THE STATE OF THE UNION See Editorial Page Y 41w0PiauP 4 RUSHING High-38-44 Low-30-35 Windy, occasional drizzle Vol. LXXXII, No. 86 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 22, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages RACKHAM GOVT.: RSG hit by election suit By LINDA ROSENTHAL and GLORIA JANE SMITH * A write-in candidate in the Rackham Student Govern- ment (RSG) mail-ballot election filed a suit Thursday night with the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) claiming that RSG had violated Student Government Council election code pro- cedures. RSG denies that their election, which began yesterday, is illegal. "We categorically deny any intent to deceive, defraud, or deprive of -his rights, any Rackham student," explains RSG president Dan Fox. Present statuss4 future Deans toM PESC eCured, irnclear ,7 ' , 1 i ! ; 1 l 1 l M 1 1 j i 1 i 1 i ". An 'advisory opinion" was issued by CSJ advising RSG of -their obligation to follow election In fprocedures stipulated in thecelec- tions code. In fla Ll~flTom Slaughter, Grad, candi- date for Vice Chairman of the Rackham Assembly - the lower house of RSG - claimed in Thursday's suit that: --RSG failed to provide a "dis- interested" election board and nrules committee; -RSG failed to post a sample ballot one day before the election; -The official RSG ballot in- o ASHINGTON dP) - The Bureau cluded only one blank line for of Labor Statistics said yesterday write-in candidates, instead of the cost of living jumped four- one line for each vote; tenths of one per cent last month, -RSG illegally postponed the due mainly to a 1.1 per cent in- election which should have oc- crease in food prices. curred last fall; It was also reported yesterday -The mailing, of the RSG bal- that the Gross National Product lot did not include a description went up at a rate of 6.1 per cent of the pros and cons of the refer- during the last three months of enda; 1971. -The election is invalid since rosethere are no stipulations in the In 1971 the cost of living roeSGC election code for a mail bal- 3.4 per cent, the government an- lot, and; ent nc east in 1967since a 3.0 per -RSG failed during the past year to post minutes from their The December jump was double Executive Board meeting. the largest increase for any month Slaughter asked that CSJ en- during the August 15 to November join the election - force it to be 15 price freeze. The Nixon admini- cancelled - and order RSG to re- stration has long predicted a schedule the election in compli- "bulge" in prices would show up ance with legal election proce- because strict price controls be- dures. came more flexible in the second CSJ did not rule on the case phase of the President's econo- since Slaughter offered no evi- mic stablization program. dence that an election was actual- ly occurring. AFL-CIO President George Mea- "We did not rule on the facts of ny said,however, the 1971 inflation the case," explained Pat Passa- figures show "the nation closed mar, CSJ member, "and the ad- cu171w o aton visory opinion does not necessar- possible economic combinations'Ily mean that RSG is violating continuing inflation and intolar- election procedures." ably high unemployment. Clearly RSG's election has, however, of- the 1971 administration promises ficially begun. were hollow indeed." Ballots were mailed yesterday, The increase included a three- explained Mohinder Bamba, the tenths of one per cent increase RSG elections director who as- in the cost of housing and two- sumed his position early last tenths of one per cent increase week. for health and recreation. Bamba refused to comment on The rise in the GNP, reported whetheror not a- sample ballot by thesCommerce Department,.had been posted. comes after two sluggish mid- See SUIT, Page 10 ,C t S a Cl sq p ,s A e s o: year quarters. GNP rose 3.4 per cent in the April to June quarter and 2.7 per cent in the July to Sep- tember quarter. "Thus the economy has already shifted into a higher gear and the prospects for strong real growth Vand moderating inflation in 1972 are good." said Harold Passer, Asst. Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs. For all of last year GNP totalled $1,047 billion, up $73 billion over 1970 according to preliminary fig- ures. The state of growth was 2.7 per cent and inflation, measured as the rise in all prices rather than consumer prices, was 4.6 per cent. In another set of figures, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said that average weekly earnings for rank and file workers rose $1.44 in December to $130.55 This means weekly earnings went up 6.6 per cent in the 12 months ending in December while consumer prices went up 3.4 per ient. In terms of buying power, the average worker's wages were ptp 3.2 per cent over last year. Dems hitN neglect of c. WASHINGTON VP) - Congres- for sional Democrats broadcast their cra retort to President Nixon's State pr of the Union message yesterday, op and accused the administration of [Alt prolonging the war, neglecting the er cities and forgetting, the jobless ery and the farmer. in Their 55-minute rebuttal was " broadcast nationally and tele- mu vised on free time that would tha have cost at least $250,000 at reg- E ular rates. so Five House members and four me Senators took turns assailing the Pr Republican administration on a sai variety of issues including con- do sumer affairs, health insurance,' education, problems of the elderly wi and of minorities, tie House Speaker Carl Albert of "T Oklahoma summed up with a di- go: rect reply to Nixon's call Thursday the -Daily-Terry McCarthy School Superintendent R. Bruce McPherson speaks at a news conference announcing new plans for city secondary schools. City supt. announces -middle school 'proposal By JIM O'BRIEN changes designed to increase mit further development of Superintendent of Ann Arbor "organizational sense." Huron and Pioneer High Schools chools, R. Bruce McPherson According to Board of Educa- as four year schools. Three nnounced yesterday a plan to tion member Duane Renken, middle schools scheduled for onvert three junior high the middle school system would next fall are Scarlett, Slauson, chools to "middle schools," and "decrease overcrowding in local and Clague Junior High Schools. roposed the creation of a new schools, and give the students Ninth grade students who chool, tentatively named "Ann more individual attention." would attend Scarlett next fall krbor Community High School". "Middle Schools," with en- will be transferred to Huron High School, students from the McPherson also named Stev- rollment from grades 6-8 in- Slauson area will attend ninth n Daniels to head the New stead of grades 7-9 as in pres- grade at Pioneer High School. chool Planning Department, ent junior high schools, were Sixth grade classes from over- ne of several administrative proposed by McPherson to per- crowded Clinton Elementary School will then be transferred to Scarlett. Plans for the future include iXon MIlss Cite conversion of Tappan and For- sythe Junior High Schools to middle schools in fall of next year, and construction of atem- ities o s farm s porary school, south of Inter- state-94 to alleviate crowded conditions at Clinton Elemen- r partnership with the Demo- Oher statements by Democratic tary School. atic Congress to withstand the spokesmen included the following: The school, composed of a essures of an election year. "Co- -Sen. Frank Church of Idaho kindergarten and first and sec- eration is a two-way street," c(id the end of the war in Indo- ond grades, will require either bert said. "We're going to coop- china is not in sight despite Nix- two-way busing of students or ate with the President on ev- on's statements. "Until we elect construction of a safe walk- ything that is in the national iemocratic President pledged to way over the highway, accord- terest. thle total withdrawal of all of our ing to William Stewart. public "We call upon the President si- readining forces from Vietnam we relations official for the Board. ultaneously to quit vetoing bills will stay chained to this senseless The temporary school will ev- at are in the national interest." war. entually be replaced with a per- Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Mis- manent one. uri presided over the eight- "Tht is why it is so The new high school, referred ember panel that replied to the to elect a new Democratic Presi- to by Daniels as an "Ann Arbor esident issue by issue. Eagleton dent this year," Church said. Comniunity H i g h School," d Nixon sent Congress a "big -Sen. William Proxmire of would be located in a down- mestic grab bag." Wisconsin said unemployment re- town building, and the class- "No one could possibly disagree mains the nation's top domestic room exnerience could include th the broad, humane generali- oroblem. "What does the President "selling land with some real- s in his speech," Eagleton said. oroonse to do about this? Noth- tor, or taking cooking with a 'he problem is not where we are ing." Proxmire said. master chef." ing, but how we're going to get ---Reu. Ralph Metcalfe of Il- Funding for the nrooosed ere." linois said the Nixon administra- high school, which must be ap- tion "has no coherent set of pri- See CITY, Page 7 examine U credit Literary college Dean Frank Rhodes met with the college's department chairmen yester- day to review the credit stand- ing of courses being offered under the Program for Educa- tional and Social Change (PESC). Rhodes said yesterday he and the various department chairmen "are discussing" the status of the PESC courses. Department chair- men, he said, are conducting re- views of -PESC courses in their own departments as well as con- suiting with him on the matter. The department chairmen could decide to alter or revoke Univer- sity credit for any PESC course within their department. Rhodes declined to comment on possible action, promising a state- ment on the issue once a final decision has been made. He cited "the best interests" of all concerned as his reason for re- fusing to disclose details of the review. Sources close to the literary col- lege indicated yesterday that a prime target for the review may be history Prof. Samuel Warner's History 576 course presently being offered as a PESO course. The class, entitled "United States Social History Since 1865", deals, according to PESC litera- ture. with "work and the effects unon urban groups of changing discipline and demands of working experience." Jacob Price, chairman of the history department confirmed yes- terday that "the matter is under study". Price said a statement on the question of credits may be ready next week. PESC professors contacted last night said they had not been in- formed by their departments that their courses were under review. The validity of PESC classes has been at issue since the beginning of the program this semester. Controversy has been especially sharp over two PESC classes being taught by non-University per- sonnel. A course on community control in Washtenaw County taught by Charles Thomas and Hank Bryant of the Washtenaw County Black Economic Development League (BEDL), and one on prisons taught by John Sinclair of the Rainbow People's Party have been raising academic eyebrows due to their lack of direction by an ac- credited University professor. According to a PESC booklet, University students can receive credit for the classes by electing them as "independent reading" courses through any PESC profes- sor, The purpose of the community course, according to the PESC booklet, is to "bring the perman- ent members of the community into contact with the faculty and students," to study "ways and means of solving such problems as the reallocation of goods and services for the poor in Washten- aw County." VP Smith Voters may forfeit city registration by KATHY INGLEY The fall registration drive en- franchised 9,000 new voters, but those who moved without noti- fying the city clerk's office of, their new address may no long- er be registered, according to City Clerk Harold Saunders. State law requires the city clerk to send identification cer- tificates, which may not be for- warded in the mail, to newly registered voters at the address they reported. In Ann Arbor these were mailed following the October 29 registration deadline for the November elections. About 400 voter certificates were returned to the clerks off- ice and these persons not con- tacted were ineligible to vote in the November elections. According to Nancy Wechsler, coordinator of the local Human Rights - Radical Independent Party, some of these persons might have been able to vote if the city clerk's office had immediately proceeded with the next step in contacting voters. This is sent first class notifi- cation, which can be forwarded, asking the voter to verify or change his address within 30 days of the mailing of the noti- fication. Saunders maintains that there was not enough time to reach voters whose identification cards were returned, s in ce elections were held only a few weeks after the mailing of the cards. According to Saunders, mid- December was the earlist pos- sible date they could mail the follow-up letters. These were mailed in one group, with a January 20 deadline for replying. The number of responses has not been tallied. Persons no longer registered may register again before March 3 in order to vote in the April 3 elections. VP Smith refuses to stop class By CHRIS PARKS University Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith said yesterday that he will allow the Program for Educational and Social Change (PESC) to continue as long as current conditions-in- cluding enrollment from the out- side community - remain rela- tively stable. The PESC policy of offering University courses free to. mem- bers of the Ann Arbor community came under fire last Friday when Smith declared that the practice was in violation of University reg- ulations. Smith indicated yesterday, however, that he is at least tem- porarily satisfied with an ex- planation of the PESC policy put forward during a talk Wednesday with PESC representatives. The results of that discussion were not disclosed until a meeting of PESC yesterday. A report prepared by PESC, de- scribing the basic content of Wednesday's discussion, was re- leased to PESC members. According to the report. PESC representatives told Smith that "it was still PESC policy that com- munity people must consult in- dividual professors as to their permission to attend as visitors." A -PE0.-polmesman explained that the group would guarantee no "d u 1 y registered student" would be excluded from a class because it was filled with non- students. Smith said yesterday he "is satisfied with the present situa-, tion", and has no plans to take action against the group for their alleged violation. PESC's clarification annarent- ly came in answer to fears ex- nressed by Smith and literary col- lege Dean Frank Rhodes that University students may be closed out of PESO classes because of the admission of nonstudents and that certain PESC professors were either unaware of or onposed to the open admissions policy. In response to this, PESC snokesmen said a letter was be- ia' scent* out to all professors oarticiatin min PESC explaining the policy. According to a PESO snokesman those professors on- posing the policy could then with- draw from the program. Although Smith said he will not opose th- activities of PESC at this time. he did not preclude the possibility of action at some future time if conditions warrant. The PESC clarification, he said, "is different from what was orig- inally published" by the group. In its original brochure PESC stated "All classes described in this book are oen to all, and free to non-university people." No mention was made of the necessity to Pain the nprmission of individ- ual instructors. In the past. Smith said. "indi- vidual professors have often let people (nonstudents) into their classes." However. Smith said, "if all of See PESC, Page 10 Dean Van Wylen leaves 'U' to 4ake Hope College presidency Gordon Van Wylen, dean of the engineering school, has been named president of Hope Col- lege in Holland, Michigan as expected. Van Wylen was elected Hope's ninth presi- dent yesterday to assume office next July, at meeting of Hope's Board of Trnstees. President Robben Fleming called Van Wylen an "outstanding" dean and commented on the appointment: "The Hope presidency represents a new and different challenge, and one which nrities for dealing with the prob- le~s of American cities." Nor, he said. has Nixon responded ade- auately to the needs of minority, ;rouns concentrated in urban areas. ---Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas sairi Nixon has failed to matchI 198 campaign promises to deal with crime. "The President said we should not inject politics in the issues such as this but remem- ber he made the ground rules on thiq mne. and he is the one who mnlst, snswer for the shortcomings of the national leadership in wag- ing the war against crime." -Rep. John Brademus of Indi- PUSHED UP 4 MONTHS New lottery date set for Feb. 2 WASHINGTON (AP) - This year's draft lottery for men born in 1953 will be held Feb. 2, it was announced yesterday. Those affected by the drawing will be subjected to induction next year unless they receive deferments or are exempted. This could be the last lottery, since the current draft authority expires in mid- 1973 and many in Congress have said they are being issued in the first three months and possibly not before mid-year. The first draft lottery, in,1969, was held only a month before the men involved could be called up. The last two were held In mid-summer. Selective Service said it decided to give 11 months notice because young men who face possible induction next year deserve the other drum. A Selective Service spokesman said it was decided to have the 366 numbers be- cause after the 1970 drawing, also involv- ing a non-leap year batch of 19-year-olds, there were complaints that using 365 num- bers increased each man's mathematical odds of getting a low number. Last month the Selective Service put into