" According to the women offic- ers, however, they have received widespread acceptance in the de- partment. Anyway, the community cer- tainly does not discriminate against the trio, Officer Padgett explains. "We get the same name calling and threats as all the other officers." PERSONAL IMPACT PROBED Ecologists focus on grassroot movements By BETH OBERFELDER The mood a m o n g environmentalists has changed since the teach-ins of 1970. Rather than rallying together on long-range issues, activists are now directing their initial fervor to a personal and social level. Broad - based problems, such as industrial nrnn;tinn na Phing lft. +tn +4+n. f iPPeIlna . na lives and allowing the earth's natural eco system to fulfill its natural cycle. In the home, people appear to be more con- rerned with the types of products they use and the food they eat. Manufacturers, in turn, are being forced to cater to changing demands-such as deposit bottles, and non-phosphate detergents. In short .onsumers are seeing their nhility to ,:.:. 4 f f q r: is is". J ยข .:.; " .. ..::