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January 23, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-23

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hunting jobs:


and scrounge'

"I'm advising my people to
scramble and scrounge. Frankly,
although the picture in the busi-
ness school is better than most,
we're running scared."
This grim outlook for college
grads is offered by Arthur Hahn,
director of business school place-
ment. And although predictions on
how tight job opportunities will be
this summer are varied, Hahn's
advice to graduates is echoed uni-
versally by other placement direc-
Annual studies by three authori-
ties in the field of graduate place-
ment have been released recently
-each with a different conclusion.
All sought the opinion of a num-
ber of large firms across the coun-
try on their plans for hiring col-
lege graduates this summer.
The most optimistic study, re-

leased by Frank Endicott, North-
western University's placement di-
rector, concludes that the "bottom
has been reached in employment
cutbacks by larger and middle-
sized companies in their hiring of
college graduates."
Based on a survey of 185 com-
panies, the report notes that there
was a 20-25 per cent cutback in
hiring of graduates in 1970 and
a fu'rther 50 per cent cutback in
Endicott, however, predicts the
trend will change this year. He
foresees an 11 per cent upswing in
openings for college men and a
15 per cent increase for college
women with bachelor degrees.
He notes, however, that since
the beginning of President Rich-
ard Nixon's Phase 2 economic
plans, the tendency of companies
is to "watch and wait."

A more moderate estimate of
the employment scene is the sur-
vey conducted by the College
Placement Council (CPC). This
study, in which 835 employing or-
ganizations were c o n t a c t e d.
showed "a five per cent increase
in hiring, across the board, in all
disciplines at all degree levels."
However, perhaps the most con-
vincing survey, one produced by
John Shingleton, Michigan State
University's placement director,
was also the most pessimistic.
Shingleton concluded in his
study of 346 employing organiza-
tions that "the outlook across the
board is the same as 1971." Em-
phasizing the bleak prediction was
the note that 1971 was "the tough-
est year (in graduate placement)
in a couple of decades."
Shingleton's analysis is more
convincing because he does not

only rely on his survey's figures.
To reinforce his argument, he also
relates figures on the number of
recruiting officers scheduled to
appear on campus.
"This is generally considered to
be a rule of thumb in determin-
ing hiring predictions," he says.
"If recruiting appointments are
up, it generally will be a good year.
If it is otherwise, it shows hiring
will be down."
Shingleton has found that em-
ployers have made approximately
12 pei cent fewer appointments
this year than in the previous
year. The figure, somewhere in
the range of 1,550, is down from
1,761 in 1971 and 2,308 in the peak
years in the 60's.
The figure is corroborated by
the CPC report, which found a
13 per cent decrease in planned
recruiting. Even fields as once

promising as engineering report a
lack of recruiters, according to
University Engineering Placement
Director Jack Young.
Business school Placement Di-
rector Hahn supports Shingleton's
"Demand for all graduates is
down," he says. "It's only wihh-
ful thinking to believe it's up."
The picture in individual fields
varies greatly with business and
engineering being the most optim-
istic, and non-technical fields such
as liberal arts bearing the brunt of
a bad year. Minorities and women
also have the best job prospects of
any group, as some employers are
actively seeking them out.
Liberal arts students, he says,
will have difficulties job hunting
because "they have no market-
able qualities." As one placement
See GRADUATE, Page 10

-Daily-David Margolict
After graduation, a cab?

See Editorial Page

',Y L

5ki C a

:4Iat 4

Cold and windy
with drizzle.

Vol LXXXII, No. 87

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 23, 1972

Ten Cents.

Ten Pages

Faculty will
discuss plan
for research
Senate Assembly will consider a revised
set of restrictions on University research
tomorrow, 'although the new limitations
appear weaker than sanctions already ap-
proved by that body.
In what may be its final deliberation on
the classified research question before con-
sideration by the Regents, the faculty rep-
resentative body will vote whether to en-
dorse its Research Policies Committee's re-
port on proprietary research - research
done for corporations, whose results, like
classified esearch, are often restricted from
the public.
The report treats federally-sponsored
classified research as a sub-unit of proprie-
tary research. Thus restrictions proposed
in the report would apply to both types of
The report would permit classification
of all research for' a one-year period after
completion of the work. A previously-passed
Senate Assembly position on federal clas-
sified research provided no such grace per-
The original assembly resolution on fed-
eral classified research called for the Uni-
versity to "not enter into or renew" federal
grants or contracts which limit publication
of the results of research, unless the re-
search is likely, to contribute significantly
"to the advancement of knowledge."
The new report contains the same pro-
visions, only they now apply to projects
which restrict publication of the results
for more than "approximately one year."
Also, the report provides that the re-
strictions do not apply to figures deemed
inessential for publication by the research-
er, a provision which would exempt many
classified projects on campus from the re-
After passage of the first assembly pro-
posal on federal classified research, op-
ponents of the resolution felt it was incom-
plete because it contained no mention of
the proprietary research issue.
The measure's supporters, however, felt
that federal classified research and pro-
prietary research were different issues. They
feared that because of overriding senti-
ment against any strict restrictions on pro-
prietary research, and because of the large
amount of proprietary research done at the
University, any joint statement on both
types of research would have the net re-
sult of weaker restrictions on federal secret
After President Robben Fleming and sev-
eral of the Regents expressed unwillingness
to deal with the matter at that time, the
Senate Advisory Committee for Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA) decided not to press
the matter before them until the commit-
tee's report on proprietary research was
If the report passes, it will be submit-
ted to the Regents for action in February.

vote i




Due to an unprecedented move by the
Michigan State University trustees; the con-
fidential classification of state college and
university professors' salaries has been
thrown into question.
On a motion by Trustee Patricia Carri-
gan Friday, the trustees voted to release the
salaries of MSU faculty members by name,
rank, title sex and years of professional
service. Until this time, all state institutions
of higher education have kept their salary
listings in strict confidentiality.
President Robben Fleming, said last
night that MSU's move would not affect the
University's policy toward classification of
salary lists. "Publication would cause un-
needed resentment between faculty mem-
bers," said Fleming.
Yet Fleming indicated that possible
legislative action could force the University
to release its salary structure.
In a sampling of key legislators made
last night, it appears that the Legislature has
become increasingly interested in the salary
structure of the various universities and
"We'll be taking a very careful look at
the salaries this year," says Sen. Gary
Byker, (R-Hudsonville) vice chairman of the
Senate Appropriations Committee. "We don't
want to release the pay scale for the mere
sake of releasing it. However, if one professor
is teaching three hours a week and getting
$30,000 for it, we'll want the public to know.
The University presently releases coded
salary lists to those agencies which request
the information in researching possible sex-
ism in hiring or salary scales.
Virginia Nordin, Chairwoman of the Com-
mission for Women, said last night that
while satisfied with the information provided
to the commision's research units so far,
she supports the publication of the salary
listings in the event their requests aren't
The MSU trustees' decision stemmed
from a disclosure last fall of MSU's faculty
payroll. The salaries of all MSU faculty
and staff were soon published by the Lansing
State Journal.
At the same time, a MSU faculty
group advocating collective bargaining re-
leased an 80-page computer analysis re-
vealing the salary mean, median, high, low
and percentages of mean increase for all
deans, department chairmen, and other
faculty members.

-Daily-David Margolick
Simnply Segovia
Classical guitarist Andres Segovia pauses last night as he perfor ms before a sell-out audience at Hill Aud. The concert was the
famed musician's sixth appearance at the University.

Berrigan trial

begins tomorrow

Trustee Carrigan
Consulting firm
to study U job
The Robert Hayes and Associates con-
sulting firm,recently hired by the Univer-
sity, arrived on campus last week to begin
a six-month investigation of job classifi-
cations and salaries for University. profes-
sional and administrative employes.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith said the firm will attempt to clear
up discrepancies between similar jobsand
different salaries. He maintained that "90
per cent of the firm's investigations are
unrelated to job discrimination."
Smith said discrimination may exist with-
in the 5,000-person category but that this
can not be proven "until better descriptions
of job classifications come through."
The Commission for Women, which has
been reviewing cases of alleged sex discrimi-
nation in University hiring, has endorsed
the investigation, but maintains that the

HARRISBURG, Pa. (Y) -- The Rev.
Phillip Berrigan goes on trial with six
others here tomorrow for federal charges
of plotting to vandalize draft boards and
kidnap presidential adviser Henry Kis-
The seven are also accused or conspir-
ing to blow up heat tunnels in federal
buildings in Washington, D.C.
Defendants in the trial, which may raise
the issue of U.S. invol.vement in the Indo-
chinese war, are:
-Father Berrigan, 49, a Roman Catho-
lic priest now serving six years in jail for
draft board raids in Catonsville, Md., and
Baltimore where records were destroyed by

napalm fire and splattered with human
blood. He describes himself as a "priest rev-
-Sister Elizabeth McAlister, 32, on leave
as professor of art history at Marymount
College, Tarrytown, N.Y.;
--Dr. Eqbal Ahmad, 41, a Pakistani now
studying at the University of Chicago's
Adlai Stevenson Inistitute of International
Affairs. He was one of the originators of
he peace teach-ins after President Lyndon
Johnson began escalating American in-
volvement in Vietnam after 1965;
-The Revs. Neil McLaughlin, 31, and
Joseph Wenderoth, 36, Baltimore priests
temporarily relieved of parish duties. They
have admitted participating in draft board
raids in Philadelphia and New York; and
-Anthony Scoblick, 31, a former Jo-
sephite priest and son of a former con-
gressman. and his wife, Mary Cain Scob-
lick, 33, a former nun. They claim they
helped destroy draft files in Boston.
An eighth defendant - John Theodore
(lick, 22, of Lancaster, Pa., was severed
from the present action after he insisted
on acting as his own lawyer. He will get
a separate trial later.

Lewisburg, also in the central Pennsyl-
vania federal district.
The key of the government's case ap-
pears to be two letters'- one sent by Sis-
ter Elizabeth to Berrigan in jail and his
reply to her.
It is believed the letters were carried in
and out of the penitentiary by Boyd Doug-
las, an inmate then permitted to attend
classes at nearby Bucknell University. The
defendants believe he is an FBI informer.
Douglas was a witness before the grand
jury a few days after his parole, and the

Conduct rules expected this term

Members of University Council say
the council will propose a new set of
conduct rules designed forethe new
University judiciary system at least by
the end of this term and possibly within
the next month.
The council, composed of three stu-
dents, three faculty members, and three
administrators, has been wrestling with

of the Black Action Movement (BAM)
strike for increased minority enrollment
in spring 1970 are now in effect.
The Interim Rules, though only in-
voked once, have drawn criticism be-
cause they do not provide maximum
penalties for specific offenses. they ap-
ply only to students, and they allow
students to be tried before both the
University judiciary and the' civil courts
for the same offense. Under the rules,

rules for establishing a penalty of sus-
pension for disruption cases, stating.
that suspension should only be invoked
when the continued presence of the of-
fender would endanger other mem-
bers of the University community.
Bob Nelson, student chairman of
University Council, said this week that
the new set of rules would probably be
stricter, in some respects, than the first
proposal. However, he said the coun-

U.S. Dist. Judge R.
who will preside, ruled
urtroom efforts might
the others.

Dixon Herman,
Glick's personal
hurt justice for

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