' t a Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must tie noted in all reprints. Pass-no entr y grading: Needed' now TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: ZACHARY SCHILLER Defending the indefensible BACK IN the mid 60's, when U.S. planes were making regular bombing runs over North Vietnam, we were told by our Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, that the administration's war policy of large scale aerial destruction was necessary to save' the lives of American troops fighting in the South and to obtain a successful con- clusion to the hostilities. Five years and thousands of American lives later, we are still hearing that same defense of bombing - a defense, in ef- feet, of the indefensible. In testimony yesterday before a meet- ing of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee, Secretary of State William Rod- gers stipulated that the renewed air and naval strikes against North Vietnam would protect Americans in the South, guarantee the continued withdrawal of American troops, and would give the South Vietnamese a chance to defend themselves against the "invasioh" by the North. It seems improbable that the current escalation will help to save American lives. On the contrary, with the toll of downed aircraft rising, the opposit would seem to be the case. As for Roger's claim that the with drawal of U.S. troops would be aided b the air strikes, it has been proven be fore, in Germany during World War I that heavy bombing raids, no matte what the target, have had strategic mili tary effect on the enemy. Raids may i fact increase the morale of those bein bombed. FINALLY, if it is necessary to bail ou the South Vietnamese army wit bombs every time the North Vietnames and the Viet Cong launch a major of fensive, American troops may nev leave Indochina. These ,arguments, of course, are base on the military disadvantages of bomb ing. There is, however, a more compel ling objection - an objection to th wholesale destruction of human being It is this argument, in the final analysi that makes a defense of the bombing hik in North Vietnam indefensible. -DAVID BURHENN' By RON ALPERN and STEVE WEISSMAN IN THEIR proposal for grading reform within the literary col- lege, the Curriculum Committee has made two very important statements. First, they have admitted that many people are disenchanted with current grading practices and that' a pass-no entry grading, in some form, represents an appropriate response. Second, they have realized that recorded failure is not a beneficial educational experience and there- fore has no legitimate place with- in the college. e The Curriculum Committee's re- sponse to the second problem is a suitable and ,logical one. Under - its proposal, a student who does y not pass a course simply has no - record of that course included on I his/her transcript and will not be r subject to repercussions for hav- ing tried and not succeeded. 1- However, it is the suggested n schema of pass - no entry grading g on an optional basis to which we wish to take issue. Psychology Prof. John Milhol- land, chairman of the Curriculum t Committee's subcommittee on h grading and co-author of the pro- se posal, described the subcommit- f- tee's points of reference concern- er ing grading as: -Concern over the growing abuse of grading by those students d and faculty who are disenchanted b- with current practices; and - -Recognition that certain types e of courses do not lend themselves s to traditional grading and that pass - no entry provides a m o r e s, feasible system. Ede The subcommittee, however, has begged a very major question: Do current grading practices have a positive effect on the learning ex- perience? is to place the student in double jeopardy, in which the eventual outcome will be the subversion of the non-graded alternative. On one hand, the student desires to create a new relationship towards learning that is devoid of the ob- stacles of grading. On the other hand the scudent has legitimate fear of an institu- tional process that chooses to place more value upon an A or B than upon a pass. In such a situation of extremely unequal competition be- tween the graded and 'non-graded track, the student's desires con- cerning learning may mournfully be sacrificed to the system that still encourages grading. Other serious defects permeate the proposal of the Curriculum Committee. The options presented to students are of no value. ' The changing of a grade in the Regis- trar's Office does not alter the ef- fect of grading in classroom com- petition or upon one's learning. Also, there is every indicatio-h that under this plan, faculty who have become dependent upon grad- ing will continue to, do so. In gad- dition, this proposal still recogniz- es grading as a legitimate process. Fourth, students wishing to take courses on a pass/no entry basis will still be placed-if situations in which it is easier to let slide a course graded in such a manner in order to achieve the omnipotent A in a graded class. And finally, the passage of a counter-productive and misleading proposal such as this would endanger future at- tempts at real change concerning grading. Ron Alpern and Steve Weiss- man are members of the Com- mittee on the Underclass Et- perience. New VP for research CHEMISTRY Prof. Charles Overberger's appointment as vice president for re- search is certainly consistent with Uni- versity policy., In fact, the appointment bears a strik- ing resemblance to last fall's Supreme Court nominations of Justices Richard Rehnquist and Lewis Powell. The research post, like the Supreme Court positions, is surrounded with con- troversy. Instead of appointing liberals, President Nixon appointed two conserva- tive, "strict constructionists" to the court. President Fleming appointed an apologist ALAN LENHOFF Editor Editorial Stafff SARA FITZGERALD................Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS.................Editorial Director CARLA RAPOPORT............... Executive Editor ROBERT SCHREINER. .............News Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN................ Feature Editor PAT BAUER..............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY.......Editorial Page Editor MARK DILLEN.................Editorial Page Editor ARTHUR LERNER ... ....Editorial Page Editor PAUL TRAVIS..........................Arts Editor GLORIA JANE SMITH...... ... Associate Arts Editor JONATHAN MILLER..........Special Features Editor TERRY McCARTHY .............Photography Editor ROBERT CONROW ......................Books Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller. COPY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, John Mitchell, Tony Schwartz, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Mary Kramer, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Rebecca Warner, Marcia Zoslaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Mark Allshouse, Susan Brown, Janet Gordon, Meryl Gordon, Scott Gordon, Lorin Labardee, Dfane Levick, Jean McGuire, Jim O'Brien, Martin Porter, Marilyn Riley, Linda Rosen- thal, Marty Stern, Doris waltz. ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Dan Biddle, John Glan- cey, Nancy Hackmaier, Cindy Hill, Jim Kentch, John Marston, Nancy Rosenbaum, Paul Ruskin, Ralph Vartabedilan. for classified research to the vice presi- dency. Unlike some arch-conservatives and classified research proponents, however, all three appointees are fine distinguish- ed scholars. What can one say about their appointments then? Certainly not that they are unqualified. Nevertheless, d e s p i t e Overberger's scholastic pre-emihence he is not the sort of person who should head a University research network at this time. OVERBERGER has recommended that the duties of the research vice presi- dent be expanded at a time when most of the University community has demon- strated its belief that outside research -since that is what comprises most clas- sified and proprietary research - should be curtailed. Overberger was notably not among those who actively sought to alter the University's virtually open-armed wel- come for classified research. Another matter of concern. is the sec- recy which enshrouded Overberger's ap- pointment. There was a student-faculty search committee for the student serv- ices vice president, a post near the bot- tom among University vice president. But for the higher paying,, more prestigious research post the appointing procedure was conducted in private. There is no question that Overberger will execute the duties of his office, as he sees fit, with great skill and competence. BUT THE question is }whether those du- ties are the ones to be executed at all, especially by someone who would main- tain war research at this University. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN THE STUDENTS and faculty of the Committee on the Underclass Experience (CUE), undertook the task of answering this question. The fruits of almost one year's research indicate that grading practices are, indeed, counterpro- ductive to a good learning exper- ience. The results of CUE'S endeavors on grading were presented to the Curriculum Committee on March 13 and 20. They read in part: S Grading fails to adequately and accurately report evaluation of the student. * 0 Grading fails to encourage an internal motivation to learn on the part of the student. -Grading discourages intellec- tual exploration and experimenta- tion. -Grading fosters student cynic- ism about the educational process. -Grading can be assumed to motivate behavior in pursuit of high grades but it cannot be as- sumed to motivate learning. * Grading interfere's with heal- thy intellectual relationships among students and faculty. -Grading leads students to per- ceive faculty as obstacles to be worked around in pursuit of high grades. -Grading leads students to see faculty as judges rather than as intellectual colleagues. -Grading fosters a competition among students which is dysfunc- tional. * Crades are not accurate indi- cators of future achievement and success. -Grades in college are poor ,in- dicators of success in graduate school. -Grades in college are poor pre- dictors of job success. -Despite their lack of predictive value, grades are presentiy used in making decisions about grad- uate student admissions. * Grading may actually be de- trimental to the upward social mo- bility of women, blacks, and other minority groups. with these considerations in mind, it becomes evident that no modification of the A-E scheme will eliminate the damaging ef- fects of grading. Attention must be focused upon the manner in which grading may be replaced by a coherent, non-graded environ- ment which complements t r u e learning. GIVEN THAT graduate schools continue to put emphasis u p o n grades, although the degree of im- portance does vary, and that some faculty members find grading a viable process, CUE has advocat- ed reforms in the attempt to create a coherent, non-graded en- vironment for the first and second years of the literary college exper- ience. The recommendations are: " Grading in all 100 and 200 level courses, and in all other courses which departments recog- nize as introductory courses large- ly intended for underclass s t u r dents, should be on a pass - no entry basis. A student fulfilling the requirements for such a course should have a 'pass' recorded on her/his transcript. 0 An instructor in a course numbered above 299 will be in- formed of the grading system elected by each student. If a stu- dent elects pass - no entry, she/he will be graded pass by the in- structor if the student fulfills the requirements of the, course as stipulated by the instructor at the beginning of the course and there should be no entry if the student fails to do so. Recognizing the distinction be- tween "grading" and "evaluation", faculty timembers should continue to use traditional methods of eval- uation when they see fit. How- ever, feedback and evaluation methods more appropriate to the non-graded environment should be developed, tried rout, shared, and evaluated. Faculty and/or faculty- student workshops should be con- ducted on traditional and alterna- tive fnethods of evaluation a n d feedback on student and faculty performance. Thus, CUE advocates the crea- tion of a coherent, non-graded at- mosphere for the first two years in LS&A. Such a position does not prevent the eventual transition to a non-graded experience that would involve all four years. Yet, the Curriculum Committee did not establish the gradual elimi- nation of grading as its goal. In its meetings with members of CUE on March 13 and 20, members of the subcommittee on grading assert- ed that grading was appropriate in some situations. Thus, these members of the Curriculum Committee propose a scheme of options under which students and faculty would sup- posedly choose which course;would or would not be graded,. Faculty would have the ultimate decision to offer the course on a graded (A-D - no entry) or pass - no en- try basis. Students in a graded course would have only the option of having the Office of the Regis- trar record a grade as a pass. However, to, subcommittee mem- ber Psychology Prof. John Atkin- son, such "sweeping proposals" are in reality quite harmless. At one meeting, Prof. Atkinson said that any student who has ambi- tions for future success (graduate and professional schools) will opt for the conventional grading Classified research:j It oes on and on By MICHAEL KNOX O MANY MEMBERS of the University the issue of classified, re- search may appear to be settled; the Willow Run Laboratories are being disassociated from the University, the ineffectual Classified Research Committee is being phased out, and the Regents have established a new committee to review secret research. Yet, despite the illusion that Michigan is "winding down" its classi- fied research machine, war research continues to flourish here not only at Willow Run but even in such seemingly innocuous places as the Highway Safety Research Institute. While some campus groups are focusing attention on localedefense industries, the University of Michigan continues, to make its significant contribution to the war technology which allows the United States to wage war against the Vietnamese people./ Despite recent revisions in the Classified Research Plicy, the old Classified Research Committee will continue to review over ninety per cent of all secret research proposals, at least for the remainder of 1972, Only a small fraction of proposals, those for units other than Willow Run, will pass before the Regent's new committee. And, despite the Regents' commitment to end the Universiy's connection with the Willow Run Laboratories, the University continues to enter into Classi- fied Research contracts, many of which have durations ,extening beyond the end of this year. Since these contracts are between various Defense Department agencies and the University itself, it seems probable that the classified research establishment may be. attempting to cement its relationship with the University so that the ties cannot be easily broken. IF THE UNIVERSITY'S actual intent is to rid itself of these laboratories it is difficult to see how it can justify continuing to send in proposals and continuing toenter into binding conracts to conduct secret military research. The most recent edition of the Office of Research Administration's "Reporter" shows a substantial increase- in classified research con- tracts for every year since the Regents adopted a policy on such research in 1968. This bulletin, in its "Grants received and contracts executed" sec- tion, listed eight classified research contracts totaling over one million dollars for the last report month. It is even more distressing to learn that since my resignation, from the Classified Research Committee only one year ago, the Uni- versity has entered into sixty-five new classified contracts with total funding close to seven million dollars. THIS TYPE of criminal endeavor cannot be tolerated; we must continue to explore ways, to insure that war research will cease. Michael Knox is a graduate student in psychology and was a inem- ber of the Senate Assembly Classified Research Committee in 1970-71. scheme rather than pass - no en- try arrangements. IT FOLLOWS FROM this ihat only students who lack the motiva- tion for graduate school w o u 1d voluntarily take a course pass - no entry and "jeopardize" their future success. The implications of this argument are quite clean and include the development of two castes - those who submit to grades in order to gain entry into professional tracks and those who refuse to opt for grades and are left to bemoan their "irrational" decisions. The disastrous consequences of such a caste system, fraudulently based upon "freedom of options" I$.. Letters o e ally ,ye ". r "- rI r,9 ,-. I' 1 t " Athletics To The Daily: IT IS with interest that we read Prof. Easter's remarks concern- ing the atheltic department. It ap- pears that sufficient money is now made to contemplate a million dol- lar sadium renovation. And yet the Faculty Senate last year directed its members on the Board-in-Control of Intercollegiate Athletics to us6 the surplus for a new recreational building. But is the athletic department really as insensitive as they ap- pear to the needs of the University community? In order to save mon- ey to build this recreational build- ing, they rightly intend to cut out scholarships to the minor varsity sports and put them on a need basis (but not until all Big Ten schools agree though). They will then bastardize the good name of student-run sports by calling them club sports ! They should also cut out all the unnecessary cost of recruiting and over-staffed coaching, and t h e needless traveling expenses. The money saved should also be set aside for our new recreational building, which is needed urgent- ly by the students, faculty a n d staff. The danger is that the money will be used to put the existing genuine amateur club sports on a minor varsity level. This should be opposed rigorously. It is h i g h time that the "academic" com- munity controls the professional sports activities, before this creeping canhanism makes all genuine club sports into varsity sports. Only this week end the motel ex- penses of over $100 of one such club sport were picked up by the afhlafi rnamnf uh--ainn Letter in .Support of Josh McDowell creational building. We look to the faculty members .on the Board-in- Control to make sure that this is a precept that is accepted by the reluctant Athletic Department. - -D. F. R. Mildner April 17 SGC and OSS To the Daily: THE EDITORIAL by Tammy Jacobs a few days ago concludes that because SGC seems unable to' institute a competent appoint' ment policy to the OSS Policy Board the members of thatboard should be directly elected by the students at large. In my campaign last Fall for SGC, I carried this logic one step further: Stripped of its powers to appoint members to the board, why do we need SGC? The students on OSSPB should be' elected and SGC should be abolished. We need less politics and more action. -Phil Cherner, '72 April 13 The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any, one who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. -, +if*s NOW* P To The Daily: IT IS unfortunate that a paper so seemingly dedicated to the abolition of prejudice and dis- crimination should demonstrate such an appal- ling prejudice in its own reporting. I refer to The Daily's reporting on the recent visit of Josh McDowell to this campus. -The only space Josh's suggestions for social reform made was an editorial (Daily, April 13) by Mr. Marty Porter. It is a well known fact in debating that when a person is unable to criticize another man's ar- guments he often resorts to ridiculing his de- livery and style. Mr. Porter commits this same. error. He not only knocks such "pertinent" items as Josh's haircut and bluejeans, but by lifting quotes out of context he suggests that Josh's style is a front or public image behind which lurks a deceptive "Fuller brush man." At the crux of Porter's criticism was the charge that the titles for Josh's lectures and the pub- licity for them were "deceptive". He never once said specifically how they were misleading or in- acurate. F "Prnrhpovev - What You Don't relationships between men and women. Porter im- plied that the lecture was unsuccessful because Josh "did not offer hints on how to achieve a triple orgasm". That is because the theme of the lecture was that maximum sex is achieved through maximum personal relationships - NOT maximum techniques. Porter concludes by saying that "Josh's mes- sage is not exactly suitable for refutation." Why not? Could it be that all of the complaints about "maximum publicity" are a smokescreen to cloud the issue that Josh presented? Porter quoted one negative student to misrepre- sent the positive response to Josh. Out of 800 comment cards fully 95 per cent were positive! PORTER EVEN overlooked the fact that Josh drew over six times as many students, on the Diag as a war protest did the following day. This highlights the fact that the student movement for social change has lost a lot of steam over the last couple of years. That fact does not, however, nullify the need or urgency for constructive changes. Unless Por- 4 I