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September 23, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-23

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Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

r : /




420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Nixon visits Detroit

troit tonight in defense of 'his in-
creasingly unpopular foreign and do-
mestic policies, one can only ask, "Who
is still listening?"
Labor, most prominently the AFL-CIO
and the Michigan Education Association,
have come out in support of the protests
scheduled for Cobo Arena tonight - per-
haps signalling a halt to the traditional
American labor practice of offering blind
faith to the nation's leaders, unler the
guise of "patriotism."
Black groups, as well, have scheduled
a march down Woodward Avenue this af-
ternoon to demonstrate their anger over
the indiscriminate killings of dozens of
prisoners at Attica Prison, the fatal
shooting of black militant George Jack-
son, and the deaths of two black youths
who were shot by Detroit policemen last
Even the Detroit Common Council has
reacted adversely to Nixon's visit, having
passed a resolution yesterday in support
of the People's Peace Treaty, which calls
for immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Indochina.
Editorial Staff
Executive Editor Managing Editor
STEVE KOPPMAN ... .. Editorial Page Editor
RICK PERLOFF .. . Associate Editorial Page Editor
PAT MAHONEY .. Assistant Editorial Page Editor
LYNN WEINER ..... Associate Managing Editor
LARRY LEMPERT . ..... Associate Managing Editor
ANITA CRONE .. ............... .,. Arts. Editor
JIM IRWIN .................... Associate Arts Editor
JANET FREY .. ....... Personnel Director
JIM JUDKIS .......,.... Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dillen,
Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff,
Jonathan Miller, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport,
Robert Schreiner, W. E. Schrock, Geri Sprung.
COPY EDITORS: Lindsay Chaney, Art Lerner, Debra

TN MANY WAYS, these are very encour-
aging signs that many Americans of
diverse backgrounds and interests a r e
moving actively to join with students and
women - the perennial administration
critics - to protest the injustices being
perpetrated by this country throughout
the world.
But Nixon will not see any demonstrat-
ors tonight. His limousine will drive di-
rectly into the basement of the arena
whereupon a cordon .of Secret Service
men will whisk him to the podium. When
his speech is concluded, the process will
be reversed - all with the utmost con-
tempt for the people who have come out
to speak to their president.
THE PRESIDENT, however, really hasn't
any choice in the matter. It is com-
mon knowledge that he cannot s a f e 1 y
make public appearances anywhere in the
country except the deep South. In De-
troit; which has by far the highest murd-
er rate per capita in the country, security
precautions will be especially tight, as
more than 60 rooms in Detroit's Sheraton
Cadillac Hotel will be needed to h o u s e
members of the Secret Service, his White
House staff and the communications
specialists from the Army Signal Corps
who are accompanying the President.
In effect, Nixon is running scared -
and with good reason. His economic poli-
cies are blatantly discriminatory against
labor, his foreign policy has only served
to perpetuate the most unpopular war in
this country's history and he has, for all
practical purposes, denied the existence
of any racial problem in the country.
Protest, one might say, is beneficial not
only for soothing one's conscience, b u t
also for helping a society develop to meet
the demands of an ever-changing world.
Come to Detroit tonight in search of your

HIS body lay lightly along the
sand. Nothing moved except
hesea, and sometimes his fihg
iers. And for this he lay grateu.
He lay still a moment, pcrliep
two. Time escaped him. He let it
drift off to sea while he lay thi
And then it happened
most things, suddenly. He looke
up at the sun: It shot forth wild
waves; hurricane-like, it 1i- ,'d
light rays at him. From e-ery
direction they came. Questions.
Inquiries. Demands. At every in-
stant a question, scorched and
burning from the sun, n p
through the air, pierced the pacid
mom'nt and blinded him.
What are you going to do with
your life? Who are you going to
How do you plan to spend the
next 50 years? Expensively?
With who? . . . And when?
And why? why? why?
He roled over and o th'
vround. He buried his in his
hands. He curled up, eiyin, The
moment was lost. And then . .
questions ppnetrated his e
a fiery blade. He ran towards the
shore, now shouting;
"What am I going to o
my life? I' tell you. Im_ o
to Live it to charty i"
offer it at an ad i
to the hwh-st b iddr ImT
to shake it 5 tm then
becomes a s esh
going to fly i o oe
and pick it up when rm 4.
paused "There, r.Qu
Mark. '-re , MissFuture de
satisfy you?"

TrHEN T'HE tiN ey s :hr1
enod;I thay (Kiyst, lized aa:nt ht)
own. He ta tny .rapet tire
sink; ig Int.o himn .Like r openg
1ccle s but buringti aboe the hat
IBoit iold ltm now nttoa war
bathtub, thesa d&oLa'tis shoced
hi-s bad.
He'~ l00ked 01) :o 1 t sun then't
and v 'ery sdo'wy, 1e n ddd.
lie returned haei, pulld a wa-
gan from the garae .nd grabb d
a glob at puttn H drep ied it in
t wan0U. JTO whom.f It 1may (K ir
ce'n, this is my' liife. A e rh. I11
d) what y'Ot want w ilh it."'
VPiles , his fa,mn Vy, hi' telchI '.
TU ne magazine, p rd against
him. The y gipied his shOld.rs
h' is is your hi ' they p
minded 11111
He~ oat tad tih' putt. "'( ad to
meet you, felinw
tan e
ii(: ,Y.011 i ) Io
13'0 .all w ..V ___<ii lY t _a t'"
Cdl 5( *i" ' ' (' ' 01. 05 C)1
in . T eai -... i 1
007. '11,0 i' , A _.
s'md si se ,1 i'~

M. s d , fiy. The sun blinded him then. A
Sdal mn " si is ih hr ay shocked his body.
rrA there nothing he
C o Once again he shrug-
-eud the wagon straight
d when he needed
he veered east; and
I e wiest, north and south
pas necessary.
r may hours, he had
s destination. He
h iNow he thought: "I
SI've gone a long way
A d I've reached my goal. I
I'll look at the stars and
nd the wilderness. I
oam Ihrough the hills all
t I shall whistle. My feet
t i ill be good when I
n dn and read and write
t to Nature make music."
Seputty . . . the wagon
ife w ould not sit still. He
ShAt 5txd it too many times.
Pad moved too many miles. It

-Daily-Robert Wargo
knew what it knew' and now it
would move.
The man tugged at it. "Stop,
stop you lousy wagon," he
screamed. "I want to sit down a
while. Damn it, you're my life,
come back and rest."
THE WAGON kept moving. And
it pulled him across the ground, it
dragged him through the streams.
They crossed another road, an-
other hill and another meadow
before they reached a sign, saying
"Destination Number Two:
Straight Ahead." There they stop-
ped, but only for a moment. They
were really not far from the next
destination. And then there were
other destinations to reach. And
after that more and more.
cursed the sun. The sun shot back;
he shook his head. And the wagon
dragged him forward once again.



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'as Ih ..a, U-' the
th _st,_g t e
1t 11 sas and by
d sthis way.
iti (not matr.H
are h wui ret

I l~ ' P t 'I' sil. aN'
I).' Jail\ ''1~> the '' 1 n a a .n

Ann Arbor voter registra


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: H E FOLLOWING IS a list of
questions put to City Clerk Harold
Saunders regarding voter registration
in Ann Arbor. Additional questions
should be directed to the City Clerk's
office at 761-2400.
Who may register?
Michigan law provides that a
person who had the f oll o w i n g
qualifications of an elector, or
who will have s u c h qualifica-
tions on or before the date of the
next ensuing election or primary elec-
tion, shall be entitled to be registered
as an elector: Such person must be a
citizen of the United States, at least
18 years of age, a resident of the
State of Michigan for at least 6
months, and be a resident of the City
of Ann Arbor on or before the fifth
Friday prior to the next ensuing re-
gular, special, or primary election.
Persuant to the August 27, 1971
Michigan Supreme Court decision, stu-
dents no longer have to offer special
proof of residency beyond that which
will satisfy the above stated legal re-
quirements. The ruling in effect means
that students may register and vote
in their college community if all other
legal requirements are met.
When is the next election? When is
the registration deadline for it?
The next election is scheduled for No-
vember 30, 1971 when the Washtenaw
next election is scheduled for Novem-
ber 30, 1971 when the Washtenaw
Intermediate School District will place
a bonding proposal before the voters.
Registration for that election will close
on Friday, October 29, 1971.
The next election after that is the
City Primary to be held on Monday,
February 21, 1972. Registration will
close on Friday, January 21, 1972
for that election.
The General City election is Mon-
day, April 3, 1972 with registration
closing on Friday, March 3, 1972.
Must I declare a party affiliation
when I register?
No. Michigan operates on an Open
Primary system which does not re-
quire prior declaration of party pre-
ference. This choice is made by the
elector in the privacy and secrecy of
the voting booth.
Do I need to show a birth certificate
or proof of residency to register?

extent that if you vote at least once
in each two year period the registra-
tion remains in effect. Of course, if
you move from Ann Arbor, your regis-
tration here must be cancelled and
you must register in the place of your
new residence once the legal require-
ments are met.
I live in Ann Arbor and support my-
self; but if this past year (all of 1971)
I left Ann Arbor to get a better paying
job somewhere else, but have now re-
turned here, .can I register to vote?
The answer to this question depends
upon where the, person lived during
the time period in question. If the per -
son left Ann Arbor and resided some-
where else in Michigan during t h i s
time, yes, they can register. If the oer-
son moved out of the State of Michi-
gan and has just moved back, they
must satisfy the 6 months residency in
the State before they could be regis-
I have only lived in Ann Arbor for
2 months, but by the time of the next

and have a regular place of l o
It you should have more then one
residence, that place at which you re-
side the greater part of the tim' shall
be your official residence for voting
If an applicant were to present the
factual situation contained in the tues -
tion and could claim at least 6 months
residency prior to the date of ai
for a summer job, and could claim
current residence in Ann Arbor for
the foreseeable future, my instructions
to the registrars are to register such a
If I registered in my home town.
and I did this less than six mnonths
ago, can I register in Ann Arbor now?
If the place of previous registration
was somewhere else in Michigan, the
answer is yes. However, registering in
another state less than six months ago
presents a different situation.
In an earlier question, reference was
made to a person who attended school
here last year but left during the

sn milar oate-ory, it might be w
check wliih the clerk s 1 ยง hce bta. "
Ii 1 re gis-tered out-of-tae ac ~ A
anwore I was a reshidenit thre 1an
still reg"ister here without Isymi?
I believe that the ans.wer to a
IfuIstilt is l'NCivered byi th N-No 0
Onestiont anad ariser. ) ne( 'di1'n -
POintIa~ cwve r, the Electiotn Lj 1'
pouires thlat a1 regis.ti'nt decla'ei
jp:l ce ot pri'us tae; strUAti ad x
Ct Cai eanc:llation- iathiz io i-.(i
.s s'nt to that p,.a.c . ThU 'at
preiC..usa 1 (egitti n tn anatil 1ta
outlined in1 thase lluestiains nd 11 W
Is there a legal inresom'stion el a
i.nIent to reside in Ann Arbar ve
I bough, I have leit mntemtnt oly Ove
the past (1 motits?
intent is a tactlrinm del ''im? .
resldency but the C'ou'ts have alw .

so . e ' .-' ' t '
'0?'~~~~~ ( 0 , in1 1 ,,, U

1 "

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(en', S
to- 1OI.
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- '- "n taw I
1'-C 11 ll\eIw P0
Cl'I a o t rles o d
* i<' a Iied'' ? indhere 11e
pent time is"n.' Howevr'h'
n ealuti- - f th relef
sent. ( it-w e p' 1 gram, c t Ill
01 ons " Ii tie ri weId and
s -de abou thea exannt aff-
1 ra ii prog 1m

ion on Attica:
ssacr e expected
'I EARLY GOV. ROCKEFELLER could not indefinitely avoid a post-
A' Ica encounter with the media and so, more thagn 48 hours
t tter Bloody Monday, he granted the journalists' pleas for an aud-
i('t Much of what he said was a predictable defense of his role; if he
elted by inner doubts, he was hardly disposed to unveil them.
1 5'k ng to convince his questioners -= and perhaps himself -
e as no humane alternative to the "lardest decision" of his
_kbne'ntorial life, he infelicitously overstated a dubious case,
A1,er he said he knew when. the decision to storm the prison
~s 1111e that "the risk was tremendous," he was asked whether
t'action had "come out better than you thought it might have."
H's N.wer was:
'1 ankyyes."
longer one examines that exchange, the more appaling it
i can only mean that the Governor anticipated a higher
toll than actually occurred - which was the largest in the
of U.S. prison confrontations. Did he believe there might be
r hdred killed? Did he expect all the hostages to be slain?
essed those inquiries.
mplaily he was saying that he knew he was giving the signal
flt a Ulcobath and chose to pursue that course rather than fight for
me, indeed, by the standards of his grim expectations, the operation
d b' a success; the troopers, he said, had done "a superb job."
SRlN'ECTION, of course, Mr.Rockefeller might put it another
l i et he had much time for meditation before he finally agreed
Sbe iterviewed, and one must assume he had considered the nature
) fthe questions he would face. And there was no notable difference
in tone in his second interview.
In any case the reply is now a matter on record, and it can only
Iensify the deepening argument over the charge of the Attica
brigade. No longer can apologists for the exercise contend that some-
thing must have gone crucially wrong with a carefully-conceived ex-
pocitin to rescue the hostages with minimal bloodshed. For in the
Governor's words, events proceeded very much according to plan and
turned out "better" than had been anticipated.
In the context the issue of alternatives becomes even graver. On
ti point Mr. Rockefeller amplified his earlier statement that noth-
i ulid have been accomplished by a personal journey to Attica. The
hviOs answer is that this is unprovable, and now - in view of the
acknowledgnment that massive killing was foreseen - it becomes even
-'r to defend the position that even the faintest hope for concilia-
lion shoud have been left unexplored.
T1E GOVERNOR expressed concern that his own, presence in
"negat iOtns" with the prisoners might lead rebels in other prisons
eaun that "we won't negotiate with anyone but the President."
In tact he and his press officers have repeatedly misstated the options.
S no me did the citizens committee that implored him to come to
iainsist that he agree to engage in the talks with the inmates.
ehp that question would have arisen later. But the immediate
(,adration was that announcement of his intention to come to the
tir Ils scene would have secured additional time for the citizens com-
iittee. Its possible psychological effects are imponderable; there is the
UCln' that it, would have offered a symbolic recognition that might
h Iave helped to break the deadlock.


't -the
IteI a
t111 pre'
Nari 'us
e ' '
tefore .
Thi' I


election I will have lived here for the
minimum time. Can I register?
If the person can satisfy the 6
month residency requirement on or
before the date of the next election
(November 30, 1971), the answer is
yes. If the 6 months is not satisfied
by then, the person must wait. See
question No. 2 for the dates of com-
ing elections and question No. 1 for
the basic legal requirements.
If I am an entering freshman from
out-of-state, can I register now?
Unless you will have lived in Michi-
gan for 6 months prior to the next
election on November 30, 1971, the
answer is no. You will have to wait

summer months and ' had now re-
turned for another school year. The
answer to that question was, yes, the
person could register here.
However, if a person in that situ-
tion was unsure of his ability to regis-
ter in Ann Arbor this fall and, in
seeking to protect his voting rights,
registered to vote in another state less
than six months ago, a legal question_
arises as to whether his sworn declara-
tion as a resident of another stat11
forces him to wait an additional six
months before registering here.
A ruling from State officials as be-
ing sought on how to deal with this
situation. Until a ruling is t'eceied,

held that the lacts of te 1as musi
support temet nso n
in aild of itselfi wOuld n(t C. smf,
i0t. A person in the situati.n 1 1 1
I1 t qtestit snould(' c ou h I
the' (Cirk to re'ViIew all the. a cr um-
si aln('s bliorl' I15 0iC'm
Where.'t can I reg'sltet I
You (''ln register' at the City ' a
0fficC, Mandaye tilt uagh .ri'' ' :tt)
weei a 'ti Ine ii. th1 ft ng - -c
Attn Arbor Commnity 1K ter
soln Ave. Sir I Staatin, Ione ''3I 1
0 "1 ool,1 ClintOi en 'etnta y 'V i

1 . ~ l4 t iON 71.

'Inl Ie
' t

AftIr the death of one prison guard, it was evident that the demand
'>1 ? far a general amnesty for the rebels was doomed. But some partici-
- Anitts in the negotiations believe that case could have been separated
roimi the amnesty issue if there had been an additional interval.
'I U 'i( - Again one can only offer futile conjecture. But when the Gover-
o e .'CI - n or desct'ibes the "tremendous risk" he detected in the offensive, one
t (11'sk again what comparable peril was involved in a trip to Attica?
'reii I"9 s t "50 Nor does this exhaust the questions raised by his insistence that
Iag ' . ib " "t wi'as no alternative but to go in." Even if that were demonstrable,
ti tl my 11as th'r' n1o other way to stage the foray? In last year's Tomb riots in
__.,.. _ ., ' , L 'r,-l-,-. T i rs a a +'n it nt eifLmm 'when he moved


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