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September 22, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-22

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IEiri man


Partly cloudy,
chance of late showers

Vol. LXXXI11, No. 11

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 22, 1971

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages





Committee asks

Nixon gets option to cut
freshmen deferments
WASHINGTON, UP)-After months of delay the Senate
passed and sent to the White House Tuesday the bill extend-
ing the military draft until June 23, 1973.
The measure includes a provision authorizing President
Nixon to drop undergraduate student deferments starting
with those students entering college this fall.
Oher provisions of the draft bill include a $2.4 billion
military pay raise, extension of procedural rights of draftees
before their local boards, and limitation of inductions to
130,000 this year and 140,000 next year.1
Passage of the bill by a vote of 55 to 30 came with sur-
prising suddenness after the Senate by just one vote had
invoked its antifilibuster rule
W T Ci _to limit debate on the meas--}





u ra ids on
Viet north
SAIGON (A)-An armada of 2501
U.S. planes swarmed over North
Vietnam Tuesday and delivered!
one of the heaviest raids in the
North in the past three years.
The U.S. Command claimed the
raids were ordered because of a
recent increase in North Vietna-
mese missile and anti-aircraft fire
at unarmed U.S. reconnaissance
planes over North Vietnam and at
American aircraft attacking in
Laos near North Vietnamese ter-

President Nixon's signature, ex-
pected promptly, will enable the
Selective Service System to resume
draft inductions halted when the
old law expired last June 30.
One of the most significant ma-
jor sections of the legislation calls
for a $2.4 - billion military pay
increase intended to i m p r o v e
chances for creating all-volunteer
armed forces by mid-1973..
Under the compromise reached
by the House - Senate conferees,
the effective date for the increase
was set as Oct. 1. But the com-
promise-not subject to amend-
ment from the Senate floor-was
adopted by the conferees and ap-
proved by the House well before
President Nixon announced his 90-
day wage price freeze on Aug. 15.
His action leaves in d o u b t


ritory.wh e t h e r the increase can be
In addition, sources said, the granted at the date specified or
raids were prompted by heavy will have to be'deferred until after
North Vietnamese attacks across the freeze ends Nov. 14.
the DMZ last month against allied The Senate's action was a major
frontier defenses. victory for the President and a de-
The U.S. Command described the feat for anti-war senators who had
raids as "protective r e a c t i o n held out for something stronger
strikes against military targets in than the measure's call on Nixon
North Vietnam constituting a to negotiate an end to the Indo-
threat to thesafety of U.S. forces." china war as quickly as possible.
They constituted the 60th so- That provision was agreed to as
called "protective reaction" at- a compromise by Senate - House
tacks this year. These attacks are conferees after the House refused
usually undertaken when a U.S. to accept the Senate's amendment
plane is fired upon or when it by majority Leader Mike Mans-
detects North Vietnamese ground field (D-Mont.) that called for
radar is tracking in preparation total U.S. withdrawal from Indo-'


-Daily-Jim Judikis
STUDENTS MARCH AROUND campus last March (above) to protest classified research at the Uni-
versity. Later that day (below), Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman addresses Senate
Assembly. During Assembly's meeting, the Research Policy Committee was charged to formulate a
report, released yesterday, concerning the classified research issue.

for firing. Most of the protective china in nine m
reaction strikes have been by two oners are freed.

onths if U.S. pris-

Autopsy contradicts officials'
story of San Quentin shooting

Six months after receiving
a mandate to examine all
types of research at the Uni-
versity, a faculty - student
committee has concluded that
although classified research
needs some tighter controls, it
should remain on campus.
In a report released yesterday,
the Senate Assembly's Research
Policies Committee said there was
"no compelling evidence" justify-
ing the complete elimination of
the University's $5.5 million of
secret research contracts, but cri-
ticized current procedures for ap-
proving such contracts.
The "tightened" procedures, if
adopted, would make public more
information about current classi-
fied projects and institute regular
review of procedures and con-
Assembly, the faculty reuresent-
ative body, asked the Research
Policies Committee to undertake
the investigation last March, fol-
lowing heated debate among stu-
dents and faculty over the proprie-
ty of "war-oriented" research on
campus, especially Department of
Defense-sponsored classified re-
Though Assembly defeated a
motion which would have ended
University classified research, a
compromise measure passed, or-
dering "recommendations for ac-
' The following proposals will be
nresented to Assembly next Mon-
" Although the Research Poli-
cies Committee continues to find
classified research acceptable,(
considration of requests for such
projects would be "more string-
pnt." The Committee suggests al-
tering the University guidelines
governing classified research to
exclude research whose "soecific
purpose or clearly foreseeable re-
sults are injurious to human life
or welfare."
Previously. this three-year old
guideline barred only research
when Assembly's Classified Re-
search Commitete, (CRC) thought
the "specific purpose" of the re-
search was the destruction of hu-
man life or the incapacitation of
human beings. It was the streng-
thening of such guidelines that
was sought by many oponents of
classified research last spring be-
cause they felt the 12-man CRC
could not discern the "specific
purpose" of a project.
" The committee's report asks
that a "snecially designated com-
mittee of Senate Assembly be
charged with carrying out a con-
tract review at the end of the con-
Excerpts from therResearch
Policy Committee's report ap-
pear on Page 6.
tract year or at the termination of
the contract, whichever comes
This would "assure the Univer-
sity community" that research
deemed appropriate in pre-con-
tract proposals actually remained
that way after CRC approval.
* Forms describing the pre-
cise nature of unclassified portions
of research contracts would be
made public following approval by
The absence of classified details
would be noted in these "pre-pro-
nosal summary forms and work
statements." These forms would
See COMMITTEE, Page 9 1

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
A HOUSE at the corner of E. University and S. University Streets
will be the site of Trotter House, the University's new black stu-
dent-community center.
Black student activity
center to open at'U
A long-awaited center for black student services and
activities, the William Trotter house, opens this fall on cam-
pus, about one and a half years after the Black Action
Movement strike in Spring, 1970.
The fifteen room facility, financed through a grant from
the University's Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund, will
answer several needs, according to Assistant Vice President
for Student Services Charles Kidd.
"Black students have lacked a central location for hold-
ing and finding out about social and cultural events relevant
to their special interests,
Kidd explains, "and our infor-
mational and financial ser-N1 h w
vices to blacks are not being
used to capacity." 0

or three planes.
The supersonic jets flew through
anti-aircraft fire to bomb surface
to air, or Sam, missile and gun
sites, supply depots and truck
parks in a six-hour attack from
daybreak to noon.
The U.S. Command said fighter-
bombers launched 200 bombing
strikes in North Vietnam's south-!
ern panhandle, concentrating on
an area from the demilitarized
zone to about 35 miles north of it.
About 50 other aircraft supported
the strikes. These included jet
fighters flying protective cover,
electronic planes to jam the radar
guidance systems of anti-aircraft
guns and Sam missiles, rescue
planes and helicopters, and recon-
naissance planes to take photos of
bomb damage.
The U.S. Command said none of
the American planes was hit, all
returning safely to their bases in
South Vietnam and Thailand.
No assessment of damage to the
North Vietnamese positions was
readily available, the command
Pilots reported light to moderpte
anti-aircraft fire but said they en-
countered no Sam missiles.
A large North Vietnamese troop
and supply buildup has been re-
ported recently just north of the
1 Moreover, South Vietnamese field
commanders say that more than
half of the 15,000 to 18,000 North
Vietnamese troops once deployed
in the region immediately below
the DMZ have pulled back.

A new effort is expected now to
attach that proposal to the $21-
billion military procurement auth-
'orization bill, on w h i c h t h e
Senate resumed debate following
passage of the.draft measure.
The end of the draft debate,
which has occupied more than
half of the Senate's time since
early May, came within minutes
after proponents of the draft
measure succeeded by the barest
of margins 61 to 30 in mustering
the two-thirds vote needed to limit
further debate.
One of the defeated leaders of
the campaign to delay the draft,
Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), said
after the vote the Senate's action
will plunge the issue into the 1972
presidential campaign and could
bring out millions of young voters
against President Nixon.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (OP) -The and exited at mid-back, and that'
bullet that killed Soledad Brother he also was shot in one ankle.
George Jackson at San Quentin Prison officials have said the
prison struck him in the back- black militant and author was
not in the head as had been slain in an attempt to escape from
claimed earlier - passed upward the prison across the bay from
through his body and emerged San Francisco.
from the top of his skull, a path- sehFrBriS n.t
ologist's autopsy report concluded Joseph O'Brien, San Quentin
yesterday. information officer, said prison
This path of the bullet is the officials still maintain Jackson
exact opposite of the path de- was killed by a bullet fired from
scribed by Coroner Donovan Cooke one of two 20-foot-high guard
Aug. 23, two days after the vio- towers.
lence in which three guards and But he said that in view of this
two white inmates died. Cooke new information it would have
said at that time Jackson was been "almost impossible" for Jack-
apparently killed by a bullet which son to have been killed by a bullet
entered the top center of his skull fired from the gun tower located

Nixon visits Detroit tomorrow;
vets, labor plan demonstration

some distance behind him whfie
Other law enforcement officers
said Jackson c o u 1 d have been
struck first by a bullet to his left
ankle. As he fell, with his head
lower than his torso, they theor-
ized the second bullet could have
entered his back from the rear.
Cooke said no conclusion had
been reached about the position of
the body but "if he was flat on
the ground he could have been
shot that way through the back."
In the final autopsy report re-
leased by Cooke, pathologist John
Manwaring said: "Ballistic con-
sultation confirms that the entry
wound was located in the midback
and the exit is through the top of
the skull as clearly evidenced by,
the outward coning of the skull on
the calvarium," the domelike por-
tion of the skull.
Manwaring's report said the
bullet entered at the bottom of
the rib cage, twoaor three inches
,to the right of Jackson's midline.
fractured several ribs as it plunged
upward, lacerated the brain and
exited slightly to the right on top
of Jackson's skull.
Cooke said his earlier report
was "a preliminary, incomplete re-
port." He added: "My primary
task is to determine what killed a
person. I haven't gone to San
Quentin or attempted to recon-
struct the scene. That's within the
realm of the district attorney."
Dist. Atty. Bruce Bales was un-
available for comment.

"By establishing satellite offices
in this building," Kidd continues,
"we hope to broaden our base of
contact and reduce these prob-
Kidd also emphasized that the
facility should not be construed
as belonging to any single organ-
ization but a resource for all black
groups and individuals.
A regental ruling in the spring
of 1970 specifically stated that
University funds could not be used
for the establishment of a black
center, but Robert Knauss, vice
president for student services, ex-
plains that this does not conflict
with the present financing of the
"The Martin Luther Scholarship
fund was established after the
Black Action Movement strike in
1970 from contributions of stu-
dents, alumni and faculty and
contains no general University
funds," he says.
"Besides," Knauss adds, "there
has been a change in the nature
and attitude of the regents since
the spring of 1970, and I'm not
entirely sure that a ruling for-
See TROTTER, Page 9

The Night Owl bus service, in-
stituted two years ago during an
increase in University security
programs, is no longer in opera-
The night-time bus line was op-
erated under Universityfinancing
by the Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority (AATA). Its route cov-
ered the University Hospital, the
Michigan League, the Undergradu-
ate Library, and Oxford Housing.
Some students have voiced oppo-
sition to the discontinuation.
' Rebecca Schenk, president of
Student Government Council
(SGC), said yesterday, "We will
explore the possibility of re-instat-
ing the Night Owl bus service if
there is sufficient student backing
for the idea. I feel that the can-
cellation of the Night Owl in April
without consultation with students
was very unfair."
A decline in student use of the
service over the past two years
See NIGHT, Page 9

By JONATHAN MILLER from groups as diverse as the,
Detroiters by the thousand will Vietnam Veterans Against the War
turn out to see the President on and the AFL-CIO will jam the
his scheduled visit to the Motor sidewalks around the city's river-
City tomorrow, but not all the front convention showpiece in a
natives will be friendly. picket to protest the President's
Along with the approximately "one sided wage-price freeze and
3 000 guests at the Detroit Eco- failure to end the Vietnam war."
n- mic Club's meet-the-President- Organizers of the picket are pre-
dinner at Cobo Hall, demonstrators dicting they will field "at least
two demonstrators for every guest"
". at the beef tenderloin and green
bean dinner.
<rNixon is expected to concentrate
in his speech on the so-called
"Phase II" of his New Economic
Policy. The original 90-day wage-
price freeze is scheduled to end
'Nov. 12.
The President will be speaking
on the nineteenth anniversary of
his famous "Checkers Speech," in
which Mr. Nixon offered to "step-
. fdown" from Gen. Dwight Eisen-
f {Y. hower's presidential election ticket
:: ..in the wake of allegations of finan-
cial irregularities in his political
The reportedly brief nature of his '
speech suggests that he is unlikely
to make any new policy. state-

will be a brief one. Though White
House aides are refusing to com-
ment directly on the President's
schedule, it is thought that he will
depart from the city immediately
after his speech and a brief ques-
tion and answer period.
The executive director of the
Economic Club, Donald Luther, did
not know yesterday whether or not
the President will hold a press
conference in the city but said he
thought it unlikely.


John Sinclair, the radical leader impris-
oned over two years ago for possessing
two marijuana cigarettes, may be back on
the streets in the near future.
Earlier this' month, the Michigan Su-
preme Court announced it would hear an




juana. Colombo's decision ended two years
of court battles following Sinclair's Jan-
uary, 1967, arrest.
Since then, Sinclair has been incarce-
rated , at Southern Michigan Prison in
Jackson and the maximum security prison
at Marquette. The campaign to gain the

To many people, Sinclair has become
a symbol-his imprisonment, his support-
ers say, represents not only the incar-
ceration of one "political prisoner," but
also the repression, typified by marijuana
prohibition, of a culture.
The campaign to free Sinclair has moved


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