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September 16, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-16

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See Editorial Page

Yl r e



Cooler with
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 6 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 16, 1971 Ten Cents
'U' awaits newdiscipline sy
By ROBERT SCHREINER "I would now anticipate that, if for- creased minority admissions in April, recognized a need for an internal legal It wa
Daily News Analysis tunate, we might have a new draft (of 1970. system reflecting a more tolerant at- aspects
Although it appeared last spring that the rules) a couple of months into the The imposition of the rules came at titude toward behavior peculiar to a have t
the five-year quest for a University- semester," says law school Dean TheU- the end of an academic year which had University community than civil sta- Senate
"E wide legal system would be ended this dore St. Antoine, who recently resigned seen major University turmoil occur- tutes allow, before
month, it now seems more likely that as chairman of University Council, the building takeovers, sit-ins and numer- Such "behavior" includes political And
the system will not be completed until body of students, faculty members, ous disruptions. dissent-which more and more over the Ruleso
;"ysrKrwih othe end of the term. and administrators charged by the Re- The Regents established the rules, at years has come to form a constant judicia
The aspect of the two-part system gents in February, 1970 to formulate that time, out of reluctance to Permit theme of University life. While civil the ide
which was agreed upon last spring- the code. the University to be without a definite laws deal harshly with most protest entire 1
the judicial mechanism which would For now, the University will continue set ofrules while groups within the tactics-sit-ins, disruptions, and minor faculty
enforce a conduct code-is presently to operate without a campus-wide legal University were attempting to arrive violence - the University communitys demic
gathering dust in the form of a manual 'system acceptable to the University at an acceptable legal system. view is far more indulgent. COPJ
on the desk of Richard Kennedy, sec- community. And, despite clamoring The rules were created with the ir- But mapping the disciplinary system by the
retary of the University.. from all sides, the contoversial Interim tent that they be ultimately replaced has not been easy, since students, fac- satisfyi;
...**. ..- And the other aspect-the conduct Rules of the Regents will remain in by penalties and sanctions drawn up by ulty members and University adminis- encies;
-Daily-Sara Kruiwch code itself-is no farther along than it effect. UC and a judicial mechanism arrived trators cling to differing ideas of what ceivedĀ£
was in April, when it was rejected in The Interim Rules are a set of pen- at by the Committee on a Permanent tbe rules should be, how it should be t i m e
STUDENTS block classrooms during the Black Action Movement its first draft by both Student Govern- alties and sanctions imposed by the University Judiciary (COPJ. determined whether they have been that t
strike in March, 1970. The Interim Rules of the Regents were ment Council and Senate Assembly, Regents in the wake of the Black Ac- For at least the past five years, al- violated, and how strict the penalties realized
adopted after the BAM disruptions. the faculty representative body. tion Movement class strike for in- most everyone at the University has should be.

Ten Pages
s determined last year that both
>of the new legal system would
o meet the approval of SGC,
Assembly, and the Regents
being put into effect.
in addition, while the Interim
apply only to students, the new
y was to be formulated with
a that it apply uniformly to th~e
, yadministrators and non-aca-
s judicial mechanism, approved
Regents in April, went far in
ng the often-clashing constitu-
at the University. Students re-
a sizeable voice and at the same
faculty - administrator concerns.
e mechanismi be firm were
See 'U', Page 10




Buses roll in



Special To The Daily
PONTIAC--Scores of bulky yellow buses continued to roll
through city streets here yesterday, snarling traffic and con-
tinuing to anger area citizens opposed to the controversial
court-ordered busing plan for school de-segregation.
Anti - busing picketters, all members of the National
Action Group (NAG), temporarily suspended their street
V demonstrations yesterday. On Tuesday, the group's "show of
clout" picket lines brought the 42,000-worker Fisher Body
Plant to a grinding halt for the day, when workers refused
to cross the lines.
While NAG leaders confer on future actions aimed at
overturning the court order, issued last spring, other mem-
. _- - --- bers are working steadily on

spread after
-N.Y. deaths
Ry The Associated Press
Unrest generated by rioting at Attica Correctional Fa-
cility spread to other prisons in New York and elsewhere
More than 40 persons were killed at the New York state
prison Monday when over 1,000 state troopers stormed the
jail under a barrage of teargas and shotgun fire, to quell a
four-day takeover by inmates.
At Great Meadows, N.Y., where about 75 Attica rioters
were transferred, there was a four-hour outbreak of bottle-
throwing and fire-setting yesterday in the so-called "radi-
cal" wing of the prison. The'
outburst was described as mi- D "
nor and no injuries were re-D r ve begins
Inmates at Clinton state prisonef
at Dannemora near the Canadianlobrebkrm
border put on b1a'r1|nbands en

. I

the establishment of city-wide
"neighborhood academies" as
'the alternative to p u b l i c
11 Spokewomen at the city's two
n ew ciiOo neighborhood academy enrollment
centers said yesterday that 14,40"

opens soon
A new day care center and free
school for Ann Arbor community
children will open soon in the
First Unitarian Church on Wash-
tenaw Ave.
Marnie Heyn, an organizer of
the center, said it will be more
than a drop-in babysitting serv-
ice. An emphasis will be the cen-
ter's function as a school within
a community environment, she
The center, replacing the Chil-
dren's Community day care pro-
gram, which formerly used the
same site, will accept children age
two and up.
The opening date of the new
school has not yet been set. How-
ever, Heyn said it will run at
least through next May and will
be open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
five days a week.
"Women need a child care cen-
ter that is inexpensive and
good," she explained.
"Children need to be with peo-
ple their own age in a supportive
environment," she continued.
Organizers of the school-day
care center plan to charge a max-
imum of $20 a month on a sliding
scale for clients who can afford
to pay.
Organizers of the center noted
that other day care centers in the
community are already over-
crowded and that none of the
existing facilities stress educa-
tion to the extent planned by
the new Children's Community.
"The school will be run in a
democratic manner, to use the old
See DAY, Page 10

children have enrolled in the pro-
jected schools, 13 accredited area s
teachers have volunteered their
services, and that upwards to $1.5
million has been donated to the
schools, pending their incorpora-
Public school enrollment rose a
only slightly yesterday, reaching
almost 82 per cent or 4,200 pupils
short of the year's projected en-
rollment. If NAG members main-
tain their vow to keep their chil-
dren out of the public schools,
school officials say that the school;
system would lose considerable
state aid. The state calculates eachI
community's allottment on the1
basis of the number of students PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, has been the site of co
present at school on Oct. 1. schools. Hundreds of demonstrators demonstra
"We're seeing the demise of (above, left) urged the group to defy the order.
public schools," said Mrs. Elsie
Bigger co-ordinator of the freedom POW R E A STESUHT:
school movement. Bigger added RELEASE U J.
that she anticipated that a few
neighborhood academies w o u ld
open next week. -1 _V" Y" I "

ntinuing protest against court-ordered busing to achieve racial integration of the public
ated Tuesday against the ruling (below, above right) as protest leader Irene McCabe

route to breakfast. They were
turned back to their cells.
In the county jail at Atlanta,
Ga., inmates threw food, broke
fixtures and lights, and plugged
and tore up plumbing. Sheriff
Leroy Stynchcombe quoted one
inmate as saying the prisoners
were going to take control of the
jail and that "Attica ain't seen
nothing yet."
The sheriff said he had rejected
a list of prisoner demands which
he called "silly." Among them
were requests for hair spray and
cologne, which Stynchcombe said
they could use to "get drunk."
Meanwhile, Gov. Nelson Rocke-
feller said he still stands behind
the decision which sent state
troopers into Attica prison Mon-
"I do not see how I could have
done any differently," Rockefeller
told a news conference in New
York yesterday.
Rockefeller added that he ac-
cepted "full responsibility" for
the Monday death toll - now set
by the state Corrections Depart-
ment at nine hostages and 32 con-
In a related development, mem-
bers of the congressional Black
Caucus yesterday asked Congress
and the Justice Department to
investigate the Attica riot.
See PRISON, Page 10

abortion law
From Wire Service Reports
A petition drive aimed at col-
lecting 250,000 signatures needed
to put the issue of abortion law
liberalization on the state ballot
in November, 1972, was formally
launched today.
Speakers for the Michigan Co-
ordinating Committee for Abor-
tion Law Reform, which is spear-
heading the petition d r i v e to
change Michigan's 125-year old
abortion law, said they were tak-
ing their proposal to the voting
booth because "we have no choice
but to take our bill to the people."
Abortion reform advocates have
worked for four years to change
the state abortion law. Each year
a bill has been introduced, and
e a c h year the Legislature has
failed to respond.
Recently, abortion supporters
have drawn up a simple 52-word
petition which would change the
law to allow abortions for any
reason during the first 20 weeks
of pregnancy.
It differs from the legislative
bill in the length of pregnancy
permissible for a legal abortion.
The Senate-passed version sets a
90-day limit, while the petition
calls for a 20-week (140-day)


cPt wi$h d rq w.q I An fp

If the school district is 3,000 Ā± VV X ,5 lVk" V
pupils short on Oct. 1, it would 1
lose $615,000 in state aid. Accord-'
tos $school suetedet A r.- From Wire Service Reports Nixon has said repeatedly that total cutback in troops by spring,
ing to school superitendent Dr. President Nixon may decide to he would not complete troop with- 1972, or even earlier.
Dana Whitmer, the loss would not ! modify his opposition to the Viet drawal or set a withdrawal dead- The aim would apparently be to
be crippling, but would cause Cong-North Vietnamese demand line until: convince Hanoi and the Viet Cong'
several program cutbacks." for a 1971 American withdrawal -Hanoi had agreed to a date that the United States is respond-
Whitmer added, however, that deadline in order to obtain release for the release of the POWs; and ing positively to their demand that
registered letters will soon be sent'of U.S. prisoners of war. -he could be certain of the Sai- there be some kind of withdrawal
to the parents of children not en- The Associated Press reported gon government's ability to de- deadline before they release POWs.
rolled in school warning that they early this morning that U.S. offic- fend itself.
face _ possible prosecution under ials believe the President is ready
the state's compulsory education to change his position on the first U.S. officials were reported to on how or if it (the President's
laws. point of the seven-point Viet Cong believe that Nixon will make his statement) is put in such a way"
peace plan proposed July 1 at the modified attitude public when he as to satisfy the Viet Cong and
meetings held throughout the week, Paris Peace talks. addresses the nation in mid-No- Hanoi, an administration official
black community members said The first point said all U.S. vember. says.
repeatedly they felt policemen had prisoners held in Vietnam would The best estimate, officals say, U.S. officials indicated the Paris
"ignored" many illegal actions of be released "if the U.S. govern- is that Nixon may announce in' peace talks are at a full stop on
ment sets a terminal date for they November a substantial increase the prisoner issue with each side
the all-white NAG picketters and withdrawal from South Vietnam in the current withdrawal rate, "waiting for a break" from the
had been too lenient with them. in 1971. . ." perhaps amounting to virtually a + other. "My guess is that this break

"A il "
will be that between now and
" day X" Richard Nixon will mod-
ify or change his position on the
Viet Cong's first point," one offi-
cial said.
The United States has not re-
jected the Viet Cong proposal out-
right but has demanded clarifi-
cation, through secret or restricted
discussions, of what is involved.
The other side has insisted on
continuing open talks, a stand U.S.
negotiators deplore as a publicity

Faculty union issue
subject of conference

Liquor licenses flow slowly

At present about 215,000 U.S.
troops are in Vietnam with the
figure set to drop to 184,000 by
Dec. 1 under a schedule the Presi-
dent announced last April. At the
current withdrawal rate of 15,000
a month a zero figure would be
reached in early 1973.
Government officials expect the
POW question, which has been in
a sort of limbo in recent weeks, to
re-emerge as a public issue. They
point to the increasing political
activity as the presidential elec-
tion year approaches, and to a
series of meetings starting later
this month involving organizations
of families of the 1,600 U.S. serv-
icemen listed as missing or cap-
These meetings are expected to
spark another round of congres-

A two day conference on the
problems and potentials of
faculty unionization and col-
lective barg, ning will open to-
morrow at the Michigan League.
The conference, entitled "Fac-
ulty Power : Collective Bargain-
ing on Campus" is scheduled to
begin at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The
conference will include talks by
various -persons involved in fac-
ulty bargaining problems, and
panel discussions covering a
variety of related topics.
The two day event is spon-
sored by the Institute for Con-
tinuing Legal Education - a,
joint project of the Michigan
State Bar As so c i a t i o n,

(OCC), faculty have been strik-
ing for over a week in their at-
tempts to gain salary increases
and other demands. The striking
faculty defied a court order de-
manding they return to work.
The legal status of strikes by
public workers will be discussed
at the conference by University
attorney William Lemmer.
At the University, discontent
with traditional methods of
dealing with employers is caus-
For news of the faculty strikes
in Oakland County, See story,
Page 10.
ing many professors to consider
'n11w't.utp ha'rrainiricr

Rumor has it that a number of local restaur-
ant owners are eagerly applying for liquor li-
censes in anticipation of the expansion in the
liquor - drinking population come next January.
Soon the entire campus area, from Pizza Loy's
to the Brown Jug, will be totally awash in the
enlightening spirits. Right?
Wel n.. vnexot

proved by a number of city departments, includ-
ing health, fire and police.
Therefore, although a number of campus rcs-
taurant owners, would be happy to oblige stu-
dents by serving liquor and have applied for
liquor licenses in the two months since the state
legislature lowered the drinking age in Michigan
to eighteen as of January, none are likely to ob-
tain a license for at least a year, and probably

E L .~.......... ...

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