FALL SUPPLEMENT Freshman Issue 11 C 4c Ink43an A6F :43 a t t4y FALL SUPPLEMENT Freshman Issue Front Section Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 9, 1971 all, mergence fromheletha By LARRY LEMPERT for an active term carefully qualify their "The day of the charismatic leader is they arise. But they are not saying who In Michigan, a Supreme Court deci- Associate Managing Editor optimism. over," says a former SGC vice president, will form them; nor are they venturing sion on voter residency requirements s Complacent in the 100-degree heat, There is no lack of issues, with the describing what he calls the 'macho to predict what actions the groups will due at the end of the summer. And a people in Ann Arbor lay back in the continuing presence on campus of classi- radical." Many of the old leaders have take if and when they suddenly blossom, proposal making it easier for third par- fied and military research heading the te ogi oa altrcgiinwl summer, resting in the shade of tall activists' list of ongoing concerns. There left or are leaving Ann Arbor, he says, The last year has seen steadily dwin- ties to gain local ballot recognition will trees that block out thoughts of. classi- may be, however, a lack of organization, and he points to "groups over personali- dling response to strikes, marches and probably be considered by Ann Arboi fied research, recruiting policies, sex and a more serious lack of people in- ties" as taking the leading role in cam- rallies, while the tactic of the sit-in has, voters in November. discrimination. The University commu- terested in pus politics. at least for now, been successfully dis- Depending on these state and local nit pus is isue onice lie akeg terste inbeing organized. pity puts its issues on ice, like a keg Many people active in campus politics One group, SGC i t s e 1 f, naturally couraged by harsh penalties. "It's not decisions, swelled ranks of new student of Budweiser, and sips at them occa- don't know how to evaluate the quiet hopes to play an important role. SGC so much a question of education any- voters could conceivably launch a num- sionally. that prevailed here last year. One Stu- President Rebecca Schenk is concerned more," says one leader, referring to the ber of radicals into the Ann Arbor city For most students, the beginning of dent Government Council radical simply with establishing a more efficient ad- research issue in particular. "But what government. classes signals an end to the summer calls the year a "dud," hesitating to ministrative structure, as well as "better can we do?" Leaders of the Radical Independent siesta, with the reawakening of aca- predict if the fall will bring a change. communication lines" among students Beyond the University itself, chang- Party (RIP) are well aware of the op- demics spreading to politics as well. But He is certain, as are most other acti- themselves and between students and ing laws have broadened at least one portunities. Formed last winter as an in the wake of not only a summer, but vists, that people will unite on the re- faculty. She feels these are basic to suc- avenue for people seeking change. Ef- Ann Arbor alternative to the two party nearly a year of lethargic student move- search issue. But no one so far has cessful action on any given issue. fects of the 18-year-old vote will be felt system, RIP hopes to gain wide student ment, observers this year are wondering, mapped out a strategy and a close scru- However, there are few other groups not only on the national level; students support, as well as broaden its base to Few rule out the possibility of active tiny of the horizon reveals no firm figure ready to organize and act. Radicals seem will have a much greater chance to in- include blacks and workers from the student participation in campus issues; who, as an individual, might lead the confident that ad hoc groups and coali- fluence their city and state governments rest of the community. at the same time, those with high hopes cause. tions will form to deal with issues as as well. See EMERGENCE, Page 6 Fifty-eight Pages rgy? AWAIT STATE ACTION: Budgetary problems Dlarue 'U' ulannin Geology assumes rol top Rhodes LSA post ..,_..,r ._ ... .__ I- By ALAN LENHOFF With the problems posed by in- flation and the general economic slowdown in Michigan, the Univer- sity has become hard-pressed to fulfill its goal of offering high qual- ity education at a moderate price. In anticipation of receiving a low state appropriation this year, the University raised student tuition fees more than 15 per cent for the fall. Tuition hikes have been the Uni- versity's basic procedure for rais- ing funds when money has been scarce - tuition has risen 100 per By GERI SPRUNG Former Geology Prof. Frank Rhodes has assumed the post of dean of the literary college, having replaced Acting Dean Alfred Sussman on July 1. Speaking at an i n t e r v i e w prior to his appointment, Rhodes said his primary priorities as LSA dean will include a reassertion of the importance of undergraduate teaching, and the development of a greater sense of community within the University. Rhodes also said he envisions a variety of educational experiments for the literary college, including more inter- departmental programs and v a r y i n g approaches to the Budget worries: At home -. - For a related story on the Uni- versity's budget situation, see Page 1 of the Administration sec- tion. cent in the last 40 years for in-. state students and 503 per cent for those from out-of-state. The University, as a state insti- tution, is basically dependent upon the State Legislature to provide the bulk of its operating funds. But this year the state budget will be an especially tight one.r The effects of last year's General Motors strike along with the aber- rations in the economy are being felt this summer as the Legislature is attempting to balance its reve- nues and its appropriations.7 As this supplement goes to press, Th the Legislature has not yet set a Rc ui obre h budget for the state for fiscal 1971- Rck music bombarded the 72, which began July 1. Meanwhile, throughout the summer, as n legislators continue to haggle over on People's Plaza. bills which would raise Michigan's - 2.6 per cent personal income tax, 9 OGRESSSL bills which would abolish local pro-UGL perty taxes, and bills which would set up a progressive graduated in- come tax in the state.S It appears most likely that the lawmakers will choose to simply raise the personal income tax to about 3.6 per cent, with correspond- By P.E. BAUER ing increases in business taxes, in Since the Department of Health, order to finally get down to the , business of appropriating money Education and Welfare (HEW) in- to the State's colleges and other dicted the University for sex des- dependents. crimination in its employment poli- In the interim, the Regents have cies last fall, the University has passed a resolution which allows made slow but methodical progress for continued spending for the towards alleviating the situation. month of July at the previous After a negotiation period with year's level. HEW, during which federal funds As a result, no new programs will were cut off from the University, start at the University until the the University formulated an "af- new budget is received but more firmative action plan" aimed at importantly, annual staff salary eventual equity in job opportuni- increases will be delayed by the ties for men and women. action. Through the plan, the University It is not clear whether the pay major promises included "vigor- hikes will be made retroactive to ous recruitment" or women to Uni-1 . See BUDGET, Page 7 versity positions, achievement ofI -Daily-Gary Villani ie beat of the summer wails of the Administration Bldg. every Wednesday afternoon members and friends of the youth culture took their lunch hour st in m; ed ti fi cO th d g li lis b th in n a hi R1 tandard lecture course. Expressing support for student nvolvement in college decisiop- naking processes, Rhodes indicat- d that he plans to set aside some me each week when students rom the literary college may ome speak with him. In a personal effort to "restore he dignity and importance of un- ergraduate teaching," Rhodes will ontinue to teach an introductory eology course while dean. President Robben Fleming se- ected Rhodes last April from a st submitted earlier that month y a special search committee. The committee, composed of hree students and six faculty members, was appointed by Flem- ng early in January to consider For a related story on LSA DeansFrank Rhodes, see P. 10 of this section. ominations, interview candidates nd present a list of four names to im for the final decision. Officializing his appointment, the Regents approved Rhodes new post at their May 21 meeting. At the time of Rhodes appoint- ment, President Fleming said, 'Frank Rhodes has demonstrated great talents in science, teaching, and administration." Rhodes will head the largest and oldest of the University's 18 schools and colleges. With an en- rollment exceeding 16,200, the col- ege includes 29 departments. Jobs, at 'IT ehange hands' with £fall -term By ZACHARY SCHILLER With the coming of the new aca- demic year, a changeover in per- sonnel brings to the University new faces as some of the more familiar faces become part of the past. Most notably, the University loses two vice presidents and three deans this year. A. Geoffrey Norman, vice presi- dent for research, has reached 65, the retirement age for executive officers, and will leaverhis post on January 1 to assume the director- ship of the Institute for Environ- mental Quality. The institute is designed to re- search environmental problems and train personnel for work in those areas. According to President Robben Fleming, Norman will continue to perform special administrative as- signments. In addition, Norman's coming retirement as research vice president has prompted Fleming to set up a faculty committee to examine the future of that office. Stephen Spurr leaves his position as vice president and dean of the graduate school to take office as See FALL, Page 7 0 09 I ClY 5' 5h b '1 Cl1 C CVU I Ln i U11iUi11[nnUtU la salary equity between men and towards women are, and what the " women employes with "equivalent Commission has the power to do. qualifications, responsibilities, and The Commission is labeled ",the a '' oiie watchdog of the affirmative actiona performance" in the same job program" by its chairwoman, Bar- classification. and an allotment of bara Newell (who is leaving theo back pay for women who have been University this fall to become as receiving less pay than men in the Provost at the University of Pitts- 1 same job categories. burgh). The Commission has been In order to carry out the pro- working to ascertain the degree of mises made by the University in discrimination at the University the "affirmative action plan," one and the extent to which the Univer- facet of that plan set up in Janu- sity is fulfilling its promises to re- ary, a Women's Commission, which lieve such discrimination. includes ten women and two men Part of the Commission's inves- chosen by the administration. tigation has consisted of a goal re- Work done by the Commission in view, examining the numerical the past few months has been con- goals which the University has set cerned largely with discovering ex- for increased hiring of women. actly what the University's policies These goals include raising the - - -number of female professors at the University from 47 in the 1970-71 school year to 78 in 1973-74-the number of male professors would increase from 995 to 1,099 during that time. . nThe projected 33-women jump in rij professorships is scarcely a three years record for increased job op- enings for women. In fact, in an her or not classified research pro- analysis of the University plan sub- re in accordance with" current mitted to HEW by the Women's ty research guidelines; and only Equity Action League (WEAL), 1 procedural changes were sug- the current national average of fe- male professorships was placed at nt research guidelines, adopted by 8.7 per cent while the University's' gents in 1968, prohibit research projected average for 1973-74 was cna n nn is tn p.5 a ep 6.6 per cent. What's on the inside . . . FRONT SECTIONS National news analyses, Pages 2, 3 Pages 4, 5. ROTC issue, Page 11 . . . The Motor City, Protesting the war, Pages 12, 13. . Editorials, Page 11 . . . And miles away inLansing OPPONENTS SEEK BAN Military research: Ready for roi STUDENT LIFE Job recruiting debate, Page 1 . . . University political climate, Page 3 ... Drama and music, Page 5 ... Protest, 1971, Page 6 ... Student publications, Page 9. ACADEMICS Classified research debate, Page 1 . . . Black admissions, Page 2 . . . Personalizing education, Page 3 . . . The faculty, Page 4 ... Schools and colleges, Page 5. COMMUNITY LIFE Ann Arbor politics, Page 1 . . . Consumerism, ecology, housing, Page 3 . . . Restaurants, Page 4 . . . Places to go. Pake 5 ... Police. drugs. Page 6. By ALAN LENHOFF After using the summer to regroup, op- ponents and proponents of the presence of classified and military research on'cam- pus will once again square off this fall. The hotly disputed issue was to have been acted upon this summer by Senate protests included a seven-day fast by about 60 professors, speeches, workshops, guerrilla theater, and mass organizational meetings to plot strategies for the azti- research drive. On March 22, a number of proposals that would have served to severely limit no chance for major input on the decisicn. In spite of these protests, Senate Assem- bly stuck by its -original decision to wait for committee reports. The first report, from the Classified Re- search Committee, was presented to As- ing whet posals a Universi minimal gested. Curre the Reg "Xvhnc