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September 24, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-24

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See Editorial Page


5k A


Sunny but cold,
chance of frost

Vol. LXXXIl, No. 13

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 24, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Hits draft
changes set
by Regents


com romise





talks o




Student Gov rnment Coun-
cil last night rlefused to take
steps toward implementing
the campus-wide judiciary
system approved by the Re- .f
gents last spring - thus j eo-
pardizing a major part of the
University discipline system
that has been in the making.
for three years.
SGC voted 6-4 against adopt-
ing the plan in hope of "reach-
ing a better settlement", according
to SGC member-at-large Rick
Higgins, '74.
The judicial mechanism was ap-
proved last April by the Regents
after months of formulation by the
Committee on . a Permanent Uni-
versity Judiciary (COPJ). The .-
mechanism appeared at the time
to satisfy the often-clashing con-
stituencies of the University-stu-
dents, faculty members and ad-
Under the compromise, students
received a sizeable voice in the
! judicial mechanism, including a
provision for students to be tried
by a jury of six students.
Nevertheless, SGC members last
night - meeting for the first time
on the judicial compromise -
raised several objections to the
Council President Rebecca
Schenk said SGC is "adamantly
opposed" to the provision which
states that decisions of guilt may
be determined by only five out of
six members of the jury.-------
Under the plan originally pro CITES FA
S posed by COPJ, a committee of
students, faculty members, and
administrators would have re-
quired a unanimous vote of the
The Regents subsequently modi-
fied this, expressing the view that
it would be very difficult for the
jury to arrive at a guilty verdict NX
if all the jurors were required to
Besides calling for a unanimity
provision, Council also rejected the WASHINGTON
section which gives the Regents Marshall Harlan,
the power to choose 6 out of 12 conservative who
SGC nominees for the judiciary rated as one of
mechanism's Court of Appeals. Court's most able



Protesters demonstrate outside Cobo Hall last night

-lan leaves Supreme Court;
on to make two appointments

Special To The Daily.-
DETROIT - A crowd of
over 4,000 - mostly workers
and students - demonstra-
ted peacefully outside Cobo
Hall last night as President
Nixon addressed the Detroit
Economic club on his eco-
nomic policies.
Nixon entered and left the hall
through a back door, and most of
the protesters never saw him.
However, the crowd, which formed
around 5:30 p.m. remained until
the Economic Club members left
the building shortly after 9 p.m.
Although the demonstration was
endorsed initially by the Detroit
AFL-CIO, numerous other groups.
including the Michigan Federatior
of Teachers, the Detroit Women's
Abortion Action Coalition, and the
Ann Arbor Human Rights-Radical
Independent Party also took part.
Originally intended as a protesta<
against the Nixon administraton's
economic policies, especially the
wage-price freeze, the demonstra-'
tion became a forum for dissident
views on the Vietnam war, abor-
Cion laws, the recent killings at Nixon says eConom-iC
jAttica Correctional Facility, and
the imprisonment of Angela 'avis.
The gathering was peaceful, al-
though there were a few scattered co r olsto continue
However, when some of the 5,000-
person audience left the hall after special To The Daily
mt President's speech, they ere DETROIT-President Nixon announced last night he will
wads and picket sign sticks from put no limit on the duration of wage-price controls following
the angry crowd. Police quickly his 90-day freeze, and will concentrate his Phase Two curbs
cleared the area. on major industries.
The police, equipped with riot On the whole President Nixon's remarks to about 5,000
helmets and clubs, lied the curbs members of the prestigious Economic Club of Detroit were
in front of Cobo Hall throughouthd
the demonstration, p r e v e n t i n g memorable not for what he said, but for what he did not say.
members of the crowd from leav- The chief executive did not comment, despite many pre-
ing the sidewalks. More police dictions to the contrary, on any but the most general of
were inside the building and sev- statements on what the shape might be of Phase Two of his
eral large police buses were park- new economic policy afer the Administration's current wage-
ed inside the main acditorium on
the ground floor. price freeze expires Nov. 13. <
AFL-CIO organizers were ex- Apart from saying that Phase
tremely pleased with the size and Two will be "effective," and "will
the composition of the protest. cover the whole economy," the
Tom Turner, president of Wayne President steered well clear of
County's AFL-CIO, expressed hope specifics.
that the "cross-section of people Though the President did not
from the labor movement, from provide much new information on By GERI SPRUNG
the various community groups, and the economy, however, his audi-
the college kids . . . is the begin- ence-comprised of some of De- special to The Daily
ning of a real coalition." troit's wealthiest men and women DETROIT - Oer 4,000 mem-
"We want to let him (Nixon) -gave him a warm reception. bers of the . black community
know that we're dissatisfied with This was in contrast to the marched here yesterday afternoon
his programs and lack of pro- crowd outside Cobo Hall, which torott thlaths ay wAttca
grams, he added. shouting obscenities, was unable andetinhua n Nditiok
Marshalls for Hotel and Restau- to see the President at all during and the inhuman' conditions in
rant Workers Local 705 also were his hour long stay in the river- the Wayne County Jail.
pleased with the demonstration, front convention center. The d e m o n s tr a t o r s,
expressing approval of its orderly In fielding questions from the mostly young blacks, were protest-
nature. audience, the President said the ing against Detroit's controversial
Besides the marshalls, there country will return to a free econ- STRESS police unit which was
were legal advisors from the omy as soon as possible, but not formed in January to combat
Wayne State University's Lawyers until the problem of inflation has street cme.
Guild, and volunteer medical aides. been effectively dealt with. He The protesters marched silently
Although the vast majority of added: from Cass Park down Woodward
demonstrators were opposed to "Until then, we feel it is neces- Ave. to the jail and finished with
the President, there were a few sary to have controls backed up a rally in Kennedy Square.
Nixon-supporters in the crowd- by teeth, made effective by the At the jail, the silence was
a m o n g them National Action government." { broken as demonstrators began
Group (NAG) leader Irene Mc- The Phase Two controls will be "solidarity" chants which were
Cabe. announced well before the current answered by prisoners in the jail.
McCabe, leader of the fight freeze elapses, Nixon said, and When the demonstration reach-
against the busing of school chil- will be effective on the whole ed the square, speakers decried
dren in Pontiac, said she came economy-but primarily, he said conditions in the nation's pri-
"to see Nixon because we're hav- on major industries whose price sons, and declared a "state of
ing some problems in Pontiac and and wage decisions have the great- emergency."
we think he may be able .o help." See NIXON, Page 10 See 4,000, Page 10

(P) - John 3 tired last Friday, also for reasons
the scholarly of health. Black was reported in'
was generally very serious condition at Bethesda
the Supreme Naval Medical Center, and a hos-
jurists, retired pital spokesman said the prog-

Council wants to be empowered yesterday because of ill nealth.
to directly appoint six students to He is suffering from cancer.
the court; and The retirement, effective im-
mediately, was the second from
-Rejected the section which the nation's highest court in less
deals with the powers of the judge than a week and leaves President
presiding at trials, who, under the Nixon in the rare situation of
draft of the system, is empowered having two crucial appointments
to rule on "all points of law" in to make at the same time.
the courtroom. SGC believes the Associate Justice Hugo Black re-
two associate judges should have _ ---. -. .
equal power in ruling during trials,
and want "points of law" to be
strictly defined. rse.i C
For these reasons, Schenk said
SGC will not comply with the pro- " "
cedure by which the University has
said the judiciary will eventually ive Classil
be implemented.
A memo last Monday from the
office of Richard Kennedy, secre- By MARK DILLEN
tary of the University, outlined a The faculty - student commit-
list of 13 steps which Kennedy tee charged with approving all
asked SGC, COPJ, University University classified r e s e a r c h
Council and Senate Assembly, the has released a report of its ac-
faculty representative body, to tivities over the past six months,
take action on the steps which describing recent changes in op-
,concerned them specifically, so erating procedure.
that the new judiciary system
could "be made operative as soon Included in the first semi-
as possible." annual report of the Classified
In effect, SGC last night de- Research Committee (CRC) are
clined to cooperate with Kennedy's descriptions of certain secret pro-
r e q u e s t. 'e c t a s y t c o mi te e p n d-
Council's action last night was Jects passed by the committee and
unexpected. When the Regents ap- approved for release by the-r spon-
proved the compromise plan last soring agencies.
spring, it appeared that students, This is coupled in the report
faculty members and administra-
tors while not completely happy with an upswing in the number
.with the plan, would live with it. of rejections of secret proposals
'U' officers OK plan
to search for sex bias

. nosis was poor.
The 72-year-old Harlan w a s
taken to the Bethesda Hospital
Aug. 16 for treatment of whatk
then was termed a "backache." He:
was later transferred downtown,
to the George Washington Uni-1
versity Hospital.
The Supreme Court is sched-
uled to open its fall term on Oct.
h committ
ie project

4 with only seven justices on the first since 1941 when Justicej
bench and several major issues James McReynolds retired a n dj
awaiting decision. Perhaps para- Chief Justice Charles Hughes quit
mount among these is the ques- ive months later. President Roose-E
tion of whether capital punish- velt filled both shortly after
ment is constitutional. Hughes stepped down.
When Black's retirement w a s Rep. Emanuel Celler (D - NY)
announced, White House Press chairman of the House Judiciary
Secretary Ronald Ziegler s a i d Committee, said the opportunity
Nixon was considering a list of for Nixon to appoint two new jus-
seven potential successors. Zieg- tices after already having appoint-
ler said yesterday he felt t h e ed two others gives him "monu-
list could be expanded. "I don't mental power to influence t h e
want to lock it at seven," he said. course of the future."
The double vacancy was t h e Earlier Nixon appointed Chief
--- Justice Warren Burger and Assoc-
iate Justice Harry Blackmun.
reports j ~~~The Harlanrtrmntwl o
?T have as much ideological impact
on the court's makeup as will
Black's. Harlan was a solid mem-
ber of the court's conservative side
C and Nixon is expected to replace
him with an appointee of similar
purpose" was to kill or maim hu- bent. Black, on the other hand,
man beings, was considered ay member of the
This plan was defeated and re- liberal bloc.
placed with one that called for Harlan became an associate jis-
a "careful and complete review" tice March 28. 1955. He was nom-
of all research on campus and or- inated by the late President
dered CRC and another assembly Dwight D. Eisenhower.
committee, the Committee on Re- Harlan established himself as
search Policies, to find what, if one of the court's foremost jur-
anything, was wrong with the Uni- ists. He become noted in the legal
versity's research. profession for scholarly, well-
Though both committees, com- structured opinions.
prised mainly of scientists and Before the Economic Club of
engineering faculty m e m b e r s Detroit last night, Nixon said that
found no reason to ban classified he is nnw looking for candidates
research, with the release of' to fill the two Supreme Court va-
CRC's report yesterday, both have cancies.
suggested more serious review of Meanwhile, the Atlanta Constitu-
contract proposals. In addition, tion renorted yesterday that Nixon


handed down by CRC, the three-
year-old clearing - house for the
$5.5 million of classified research
on campus.
Of 36 proposals for classified
research reviewed by CRC from
March 12 through Aug. 27. the re-
port states, five proposals werej
not approved. CRC's records in-
dicate only a handful of rejections
prior to this time.
The propriety of the University's
classified research has been ques-
tioned over the past year as manyj


students and faculty members cri-
tical of University war-related re-
search and secret research for the
npnar~.,it m, of Thcfoncc'have or-

lie~l uil tc u vc A !CRC itself appears willing to make is considering appointing 37-year-
ginnzed protests and fasts. more details of approved classified old Rita Hauser, a New York attor-
According to report, officially research public. ney, to replace Harlan.
released ,yesterday, CRC has
adopted the following changes:

-Unclassified "w o r k state-
ments," the sponsor's order to the
researcher of the work he wants
done, will be made available to
the public after approval by
-In the future, if seven of
CRC's nine members fail to ap-

In keeping with the Uni- Under the new procedure, Uni- ;prov a proposal and the Univer-
versity's commitment to the varsity representatives will ex- sity Vice President for Research
elimination of sex discrimina- amine Personnel Office files to passes it over this veto, a report
tion, a procedure for uncov- C locate large discrepancies in salary will be sent to the chairman of
tion a rocdur fo unov-between men and women in the Assembly.
ering wage inequities was ap- same job classification.
proved by the executive of- n further examinations, the Tre s resolution is apparenty the
fivers yesterday. repres n atives of the women's Vice President for Research A. Ge-
commission and the personnel of-
The personnel file review pro- fi rwill n tPm ,. a ,, offrey Norman forwarded classi-

After M
second of a series
When 12,000 persons were arrested in
Washington.: last May, a controversy
arose over the legality of the arrests
and the procedures used.
However, even before the Mayday
arrests, controversy was building over
government investigations of the anti-


movement, and are inconsistent
traditional rights of peaceful dis-
and other constitutional guaran-

Some observers believe that despite
a reportedly extensive system of in-
formers and use of wiretap surveillance
-as revealed by published documents
stolen on March 8 from the Media,
Penn mT nffinn +s hanva.rnmvnn ha.-




not to indict individuals on the basis
of evidence presented them, usually by
a government attorney.
Some radicals construct the follow-
ing reason for current grand jury
probes: The government, having little
luck and much adverse publicity trying
to convict movement people in open
court is now trying to use grand juries
to jail radical leaders on contempt


.: A " .:

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