Priddy, September 24, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Friday, September 24, 1 971 YHE MICHIGAN DAILY Listeners' Com BBC MUSIC GUIDES, edited by Gerald Abraham, University of Washington Press, 95c each. By CARL PETER MEYER The University of Washington Press recently issued its second series of BBC monographs on composers and their works. Printed on high quality paper, in excellent clear type face and durably bound with stitching, each monograph contains be- tween 50 and 60 pages, includes numerous musical examples, and costs a mere 95c. All are written by well-known, (mainly) British critics and musicologists, many by the recognized world author - ities in their field: viz. H. C. Robbins Landon and Maurice J. E. Brown. The books are as fol- lows: SERIES ONE (1969) Beethoven Piano Sonatas by Denis Mathews Haydn Symphonies by H. C. Robbins Landon Bach Cantatas by J. A. West- rup Mozart Chamber Music by A. Hyatt King Schubert Chamber Music by J. A. Westrup Haydn String Quartets by Rosemary Hughes Monteverdi Madrigals by Denis Arnold Brahms Orchestral Music by John Horton Schubert Songs by Maurice J. E. Brown Berlioz Orchestral Music by Hugh MacDonald SERIES TWO (1971) Beethoven Symphonies by Ro- bert Simpson Mahler Symphonies and Songs by Philip Barford Schubert Symphonies by Maurice J. E. Brown Debussy Piano Music by Frank Dawes Ravel Orchestral Music by Laurence Davies Tchaikovsky Symphonies and Concertos by John Warrack Schubert Piano Sonatas by Philip Radcliffe Elgar Orchestral Music by Michael Kennedy Beethoven Concertos and Ov- ertures by Roger Fiske In most cases I think it would be difficult to generalize about a group of books, but I think not here; let me say first of all that all are remarkably straightfor- ward without in the slightest ever talking down to the reader. And all are well-written and highly readable. Words are not wasted, there is no time for padding, and all the writers seem to be working with re- markable unanimity toward this common goal: elucidation of the composer's works. Treatments range from the not too techni- cal (for areas possibly not as well known to most readers and listeners) to the rather techni- cal but never abstruse.. The quality of the second ser- ies seems to this reviewer to be marginally on a higher level than the first. Here the writers Prof. Radcliffe Squires, A L L E N TATE, A LITERARY BIOGRA- PHY, Pegasus, $6.95. By KENNETH FIFER Literary fashions, like those of clothing, are predictably whimsical-basic items remain recognizable, but in matters of cut, color, styling, manifest the wide-ranging fluctuations of public taste. Allen Tate, so re- cently an illustrious and highly visible poet, critic, and editor, has today become an invisible man. Tate deserves better, and in time will undoubtedly receive such. Radcliffe Squires clearly deserves much praise for a vol- ume founded on the ample re- sources of his own mind and ear, and not on the grosser sen- sitivities of the market-place. Prof. Squires understands the proper function of a critic: to direct, not to follow, the public taste. And yet, sadly, this book does not attain the complete success that one would hope for it. This "literary biography" is imper- fect in conception and flawed at the beginning by Prof. Squires' choice of genre. As literary eri- 0 seeni to be more willing to make the seldom made point or to use their imaginations with more frequency. For the most part these books are more technical as well as more challenging and incisive. And with the excep- tion of Simpson's book on Beet- hoven Symphonies they stear clear of annoying philosophizing and pointless speculation of many longer studies or of hom- ages. For homages are exactly what these books are not! They are accurate and critical. The greatest use for the ser- ies should be to the general mu- sic listener. The books are really listeners' companions and they can benefit both the person who knows the music and those who want to get to know it. Happily the books contain a minimum of biography. They read as lin- er notes should read but seldom do, i.e. an introduction to the music at hand, not a paen to the composer or a talk on what he was doing when he wrote the music. For the connoiseur they serve as a stimulation to reeval- uation and for others less versed they can serve as discovery. The possibilities for future books appear practically end- less. Forthwith a few sugges- tions; Bach Passions: Bach Con- certos; Mozart Concertos; Beet- hoven String Quartets; Dvorak Chamber Music; Dvorak Sym- phonies: Bruckner Symphonies; Wolf Lieder; Wagner Opera, Probably the most important books in the series are the four devoted to four genres of Schu- bert's works, primarily because no other paperbacks (and damn few hardbacks) are available in English at this time on this master. Logically Simpson's book on the Beethoven Sym- phonies is the most technical (for more has been written about them) and if there is a black sheep in the group his is certainly the outcast. Simpson manages to stimulate and pro- yoke, and he is perhaps justified in lieu of Grove's 400 pages on the subject. However he does seem a might self-indulgent in his quest to say something new especially as compared to his fellow writers. Another of the most useful books is the one on Beethoven's concertos and over- tures primarily because it sorts through the complications and enigmas of the overture births: one of the touchiest of Beetho- ven problems especially as con- cerns the four written between 1805-14 for the different ver- sions of Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio. But to talk of every book would take a paper. There is much to admire, very little to fault, and for the general music lover the books have been too long coming. Happily the job was entrusted to professionals and they have performed profes- sionally and con amore. Daily Classifieds Bring Results ticism, this volume is often un- satisfactory; as biography it is disastrous. And one cannot re- sist the temptation of thinking that either mode impinges fa- tally on the other. Without re- questing either single or simple- mindedness, one does wish that the author could have demon- strated more compatibility be- tween his twin roles of critic and biographer. When one re- members that Tate himself had given up work on the autobio- graphical Ancestors of Exile be- cause of the overwhelming "dis- crepancy between outward sig- nificance and the private," and had (in "Longinus and the New Criticism") written of "nature intractable to art, art unequal to nature . . . . We must learn from nature that some elements of subject matter in a literary work, depend' on art alone," the critic-biographer's problem becomes even more difficult. Some specifics are in order. Biographically, what can one think of the single sentence an- nouncements of marriage and divorce that regularly punctuate the volume? Somewhat jolting in effect, being neither prepared for nor explained, they work only to produce the ludicrous suggestion that the significant Squires: Focusing on Allen B 0 0 K S B 0 0 K S zas are undoubtedly pugnacious, its central stanzas provide quite another key: Speaking of him- self the poet says: Wherefore I and my kind Wear meekly in the face A pale honeydew rind Of rotten sweet grace; Ungracefully doting Great-aunts hanged in lace We are: mildly gloating factor in Tate's family life was merely the contractual state of his relations. Nor is it only Tate's family life that receives such discreet treatment: we are not told of his 1937 quarrel with Ivor Winters until the chrono- logical process, which Prof. Squires usually holds to so ten- aciously, has taken us to 1948. Here again, one sentence suf- fices. If one were to reply, however quixotically, that these factors were relegated to such brief sta- tus because they do not bear di- rectly on the book's critical in- tent, it becomes necessary to note the odd ways in which bio- graphical factors are allowed to temper critical observations. For reasons of brevity, let us take notice of but two examples. The first can be found in the au- thor's treatment of "False. Nightmare," in which Tate i.s heroically pictured - we have already seen him fighting big business and urbanization as a Social Agrarian - as "engaged in confronting . . . (Whitman's barbaric) yawp with whatever resources he could command." He saw "the true enemy" and "in a subtle way Tate was en- gaging the enemy" (p. 154), What is left out of such an un- cluttered appraisal, unfortun- ately, is much of the poem it- self. For while the opening stan- Dog bones in a trunk Saved in the attic . We love our land because All night we raped her... As Tate wrote, in reference to the early criticism of his poem, "Alas, what can we hope for from our friends?" Of course my selection from the poem is no more represen- tative than is Prof. Squires; the only point to be made is that art is often much more complicated than life alone would have it ap- pear. What must be remembered is that good criticism, like most good poetry. cannot afford the biographer's luxury of creating heroes. My second example, pro- viding further substantiation of this same point, is contained in GREGORY PECK in MOBY DICK Academy Awards winner by JOHN HUSTON ". . .it's about this whale." TUES.-Sept. 28 aud. a-angell haI--75c 7 & 9:30 p.m. ann arbor film cooperative the very title of the closing chapter, "Work in Progress." Considering that Tate has not published any new poems since 1947 (and those final poems not complete, but fragments, howev- er fine), I find the implications of such a title rather too san- guine. This unsubstantiated op- timism, which spills over into a concluding comparison of Tate with Socrates, does nothing to heighten the effect of the au- thor's other closing remarks. Allen Tate does deserve bet- ter, And if Prof. Squires' book can begin to generate interest and enthusiasm for this too much neglected poet, we shall all be the benefactors. For Tate has produced some of the very best poetry of this century: Not only The bent eaves and the win- dows cracked, The thin grass picked by the wind, Heaved by the mole; the hollow pine that Screams in the latest storm - these, These emblems of twilight have we seen at length, And the man red-faced and tall seen, leaning In the day of his strength Tate Not as a pine, but the stiff form Against the west pillar, IHearing the ox-cart in the street - IHis shadow gliding, a long nigger Gliding at his feet. This book can be recommend- ed, and does deserve to be read. Prof. Squires' own insight into the poetic process, his thought- ful research, his access to pre- viously unpublished letters by Ransom, Warren, Lytle, and Da- vidson, as well as Tate, do much to compensate for the struc- tural and formal confusions of his book. Most of all, Prof. Squires' contribution is in once again focusing public attention on Allen Tate's remarkable gen- ius. Today's writers . . Kenneth Fifer is a graduate student who has won Major Hopwood awards in poetry and essay. Peter Meyer works at Centi- core Bookshop and, in his lei- sure hours, collects records with unbounded gusto. BLUEGRASS MUSIC By THE R.F.D. BOYS Every Friday and Saturday from 9 P.M. Informal Dining 7 Days a Week eroewe-I -- e--- Broadway Plymouth Rd. North Campus 1759 Plymouth Rd. at Broadway 663-1740 Last THE LAST WHOLE EARTH CATALOG, edited by Stewart Brand, distributed by Random House, $5.00. By ROBERT W. CONROW Books Editor After months of rumors and speculations, the massive (450 page) Last Whole Earth Cata- log, is now available at local bookstores. A brilliant composi- tion of suggestions for survival on Planet Earth, this last of the catalogs represents a rich patch- work of the best of the old interwoven with a good deal that is new. Yet, despite i t s impressive offerings, this mag- num opus comes with one draw- back, one haunting disappoint- ment, for it is, indeed, the last. Since the time Stewart Brand conceived of the catalog (when flying home from his father's funeral in the Spring of 1968) and brought out the first issue that fall, readership has in- creased spectacularly. The ini- tial press run of 1,000 copies has grown to the point where the current edition's starting press run was 500,000, with 90,000 copies sold in the beginning two weeks alone. Readers no longer consist of that originally-intend- ed audience of Stewart's "friends living on rural com- munes," but rather, they com- prise a surprisingly diverse seg- nent of the population at large. Not long ago, Stewart noted "We walk the line between city and country, between children and parents; both want to pick up on what the other does, so they get the catalog." Because the catalog's entries consist of the off erings of anyone who chooses to write - in, they are often subject to in- dividual prejudices and heart- felt whims. Throughout, how- ever, one is impressed by the unmitigated candor of not only the contributors in general, but also, the chief contributor, Stew- art Brand himself. Such is the nature of the con- cluding item in the catalog en- titled simply "How to Do a Whole Earth Catalog." Here, Stewart Brand, in a final bow, gives his own views of the trials and tribulations of personal suc- cess. In Stewart's words, "worst of all is the classic bind of the successful do-gooder. If you do good well, your opportunities to do more increase, as your stam- ina to do any decreases. You should relax, yes you should, re- lax, with guilt yammering in your ear." Stewart Brand is now relax- ing. There are other publica- tions, most notably M o t h e r Earth News, which will help to fill the void. But what about that yammering guilt? Stewart Brand concludes his statement with two seemingly prophetic lines from Kenneth Patchen: Pause. And begin again. As for the rest of us, if you can still find a catalog, buy it. Or, as Stewart Brand advises, better yet, start your own. ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM Saturday, Sept. 25 an extra screening of < ? . , ,,, : °' . .. J. ; cfi>; t ' I . the layered look is Just four steps away with Capezio body fashions in colors to mix or match.. .tights, body top and leg warmers of stretch nylon with suede slippers to complete the look. Tights in brown, beetroot, green, red or black. S-M-L. $4. Body top in brown, beetroot, red or green. S-M-L. $8. Leg warmers in brown, beetroot, red, rust or purple. $5. Suede slipper in beetroot, green or rust. S-M-ML-L $10. -Saturday- Sept. 25 See You at Mao -and- PRAVDA the first and latest films by Dzigo-Vertov collective of God- ard and Jean -Pierre Gorin. "Pravda is Godard'srbestand clearest film."-Village. Voice NAT. SC' sAUD. double-bills 7 & 9 p.m. $1.50 ARM/UM Film Society _ s ,, 't . # ' t , . _. 41.ti 1 "1 I I ..::.:.: :.: . N.....w :.. ..:::::.., :.....:................. ,.,.,..uv.: h.:::.,::..:.:.:.w. ..: t ,. , .. . , ., ..u ... .,....., .,.. ,.,..h,,,, Ii U