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September 16, 1971 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-16

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t}. ?:h, ":; ';i: ?tv ":y;iiii~i"v.iit- ~......... .....
+u Uof M
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
SMikado Aidition1"s
Thursday, 7-10:3 0 p.m.
Sept. 16 Union
.:.:. .....::.::: . h

T rspmpage
Thursday, September 16, 1971



Sfr tgtin


- ---

420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0525

'.1".' t..i:......... "


Swedish, 1922. A unique combination of bothfan-
tasy and documentary, full of information and data
for students of witchcraft and superbly eloquent
images for students of cinema.
SHOWS AT 7 and 9:30 p.m.
330 Maynard
across from Nickels Arcade
sponsored by ann arbor film cooperative

news bie s
C ~By The Associated Press
A TERRORIST BOMB demolished a popular Saigon night club
last night. The bombing was a bloody climax to three days of anti-
American and anti-government unrest.
Although the U.S. Command said no Americans and three Vietna-
mese were killed, South Vietnamese officials reported 10 fatalities-
three Americans and seven Vietnamese apd a score of persons in-
REV. RALPH ABERNATHY and an estimated 160 other dem-
onstrators were arrested yesterday as they attempted to march
to the Choctaw County Courthouse in Butler, Ala.
The march was in defiance of an anti-demonstration injunction.
Witnesses said the marchers gathered at a church about one mile
from the courthouse square where a black demonstrator, Margaret
Knott, 19, was struck and killed by a car Saturday during a sit-in at
an intersection there.
The arrests were in addition to 41 others who were taken into
custody during the morning after disturbances at three boycotted
Butler area schools.
NORTHERN IRELAND Prime Minister Brian Faulkner yes-
terday authorized a series of "get tough" measures against insur-
rection and disorder in Protestant-dominated Northern Ireland.
The measures set off a new series of riots.
Faulkner signed orders authorizing indefinite internment without

Senate to decide
draft bill status
today in key vote
WASHINGTON UP) - A key vote is expected today in the
Senate on a bill combining two-year draft extension with
the most costly military pay raise, ever proposed.
Opposing sides seemed uncertain yesterday of the out-
come of the vote on a motion to table and thus kill the bill
worked out over a period of five weeks by a Senate-House
conference committee.
The House already has approved the bill, and J o h n
Stennis, (D-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, said that if the Senate rejects it, the result may
be no draft bill and no



British Chancellor of
Group of Ten finance

military pay raises this year.
The secretaries .of the Army
E TREASURY John Connally, (left), and Navy and Air Forcedispatched a
the Exchequer Anthony Barber attend the letter to all senators yesterday
ministers' talks on monetary problems. saying that further delay in re-
viving the draft, which expired
June 30 may jeopardize beyond
ck redemption the prospects of
diploats attaGckachieving an all-volunteer force
by July 1, 1973."


Tickets Now on Sale for
the first three Daystar shows
Fri., Sept. 17-Blues Special
$2.00 $3.00 $4.00
Fri., Sept. 24-MOUNTAIN

trial of 219 suspected subversives, and expanding the Ulster Defense'
Regiment-the national guard-by the addition of new units.
His government also filed the first suits against citizens with-'
holding rents and local taxes in a Roman Catholic-based civil dis-
obedience campaign.!
* *
THE UNITED STATES will hold a meeting today at the
United Nations on cosponsoring resolutions which could provide
for seating the People's Republic of China in the U.N. Security
A State Department spokesman said the main U.S. aim is to keep
Nationalist China from being ousted from the United Nations and that
Washington has not reached a final decision on the Security CouncilI
seat issue.

Nl ixon's eco
LONDON AP - Secretary of
the Treasury John Connally serv-
ed notice yesterday that the Nix-
on administration intends to fa-
shion a $13-billion turnabout in
its overseas dealings, transform-I
ing a current annual loss of $9
billion into a $4billion surplus.
The American plan stunned fi-
nance ministers and bankers at-
tending a conference of "the
Group of Ten ."

omic plan
The two-day talks brought t
gether representatives of t
world's richest countries to par
dp tavof ori le npn

Despite the pressures from the
military and the administration,
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield,
(D-Mont.), who is opposed to any
o- kind of draft-extension bill, called
he the outlook for tabling the motion
n- encouraging.

AEC plans new nuclear test

aer a ys oA eny ng the "ne a~ Mansfield agreed' with Stennis
tional money crisis. that adoption of the motion would
A clash of views dramatized the kill the bill but he said t h i s
first encounter between U.S. lead- would be followed by another mo-
ers and a group of friendly states- tion seeking a new conference
men since President Nixon one with the House and instructing
month ago proposed a program the Senate conferees on key is-
of emergency action to stave off sues.
the threatened devaluation of the The draft bill originally passed
dolar. by the Senate includes an amend-
The assault on Nixon's econom- ment by Mansfield declaring it to
ic policies was led by Finance be U.S. policy to withdraw a 11
Minister Mario Ferrari-Aggradi, troops from Vietnam in n i n e
of Italy, speaking for most of the months provided American pri-
Europeans, and by Finance Minis- soners of war were released.'
ter M. M. Mizuta of Japan, the This is unacceptable to the ad-
United States' main commercial
rival.E ministra'tion and the House re-
rival.jected it. In conference it was
Their demands included: changedito a declaration of the
-A devaluation of the dollar sense of Congress that U.S. mill-
against gold as part of a general tary operations in Indochina
realgnmnt f wrldcurrencies, should be ended at the earliest
realignment of world rpracticable date.
-Removal of the 10 per cent M
U.S. surcharge on most imports. Mansfield told the Senate that
if the compromise bill is tabled,
--A phase-out of the dollar's he will seek to have Senate con-
role as a world currency. ferees instructed to stand by his
--Developmnet of special Draw- original amendment except to cut
ing Rights on the International the deadline for withdrawal by
21/2 months to make up for the
Monetary Fund to replace gold as time that already has elapsed.
backing for currencies. n fn




Fri., Oct. 8-B.B. KING




JUNEAU, Alaska (P -- The barren island halfway between
Atomic Energy Commission (AE- Anchorage and Tokyo at the con-
C), says preparations for an un- fluence of the Bering Sea and1
derground five-megaton nuclear Pacific Ocean.
test on Amchitka Island are pro- The blast, the equivalent of
ceeding on schedule, despite five million tons of TNT, is de-
strong opposition from govern- signed to test the warhead of
ment leaders and others, and the Spartan missile, a part of thef
speculation President Nixon may ' Safeguard antiballistic missile sys-
cancel it. tem.
No specific date has been set Some senators and conserva-
but AEC spokesman David Jack- tionists have expressed fears the
son said it still is "tentatively" test might touch off earthquakes
scheduled for early October. and tidal waves.
The site of what would be the Both Canada and Japan have
largest underground blast ever protested the blast.
detonated in North America is a In June, the AEC released a

All shows Hill Auditorium

Advance tickets Michigan
Records, 330 Maynard and

Union and Salvation
1 103 S. Univ.

draft environmental statement
saying the planned test has a
low likelihood of triggering a
severe earthquake.
But the report added the AEC
could not rule out the possibility
of a quake.
It also said there was not much
chance the test would create
large tidal waves, harm wildlife
or release radioactive material
into the atmosphere.
However, Sen. Mike Gravel, .D-
Ala.), told a Massachusetts peace
organization this week that five
of the seven federal agencies ad-
vising the President on nuclear
matters have opposed the test.
Opposition to the test also has
been expressed by a U.S. nuclear
scientist who helped develop the
atom bomb that destroyed Hiro-
shima during World War H.

to testify
forl edina
The military judge in Capt. Er-
nest Medina's murder trial, re-
versing a previous decision, ruled
yesterday that the jury may hear
a key defense witness recount a
conversation in which Lt. William
Calley Jr. spoke of My Lai.
Capt. Robert Hicks of Ft. Ben-
ning, Ga., had tesitfied in the ab-
sence of the jury, saying Calley
told him that Medina knew noth-
ing of Calley's actions at My
The prosecution objected to
this testimony as hearsay and Col.
Kenneth Howard, the military
judge, initially sustained the ob-
j ection.
But after a two-hour meeting
with the defense, Howard said he
had been persuaded to allow Hicks
to appear before the jury.
In another ruling, Howard held
that the jury could not hear the
testimony of Capt. Eugene Ko-
touc, an intelligence officer ac-
quitted earlier this year of maim-
ing a Viet Cong suspect after the
My Lai attack.
Kotouc had indicated he would
testify that he had advised Me-
dina on methods of interrogating
The prosecution objected.
The 35-year-old Medina, of
Montrose, Colo., is accused of as-
saulting a Viet Cong suspect by
firing a rifle over his head, shoot-
ing a wounded woman as she lay
in a rice paddy outside My Lai,
ordering the shooting of a boy,
and of murder in the deaths of
102 civilians.
The infantryman was in com-
mand of Charlie Company when
the unit, whose platoon leaders
included Calley,attacked My Lai
on March 16, 1968.
Dylan Seeger Baez
For the best in
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107.1 8 PM-i A.M.

Sorry for the delay


- - i

--Preservation of the "aver-
age price" of gold against major
currencies, meaning that while
the dollar price of the metal
might go up the West German
mark or Japanese yen price
might go down.

ie otner part of the 1bll on!
which instructions to Senate con-
ferees will be sought relates to the
$2.4 billion pay raise provided for
in the compromise version.
Sen. Gordon Allott, (R-Colo.),
is leading a fight to add $300
million to the bill to beef up the
increases in the lowest grades.

DAYSTAR Presents


Muddy Waters
Buddy Guy

John Lee Hooker
Junilor Vells

Terry Tate
Friday, Sept. 17th-Hill Auditorium

-Archer Winsten, New York Post
'Fellini's best since '8'/2 '.
-Joseph Gelmis, Newsday
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-Leonard Harris, WCBS-TV
A glory !"
-Penelope Gilliatt, New Yorker
L~evitt-Pickrnan ihnCorporation PRES t
Technicolor iQ
LI] INFORMATION 761-9700a A :5 O 9* 104




Admission: 2.00,

$3.00, $4.00

-- i I .. .... ..,



t .nite


1916. Starring Lillian Gish, Miriam Cooper, Tod Browning, Erich von Stroheim,
Constance Talmadge, Eugene Pallette, Minte Blue, Bessie Love. 121 min.
with new piano score by Mr. Donald Sosin, performing!
Mr. Sosin received standing ovations at our successful presentations last spring of
The Phantom of the Opera for his score and performance.
One of the most awesome spectacles ever filmed!
Often hailed as one of the most influential of silent films, INTOLERANCE, two
years in the making, intercuts four different episodes which depic cruelty and pre-
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Bobbi Thomas
banjo, guitar
"Where'd this chick learn to
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Pat & Victoria



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