I I Saturday, January 22, 1X72 T THE MICHIGAN DA14Y 'Page Five A Pilgrim's Thomas Farber, TALES FOR THE SON OF MY UNBORN CHILD: BERKELEY, 1966-1969, E. P. Dutton and Company, $5.95. By MAX HEIRICH Memorable tales these are - indeed, the sort one might share with, a favored grandchild yet choose to keep carefully hidden from one's own children, as the *.. title of this book implies. Thom- as Farber writes as. a young, old man: twenty-seven years old at the time the book was fin- ished, he looks back at his de- parted, youth within the "coun- ter-culture" c e n t e r e d from Berkeley to Big Sur. The exper- ience for him had proven in- credibly exhilarating, at first liberating, later entrapping, fi- This is a book of character- portraits. Farber draws skill- fully, occasionally poignantly. He draws with a fine eye for ironic detail which sometimes makes both members of the "straight world' and the "new hero" a bit ridiculous, sometimes makes the more pathetic and fallen of his subjects more hu- man and admirable than those our traditions would tell us to consider their betters. Half of the chapters in this book are devoted to memorable individuals who lived in Berke- ley during the period when Thomas Farber was there. We meet public heroes, like Lenny who helped found the Resist- ance Movement, or Om, the re- ligious figure who brings love to the world and makes the sun Path looking back. is not always sym- pathetic with his subjects, but he shares enough of their world view to make them no more un- reasonable than their "straight" counterparts. Because we see persons and events through the eyes of a pilgrim we often avoid the kind of analysis which might "make sense" out of the Berkeley counter - culture as a developing phenomenon: that is not the purpose of this book. Instead, we are offered a dis- turbingly "objective" set of por- traits of individuals and move- ments attempting to build life- patterns from zero They some- times succeed, often fail, yet are hauntingly alive. Because Farber's world came to encom- pass the no-longer-young and the never-rich as well as the more regular inhabitants of the "youth culture," his portraits of the young occasionally accent the arrogance, and naivete, along with the hope he sees embodied in these "alternative styles." And if the over-all mes- sage is that of a search which becomes despair, what accounts for this? Farber's own progres- sion as a pilgrim? The chaos of the Berkeley scene from 1966- 1969? Or a built-in flaw in the grand design for a life style? This book will not attempt to answer that question. Yet I can- not avoid the conclusion that Farber's life has become incred- ibly richer, if not always happy, because of his experiences in Berkeley. Arid that in a less in- tense way, the same has been true for me because I looked through his eyes for a while. B 0 0 K S Howard Levy, M.D. and Da- vid Miller, GOING TO JAIL, Grove Press, $6.00. By TIM DONAHUE Dr. Howard Levy was court martialed in 1967 for refusing to instruct Special F o r c e s troops destined for Vietnam. He served 26 months in federal and military prisons. David Miller was the first person to burn his draft card after the law pro- hibiting that act was passed. He was convicted and served 22 months in federal prisons. Out of their joint experience came Going to Jail, a book subtitled "The Political Prisoner." Its purpose, according to Levy, is two-fold: First, to provide a concept- ual fraimework through which those who have never been in prison can comprehend and then"'challenge the prison sys- tem - a system totally lack- ing in socially redeeming qualities. Second, to proffer a sort of "training manual" for prospective political pri- soners. It seems to me that the book not only fails on both of these counts, but also fails in con- ception. A little of what Levy and Miller wrote seems, in light of Attica, almost prophetic: Of course, the goon squad is not the ultimate force. Even the rifle - bearing tow- er sharpshooters are not final. All prisoners know that noth- ing short of massive military might would be unleashed Prisons: First-hand Reports quality of their suggestions, that they have been far too myo- pic. Levy and Miller had an ex- perience that apparently deep- ly affected them. Yet they were too close to the prison experi- ence (most of the book was coni- pleted while in prison) to see what was needed. What was not needed was another book on "how I suffered in prison," There are too many of those al- ready. Also, Levy and Miller were incapable of delivering an effective account in those terms. What is desperately needed is some viable alternative to pri- least, sons as they are now. Prisons ized in do not reform. Recidivistm is fir f he so too high. They are, from the d their moral viewpoint, from the pri- soner's viewpoint, and even r pre- from the accursed' viewpoint of or re- social expediency, dismal fail- whole ures. It is too bad that GOIng t es into Jail can do little to Improve rm the them. W'a bl t Redux' against them should they have the collective gall not to appreciate their situation. But Attica was a state pri- son and state prisons are no- toriously bad. Certainly there should be some public outcry at the conditions there. Levy and Miller's experiences in the federal system are pale by comparison. Their main problems were petty nuisances -like mail censoring, visiting limitations - that arouse little sympathy. Anyone who has liv- ed in a university dorm, for ex- ample, will find little that is unfamiliar in their description of prison food: The food, its method of preparation, and the amount received is out of the control of the recipient. A prisoner goes through the line and takes his choice of what is available. While he may heap up the potatoes and gravy, the vegetables and the bread, the choice items are guarded. The food is almost always over- cooked and unimaginatively spiced; steaming is a favorite kitchen device; and potatoes and canned vegetables are steamed again as they sit in their containers in the steam table. Some of their observations, while not necessarily untrue, are exceedingly curious. For example: Political prisoners tend to be a nonconformist lot when it comes to matters of per- sonal grooming and hygiene. They tend to place far less emphasis upon these social customs than do their fellow inmates. As far as advice for prospec- tive political prisoners, there is little here of value. Some de- tails, such as those that have to do with contraband, are passed over out of fear that the information will fall into the wrong hands. Their advice on race relations will be unten- able, I think, to most blacks and whites alike. On homo- sexuality, while the advice ap- pears useful, it is not anything strikingly clever or imaginative. It seemed clear to me, from their descriptions, that anyone, nally destructive. Now, not yet thirty, Farber looks back, re- constructing experiences, draw- ing portraits of the people who now epitomize, for him, the am- bience of those years. Thomas Farber came to Berkeley in 1966 to "where the action was, to where it was all happening." He was twenty-two years old, and had been to Har- vard, gone to Europe, found no way to build a satisfying life for himself either in the pathways that an elite, Establishment ed- ucation opened for him or . in the alternative styles of Europe. So he came West, settled in Berkeley not to be near the Uni- versity of California, but to be part of a life style that was springing up in that vibrant lo- cation. The Free Speech Move- ment had rocked the Berkeley campus two years before, mak- ing Berkeley a point of inspira- tion for young, radical protest. In its aftermath a new com- munity of disaffected young people were drawing together, trying to create a style of life radically different and, they in the federal system at could escape being victim: terms of homosexuality, i desired. He wouldn't nee advice. The last, short chapte sents their suggestions R form. Here is where the problem of the book come focus. One can see, fro Echoes of Eliot come up. Somehow, in Farber's hands they become less than heroic, yet intensely interesting people. We also meet "little people" known only to a circle of acquaintances - for example Randy, the alienated student who draws ever deeper into the world of psychedelic experience in an effort to beat back what he sees as genetic drives toward self-destruction; or Ted, unat- tractive, lonely, pursuing a con- stant round of self-analysis try- ing to "get it all together;" or Rita, trying desperately to find a man worthy of her, trapped by her unwanted child, slowly becoming a seductive witch. We meet visionaries who push drugs as a. means to support the commune they have set up for underage runaways. We meet ex-cons who build a life amidst the pretensions and foibles of the more arrogant young. And we meet a life-long loser, a man so humbled by his constant pas- sage from jail to jail that he has no resources for survival among others except his hu- mility. At other times Farber intro- duces us to groups that help shape the style of this ever- shifting counter - culture. We meet the Motherfuckers, radi- cal street revolutionaries who aim to discredit "Establishment radicals" and make a shambles of their parliamentary power- plays. We catch glimpses of the growing community of the Resistance, trying to make per- sonal purity and 'renunciation an alternative to coercive vio- lence in the nation. We dis- cover the followers of George Gurdgieff, seekers who renounce all to know themselves and to follow the Truth. And we see, through Farber's eyes, battles for control of the streets, maneuverings and coun- ter-maneuverings among rival radical groups, conservative and liberal politicians. Somehow the University (which spawned this alternative life style among its disaffected students) fades into the background, almost an ir- relevancy in the Berkeley Thomas Farber came to know and love-and perhaps hate. This is a rich mixture-but saved from becoming an exotic tour through a wax works be- cause we always view the scene through the eyes of a partici- pant - become - pilgrim. Farber makes no effort to present a comprehensive picture either of the "scene" or of the individuals Today's Writers . .. Max Heirich teaches in the Residential College and is the author of The Beginning: Berkeley, 1964. Barbara Aarigo is a graduate student in the Journalism De- partment, John Updike, RABBIT RE- DUX, Knopf, $7.95. By BARBARA ARRIGO In Rabbit Redux John Updike has turned out another well- written and enjoyable book. Both Updike's talent and the re- turn of his character Harry Angstrom ("Rabbit"), original- ly dipicted in Rabbit, Run, make this latest novel interesting as well as good reading. Rabbit has changed between novels. From the active runner, the seeker, of the first novel, Rabbit has been transformed into a passive accepter of life. Apparently beaten-down by the events of Rabbit, Run, he ap- pears ten years later as a paunchy middle-aged man. His emotional commitments are on- ly a patriotic belief in the Viet- nam war and a small nagging fear of urban problems which might spill over into his shel- tered suburban life. He is Har- ry Hardhat, right down to the flag decal on his car. Furthermore,, since the death of his baby daughter in the first novel, Rabbit has associated sex with death. Early in Rabbit Re- dux we learn, "It had all seem- ed like a pit to him then, her womb and the grave, sex and death, he had fled her cunt as a tiger's mouth." It is not surprising, then, that Janice, Rabbit's wife, leaves him at the beginning of the novel. Sex is a key aspect of con- munication in Updike's writing; thus Harry's incapacity to love purely indicates a bottling up, a sickness. He is no longer in- volved in life except perhaps on the most pragmatic level of do- ing whatever is easiest. By doing what is easiest, Har- ry allows his wife to leave him without a struggle and lets a young suburban runaway and her b 1 a c k friend move in with him. This pair attempts to revitalize him politically, re- ligiously, and sexually. Skeeter, the black man evading trial on a marijuana charge, appears in the Angstrom living room an- nouncing, "I'm the real Jesus. I am the black Jesus, right? There is none other, no. When I fart, lightning flashes, right?"' Thus the quest for God which characterized Rabbit, Run re- turns to Harry, Skeeter is a hip version of the earlier Rabbit who also had vague God delu- sions. The runaway, Jill, moves in right after Janice leaves. Slow- ly, she reawakens Rabbit's ca- pacity to love. As important as she and Skeeter are to the change in Rabbit, they both are a bit stereotypic and there is a sense of alienness about them which deprives them of a com- plete feeling of humanity. Updike's writing often seems narrow, a slice or sector of America that is not particular- -ly applicable to a larger view. Here he seems to be striving for a more representational, story. Harry is one man, but he is also everyone who has become in- volved after the stupor of the fifties. Finally, after the in- volvement he comes to a stable state of acceptance Hence, he is Rabbit 'redux'-led back or re- turned to health. In this novel, Harry muddles through, as most of us do, to a sense of tranquility, which many of us never achieve. Even after experiencing the bla- tant racism of his neighbors, Harry cannot believe his coun- try is imperfect. He somehow assimilates all the injustices into his view of things working out. This basically is a story of things working out. It is a story to take sides on. What's right for Rabbit may not be the ans- wer for everyone. Nevertheless, it is good reading, and even somewhat thought provoking. Despite some of its failings, it is certainly one of Updike's best efforts. R. H. W. Dillard, NEWS OF THE NILE, University of N. Carolina Press, $3.75. Michael Anania, THE COLOR OF DUST, Swallow, $2.50. By MARK SIEGCHRIST These two books share many of the same characteristics - an evocation of private experi- ence, a concern to present ma- terial as unflinchingly as pos- sible (even cruel and ugly ma- terial), and a general effort at unadorned directness of style. R. H. W. Dillard's News of the Nile, while honest and straight- forward, has also a self-con- scious air of "poeticality" that smacks of pretentious inflation. For example, raw experience is a perfectly appropriate subject for poetry, but it is hard to sus- tain interest in a poetry made of a great many solemn lines as raw as "There are many parking lots/ And garages in downtown Roanoke," or "I reach the first real page/ Of John H. Watson's reminiscences/ Who took his de- gree in 1878." In defense of Mr. Dillard, it is probably true to say that such lines are intended to convey something of the ir- reducible quality of hard reality, and as such they are reminiscent of Gertrude Stein, to whom in- deed there is a poem in homage. But, as literature, the evocation of flatness by being flat was no more gripping in Miss Stein's work than it is here, though Mr. Dillard often attempts to in- volve the reader more deeply by direct invitations to participate in the feelings of the poem: "You are howling like a dog,/ You lick your own shame." Mr. Dillard is thoughtful and seri- ous, but it seems unlikely that News of the Nile will be very widely read, even within the slender stock of modern poetry fans. I found Michael, Anania's col- lection of poems, The Color of Dust less enjoyable, since it gives the impression of believ- ing that intense sensitivity will be magically transmitted through mannered prose if it is arranged artfully and labeled "poetry." The poems are m'ostly descriptions of landscapes the poet has known, on the ptemise of the epigraph from Pablo Neruda, "that, when I try to ex- plain my problems/ I shall speak, not °of self, but of ge- ography," and they are evident- ly the familiar attempts to be "present, precise to the moment/ concrete, stinging, exact." But they really aren't. Perhaps if the reader were himself familiar with the scenes described he would find in them as stinging a meaning as their tones lay claim to present.. Perhaps these should be illustrated poems, the precursers of a whole new genre. But as they are they do not seem important, and, as for style, both in landscape and in meditation many of the poems are not much more than accu- rate echoes of T. S. Eliot: the city In dust rain hard on the dust, snow and heavy, white smoke- clouds, dead of summer, dead of winter. We move through Intersectiol Capable of history. In reading these poems, it was impossible to avoid behind the scenes the recurring Image o the Poet, Writing Poetry. The image was distracting and made the poems seem self-serving. ., .1---- " What is life~ without love? RICHARD BRATIGAN Revenge of the Lawn is the title story in this marvelous collection of 62 stories from Richard Brautigan whom the Hudson Review calls "One of the most gifted innovators in our literature." Brautigan is the author of four novels and seven books of poetry, including Trout Fishing in America, The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966 and Rommel Drives on Deep into Egypt - all among the most widely read books in America. PO ,fI hoped, better than that from which they had come. Farber became a full part of the set- ting - interested in campus up- heavals, becoming part of the developing drug scene, develop- ing friendships among leaders of communes, radical splinter par- ties, new religious communities, and later, the total drop-outs of the drug world. He worked for a time as reporter for a radical 4 paper, The San F'rancisco Ex- press Times, spent a period of time as a neophyte in a new community of religious seekers, visited Esalen Institute, joined for a while in what outsiders A- 1, RWfI:mm