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April 20, 1972 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-20

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Thursday, April 20, 1972


Page Eleven

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it liworth

Tennis ...
. . and the student
Randy Phillips-
PEOPLE EASILY forget bad times when good times soon fol-
low. And now that the sunshine is out more often than not
and the winter weather has passed us by, the varsity tennis
players and other student players will be apt to put their com-
plaints about the inadequacies of indoor tennis facilities at the
back of their minds and look forward to a fine spring and
summer of tennis.
But come next fall, it is probable that the same inadequacies
will persist. Only there will be more students wanting to play
tennis and the varsity will be even better than this year's.
The acuteness of the problem becomes apparent when
one notices that the only indoor courts are the converted
basketball courts at the Men's. Intramural Building. These
four courts are available for only short periods of time to
the general student body due to the great demand for bas-
ketball facilities, and they are a disgrace to the top level
varsity tennis program at Michigan.
Less than two weeks ago, Michigan hostea two Big Tuet
teams, Minnesota and Iowa in conference matches on the slick
wood surface. The Wolverines won both matches convincingly,
* but weak Minnesota managed to take two singles matches - at
numbers one and five. At one, Joel Ross for Michigan was hav-
ing trouble with his serve while his less talented opponent, Jim
Ebbits, was sharp.
Despite Ross' problems he might have won the match out-
doors, because the slick surface on the basketball courts great-
ly favors a big serve and volley game. Other aspects of the game
tend to lose importance.
In addition, the shoddy shape of the nets, the baskets float-
ing over the court area, and poor lighting make the IM facility
totally inadequate for Big Ten play.
Most other Big Ten schools have indoor courts. Wis-
consin's Neilson Tennis Center has 12 courts covered. At
Iowa and Michigan State there are four and there are
others. Michigan has been conference title holder for nearly
every year in the last decade and a half, and next year with
the probable signing of several outstanding freshmen the
Wolverines could challenge for the NCAA crown. The IM
building just isn't enough.
The varsity has been practicing all term at night at the
Huron Valley Tennis Club in Dixboro, but transportation prob-
lems, rental fees and the change in study schedules don't make
that an ideal place either. Besides, it is not available to stu-
dents for use, and there is at least an equal need for indoor
courts for students and faculty as there is a need for them for
the tennis team.
An indoor facility would allow the expansion of a weak
intramural tennis program, and would allow the expansion of
instructional classes. Three would also be the possibility of
selting up a women's tennis program at a club level, and pos-
sibly a men's club level for those who are not quite up to var-
sity ability.
But as always the problem is money. Athletic Director Don
Canham and Varsity Coach Brian Eisner have been looking into
the costs and feasibility of several plans. One plan was to put
a bubble enclosure over the five courts adjacent to the IM
Building, but there have been vandalism problems at other
places where this has been done, and the cost would be about
There is no money for such an expenditure, according to
Canham, though, and the department is looking to "gifts" to
finance any building. Costs have also disposed of a plan for
a permanent steel enclosure over the courts - a project that
would cost around $450,000.
Canham thinks that the students might be able to fi-
nance a building themselves if they assess themselves a fee.
But this may be impractical. Not all students would be will-
ing to pay for tennis facilities even on a guaranteed refund
basis, since not all students would benefit.
And what about faculty? Perhaps they should contrib-
ute. This case, in one large way, is different than the stu-
dent bookstore. In the bookstore case, all students need
books, and a student bookstore has the tendency to keep
prices down in the privately owned stores as well. All stu-
dents benefit.
Something has to be done though, and even Canham sees
the acuteness of the need for indoor courts. He said:
"If I could borrow $400,000 to build a facility, I wouldn't
But he added that the chances for a new indoor facility in
the next couple of years are not very good. But there may
be some short run solution.
Yost Fieldhouse could have a new floor surface put in to
accommodate both tennis and basketball. This would be cheaper

than a new structure, although it would not solve the problem
of the joint demand for more basketball and tennis facilities.
The athletic department is looking into this possibility, and
should have some ideas about costs in a short time. I believe
that this solution would work out until more funds are found.
And I believe this plan to be necessary. A renovation
of Yost along with the installation of some new outdoor
courts - especially on North Campus - should be placed at
the top of the athletic department's priority list for next

By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE - Boog Powell's
opposite - field double, following
an intentional walk in the eighth,
drove in the tie-breaking run as
the Baltimore Orioles whipped the
Detroit Tigers 5-2 last night.
After Powell's hit down the left
field line put the Orioles ahead
3-2, Paul Blair rapped a two-run
single which chased Detroit start-
er Mickey Lolich, 1-1.
held to four hits through the
first six innings, Baltimore tied
the score 2-2 in the seventh on
consecutive doubles by Dave John-
son and Andy Etchebarren. It was
Johnson's third hit of the game
and the second run batted in forI
Consecutive singles by Blair,
Johnson and Etchebarren had
opened the scoring for Baltimore
in the second, and Lolich allowed
just one hit over the next five inn-
ings until the seventh.
Don Buford opened the winning
rally with an infield hit and a
sacrifice bunt, Brooks Robinson



badger bra
Mingori with one out in the ninth. duel between Carlton and GibsonI



was walked intentionally before
Powell connected on a 1-2 pitch.
A double by Ed Brinkman and.
a single by Aurelio Rodriguez, off
Baltimore starter Mike Cuellar
tied it for Detroit in the third, and
Willie Horton's run-scoring dou-
ble put the Tigers ahead in the
The winner was Doyle Alexan-
der, who hurled the final two inn-.

Mingori got the final two outs.
The Michigan lacrosse team
lost a heartbreaker to Notre
Dame last night, losing a sud-
den-death 6-5 decision. After
seemingly winning the game on
a goal by Don Holman, the refs
said no and the Irish scored
shortly after to win the game...
Buddy Bell had three his first

in the sixth inning when Willie
Montanez laced a triple into the
right field corner and scored on
Deron Johnson's single to center.
Although Gibson suffered the
defeat, he reached a milestone in
his great career when he struck
out five to move into fourth place
on the all-time list of major
league strikeout artists.
Bucs blast
PITTSBURGH - Bob Robert-
son's two-run homer triggered a
four-run rally in the eighth inn-
ing that carried the Pittsburgh Pi-
rates to a 5-2 victory over the Chi-
cago Cubs last night.
Robertson connected for hir
first home run of the season on
a 3-2 pitch from Juan Pizarro aft-
er Roberto Clemente opened the
inning with a dingle.

Sutton pitched a two-hitter and
Bill Buckner and Manny Mota
drove in the runs as the Los An-
geles Dodgers stopped the Atlanta
Braves 4-0 yesterday night.
Sutton, 2-0, allowed only a sec-
ond inning double to Rico Carty
and a bloop single by Marty Perez
in the third.
Phil Niekro, 0-2, pitched al-
most as brilliantly for the Braves
before being lifted after eight
innings. He retired 18 Dodgers in
a row after the first inning when
Los Angeles actually scored the

winning run on Maury Wills' lead-
off triple and a bouncer by Buck-

Major League hits and Tom Mc-
Indians inch Craw and Ray Fosse two each in
BOSTON - Gaylord Perry, a'the Indians' 10 - single attack
veteran of 10 National League against Boston's Marty Pattin and
campaigns, gained his first Amer- Luis Tiant.
ican League victory yesterday ads
when he pitched the Cleveland In-lu
dians to a 3-1 decision over the PHILADELPHIA - Left-hander
Boston Red Sox. Steve Carlton blanked his old St.
The 33-year-old Perry, acquired Louis teammates on three hits yes-
from the San Francisco Giants in terday night at the Philadelphia
a trade for Sam McDowell, check- Phillies beat the Cards ace Bob
ed the Red Sox on five hits, all Carlson, 1-0w
singles until relieved by Steve The Phillies broke a scoreless

Professional League Standings




W L Pet GB
Baltimore 3 1 .750
Detroit 2 1 .667 12
Cleveland 2 2 .500 1
New York 2 2 .500 1
Milwaukee 1 2 .333 p4
Boston 1 3 .250 2

W L Pet GB

New York
St, Louis


0 1.000 -
2 .600 1,
2 .500 1,
2 .500 1%
2 .333 2
4 .200 3

Celtics keep
hopes alive
BOSTON (A) - The Boston Cel-
tics, faced with virtual elimination
midway through the fourth per-
iod, rallied behind Jo Jo White
and Dave Cowens for a 115-109
victory over the New York Knicks
last night, keeping alive their
hopes in the National Basketball
Association's Eastern Division fi-
The Celtics, who lost the first
two games of the best-of-seven
series, built a 55-47 halftime lead
but then had tocomerfrom be-
hind in the final quarter.
Bill Bradley sparked a New
York comeback in the third per-
iod, scoring 14 points. The Knicks
maintained their advantage and
were ahead 96-92 midway through
the finale.
Then White hit on a basket and
Cowens banged a jump shot to
tie the score. Cowens followed
with a lefthanded hook shot and
a free throw, sending the Celtics
ahead to stay.
With the Knicks in foul trouble,
the Celtics played in cool the rest
of the way, and New York was
unable to close the gap although
Bradley pulled his teammates to
within one point, 103-102, with
just over four minutes remaining.


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