PRESIDENT NIXON'S NATIONAL PRIORITIES See Editorial Page Y BkF :4Iaiii PROPHETIC High-25 Low-0' Colder, cloudy, possible snow flurries Vol. LXXXII, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 25, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages Senate. campus Assembly backs plan to restrict proprietary, classified research * * * * * * * * * * * * Rules threaten some PESC classes Rhodes releases guidelines on review of course credits By CHRIS PARKS Literary college Dean Frank Rhodes last night released a set of course review guidelines which may threaten the continued existence of the "community courses" being taught under the auspices of the Program for Educational and So- cial Change (PESC). The guidelines are intended to be used by literary col- lege departments in a general review of the credit standing of PESC courses initiated last week. The community courses-"Community Control" taught by Charles Thomas and Hank Bryant of the Black Economic Development League (BEDL) and "Community Control of Research committee plan amended slightly By GENE ROBINSON Senate Assembly approved a report calling for restric- tions on University research yesterday, as the year-long con- troversy over classified research seemed near an end. The assembly approved by a vote of 33-3, its Research Policies Committee report on proprietary research. The report thus becomes the faculty's final position on Universityre- search, and will be presented to the Regents next month for their consideration. Proprietary porations. But publication oft restricted. research is research done for industrial cor- like federally-sponsored classified research, the results of proprietary research is often Prisons" taught by Rainbow Mans field seeks wider Paris talks From Wire Service Reports Senate Democratic leader Mik Mansfield called Sunday for the Paris peace talks to be expander to include delegations from Lao and Cambodia. Mansfield said that the Vietnanr conflict "has become three war sealed into one" and that the Paris talks "hive outlived them usefulness". Meanwhile, yesterday the U.S command reported that U.S. war. planes carried out four "protec- People's Party leader John Sin- clair - have been the object of controversy because they are taught by non-University personnel. Under the PESC program, stu- dents desiring University credit for these courses may elect them as special sections of classes taught by PESC professors. Guidelines set forward in Rhodes' statement, however, call into ques- e tion whether these practices will e be allowed to continue. d The guidelines point out literary s college regulations against the use of "guest lecturers" as "substitute faculty for the whole or a substan- s tial part of a course." e In addition, it states that dele- r gation of teaching responsibility without departmental permission, . and use of independent study ro- pro jects for "introducing new courses - without reference to the curriculum committee" is against the college's rules. Certain PESC courses, Rhodes' statement points out, were estab- lished without being subjected to the mandatory review process by the college curriculum committee. "Accordingly," t h e statement reads, "we would be remiss in our responsibilities if, as a first step, we did not direct that new 'courses' advertised for credit under the, proposed PESC format, be sent to the departments from which they originate for evaluation and clari- fication." While Rhodes maintained yester- day that the statement contained only "general guidelines," it seem- ed apparent these guidelines have special implications for the com- munity courses which employ non- t University personnel as instruc- tors and which are the only PESC courses established by the group without approval through the lit- erary college curriculum commit- tee. Two PESC professors - history Prof. Samuel Warner and political science Prof. Cedric Robinson - who are sponsoring the community control offerings through special sections of their own classes, ex- pressed uncertainty last night over what effect the guidelines might have. Warner said he "didn't see any problem" with the use of his his- tory course to grant credits for the community course. See PESC, Page 10 The report considered classified' research as a sub-unit of proprie- tary research, and its restrictions, if adopted by the Regents, will ap-1 ply to both types of University research. The report calls for the Univer- sity not to "enter into or renew any agreement or contract, or ac- cept any granththat limits open publication of the results of re- search beyond approximately one vr" Berrigan conspiracy trial starts year. HARRISBURG, Pa. (P) - The The report is the second set of Rev. Philip Berrigan and six oth- restrictions approved by the as- ers went on trial yesterday on sembly. The first limitations, pass- charges they conspired to kidnap ed last fall, contained similar pro- Henry Kissinger as part of an visions, but made no mention at antiwar plot. all of proprietary research. U.S. District.Court Judge Dixon The prior assembly proposal was Herman outlined the charges to slated to be voted on by the Re- a panel of 144 men and women gents last December. and told them not to discuss the The proposal called for basically case or read about it. the same restrictions as the cur- "This trial will probably last rent plan, but dealt with only class- several months and very likely the ified research. It also did not pro- vide for the one-year grace period jury will have to be sequestered, - . which means you will not be al- fn la cfipr mtpra toh wihr h -Daily-Terry McCarthy Economics Prof. Fredrick Scherer addresses a tired Senate Assembly yesterday at the conclusion of a lengthy session in which the faculty representatives approved a proposal to restrict both proprietary and classified research at the University. The proposal will be considered by the Regents at their meeting next month. Assembly'?s plan still bans most rU' classified Sen. Mansfield tive reaction" strikes against anti- aircraft sites inside North Viet- nam. 4 Speaking during a television in- terview, Mansfield suggested that future talks be held in Burma or another Asian point. Mansfield also urged that Cam- bodian Prince Norodom Sihanouk --who fled to Peking after being deposed in a military coup - be *returned to power, and that the little known king of Laos, Savang Vatthana, take over leadership of his country. "It's important to bring in Laos and Cambodia in any talks be- cause we can't settle the Vietnam war without these two," Mansfield ,said, adding that the United States has a moral commitment to the small nations to help them re- build themselves after the war. See MANSFIELD, Page 7 By DAVE CHUDWIN Daily News Analysis The University research policy approved by Senate Assembly yesterday will likely eliminate most military classified research from campus despite differences from an earlier proposal passed by the faculty representatives. The policy passed yesterday, which still must be approved by the Regents, regulates all Uni- versity research. The earlier pro- posal, which was accepted last September restricted only feder- ally-classified research. Several wording changes were made in the policy to broaden its coverage to all University re- search. While one change does seem to offer a possible loop- hole for at least a few secret projects, the overall effect will still be to rid the University of most of its controversial secret projects for the military. The first section of the policy states that the University will generally not enter into any contract "that limits open pub- lication of the results of re- search beyond approximately one year." Originally the policy did not include the "one year" clause, prohibiting all research that limits open publication of re- sults. The one year provision was added to govern proprietary research-projects done for in- dustry the results of which are oftens kept secret. The net effect of the first section will probably be to al- low most proprietary research to continue while greatly limit- ing federally-classified research. Generally proprietaryr is kept secret to allow fi review of results by th sor of the research and sponsor to file for paten "On the average, the( publication of unclassifi prietary) research is a months to one year," a to a report of the as Research Policies Comm Thus, most of the $3.4 irr proprietary researc formed on campus woul ceptable under this secti This would not appea the case, however, wit] fied research. Federal contracts for fied research do not spe long research results held secret under pres tional security regulatio Since a researcher c research. research be sure that open publication for prior would be allowed within one e spon- year, the provision effectively for the bars classified projects from ts. campus. delay in "As far as I understand, I ed (pro- don't think the one year provi- bout six sion will affect classified re- ccording search at all because no classi- sembly's fied research projects are writ- mittee. ten that permissively. It affects million only proprietary research," says :h per- sociology Prof. William Gamson, d be ac- a member of the assembly's oon. Classified Research Committee, o to be which reviews proposals for h toassb- classified projects. h classi- Not all classified projects classi- would be eliminated, however, r cfy hw because the policy, as did the cify how proposal passed last September, will be allows classified research if it sent na- is "likely to contribute so sig- ns. nificantly to the advancement of uld not knowledge as to justify the in- fringement of the freedom to publish openly." The assembly added another loophole yesterday when it said it would also exempt research it contracts that restrict only the publication of "numerical con- stants or equipment parameters or settings" that are inessential for the open publication of the results. It is unclear how big a loop- hole this exemption might prove to be, but the best guess is that only a small portion of the Uni- versity's present classified con- tracts fit this description. Government forms 1 i s t only general areas of classified pro- jects which are to be kept secret. For example, with some projects only part of the data or part of the results are classified and the rpfmay noxhp niihliehPa or ciassI d materiatL ooe0 pup- lished. Under the newly-approved report, however, it appears that the one- year grace period will not seriously weaken the former restrictions on federal classified research, since federal research is classified for indefinite periods of tim e. According to Senate Assembly Chairman Warren Norman, there are no current University federal research projects which would re- strict publication of the results of research only for a definite amount of time. The chairman of the research committee, chemistry Prof. I. A. Bernstein, said that the one-year period is merely a way of includ- ing proprietary research in the proposal without severely weaken- ing the assembly's former position on classified research. Bernstein explained that the per- iod would allow companies time to secure patents and other legal rights before the results of the re- search are made public. Also, the report does not ban projects which restrict only the publication of numerical constants or parameters deemed inessential for publication by the Classified Research Committee (CRC). The CRC is designed to pass judgment on any research contract being considered by the Univer- sity. Committee members have in- dicated they do not think that the provision will allow a significant amount of research to remain classified, but were not certain. Last fall's assembly proposal became stalled as several of the Regents and President Robben Fleming indicated an unwillingness to deal with the classified re- See SENATE, Page 10 lowed to go home," he said. "I know many of you felt you want- ed to get out of it, but this is part of your obligation of citizenship. The courtroom is one of the few places where laymen can partici- pate in the administration of jus- tice." Jury selection was scheduled for the afternoon session. ;During a recess in the final pre- liminary maneuvering before court was convened at 11:16 a.m., re- porters were invited to tali with Father Berrigan, Who has been held in prison on a previous con- viction. The other defendants have been accessible and able to talk freely and they held a news conference, before the trial opened. Asked about the charges, Berri- gan said, "It's a catch all, highly fabricated, utterly untrue. Every- thing we've done we've acknowl- edged publicly. We don't need the government to issue an indictment to, tell us that we've donedcertain things that we've admitted." Berrigan, who calls himself a revolutionarywpriest, is accused of writing a letter while at the fed- eral penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa., that outlined a plot to kidnap Kis- singer, who is President Nixon's national security adviser. The plot included plans to blow up heating tunnels in federal buildings in Washington and to vandalize draft board offices across the nation, the government charges. Berrigan was serving a six-year term for burning draft board rec- ords and pouring blood on files in Baltimore and Catonsville, Md. The letter apparently was smug- gled out by an inmate-informer attending classes at nearby Buck- nell University. Court rules against intern uni 'U' Cellar workers distribute agent list By TED STEIN The Michigan Court of Appeals yes- terday reversed a Michigan Employ- ment Relations Commission (MERC) decision which ruled that the Regents recognize the Interns and Residents As- sociation (IRA) as a collective bargain- ing unit. The 2-1 decision stated that the Re- gents need not bargain with the IRA because its members - interns, resi- dents, and post-doctoral graduates - are not "public employes" under the ma nnr n n f-A 4ant ofa ., I E ht/n MERC said at that time that although the services performed by interns and residents were "directly related to their professional goals," this could not de- tract from the "employment relation- ship" between the IRA and the Univer- sity., Since the MERC ruling, the Univer- sity has refused to bargain with the IRA, maintaining that its members were involved in a training program with a status similar to students and were therefore not employes. employes, he continued, they could not be considered a proper union under that law. Van Valkenburg also said that such. a collective bargaining unit "impinges on the constitutional authority" of the Regents to determine the course of edu- cation. In further clarifying this point, Van Valkenburg wrote that if other depart- mnts demanded collective bargaining representatives, it "could wreak havoc upon the very ability of the Regents to By JANET GORDON University C e 11 a r employes yesterday distributed a stolen list of over 200 undercover police agents from v a r i o u s state agencies. Earlier in the month, Student Government Council had planned to sponsor publishing the list, which was stolen from State Police Headquarters in Lansing and circulated in pamphlet form on the Michigan State University names available at their own expense. Asked about the reasons be- hind their decision to sponsor the printing of the list, Cellar employes generally agreed on several major points. First, many were upset, as employe Bruce Wilson put it, that organizations usually in- volved in sponsoring such pro- jects such as SGC and The Daily had been "cowed out of it." _ ,