superscription fifEid i an 1) 41F Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Steinem: on correcting Ms-takes of the sexist press by lyC Wn weiner .... 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1972r NIGHT EDITOR: PAT BAUER The State of the Union "AM I USING the press faster than it's using me?" the wo- man asks thoughtfully. She is leaning back on a bed in a hotel room in downtown Detroit, facing Daily reporters scribbling in note- books and adjusting a tape-re- corder, and surrounded by copies of her new magazine. Soon, a newsman will intrude with a radio-recorder and an in- sipid set of questions on "women's lib." Gloria Steinem, travel-weary and just generally drained, will patiently surrender answers to the microphone as the reporters look on. Journalists observing a journal- ist interviewing a journalist. Through the chain of reporters Steinem struggles to communicate her issue, relying upon the Ameri- can press and its willingness to publish style rather than depth. It is through her style that Steinem attempts to reach a mass audience with her feminist phil- osophy. But it is this style which alienates many women, too - her image is one of a jet-set, superstar New York writer - an image the media feeds on with delight. Like in yesterday's Detroit Free Press. Her appearance seems to dominate the story - the caption under the photo says "Gloria in Detroit: The hip-slung pants and clinging shirt are typical." Can you imagine a spokesperson for another movement - say, the black, chicano, or anti-war move- ment - described according to their clothes?? NEWSWEEK, McCalls, Sunday features in newspapers across the country, late night talk shows - N HIS DUAL State of the Union address Thursday - one version for television and one for Congress - Richard Nixon gave a glimpse of how he intends to re- tain the Presidency. His two previous State of the Union speeches featured a "new American experience" and a "new American revolution," but this one was a toned down, "realistic" assessment of the old year and new year from the can- didate President's point of view. In the speech, which offered few new legislative ideas, Nixon proposed to in- crease defense spending by $3 billion for the coming fiscal year and outlined a plan to encourage technological research and development that will "create new industries" and new jobs.. The President also rightly announced plans to seek an alternative to property tax financing of local schools. But the President's advisors have been studying a value-added tax as a replacement - a complicated form of the sales tax, so- Cially regressive and maintaining pres- sure on low and middle income families. Most emphatically though, the Presi- dent reprimanded Congress for not acting on over 90 proposals presently awaiting resolution, including the money-shuttling revenue sharing plan,' restructuring of governmental departments and welfare reform. In all it was an uninspiring speech, a far cry from the six "great goals" of last year's speech. The President did renew his verbal support for governmental pro- grams with worthy social goals in this election year that the "old Nixon" would have denounced as "big government." BUT THE PRESIDENT'S backing of this social welfare legislation has been token in many areas, often lacking sub- stance and generally failing to supply funding on the massive scale required. Nixon's platitudes are meager fare for legislators anxious to make real inroads in consumer protection, urban reforma- tion, national health care, environmental protection, enforcing civil rights, and transformation, not only to a peace econ- omy, but also to a peace mentality. In his 1970 address, Nixon placed "pri- mary blame" for inflation on the Demo- crats, citing $57 billion in deficit spend- ing in the sixties. "We must balance our Federal budget so that American fami- lies will have a better chance to balance their family budgets," the President trumpeted. Then last January with the economy stumbling, the President proposed an "expansionary" but "non-inflationary" budget, explaining that "spending as if we were at full employment, we will help to bring about full employment ... The tide of inflation has turned." Then came wage and price controls. NOW, GOVERNMENT figures indicate that the Nixon administration will go $40 billion in the red by the end of the fiscal year in June. Combined with the $20 billion deficit slated for next year, Nixon will have exceeded a decade of de- ficit spending in,two years. While inflation is slowly slowing, un- employment remains high. "Our goal is full employment in peace time," the President said Thursday. Nixon is mis- leading the public, however, talking of our "peace time" economy. The high un- employment rate is concurrent with un- reduced defense spending, despite les- sened expenditures in Vietnam. By avoiding details on both foreign and domestic policy, the President was able to cite gains. However, his gains were semantic. The President's successes have all been slowdowns, along with the econ- omy - a slowdown in the rate of crime increase, a slowdown in environmental deterioration, a slowdown in the rate of inflation. Moreover, his administration has made no basic re-examination of American society and foreign policy, regardless of the new China policy. "We will continue to defend our interests whenever and wherever they are threatened any place in the world," Nixon said, without defin- ing what and where those interests are. WHEN NIXON ran in 1968 his "imme- diate goal" was an end to the Viet- nam war with a "just peace." He focused his campaign on crime, inflation, and so- cial unrest. Now, three years since he took office, crime and inflation have been but minimally influenced by his ef- forts. The root causes of social unrest remain virtually untouched and urban blight and rural decay continue unabated. Perhaps President Nixon did make a statement of symbolic importance about American society, concerning the multi- billion dollar government space explora- tion expenditures. "In reaching the moon we demonstrated what miracles American technology is capable of achieving," he declared. One must wonder if miracle working mothers in the rat infested slums of Detroit will face significant difficul- ties feeding their children moon rocks. -ARTHUR LERNER all emphasize her appearance, her life-style, her friends . . . with the unasked question of "what's a nice girl like you doing with a cause like .this?" She was splashed on the cover of Newsweek this summer, after she had told the magazine she didn't want the article done. "When I discovered I really didn't want it, I was happy The whole thing of wanting what the movies tell you you're supposed to want, and wanting to be on magazine covers - I had that dis- ease in a big way, and I discov- ered I really didn't want it. I was happy for about two days, walk- ing around feeling free," she says. "And then they printed the ar- ticle anyway." When Esquire, a "magazine for men," published a sexist, glib ar- ticle on her some months ago, she says she was "destroyed for months." "I walked around feeling de- pressed, and Irhad fantasies of revenge, and I get angry, I can't see it as accurately as others." HOW DOES SHE relate to her image - an image which most people hold of her and which is reinforc e d constantlywbythe media? "I don't really deal with it be- cause it's not real to me," she re- plies. "It's like you're holding a balloon, and everybody thinks the balloon is you and they're shoot- ing things at it but you're down here . .." Ultimately, she adds, the ques- tion of her image is the question "of whether it's good or bad for women." Judging by the content of the magazine she edits, it's good. Ms. magazine (the name, pronounced "miz," is a form of address used by women who don't want to be identified by their relationship with a man) is unfortunately marred by its glossy, slick format crammed with incredibly sexist advertising. But the magazine's feminist orientation is in the end its important factor. Created because many women journalists were having trouble publishing feminist articles, and also created as a vehicle "to help women who want to change their own lives, but don't know how," Ms. offers a fascinating range of articles. The first issue discusses welfare. sexist child rearing, the black family and feminism, abortion, lesbianism, poetry, and women's relationship to war. STEINEM WAS in Detroit Thursday to publicize the maga- -Daily-Sara Krulwich zine, which will aeon the stands next week, and to answer the ex- pected dreary questions about re- verse chauvinism (Ms. has a policy of hiring women first), women's role in society, and the like. Through it all her message was communicated. She is struggling with the feminist issue -- with the liberation of women, and thus of all people, from confining social and sexual roles, and for the ac- cessibility of life-style choices and options in a more humane society. If it takes exploitation by the media-attracted by her personal style-to communicate this mes- sage, then so be it. For the exploiter, in this case, is being exploited too. But it works out, for while the media has its colorful copy, the feminist view- point is offered to a mass audience. p* -Daily-Sara Krulwich Sinclair: Back home to, the No tuition increase By HOWARD BRICK and GERI SPRUNG "/E'RE JUST a bunch of freaks," says John Sinclair, "who were developed to a stage where we were ready to politi- cally educate ourselves as a result of our practice as freaks - a result of working with rock and roll bands, getting attacked by the police and authorities, getting bust- ed for weed and getting sent to the peni- entiary." Sinclair, recently released from prison on bond after serving 22 years of a 9%/ to 10 year sentence for possession of two marijuana cigarettes, seems to be still "just a freak, happy to be back on the streets with my people." Founder of the White Panther P a r t y (now Rainbow Peoples' Party), Sinclair has been working to establish an alterna- tive society, seeking radical political, eco- nomic and social change. Back home at the Rainbow People's House in Ann Arbor, Sinclair describes his prison experiences and his ideas for future work in the community against oppression. "This is what is revolutionary about the people, that as a people, we're creating the revolutionary life forms and institutions that are going to replace everything that exists now and oppresses people," s a y s Sinclair. Sinclair, who formerly managed t h e Ann Arbor-Detroit-based rock band the MC5, says the movement to create these "life forms" already exists - taking the form of rocl and roll. It needs only to be educated and directed. "There is a mass movement in this country, and the thing to do is to develop this mass movement along its highest lines, giving it a self-consciousness and making it conscious of its political character. In other words, it is necessary to bring peo- ple to the point where 'they're conscious of their role and what they are doing. "Instead of just being people who go to rock and roll dances, these are actually people of the future that are creating a whole new way of life that is going to re- place this old decrepit, capitalist culture." It is through prison sentences like 9% to 10 years for two joints of weed, Sinclair explains, that this kind of consciousness comes about. "You just expose these dogs and the political nature of the thing, so everyone is aware." "You can talk to right-wing maniacs," Sinclair says, "and they'll say that 'John Sinclair is a political prisoner and we're glad of it. All of them should be there.' But nobody will come up and say 'that was a logical sentence for possession of two marijuana cigarettes.' ", And that was what the five year "Free John Now" campaign was all about - directing education and energy at freeing But Sinclair's stint in prison itself had far-reaching implications resulting in a mammoth campaign launched by the Rain- bow people for prison reform. Organizing against oppression before he was imprisoned, Sinclair says. his incarna- tion only made his perception of the op- pression more "severe." First sent to Marquette, 450 miles away, Sinclair was later transferred to Jackson because of "organizing" done with t h e black prisoners at Marquette. At Jackson he remained in segregation most of the time because of "their projection that I was going to organize." "THEY HAD these incredible paranoid delusions about me and charged me, with being the master mind behind all of the subversive activity in the whole penal sys- tem from my cell in the segregation unit," Sinclair says. But for short periods of time, Sinclair was allowed to be out among the other prisoners. "They related to me," Sinclair says, "because I was a political prisoner deprived of their rights Sinclair explains, and has plans for the Rainbow People to work together with the Michigan Prisoners' Rights Committee on this issue. "ALL PRISONERS have the problem of not only getting their mail censored but having it sent to police agencies. We have proof. We have their fucking statements that they've done all this stuff to me in'my mail - sent copies to the Wayne County Jail administrator, the prosecutor of Jack- son county, and the governor's office. We have other prima facie evidence that they supplied it to the intelligence section of the Michigan State Police photocopied. "They have this rule that prisoners can't say anything derogatory about the prison, the department of corrections or any of the administrators. If they say anything dero- gatory and their letter is read they put him on a restricted list, maybe cutting off all his correspondence with the outside or sending him up to Marquette. "They also won't let reporters into to talk to the inmates. What are they trying people "Well we hop to now put a lot of em- phasis, internally, on theory in order to develop our ideas and make them systema- tic. We're in the process of evolving a comprehensive Ideology. "WE THINK the commune is the way of the future" he says, "and the communal model will be the model in production, it will be the model in living and it will be the model in government. So the institutions that we're creating now we look on as the embryonic forms that will exist in the future." Revolutionaries will put the communal system into use, he envisions, so as to create self-reliant base areas. The b a s e areas will survive the collapse of the estab- lished order and then become the dominant form of living. "We see for example people that are go- ing to the country developing into farmers, who grow food on the land for people in the city. And you would have a fleet of truckers who would ship the food from the country to the city. You would have peo- ple's stores for the distribution points 4 GOV. WILLIAM MILLIKEN'S proposed $12 million hike in state funds for the University for the next fiscal year is a welcome relief to administrators tired of coping with the University's recent finan- cial problems. But with this promise of an unusually large increase in state aid, it is time for University officials to affirm that there will not be another tuition in- crease again this year. Last year, the governor met the Uni- versity's request for $22 million in new funds by recommending a paltry $2.8 million increase. Milliken recognized, that the University needed about $8 million in new money, but said some funds should be "created" through a tuition increases, eliminating $350,000 in payments to Ann Arbor for police and fire protection, in- creasing the productivity of University faculty and staff and making cutbacks throughout the University. This year, however, the governor has met most of the University's minimum needs. His request would allow a 6.5 per cent increase in salaries for faculty and staff - more than state civil service em- ployes would get and a higher increase than the Pay Board recommendation. The governor's proposal would also cover a University request for growth in the den- tal school, certain additional costs for inflation, a substantial allotment for new University buildings, some literary college needs, and money required for recently constructed buildings. Their priority request for $2.5 million in additional funds for student aid was met by a recommendation for only $926,000- short of what the University needs to maintain its commitment to fund the Op- portunity Program for disadvantaged and minority group students, made following the March, 1970 Black Action Movement strike. The governor, instead of dealing with each state school's individual needs for student aid, has set his recommenda- tion for aid at three-fourths of one per cent of each school's operating budget. This formula has left the special needs of the University unmet by the governor's recommendation. And this, along with a possible hike in utility rates that could cost the University an additional $600,- 000 in unbudgeted expenses, is enough to give administrators some concern. Yet as worthy a priority as increased student aid is, the University should have another priority - no increase in tuition rates this year. Over the past two years, tuition has already skyrocketed with in-state under- graduate tuition, for instance, rising from $240 a term in 1969-1970 to $284 the fol- lowing year and $330 this year. Out-of- state and graduate tuition has grown by an even greater amount. It is, further- more, impossible to alleviate the need for greater student aid by a tuition increase - for greater student costs will only nec- essitate more aid in a never-ending circle. HOPEFULLY the Legislature will recog- nize the snecial student aid needs of and they knew it. They would always come up and talk to me." It was through his contacts with other prisoners and his own treatment that Sin- clair says he became acutely aware of the specific problems prisoners face. "As a result of living day to day locked up like a dog with these snakes pouring over your mail and hassling people who come to visit you, and just a general John and Leni Sinclair to hide? Our slogan is going to be 'open up the prisons'. People on the streets have a very definite interest in prisons because they are producing monsters. "Guys will come up to you and say 'They're turning me into an animal! I hate it! I don't want to be this way! But there is nothing they can do. They just keep the pressure on. The whole thing is meant to crush people, break them down, turn them into worms and toadies and lackies." If prison life helped to make Sinclair's perception of prison oppression more keen. much of the reading he did in prison help- ed him clarify the means to end all kinds of oppression. By spending a great deal of his time reading revolutionary theor- ists, including Mao, Lenin, Fanon, Marx and Engels, Sinclair explains he was able where the food would be distributed for cost plus whatever it costs to keep the thing going." In conjunction with all this revolutionary theory, Sinclair has also moved toward ac- ceptance of electoral politics. In fact, Sinclair and the Rainbow People's Party supported Democratic candidate Robert Harris for mayor in last year's election. "I once had the position that why vote, they're all the same. But they aren't." He said that the Rainbow People plan to get involved in some way in the presi- dential campaign. He said he could not point out any one candidate at this time who was different from the rest and who was worthy of the support of the party. However, he said, "there'll be formal methods developed by which to measure these candidates. These candidates w 11 have torieonnnL tn certain anestions that "We think the commune is the way of the future" Sinclair says, "and the communal model will be the model in pro- duction, it will be the model in living and it will be the model in government. So the institutions that we're creating now we look on as the embryonic forms that will exist in the future." - .-- - I --L 4- 1.- - 41- ., 1 -1 - Cinlnr - .qn-m ,~,a the "svstem". a n d grinding cdown, I. got to knlow the whole {