Friday, April 21, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday, April 21, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven i Smash Corordeo control of State Politics! Business and corporate interests dominate the state legislature. What about the people's interests? Perry Bullard is not for sale. VOTE FOR PERRY BULLARD IN THE AUGUST 8 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. Fill out absentee ballot applications if you plan to be out of town. (Available in Fishbowl or at 210 Nickels Arcade.) Help with the campaign-Call 769-2406 or 764-4742. PERRY BULLARD FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE "NO STRINGS ATTACHED" TAPE SALE!w SCOTCH 207-R90 . . . $3.84 SCOTCH 206--R60 . . . $3.12 SCOTCH 203-1800 . . ._ $3.36 SCOTCH 150--1800. . . $2.88 (limit of 6 per purchase) I-FlBUYS4 HILL ST. at MAIN s .Man-769-4700 Service A, a" -~~ Rp DeLong's Pit Barbecue FEATURES THESE DINNERS:. Bar-B-Q Ribs Shrimp Bar-B-Q Chicken Scallops Bar-B-Q Beef Fried Chicken Bar-B-Q Pork Fried Fish Fried Oysters All Dinners Include Fries, Slow, and Bread CARRY OUT FREE DELIVERY OPEN: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sun.-]11 a. m. to 2 a.m. Fri., Sat.-l-1I a.,m. to 3 a.m. 314 Detroit St. 665-2266 j *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- - m- -- - - -- -m -mm m r man m-m II * I I The Air Force is f or Nurses! who want to go places.; 'Hawaii, Japan, Europe and the U.S. Going places doesn't; *only mean travel. It also means professional advance-' *ment, with such benefits as:. * 0 great working conditions and challenging work " *good pay with frequent increases 0 recognition and the chance for promotion; * advanced training with wonderful people; *Join the Air Force Nurse Corps and help care for your ; *country while you go places. Contact your Air Forceu *Recruiter. Call 662-1463. ; Recruiter. at:; 110 E. Washington 662-1463 ; Ann ArborI f I ' w r r r rw*r r w r w rr r w r w wr w rw w U Last This Week's Name, Location Week's Rank of Store ' 2 A&P, Maple Village 1 Meijers, Carp. & Pac' 6 A&P, Plymouth Rd. 7 A&P, E. Huron Rank 1 :k. 2 3 4 t' 5 Great Scott, Carp. & Pkd. 5 8 A&P, Stad. & State 6 11 Vescio, W. Stad. & Lib. 7 12 Kroger, Packard 8 3 Wrigley, Maple Vill. 9 4 Wrigley, Wash. & Stod. 10 9 Wrigley, W. Stadium 11 1:3 Kroger, Arborland 12 10 Kroger, Westgate 13 Kroger, Broadway 14 All Prod. 45.05 45.63 45.88 45.98 46.10 46.13 46.22 I46.35 46.41 I46.43 46.78 46.99 47.46 9.93 10.501 .9.84 10.05 10.36 10.02 10.06 10.91 .10.37 10.88 11.21 10.65 11.53 6.44 6.58 6.44 6.53 6.34 6.51 6.47 6.32 6.37 6.37 6.35 6.38 6.32 3.57 3.70 3.67 3.65 3.74 3.63 3.72 3.57 3.79 3.73 3.73 3.60 3.44 3.32 3.59 4.11 3.94 3.76 3.76 3.91 3.68 3.83 3.54. 3.96 4.24 4.16 13.93 13.66 13.88 13.83 14.12 13.84 14.97 14.11 13.89 13.83 13.82 14.01 14.09 PRICE COMPARISON WEEK OF APRIL 10, 1972 Meats Staples Dairy Produce Other This is the latest in a series of surveys of prices at local supermarkets.t U.S. Ju dg-e dismisses TU suit xA lawsuit charging that the University violated the federal wage-price freeze in increasing dorm rates last fall has been dis- missed by U.S. District Court Judge John Felkens. The suit was the latest in a series of legal moves tried by the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union to counter the rate hikes. The University maintained that it.did not violate the federal regu-' lations because the increases had been announced March 19, .1971- before the wage-price-rent freeze -mef ore the wage - price - rent freez began in August. Th University said a substan-. tial number of students had al- ready accepted the new rates by making deposits before the, guide- lines were announced. 2 Fires 1 Here is the fourth in a series of cci er surveys listing grocery pricesa town. This survey indicates prices Broadway prices not available for this week's survey. nsum- Therefore, shopping at the "winning store" around does not guarantee a certain food quality sonly. or that you will find the food you want. I , . R , -s ') i r-- i . 1 7 f" ,.. FREE AM & FM Stereo FREE ! WITH PURCHASE OF ANY '72 TOYOTA FREE TOYOTA of Ann Arbor ANNOUNCEMENT ERN IE DASCOLA is proud to announce that PAUL BENETTE formerly of South Univ. Barbers has joined his staff at Dascola Hairstylists ARBORLAN D Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tues., Wed., Sat. 9 to 6 p.m. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily FRIDAY, APRIL 21 EDay Calendar Two fires were set yesterday in the Undergraduate Library, cap1s-71igmnrdmgct iee inenordamgct iee r1flAVtl.U Regents' Meeting: Regents' Rm., 1st Both blazes were set on the floor, Admin. Bldg., 11 a.m. ! fourth floor in pamphlets on Physics Seminar: P. Yock, Ulniv. ofshleacrigtFreC ef Aukland, N. Zealand, "Dyons,' Subnu- sevs codn oFr he cleons. and the. Torino Quark, Experi- Arthur L. Stauch. Both fires, said jment," PA& Colioq. Rm., 2:30 p.m. to be the work of an, arsorNlt, Astronomy Colloquium: D. Gray, were out when firemen arrived on Univ. of W. Ontario, "'The Spectra- scopic Determination of Stellar Surface tesee Gravities," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 p.m. Stauch said Fire Department Physics Seminar: C. Varma, Univ. of ivsiaosaewrigwt Chicago. 1041 Randall Lab. 4 p.m. ct oiei nivsiainof Mathematics Lectire: M. Ross, *Ecl-. iyplc na netgto ogy," 3209 Angell Hall, 4 p.m.; the incidents. Classical Studies Dept.: Plautus's. . . ._______ "The Rope" in Latin and English,! Schiorling Aud.,' SEB, 8 p.m. International Folk Dance: Barbour Gym, 8 p.m. 1 ibereS Music School: W. David, piano doe- LVr toral, Sch. of Mus. Recital Hall, 8 ,p.m. 1i 'rs ta rted DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I T T!1 when you STORE/ WINTER WOOLEN4S THIS VWAY... Enjoy extra closet space, plus the finest professional storage with our modern hamper BOX STORAGE service. o i Summer things have the roo they need and winter garments get the protection and care thai only our hamper BOX STORAG8 I can guarantee. Everything that you can cram into our giant hamper is put on hangers and stored safe from moths' or any summer danger Beautifully cleaned garments are ret urned to you in the Fall. -M 907 N. Main 663-8567 Open Man. and Thurs. till 9 P.M. BOX STORAGE 5(R VIC, Top Cash- Prices Paid to You for Text Books that have a Market Value. Sell them at F OLLETTJ'S State St. at North U. ON THE CAMPUS $4 5 PR SND EVERYTHING: 5OYIUL Suits, Coats, Drosses, Plus regular cleaning charges. Jackets and This includes insuranceprtc tion up to $250.00. 20% Mt nal RA a llI. T$ rI y a. .... ! Phone 668-6335 or 668-7017 gold bond cleaners 332 MAYNARD ST. at the Tower Plaza SUIMMER PLACEMENT 212 S.A.B. Hanneforr Circus. Your childhood dream to be fulfilled. Spend the sum- mer traveling -with the circus; be a roustabout; further details available. Call 763-4117, Camp Walden, Mich. Coed; opening for gymnastic instructor; phone 763- 4117 or stop in BPS. State of Michigan, opening for Fish- eries Aides 05; deadline May 5, call 763-4117. thru Classift ROCK ,N ROLL' New'evnyBlue TODAY 12-1 People's PlazaS i f ~ SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Miss J takes her spring outings A, _I 4 in a twill bush jacket... .a neatly belted, weather-wise cover-up tc with epaulettes and destined to smashing over just about anyth Rust or tan cotton twill. 5-13 Siz ' ," ,: j i 4Wj tea. i