drie £iryigan Daity Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan one too many mornings Strange interlude at Blcopie's by sfeve o~ 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: W. E. SCHROCK Classified research report SENATE ASSEMBLY'S Research Policies Committee (RPC) has completed its fin- al report on classified research at t h e University. And the University-wide fa- culty representative body, which asked for the report in March, is scheduled to take it -up at its monthly meeting Mon- day., The report comes after nearly four years of sporadic but heated controversy over classified military research on cam- pus. And, despite some modifications it proposes in current procedure, the com- mittee's report basically asks little more ' than a continuation of the University's present ambiguous policy on the research. The committee's majority report re- commends that Assembly's Classified Re- search Committee (CRC) continue to ex- amine each proposed classified project, and apply to it a new, but still unclear- ly° defined standard - that the project's "clearly forseeable results" not be the destruction or injury of human life, as opposed to the currently used and simi- larly unclearly defined standard, which asks that the project's "specific purpose" not be to do such damage. Although the new wording appears more stringent than the old, the way in which CRC would interpret it would be vital. And the University community has little reason to have much faith in that committee - the same body whose ma- 'jority for years passed almost every pro- posal for secret research brought before its uncritical eyes. DESPITE THE LACK of progess in this recommendation, RPC's other pro- posals go in the right direction, though not far enough. Their position that CRC should have access to the work state- ment, or detailed requirements, of pro- jects under consideration would insure the committee has a more accurate, com- plete basis on which to judge the appro- priateness of the project. "Conceivably, the additional, more detailed informa- tion might have altered the decision of the reviewing committee," the r ep o r t states, referring to a study of already approved projects. Along this same line, the recommenda- tion that work statements and the pre- proposal summary forms submitted to CRC be made public would help to lift the veil of secrecy that has surrounded this research. It would be more appro- priate, however, to make these materials public after they are acted upon by CRC rather than waiting for funding of the proje t by a sponsor, as the report sug- gests. THE' CITY OF Ann Arbor is conducting a ',pecial registration ldrive, this week and next directed especially t o w a r d young voters. Besides the normal regis- tration hours at the City Clerk's office, people can .register between 3 and 8 p.m. these two weeks in the main lobby of the f Union, at North Campus Commons, the Ann Arbor Community Center on Main Street,. Pioneer High School, and various other schools and fire stations. Registra- tion will also' be 'held at the Fishbowl at hours to be announced. ' Editorial Staff ROsERT KRAF'TOwITZ Editor JIM BEATrTIE ' DAVE CHUDWIN' Exectitive Editor Managing Editor' STEVE KOPPMAN Editorial Page Editor RICK'PERLOFF .. Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MaHONEY .. Assistant Editorial Page Editor LYNN WEINER'.. . .. Associate Managing Editor LARRY LEMPERT ... Associate Managing Editor ANITA (-RONE ,. . .,.. . Arts. Editor JIM IRW IN ... . ,, ...... Associate Art's Editor JANET FREY .............. .Personnel Director ROBERT CONROW . .. Books Editor JIM JUDKIS .......... Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan Miller, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport, Robert Schreiner, W. E. Schrock, Geri Sprung. COPY EDITORS: Lindsay Chaney, Art Lerner, Debra Thai. DAY EDITORS: Pat Bauer, Linda Dreeben, Jim Irwin, Hannah Morrison, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ric Bohy, Kenneth Cohn, John Mitchell, Beth Oberfelder, Kristin Ring- strom, Kenneth Schulze, Tony Schwartz, Jay Sheye- vitz, Gloria Jane Smith, Sue Stark, Ted Stein, Paul Travis, Marcia Zoslaw. Another positive suggestion contained in the report urges Senate Assembly to set up a new committee to review all classified projects annually to confirm they continue to conform to University policies. Such a group, if the membership could be chosen fairly, would help guard against errors of interpretation by CRC. RUT THE ESSENTIAL ambiguity r e - mains in the majority report. The "Eyes of the Army" - the title the Uni- versity has earned from the Department of Defense - has specialized in work both whose "specific purpose" and whose "clearly forseeable results" can be, and have been, the subject of seemingly tnd- less debate in recent years. University researchers have concen- trated on developing remote sensing de- vices capable of locating human beings through their heat, movement and voices, even through dense jungles. They have developed new types of rad- ars that pinpoint moving targets, human and otherwise, and take detailed r a d a r surveillance photographs from miles away 'during the day and night. Researchers have done significant work on countermeasures or devices and tech- niques which allow aircraft and combat vehicles to carry out their missions with- out fear of counterattack. This research has aided immensely the U.S. war effort in Indochina over the years, providing sophisticated new equip- ment capable of detecting guerillas for attack. In spite of this clear contribution to U.S. war technology and destruction cap- abilities, the RPC essentially recommends that CRC continue to judge each project by its own lights in view of this new and somewhat stricter, but still sadly unde- fined criterion. A minority report presented by two of RPC's three student members offers a much clearer alternative for the Univer- sity to take a clear stand on the research. THIS REPORT URGES that the Univer- sity's policy be changed so that no research will be engaged in in which "a major forseeable result or a principal ob- jective of the sponsor or researcher is in- jurious to human life or welfare." While this guideline would still require interpretation, it could provide a strong- er delineation of a policy which would keep University researchers from develop- ing the sorts of devices that have made the University such a crucial contributor to the U.S. war effort in Indochina. It is true that the research debate does not have the same intensity behind it to- day that it once did. When classified re- search first emerged as a major issue on the campus, our troop strength and over- all military involvement in Indochina were escalating rapidly. And the amount of classified research on the campus was greater than what it is today. BUT AT A TIME when the U.S. is still involved in Indochina, and still ap- pears likely to become involved in count- er-insurgency actions elsewhere, the Uni- versity cannot divorce its military re- search - the most useful of which to the Defense Department is classified - from the consequences of that work. This institution cannot avoid making a judgment, though it seeks to pretend it can. It has to make a choice and so far, this judgment has been to permit work to proceed here which directly aids in the suppression of revolutionary movements. RPC found no "convincing evidence" for the barring of classified research from the campus. But the evidence has been quite con- vincing for many. The student body, in an overwhelming referendum in March, urged the barring of classified research from the campus. A large proportion of major American universities have taken this action in recent years. Opinion with- in the University community has clearly turned against the Cold War direction of U.S. foreign policy, and has become in- creasingly cognizant of how the Univer- sity has abetted the prosecution of a war -the clear majority of this community does not approve of. WHEN SENATE ASSEMBLY takes -up I WAS hot, tired and hungry after a hard day. I opened the door of the restaurant with the huge glass windows and the sign that said 'Open 24 hours'. 'Bloopie's' was the name that flashed down the road in alternately red, green and yellow neon. The inside was different -clean, fairly bright, with cushy orange seats. I took a seat at the counter as usual, not wanting to waste a quarter on a tip. There were about a dozen people in the place. They all looked sort of mod- erately satisfied, eating with white plastic forks off of yellow paper plates. Four waitresses were there, standing around, laughing together. The moment they'd break the clinch, the ends of their lips would drop. Dressed in a white nurse's unform with a nameplate reading 'Kay Plastic', s h e handed me a menu. My eyes lit up, feast- ing through the promise of culinary or- gasms presented by Bloopie's announce- ment. 'Rich roast. beef cuts served on ivory white slices of whole flour bread, drench- ed in warm rich brown gravy, served with fresh bright crisp lettuce, and blood-red, soft, seed-filled tomatoes.' 'Long white strands of genuine Italian spaghetti, decorously inundated with liq- uidy brown gravy, studded with succulent high-grade balls of tasty, meaty beef.' 'Tasty, nutritious casserole of freshly caught delectable tuna, tastefully immers- ed with creamy white mayonnaise, exquis- itly garnered with spicy tidbits of autumn- yellow egg yolk, and spicy slices of fresh, tear-jerking onion.' FAT MISS PLASTIC started walking in my direction from the meat-machine. "Excuse me, does John Steinbeck still work here?"' I asked, with a subtle tinge of sarcasm. "Why do you want to talk to Mr. "Mr. Hibbeck - the manager - y o u just asked for him." "No' I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Could . could I have a glass of water?" She looked away from me with an ex- pression of disinterested irritation. But she more than made up for the unpleasantness by handing me a half- filled glass of water - a nice tempera- ture, so it wouldn't chill my teeth. "We usually save the ice for pay drinks so we don't have to waste too much soda on any one customer, but all right," she said gracefully, proceeding to place four large chunks of ice on the table mat right next to my glass of water. Well, I thought, if I'm not going to enjoy the meal, let me at least appreciate the atmosphere, observe the people and soak in the decor. The radio was playing some untitled tune by anonymous or one of his famous group. It echoed through my being as I viewedthe distinctively orange walls and the clean flat off-white tables with mid- dle-America pink place mats, and t h e counter, with its round cushions all in a circular row. "DO YOU WANT to order?" Miss Plastic asked me. "Could I have a tuna sandwich on white bread, and a glass of milk please?", I ask- ed humbly. She wrote feverishly for about 90 se- conds, and then asked, "is that all?", to which I responded, "yes," succinctly. She put the check down. "Do you want lettuce, tomato and may- onnaise?" she asked. "Please hold the mayonnaise - b u t give me a lot of tomato," I said hungrily. Twenty minutes later she returned with my lettuce and mayonnaise sandwich. j Hibbeck?" she demanded curdling whisper. "Who?" in a high, blood- -Daily-Denny Gainer I guess they were out of tuna. "Thank you," I said. "I'll have your milk in a minute," she said. Ten minutes later, she returned with the milk. I DIDN'T MIND the curdled look. I mean, I'd drunk things that looked worse than the sharply-lined yellow-white oozy substance that nearly half-filled my glass. But after delaying putting it to my lips as long as the mayonnaise would allow, I took a sip. I'd never tasted milk so sour in my life. It was like it had been out in the sun for a week. I tried to get the waitress' attention. She had disappeared, presumably to gig- gle with her co-workers. After a few min- utes she appeared, and I raised my hand. She ignored me for a full three minutes, while carefully studying the entries in the song machine. Finally, with all the civility I could muster, I blurted, "excuse me." She look- ed at me angrily, them peculariarly, then began waddling in my direction. When not more thap twenty meters away, she mur- mured vigorously, "What's wrong?" "The milk is sort of sour," I said. She looked at me really maliciously. "Sort of sour," she said. "It's really very sour," I insisted. "It's too sour to drink." AT THIS point, she really got angry. "Look, buddy," she said,"you ordered milk, not a glass of sugar water." That was a reasonable response, I guess, but for some reason it irked me. I couldn't really control what happened next. My arms began to grow in width at an enormous rate, as did my head, while my nose and ears began expanding. I felt myself getting taller. When I was within a foot of the ceiling, the waitress s a i d , "Look, buddy, if you think any funny tricks are gonna help you, forget it. You get what you pay for." By this time, hair had begun to sprout profusely all over my face and arms and I had begun breathing heavily. I was about nine feet tall and felt I had the strength of ten horses. This estimate was borne out when I rested my pinky too hard on the table, and it collapsed. Another waitress, a little old lady, crawl- ed out of the woodwork. "You look a trifle peaked," she said. I stood up, grabbed Miss Plastic and threw her out of one of the plate-glass windows. Then I proceeded to smash each of the tables in the whole place. Having thus worked up a hearty appe- tite, I went into the kitchen, put the cook under the stove, and proceeded to eat everything that was there. Most of it was so bad I threw it up a few seconds later. BY THIS time, I was really sort of tired. A few of the customers looked up at me disapprovingly. One of the waitresses said "tsk-tsk", as she floated out the door. I then announced that I was going to destroy the restaurant, and asked every- one to please leave. Most of them just looked at me funny. Then I went outside and uprooted the twenty-foot Bloopie's sign, and placed it in the road. I then grasped the entire restaurant, pushed with my arms against two sides, and with that, combined with my knee, collapsed the entire restaurant into a pile of glass and brick. My annoyance was subsidizing, and, I felt myself shrinking back to my normal size and strength. I looked at the rubble, and the people, bleeding and panic-strick- en, climbing out of it. IT WAS AT ABOUT this time that I decided I'd better get an apartment with a kitchen in it. * -Daily-Denny Gainer Pontiac prays quietly amid the storm By JIM NEUBACHER PONTIAC I'm a pastor, not a policeman. I have no place out riding buses or preaching about politics. - Rev. Galen E. Hershey SUNDAY. Like millions of other Ameri- cans, the people of Pontiac went to church. They went out of a sense of duty, or for some, a sense of desire. A lot of them went for reas- surance. Some went hopeful for guidance. You see, Pontiac hasn't been very easy to live in lately. There have been buses, and pickets, and bombs, and police- men, all on top of the regular everyday problems of crime and unemployment and racial hatred. The Concerned Clergy of Pon- tiac, an inter-racial, interdenomi- national group of about .30, had called on Pontiac's clergy to preach peace and integration from the pulpit. "American society can only sur- vive as an open and integrated society," they said in a statement last week. And they hoped they could have an influence by teaching Pontiac residents how the principles of faith and love and humanity ap- ply to the busing situation. BUT SUNDAY, in two of the oldest, whitest, most prestigious Protestant churches in Pontiac, nary a word was spoken or prayer prayed aloud concerning a solu- tion to the tensions in Pontiac. The 148-year-old First Presby- terian Church has a congregation that comprises the managerial elite on Pontiac. This white collar class isn't large in Pontiac. Most -Pontiac Press ences to the wasteful American consumer society, there was noth- ing in the sermon to keep it from being delivered 100 years ago. It just had no relevance to the problemns facing Pontiac Pres- byterians. "Afterwards, some of the mem- bers of the congregation came up and told me how glad they were that I didn't say anything political," Rev. Hershey said. "Vrni"knnr nnf'ra 3T mnAp s noli - was addressing a congregation of more than 800, and countless more on radio. The Baptists are a different class altogether from the Presby- terians. The Presbyterians, it has been said, are the Republican par- ty at prayer. The Baptists at the First Baptist church Sunday come from that confused, lost, working class that needs to be liberal, wants to be conservative, and feels complete- Well, if you're not strong enough to pray to God on com- plicated things, you just pray to Jesus. And the Holy Spirit will hear your prayer, and he'll go RIGHT TO THE THRONE OF GOD. Yes he will. Jesus will pray for you. He knows your agony." Amen. But Rev. Shelton never men- tioned the buses, or the blacks, or the foremen in the factories, or the policemen, or anything about makes no bones of its hatred for black people. And he reminded them of the words Jesus used when speaking to Mary Magdalene after she washed his feet with her tears: "Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace." (Editor's note: Jim Neubacher, a former Daily editorial page editor, has been observing the Pontiac scene as a reporter for