?Qgp Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Jartugry 13, 1972 'age Six THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Thursday, Jcnuory 13, ~972 ...... . Research VP BEIT FREE UNIVE MODRASHA IN Regents pass search stalls; post guidelines S"Fleming reports no decision on new VP likely until March LWI * Hebrew Language All Levels -Conversation, Grammar, and Reading -Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Duties of VP for research broadened By ROBERT BARKIN The Regents approved an expansion of the duties of the office of vice president for re- search from their present state through approval of a report calling for such meas- ures at their December meet- ings. The report comes in the midst! of a search for a successor to the retiring research vice president, A. Geoffrey Norman, and in the wake >f massive controversy over t h e University's policy toward t h e performing of classified research ' on campus. Th n-ndt.nr o~frf a.c ixn'in ii fA,- By GENE ROBINSON President Robben Fleming said yesterday that he does not expect to appoint a successor to Research Vice President A. Geoffrey Norman until March at the earliest. However, a choice will be made "certainly before the end of the term," he said. Norman, who is past retirement age, announced his resignation last June to be effective Jan. 1. After proceedings to find a successor became stalled, Norman was granted authorization by the Regents to remain until the choice Was 0 Vice President Norman * Hebrew Speaking Club " Basic Judaism * Historry of European Jewery from the French Revolution to World War II * The Role of Women in Judaism * Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Self-Image * Survey of Problems in Jewish Philosophy * Hassidism and Jewish Mysticism " The Response of the Jewish Community to RPC suggests limits on 'U' industrial research Continued from Page 1 turned over to an independent culty committee headed by Chem- probably suggest limited sanctions state agency due to a lack of sup- the n popretay rseachsuc asportive University funds. Others istry Prof. Charles Overberger, thavensuggestedarthatesuch, aumove repot rcommnd"thanthedu hae suggestedthat suchaoeve submitting all proprietary research would enable the labs to expand e ote e resear iclue respon projects to a review board for ap- i their research activities.I bility for applications to fund-I proval. Fleming, who is in favor of giv- granting agencies outside thefUni- rThe board would presumably ing up the labs to some other versity for support of research and function similarly to the current agency, said that right now there responsibility for all research that Classified Research Committee just is not enough capital avail- overlaps the jurisdiction of ad- which is designed to review all able to make such a move. He ministrative units. federal classified research projects. added however that the plan is In addition, the vice president At their December meeting. still under consideration. made. Fleming said one of the major reasons for the delay in an ad- vertisement being placed in t h e American Council on Education (ACE) Chronicle Jan. 17 request- ing applicants for the position. Fleming said the ad would give propspects an equal opportunity to apply for the position. He said he would allow t w o weeks after the ad starts for ap- plications, and that no further ac- tion would be taken until that date., He reported that he has asked the faculty to submit names of prospects, and that thus far he has received about 12 names. He added that when all appli- cations resulting from the ad have hn irnon drl fip fi ld mil d hp * for research would represent the SACUA decided to delay action'rerc *::.:.:e;i:.-:.;v:s2::: ;:..s.*.........narroweadown to aoiuxan- Flint and Dearborn campuses in on the proposal until the RPC re- mcatters concerning research. port had been considered. At that DAILY OFFICIAL didates. Presently, the duties of the of-I time Norman said they; had de- with SACUA, the faculty execu- fice include executive responsibil- cided to wait because the resolu- BULLETIN tive committee on the choice em- ity for review of recommendations tion could receive "more favorable pive commoeentha Chc, s from deans and directors with re- consideration" at a later date. .trole will be strictly advisory. spect to research proposals and It was thought at that time that THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 personnel, the direction of special it would be possible for the as Norman announced his resigxi- studies, and acting as liaison be- sembly to act on the proprietary Day ioClstJue.Atthtdimr tween the University and agen- researchtreport in time for Re- committee headed byhchemistry cies concerned with research. gental consideration this month. Regents' Meeting: Regents' Rm., Ad- Prof. Charles Overberger w a s The Overberger report will be However, Norman said that RPC min. Bldg., 2 pm. appointed to examine the exist- used as a guideline by Norman's nd SACUA stihad det of th Computing tr. Short course: "1n ence of the position and its fune- andSAUA til hd etalsof hetroduction to U of M Basic," Seminartin successor. report to deal with, but it will be Rm. Computing Ctr., 3-5 pm. Lion. The conclusions of the reportjready for the Regents in February. LSA Coffee Hour: 2549 LSA Bldg., 3- 0 SOC!- " Crises REGISTRATI :1 8, 19, 20 7-9 P.M. FOB N'0 1429 HILL $10 " CLASSES BEGIN JAN. 24 came as a surprise to many mem- bers of the University community, who questioned whether such an office of vice president for re- search was necessary. jAnother obstacle to Regental consideration of the research pro- posal has been thetrole of Willow Run Laboratories, the site of the majority of University classified research. The administration has suggest- ed that the labs, currently under control of the University, be i4:30 pm. International Tea: 603 'E Madison, j Unite Arab Republic, Mich. League11 E nter a 5-7 pm.merge G7eneral :Notices I (Continued from Page 3) 4 E i LG ISTRATION FEE I 1 Sponsored by: Midrasho College of Jewish Studies-Hillel Foundation Subscribe to The Michigan Daily UAC-DAYSTAR Concert Series Needs Your Help Rock Music Concerts are in Danger of Becoming Extinct At U of M PLEASE DON'T SMOKE INSIDE CONCERT AUDITORIUM i IComputer & Comm. Sci.: 005 274- two sections aded; 004 MW 2, 3512 Frieze, 005 MWF 3, 3512 Frieze. SAVE! up to 33Y3% Buy USED TEXTBOOKS AT FOLLET'S Michigan Book Store State St. at North U. seeking the integration ruling during a 22-day case last sum- mrer. A Detroit group, the Citizes Committee for Better Education 'initially opposed any busing plans. However, when it became appar- ent that Judge Roth was going to order at least crosstown busing within Detroit, the group began supporting in'clusion of. Detroit suburbs in inter-district busing to achieve racial balance. In the Richmond case, Judge Merhige noted that Virginia had helped perpetuate a dual, black- white school system and previou- ly ignored city and county schoel boundaries in busing and consoli- dation plans that reinforced seg- regation. The judge stated that the three counties were part of one "bi- racial community" and that city and county boundaries are more "political convenience." A Start the New Year off right... 0 4 Is MiniKool Refrigerators Until recently, we did not charge U-M students buying books and supplies the four per cent Michigan sales tax because of a loophole in the State law. But while you were home for the holidays, eating the Christmas goose and just generally whooping it up, the Michigan Legislature CHANGED THE LAW. Now we are REQUIRED to charge everyone the four per cent. We wish we didn't have to, and we felt you deserved an explana- tion ... But we still discount school supplies a phenomenal FIFTEEN PER CENT, and we knock five per cent off all new books, plus we have thousands of used course books, cheap. -the U CELLAR IN THE UNION WOMEN: TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER- TAKING CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES ANN ARBOR WOMEN'S CRISIS CENTER CALENDAR PARTY! Fri., January 14, 8-12 p.m. ALL WOMEN WELCOME! WOMEN ONLY! Mich. Union (2nd floor over main entrance) Pendleton Library. Information, Music, Potluck Goodies, Donations Requested. TRAINING FOR FUTURE PEER COUNSELORS: ALL SESSIONS MANDA- TORY. If you can't make one session, please woit until a future series. In the meantime, come to the party and help us organize! JANUARY 22, SATURDAY: Stop-Rape Conference, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., this session is open to all women. Light lunch provided for 50c. -A iiA vj r.a .a....l.nr, m_- I N just $18.50 for the semester. Enjoy life a little more this term with -a compact, dependable Mini-Kool refrigerator in your room. 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