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September 29, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-29

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Wednesday, September 29, 1971

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 29, 1971

New currency structure sought
by International Monetary Fund

Redistricting may dilute new vote

resolution of the board of gover-
nors of the International Mone-
tary Fund called on the 118
member nations yesterday to
proceed urgently to establish a
new and "satisfactory structure
of exchange rates" for their cur-
The resolution, prepared for
the board in an emergency pro-

cedure, also calls for "the reduc-
tion of restrictive trade and ex-
change practices." This would
include President Nixon's 10 per
cent import tax surcharge.
The proposal asks the 12-mem-
ber board of executive directors
to "make reports to the board
of governors without delay on
the measures that are necessary
or desirable for the improve-

N at.Resources revamped
(Continued from Page 1) the executive committee refers

ment or reform of the interna-
tional monetary system."
It was prefaced by an explana-
tion that the worldwide mone-
tary disruption-largely pr-cipi-
tated by President Nixon's Aug.
15 decision to halt the converti-
bility of dollars into gold--"con-
tains the dangers of instability
and disorder in currency and
trade relationships."
But, it said, the situation "also
offers the opportunity for con-
structive changes in the interna-
tional monetary system."
These changes - including the
possible eventual development of
a new international monetary
system based at least partly on
"paper gold," as recommended
by Britain, Japan, Italy a'id
France-are the objectives of the
instructions to the IMF's execu-
tive directors.
The resolution must be cleared
tomorrow by the IMF's commit-
tee on procedure, thenpresented
for approval to the full board of
governors on Friday, final day
of the annual meeting. Its adop-
tion is certain, officials said.

(Continued from Page 1)
or up to six seats on the 10-man
City Council.
And with this in m i n d, the
Councilmen are taking an unusual
amount of interest in the redist-
ricting-to the extent of trying to
be able to do it themselves.
The redistricting will begin next
month when a citizens' ward
boundary commission receives the
final 1970 census data. O n c e,
redrawn the boundaries should re-
main intact until the next cen-

New party seeps ballot

However, one grad student in
resource ecology, 'when asked
about the effect of the depart-
mental reformation on the
school, responded m o r e nega-
tively. "The s a m e sort of
static ideas exist in the school
but only with a little more free-
dom in the undergraduate pro-
gram," he says.'
Another major element of the
reorganization is the altered na-
ture of the undergraduate pro-
gram. A student can take a
broad environmentally oriented
education or a specific curricu-
lum leading to either profes-
sionalism or specialization in a
variety of resource and environ-
mental areas," a school publica-
tion says.
According to Preston, the
change in the undergraduate
program is "a major departure
and a vast improvement" from
past practice.
Most students seem to appre-
ciate the flexible program now
offered, but one junior said the
loose program let too many
students "drift" t h r o u g h the
school with no particular ob-
The reorganization also called
,or the creation of a Student
Policy Advisory Committee.
The committee, recently as-
sembled, has four student mem-
bers who will supply student
input into decision making, Pres-
ton says, and will also advise
Dean McFadden.
However, one natural resources
grad student, comments that the
new committee will only be able
to consider those matters that

to it, and will tnerefore be re-
stricted in its role.
Despite its intimate ties with
other departments and schools
within the University, the natural
resources school is for some
students an unknown quantity.
For minority group students
and faculty this is especially
true. Black students and faculty
are conspicuously absent from
the school and there is only one
woman faculty member.
Preston admits the lack of
more than token minority par-
ticipation in the school, , com-
menting that "very few women
and blacks are attracted to the
fields of natural resources."
"But," Preston says, "work is
being done to improve the situ-
"The number of female stu-
dents has increased greatly and
there are more female teaching
fellows than males now," he
In Fall, 1968 there were 34
women out of 412 students in the
natural resources school. In Fall,
1970 there were 126 women out
of a total of 662 students.
"There is also a committee
that has been working on increas-
ing minority enrollment for a
couple of years," Preston con-
Last fall, the faculty approved
the recommendations of an ad
hoc group including one com-
miting the school to increase its
black enrollment to 10 per cent
or "failing that to share the
resources with those University
units that can do so."

sus 10 years from now.
However, the boundaries could
be withdrawn earlier if c o u r t
rulings make it necesasry. For
instance, the boundaries were re-
drawn in 1967 to comply with the
Supreme Court's one-man one-
vote decision that required dis-
tricts to be drawn so that they
were nearly equal in population.
The regulations governing re-
districting don't allow m u c h
leeway, according to Robert Grace,
commission chairman:

(Continued from Page 1)
laratory judgment on whether the
amendment is constitutional. Lax
filed the necessary petitions yes-
The move for the amendment
started several months ago. After
unsuccessfully' running write - in
candidates in the city election,
RIP urged that changes be made'
in the city charter to make it
easier for third parties to get on
the ballot.
In response, City Council formed
a Citizens Committee on Third
Parties and Related Matters to
study the problem.
The committee recommended the
charter be amended so t h a t
groups with signatures totalling
one per cent of the vote cast for
the successful mayoral candidate
in the last election - or 150
signatures - be allowed on the
ballot. Council changed this fig-
ure to 1,500 and approved t h e
If the court permits the amend-
ment, it must still be approved by
the voters before it can become
effective. If the city loses the de-
claratory judgment, there are at
present no plans to appeal to a
higher state court. Council could,
hkor n tif4h0,flfl'0 i nfel t n

their "civil libertarian" p a r t y
line, they must add the RIP to
their side.
The third party ruling becomes
increasingly important for RIP
as the deadline for its state-wide
petition drive approaches.
Faculty react
(Continued from Page 1)
session. "I felt peculiar having
them adopt a substitute (the
Schuman resolution) without dis-
cussing the recommendations of
the Research Policies Committee."
"I think there will be ample
time for consideration of amend-
ments. to the resolution',, he said,
"to clear up much of the confus-
ion in the minds of the members
of Senate Assembly."
Graduate sociology student Jane
Hood, a member of the RPC, dealt
with the problem facing sup-
porters of the Schuman resolu-
tion. Whatever the wording of the
final proposal she said the com-
munity will- have to constantly
r e v i e w any secret research on
Hood assigned tremendous im-
portance to the review couimittee
created by the Schuman resolu-
ti n ibn annrnv, fnnC,4hln nidctcslf

Under the city charter, t h e
city must be divided into five1
wards, emanating from the center
of the city in pie-shaped sectors.
This way, Grace says, the wards
tend to reflect a cross-section of
the city or "a little bit of every-
body and not a lot of anybody."
The ward boundaries must fol-i
low natural boundaries or main
streets as much as possible and
observe prior ward boundaries
wherever possible, Grace says. I
"However," he emphasizes, "the
single most important considera-
tion is that they must be as equal
in population as possible under the
one-man one-vote ruling."
The commission has received
some, but not all, of thercensus
data. If the data does not come
in before mid-October, four
months before the city's February
primary, the commission will not
be required to complete its work
by then.
Yet even if it does finish the
redistricting in time, the commis-
sion's proposal may be turned
down by City Council.
Two weeks ago, the generally
cut-and-dried process of redis-
tricting was given some contro-
versy as the six Republican mem-
bers of City Council voted to add
themselves to the commission.
Mayor Robert Harris quickly ve-
toed the measure.
To get approval of their mea-
sure now, the Republicans would
need a two-thirds Council major-
ity - an impossibility with the 6-4
party split on Council.
The Republicans, if they h a d

Folklore Society
7 P.M., WED., Sept. 29
concerts, workshops, dances,
quilting, bees, etc.

their choice, would probably like
to place the students all in one
ward to minimize students' impact
on Council.
The Democrats, meanwhile,
would probably favor spreading
the students out through a num-'
ber of wards. In this way, they
could probably add the student
vote to their ranks, while mini-
mizing the chances that a large
concentrated student bloc would
put a Radical Independent Party
candidate on Council.

Long hair should be cut
as often as short hair.
Try Daily Classifieds



e= ;b':


the ann arbor film co-operative presents
Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman in
Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director,
and Best Screenplay from Another Medium

Rhodes call
LSA forum
In an effort to create "a neutr
ground where the College of Lite
ature, Science, and the Arts ce
become a community again," Dee
Frank Rhodes has announced
series of "coffee hours."
The first of the weekly Wedne
day coffees will be held today ar
in succeeding weeks from 3-4:
p.m. in the Dean's Conferen
Room, 2549 LSA Bldg.
Rhodes envisions the coffee hou
as "forums for bringing about o
going discussion and debate abo
the college." All of LSA's 16,0
students and over 1,000 facul
members are invited to participa
in the informal discussions.
"The real problem with LSA
the sheer size of it," Rhodes e
plains. He hopes that for the fir
time, the "richness in LSA can k
opened up" and that the forum:
particular will bring the collet
closer together. -



auditorium a
angell hall

7 and 9:30 p.m.
still only 75c


niowever, au ourize an appai au a aLi on o approve possJ Ie cl ssiJ'Ou
ce later date, research.I
In order to proceed with the "There are fewer ways of getting
rs amendment over the governor's around the Schuman proposal be-
n- ruling, Council was required to cause the resolution provides for
ut approve the amendment by a two- two members philosophically op-
00 thirds vote. It did that overwhelm- posed to classified research," she
ty ingly, 10-1, but perhaps not be- said. "These members will act as
te cause of any love of RIP. 'watchdogs' for the University".
The Republicans would be only Echoing the sentiments of the
is too happy to give the Democrats supporters of the Schuman pro-
x- some extra opposition - in t h e posal who were contacted, Hood
st form of RIP - though the amend- warned that the issue is still very
be ment could potentially open the much in doubt.
in way for right-wing groups such In future Assembly debates, the
ge as the Concerned Citizens of Ann "resolution may be so w a t e r e d
Arbor to oppose the Republicans. down that we may end up back
And the Democrats reportedly un- where we started from", she said.
derwent a bit of soul-searching She concluded, however, that "the
before deciding that to maintain door has been opened".


For the student body:
& Levi
A Male
State Street at Liberty


Wage-Freeze equals More War
SMC National Coordinator
speaks on the upcoming
fall activities against the war


8 P.M. WED., SEPT. 29
Ugli Multi-Purpose Room

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Day Calendar
Physics Seminar: Y.P. Yeao, "Inclu-
sive Processes at High Momentum
Transfer," Physics Lounge, Randall
Lab, 10:30 am.
LSA Open House for all student-fac-
ulty members of College of LSA: 2549
LSA Bldg., Dean's Conf. Rm., 3-4:30
Physics Lecture: A. G. Cameron, "Ev-
olution of Galaxies and the Prevalence
of Black Holes," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4
Statistics Seminar: B. Hill, "Strong
Forms of Zipf's Law," 2440 Mason Hall,
4 pm.
Computing Lectures: E.J. Fronczak,
"The FORTRAN IV Programming Lan-
guage," Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 pm.
General Notices
Arts Chorale, Sept. 30, 3:00 PM,
Aud. C. Angell Hall. Auditions for
tenors, baritones, and basses.
Bsch Club, Sept. 30, 8:00 PM, South
Quad West Lounge. Featuring Donald
Sosin (Piano) performing Bach, Scho-
enberg, Beethoven, Sosin.
Women's Volleyball Club meeting,
7:00 PM, Sept. 30, Barbour Gym.
Men's Volleyball Organization Meet-
ing, Sept. 30, 8:00 PM, Michigan Union.
Practice times are 7:30-9:00 Mon. Wed.
Foreign Students Board meeting,
Sept. 29, 7:30 PM Rive Gauche (Pound
House) All National Club Presidents
please attend.
Winter Term '72:
1. To make appt. you MUST appear
in person.
2. Graduating Srs given first choice.

3. To determine Group number, find
your field in lists at bottom of page.
4. BGS, Liberal Studies, and Op-
tional Counseling students may turn
materials in for processing beginning
Oct. 25.
appear on the dates below to make
GROUP I: Oct. 4-6-appointments
made in appropriate dept. office.
GROUP II: Oct. 4 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
GROUP III: Oct. 5 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
GROUP IV: Oct. 6 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
*Any graduating Sr not able to ap-
pear Oct. 4-6, may appear the 7th or
HOURS) ** may appear on the dates
GROUP I: Oct. 11-13-appointments
made in appropriate dept. office.
GROUP II: Oct. 11 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall
GROUP III: Oct. 12 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
GROUP IV: Oct. 13 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
**Any Sr not able to appear Oct. 4-8
or 11-13, may appear the 14th or 15th.
COPHOMORES (55-83 HOURS)*** may
appear on the dates below.
GROUP I: Oct. 18-20-appointments
made in approp. dept. office.
GROUP II: Oct. 18 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
GROUP III: Oct. 19-appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
GROUP IV: Oct. 20 - appointments
made in 1223 Angell Hall.
***Anyone who was not able to ap.
pear the 21st or 22nd.

GROUP I - Anthropology, Astron
my, Biophysics, Cellular Bilo 1g
Chemistry, Classical Archaeology, Cla
sical Studies, Far Eastern Lang. & Li
Far Eastern Studies, Geography, Geol
gy, Historyg of Art, Linguistics, Micr
biology, Near Eastern Lang. & Li
Physics, Psych - Speech - Hearin
Romance Linguistics, Russian & Es
European, Slavic Lang. & Lit., Socii
Anthropology, Studies in Religion, Z
GROUP II - American Cultur
Communication Sci., English, Engli
T.C., Mathematics, Philosophy, Soci
Work, Mathematics T.C.
GROUP III - Biology, Botany, Ec
nomics, History, History T.C., Jou
nalism, Political Science.
GROUP IV - Anthropology - Zoo
ogy, French, French TC., German, M
sic Literature, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Leg
Pre-Medical, Pre-Professional, Psych
ogy, Sociology, Spanish, Spanish T.C
Speech, Speech Correction.


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Tech Director
Ass't. to Director

Lighting Director
Stage Manager

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UAC Office, *2nd Floor, UnionI
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