Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 28, 1971 I FOR VOLUNTEER ARMY: Pentagon spokesman claims enlistees must double by '73 'U' to ask 11% raise in faculty pay next year WASHINGTON UIP) - The Armed Services subcommittee Pentagon's top manpower of- on recruiting and retention that ficial said yesterday the armed the services will need about forces will need to double "the 490,000 enlistees a year, give number of true volunteers who or take 10 per cent. are now enlisting" if the draft "At the same time we will ends as scheduled in mid-1973. have to increase the number of Robert Kelley, assistant sec- re-enlistments by an average rectary of defense for manpow-b er and reserve affairs, said in of 10 per cent over present -lev- testimoney before the House els, and there is special pressure Over participate inf ostponed walkathon (Continued from Page 1) was Mayor Harris. bottles and stuff, but that's so "Next week's walk will be con- remote. This is real, and it brings ducted a little differently," said people tcgether." walkathon organizer Mike Schect- Ecology Week, Sept. 19 to Sept. man. "Instead of walking to fin- 26, was sponsored by the Ann ish, we'll take a little more time, Arbor Ecology Center to celebrate ' and have someone along who can the environment, and to publicize tell us about the landsights as we various issues. The week began pass them. Also, we'll try to get with a street fair on barricaded barrels place at the check points, Main St., and continued through- so we can pick up some of the out to offer speakers, discussions trash along the way. and films. A 12-mile bike hike' and foot hike concluded the week. Three young women from Hu- DAILY OFFICIAL ron and Pioneer. High Schools wee still in good spirits after passing' the eight-mile check point. During BULLETIN the last three hours, they said, they had met "many cooperativ9 and friendly type people." The Daily Official Bulletin is an "One guy was playing his nar- official publication of the Univer- sity of ilchigan. Notices should be monica, and we were singing old sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to World War II ditties with him."' 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of The "guy," they later found nut, the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and on higher re-enlistments of peo- ple in technical and critical skill areas," Kelley said. "About one out of every four qualified young men of military age will be needed for active or reserve duty," he said. "Most will be needed for one enlistment only, but about 25 percent of those who enter will be needed for additional terms of service." The Pentagon estimates it will be able to draw on a po- tential enlistment pool of four million men each year between the ages of 18 and 22. Kelley said reductions in the size of the armed forces from a Vietnam war peak of 3.5 mil- lion in 1968 will be completed by June, when they are sched- uled to shrink to just under 2.5 million. The administration's goal is to end draft calls by July 1, 1973, by increasing the num- ber of voluntary enlistments. Kelley said this can be achieved if military pay is suf- ficient enough "to bear a rea- sonable relationship to civilian pay," servicemen are "treated with respect," decent housing and quality schools are provid- ed, and military life becomes "reasonably satisfying a n d challenging." At the same time he said the armed forces will have to weed out those "who are incompe- tent, lazy or disloyal." "Those people, even though they comprise a very small per cent of the total, take a dispro- portionate amount of time to supervise and they cause more than their share of the trou- ble that has erupted in recent years," he said. By CARLA RAPOPORT The University is expected to propose an 11 per cent increase« in faculty salaries and fringe bene-I fits in its state appropriation re-; quest for the 1972-73 fiscal year,+ President Robben Fleming indi- cated last night. - In his State of the University , Address, Fleming said that Vice President for Academic. Affairs, Allen Smith, "has been working"I with the 11 per cent figure in! readying the appropriation requesti for submission this week. "We believe that it takes this amount to recognize the slippage" i in faculty salaries which has taken place in recent years, the presi-i dent said.i Contacted last night, University officials admitted that the 11 per cent figure is slightly "unrealis- tic." Although the University sought a 10 per cent salary in- crease for this fiscal year, the Legislature appropriated funds that allowed only a 6.5 per cent increase. In a national survey of faculty salaries across the nation, the University's rank has dropped sub- stantially in recent years, caus- ing i n c r e a s e d dissatisfaction among University professors. One of the major outgrowths of this dissatisfaction has been in- creasing interest among faculty members toward professorial un- ionization. io AFSCME to (Continued from Page 1) the University announced without consultation with the union that over the next three years the jobs of 187 nurses aides are going to be phased out and replaced by non-union employes; and secondly when the University extended, without consultation with the un- ion, the work shift of plant depart- ment janitors one-half hour and removed the 20 minute paid lunch period. vote on strike A PROTESTER, who identified himself as a Vietnam veteran, interrupted yesterday's Senate Assem- bly debate on classified and military research at the University saying that Assembly members should consider the consequences of such research in Indochina. Senate Ass University (Continued from Page 1) three - year - old policy guidelines! designed to prohibit secret con- tracts whose "specific purpose" was the destruction of human life. Though Assembly voiced its de-' -N-- Blacks stage protest at Ga. stae capitol Sunday. Items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9270. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Day Calendar Physics Seminar: Dr. J. Pum piin, MSU, Optical Model of Diffraction Dissociation," P&A Colloquium Rm, 4 pm L Scohol of Music: The Baroque Trio, Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 pm. 1 E 5 The issue of a volunteer, arm y sire to extend" tie statement's has been spotlighted recently by scope, RPC's report apparently the congressional renewal of the failed to go far enough for As- draft bill. Advocates of the two- sembly's opponents of classified year draft extension claimed that research. the extension was only in prep- "It's a question of how humane' aration for an end to involuntary the University will be, of who in oo ses m o she University responded to this emt. ty oppo es ostissue in both a questionnaire that was sent to them by the union 1* eand in special conferences held c~ssc last Friday and yesterday. Thiry said in a statement, "we will em- phasize to all operating managers, the importance of providing ad- ary approval to Schuman's pro- The group would be comprised vance notice of such changes to posal came after the defeat of a of twelve faculty members, two of the personnel representatives to motion authored by Rucknagel whom come from departments permit opportunity for discussion and several other professors. This that have contracts for classified with the union. We admit that in motion, failing 21-25, called for a research, and two who indicate two or three instances we have halt to all secret research where they are "philosophically opposed" failed to provide such Information "restrictions are i m p o s e d on to classified research. Seven votes fwhen it would have been helpful. prompt and open publication of would be required for approval of As we agreed, with those excep- the results (of the project) a classified research project. tions, we have had good general Wtions, we have hadogoodlgeneral While Schuman's proposal would However, most of those who communications." permit classified projects whose helped in the movement to pass details remained secret if excep-e tth Schuman plan regard their The union contends concerning tioa benefit could somehow be rgr hi t r oave n,fit coulds resolution victory as a starting point and feel more amendments of an as yet According to the University's strictly prohibited any such ex- unspecified nature will be re-IStandard Practice Guide, "Before ceptions. quired. a proposal for classified research Economics Prof. Frederic Scher- project is submitted by the Uni- er, speaking longest on the mo- And most, still somewhat taken versity for a sponsor, the proposal tion's behalf, saw the problem as aback at their success, were still must be approved by the CRC." one of "excellence and trust." guessing as to what was respon- The project, however, though "We know there are very serious sible for their success, rejected by the faculty-student difficulties at Willow Run (site ofd One apparnt inconsstency i IJiiJArL fn0.IwO ,J, W r .'JiWV~U other issues-primarily sick leave and break time-that the Univer- sity is unnecessarily overstepping their bounds as management. As concerns sick time, the union points out that there are specific provisions in the contract con- cerning when and how an employe can take off sick time and there are mechanisms to deal with ary employe who abuses that pro- cedure. The University, however, has takenhthe position that they have a right to call any employe who calls in sick, two, five or ten hours later "to get additional informa- tion." The union contends that such actions are not necessary and are being used by the University in an arbitrary manner -- some- thing specifically forbidden in a memo of "understanding" in the ' contract. Thiry, in his statement, however, maintains that such ac- tions are not "harassment." Further, the union objects to the position the University has taken in regard, to break time. The University, union officials claim, has asserted it has the right to tell employes where they can and cannot go on their break time, on the grounds that break locations might interfere with the functioning of the University. Union officials, however, feel that some such restrictions are clearly "capricious." "Employes have been forbid- den to go to restaurants and have a cup of coffee since they might come back late," said one union steward. McCracken maintains that if an employe is abusing the rest period, then it is the University's job to discipline him. "It is un- fair to punish 80 per cent of the union for the actions of maybe 20 per cent," says McCracken. ATLANTA, Ga. (")--- Shout- conscription. Sen. Mike Mans- society it will servee, mpnasize ing blacks tookaover a commit- Getterall NoicesOcS field (D-Mont) has attempted to medical Prof. Donald Rucknagel,t tee room in the Georgia Capi- Interested in Pre-Med? Informa- defeat the draft bill and, yes- a leader of the fight against clas- tol yesterday, ejected lawmakers tional mtg. for all students interested; terday, again mounted his cam- sified research, yesterday. "Will and barred the door to white info about pre-medical curriculum, paign to end the war in Indo-|we serve everyone no matter what newsmen while . they met for and procedure for applying tol Medi- china, by calling for withdrawal restrictions they place on us?" nearly an hour before dispers- night s Aat., g H, 8 pm. of U.S. troops. The vote giving at least tempor- ing. The group left the Capitol peacefully and was ignored by ;1u Gov. Jimmy Carter. However, Lt. Gov. Lester Maddox termed the incident "sickening" and de- " clared that Carter "should have thrown them out." usi The group, which eventually seized the third - floor meeting (Continued from Page 1) gation, which is attributed to un- districts, the full range of state- room of the House Appropria- not go into effect until next fall. connected events, such as hous- supported transportation." tions Committee. The committee However, Nataniel Jones, chief ing patterns. Roth praised the Detroit school was not in session, but some leg- counsel for the NAACP, ca'lled Roth noted that in one in- 1 board for increasing the num- islators were forced to leave. the ruling "an important one be- stance of 14 Detroit schools which ber of black teachers and super- Some of the blacks said they cause it applies to so many pu- were built or modernized for the visory personnel.{ represented the Black Workers ;pils -- the biggest .number in any' 1970-7 1 school year, 11 of themy Congress. One signBvisible when northern city yet - and because had more than 90 per cent black He said, however: "With one the door opened said, "Avenge we were able to put together such enrollment. exception, necessitated by the Att d" a strong case." burning of a school, the defend- Rep. Julian Bond, a black leg- About 290,000 children attend Describing the state's role in ant board has never bused white islator, went into the room and public schools in Detroit. the court action, Roth said, "The children to predominantly black talked with them. Roth said in his ruling, "We state and its agencies, in addi- schools . . despite the enormous Later, otherblack legislators find that both the State of Mich- tion to their general responsibil- amount of space available in in- 1were reported to have gone in to igan and the Detroit Board of ity for and supervision of public ner city schools. There were 22,- talk with the.demonstrators and Education have committed acts education, have acted directly to 961 vacant seats in schools 90 were urged to make commit- which have been casual factors control and maintain the pattern per cent or more black." ments concerning the Attica pri- in the segregated condition of the of segregation in Detroit schools. At another point, Roth said, son revolt, public schools of the city of De- "The state refused, until this "the practice of the Board of About five state troopers ar- troit." session of the legislature, to pro- Education transporting black rived, but stood outside the closed In layman's terms, his findings vide authorization or funds for students from overcrowded black door and made no attempt to in- of de jure segregation meant that the transportation of pupils with- scheels to other identifiably terfere. he concluded there was segrega- in Detroit regardless of their pov- black schools, while passing close A few minutes later, Carter, tion in the schools as the result of erty or distance from the school identifiably white schools which surrou p dedto the third floor, but te etroit Boardte leducation to which they were assigned, could have accepted these pupils, turned in the opposite direction and other officials. while providing in many neigh- amounted to an act of segrega- from the room. It differs from de facto segre- boring, mostly white, suburban tion by school authorities." 4 most of the University's classified research) with a radical drop in f e d e r-a 1 research aid," Scherer said. "They tend to relax their standards, and if our research labs are very good, then the Depart- ment of Defense will find ways of sailing misrepresented projects through." Throughout the debate, con- ducted in a modern auditorium tucked away in the University's medical center, opponents of clas- sified research appeared no more One apparent inconsistency in existing classified proposal review procedure seized upon by oppo- nents of classified research early in yesterday's debate was the exe- cution of a classified research project Aug. 31 without formal approval of the clearing - house Classified Research Committee (CRC). Committee b To a, was orwaraea to the Army by Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman. Although CRC chairman geog- raphy Prof. George Kish says if such incidents occur again As- sembly will be informed, admin- istrative reaction should Assembly formally approve Schuman's plan is still uncertain. sure of success than in previous attempts last March and expressed surprise that their efforts had1 finally produced the results they% had sought. After the defeat of the Ruckna-' gel motion, opponents of Schu- I man's proposal were quick to ask I for clarification of how "excep- tional positive value" of classified projects would be determined. Schuman, designing his proposal as a compromise between RPC's report and the Rucknagel motion, answered that the phrase was to provide "flexibility" to those who would have to interpret it. 1 The Schuman proposal asks for the establishment of a "Review Committee" that would judge any "exceptional" requests for classi- fied research. di SHOP JACOBSON'S MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY-9:30 A.M. UNTIL 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. r..) L- TONIGHT ONLY! BIG DOUBLE FEATURE! THE CELEBRATED STORY OF A MAN OBSESSED BY IDEAL.BEAUTY. THE OFFICE OF SPECIAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS OFFICE OF STUDENT SERVICES OPPORTUNITY M7 Y } , ' + l+ a bright fall bouquet for Miss J in this little jersey dress by Patty O'Neil. It's a colorful change of pace for the season in berry or purple with white. 5-13P sizes. $18. 4, ZJAeW FOR EMPLOYMENT STUDENT PROGRAM ASSISTANTS 30 Work Study and or Part Time Appointments WINNER GRAND PRIX CANNES 25th ANNIVERSARY AWARD c't.A kM6YLUCHINO V ISCON!J STK'. RE NDTIIN VECE BU/NS /ANDRESEN International Center Office of Religious Affairs Community Services Special Services r /Mediation (tennant landlord) - , - - -.: ..1 C... Constituency Services in the areas of " Black Students " Women " Sexuality Programs School and College Governments , I I I