Poll r
A comprehensive survey of LSA
students released yesterday shows
widespread dissatisfaction with
present distribution requirements
and a strong student desire to par-
ticipate in a variety of alternative
learning structures.
Eight thousand copies of the
report, directed by John Revitte,
'72, a member of the Committee on
the Undergraduate Experience
(CUE) and sponsored by the Dean
and Executive Committee of LSA
are being distributed campus-wide.
In broad terms, the survey indi-
cated that:
-The institution of the Bache-
lor of' General Studies (B.G.S.)
degree and of isolated experimen-
tal programs like the Residential
College have not fully satisfied
student desire for more academic
options and greater experimenta-
-Students strongly favor guide-
lines rather than requirements in
the areas of foreign language.
course distribution and English
-Strong student interest exists
in making available alternative
academic structures and consider-
able, though less interest in actual
participation in the programs.
-Students were motivated in
extraordinarily high numbers -
both by the potential importance
of the study and by the rigorous
method used in following up the
survey, to spend considerable time
filling out and returning the de-
tailed questionnaire.
Of those contacted, 78 per cent
returned completed surveys for a
total sample of 707 students. The
samples were chosen by picking
every fifteenth name from alpha-
betically-ordered class lists and
every fifth name from the smaller
available samples in the Residen-
tial College and Pilot Program.
John Revitte, the project's di-
rector, said the results indicate
that "above and beyond student
dissatisfaction with present re-
quirements, they also seem to be
questioning just which areas
should have recommended guide-
"It also clearly shows students'
desire and willingness to become
involved in their own education,"
Revitte said. "Students spent a
long time filling out the question-
naire, and proved they were in-
terested in participating in an
area that is truly effecting their
LSA Dean Frank Rhodes, said
yesterday that "The Executive
Committee helped finance the re-
port because they want to know
what students think. The answer
is clear: they want more options."
"They want choice in the varie-
ty of language experience, in off-
campus learning and in clusters
of courses taken together, and at
least some of these options may
be very expensive."
"It is much too early to make
judgements," Rhodes added. "We
want to review the possibilities
without making o v e r n i g h t
In the area of foreign languages,
89 per cent of those questioned
said there should be modification
of or an end to the present policy.
Students were given an option
between the present policy and
two -possible modifications in each
question area. In the language
section, nearly half said that \the
number of options should be in-
creased to include "courses in for-
eign cultures, linguistics, mathe-
matics and communications."
Strong student support was also
expressed for faculty "guidelines"
as a substitute for the present re-
In response to questions about
See LSA, Page 12
AN UNDERGRADUATE student peruses the stacks at the UGLI.
See Editorial Page
Continued warm,
Vol. LXXXII, No. 152
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 18, 1972
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
votes down
strike (
-Daily-Terry MCuartny
A STUDENT walks past the newly installed modern-style
railings in Angell Hall.
H i
Hand rails in Angel
opposed byfaculty
What happens if somone's abstract conception of safety
leads to "the requirement of unnecessary and unsightly stair
railings within a room of great beauty and historic importance
for the University community"?
This is the question that a few University professors have
asked the administration to solve.
Over a year ago, the state Department of Labor cited the
University for, among other things, failing to provide adequate
hand rails in the foyer of Angell Hall. Due to a recent admin-
istrative directive of the state, stairways over 88 inches wide
in buildings where state employes work must have at least
three sets of hand rails.
Installation of the newly acquired foyer hand rails began early
last January. However, work halted almost at once because of
minor vandalism. Profs. Orsamus Pearl, Greda Seligson and
Bruce Frier, all of the Classics Department, meanwhile had
instigated a protest that finally resulted in a petition from the
Classics Department to the Dean's office of LSA. In the interim,
work on the railings remained suspended.
See FACULTY, Page 7
The City Council last night
defeated by a 9-2 vote a. Hu-'
man Rights Party (HRP) res-
olution which asked that city
services be denied to "any in-
dividual or organization en-
gaged in the development or!
manufacturing of products;
applicable to the air war in
Southeast Asia or to the elec-
tronic battlefield."
At the same meeting, council
passed first readings of two mo-
tions drastically reducing the pen-
alties for conviction ofthe posses-
sion of marijuana. Motions by
Jerry De Grieck (HRP-First
Ward) and Robert Faber (D-Sec-
ond Ward), the first lowering the
penalty to a 25 cent fine and the
second to an $11 fine, both passed
by votes of 6-5.
There will be public hearings on
the ordinances on May 8.
Passage of the anti-war measure
would have only meant that the
question would be discussed in a
public hearing. Only representa-
tives De Grieck and Nancy Wechs-
ler (HRP-Second Ward) voted in
favor of the resolution.
The council did, however, de-
cide to'hold hearings on the sub-
ject of what actions could legally
be taken on the local level to end
the war.
Mayor Robert Harris described
the measure as both unconstitu-
tional and totalitarian.
to get an absentee ballot before
you leave Ann Arbor for the
summer. Otherwise, you could
miss voting in the May presi-
dential primary,' the June
school board elections and the
August primary for state and
,ounty offices. You can fill out
applications for absentee bal-
lots in the Fishbowl this week,
"What this measure would
mean," said Harris, "is that any
person who works for a corpora-
tion involved in war production, no
matter what level, would be de-
nied basic constitutional rights. He
could not call the fire department
if his house was on fire, call the
police if he were robbed, or com-
plain to the city if he felt he was,
being discriminated against."
The National Student Associa-
tion (NSA) is asking for a na-
tionwide strike of students Friday
to protest the stepped-up bombing
over North Vietnam.
While NSA called for the strike,
students on campuses across the
nation and anti-war groups pro-
tested the bombings.
NSA, in a four point call, is ask-
ing for a halt to the bombing, a
denunciation of South Vietnamese
President Nguyen Van Thieu, the
withdrawal of all American troops,
and a return to the Paris peace
talks to negotiate an end to the
fighting in Indochina.
A spokeswoman at NSA said
that the day will be usedato plan
student mobilization for a whole
new "spring offensive" against the
war. May 4 was also mentioned as
a date for regional demonstra-
tions. That day will mark the sec-
ond anniversary of the killings at
Kent State University in 1970,
where students were protesting
the invasion of Cambodia.
Meanwhile, across the state and
the nation, rallies and marches
marked growing opposition to the
bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong.
About 14 demonstrators protest-
ing the aerial bombardment in
Vietnam were arrested last night
when they refused to leave Sen.
Robert Griffin's (R-Mich) office
in the Detroit Federal Building.
An official said they would be
charged with trespassing.
The group began the sit-in
about 10ga.m. yesterday, and re-
fused to leave before Sen. Griffin
met three demands: to ask the
Senate to censure President Nixon
for ordering the bombing escala-
tion; to call for a renewal of the
Paris peace talks; and to ask for
an end to the bombing.
Sen. Griffin was in Washington
at the time.
The Vietnam Veterans Against
the War (VVAW) announced yes-
terday the start of a two-day anti-
bombing protest outside federal
offices in 13 outstate state com-
See PROTESTS, Page 12
Nixon acts
Special To The Daily
ing that the United States,
"has no intention of permit-
ting South Vietnam to be tak-
en over by force," Secretary of
State William Rogers pledged
all out support for the Thieu
regime in testimony before
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee here yesterday.
The Committee then voted 9-1 to
submit to the full Senates meas-
ure ending fiscal allocations for
Vietnamese military assistance by
Dec. 31.
Under openly hostile question-
ing from committee chairman
Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark),
as well as from other committee
members, Rogers indicated that
bombing of whiat he called "mili-
tary targets" in North Vietnam
will continue until the present
Communist offensive either ends
or "is repelled."
As long as Communist forces in
South Vietnam are getting sup-
plies from the North, Rogers
maintained, "we will think that
we have the right to -and will
continue to - bomb military
targets in North Vietnam."
The testimony was given in a
Senate committee room crowded to
capacity with members of the press
and about 50 of the well-over-100;
spectators who had stood in line
seeking a seat at the hearings.
Discussing the suspended Paris
peace talks, Rogers said the U.S.
1"has not detected any serious pur-
pose at all" on the part of the
Communists, and he accused them
of using the talks for "propaganda
The talks will not resume "un-
less we detect a serious purpose,"
Rogers continued, adding a further
stipulation that the Communist of-
fensive must be determinated or
beaten back before negotiations
See ROGERS, Page 12
.-Dail-Sara Kruwich
A PUZZLED Mayor Robert Harris (left) confronts a group of demonstrators outside his office yes-
terday. Around 400 persons marched/to City Hall a fter a rally on the Diag in protest of the re-escala-
tion of the Indochina war.
400demonstrate heref
protest of
e After seven weeks of picketing,
five arrests, and, a number of
doubtfully legal management uro-
cedures, the strike against the
Commission on Hospital and Pro-
fessional Practices (CPHA) re-
mains at a standstill.
Although strike action has cen-
4 tered around the issue of a union
shop, strikers are in fact involved
in working out the first employe-
management contract in the his-
tory of the hospital records cor-
argai ning at standstill
An anti-war rally on the Diag
in protest of the escalated air
war in Vietnam' attracted an
estimated 400 supporters yester-
day. The demonstrators also
marched on the local Air Force
recruiter and then to City Hall
where they spoke with Mayor
Robert Harris.
The noon rally was co-spon-
sored by People Against the Air
War (PAAW), and Vietnam Vet-
erans Against the War (VVAW).
Mike Lewis of VVAW spoke to
the large crowd and appealed,
"We mightgetsome consensus
of the people here as to what to
do to stop the air war in Indo-
After suggesting himself that
they occupy the local Air Force
recruiting station, the crowd
marched en masse to the office!
on Washington St., where they
were turned away by locked
doors. The group then marched
to City Hall with the intention.
of occupying city offices and
speaking directly with Harris.
A group of approximately 150
people entered City Hall under
the glaring eyes of the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department, located
in the same building.
After a lengthy delay, the
group finally saw Ha rris and
fivrd numni hc rmti, c en
protestors and Harris, although
m u r m u r s of "slimy liberal"
whispered through the packed
Lewis, a leader of the march,
when asked of the validity of
mass political protest in light
of repeated failures to change
Administration policy in the past
said, "Mass protest at least
makes people aware. This march
'on the Air Force recruiter)
has nothing to do with local or-
Raids on N. Viet cities go on,
Russia protests damaged ships
tir war-
dinances. It is a moral prin-
ciple; it has nothing to do with
the police:"
Several other speakers at the
Diag rally appealed to students
for support. Psychology Prof.
Dick Mann appealed for a mass
telephone campaign to William
Westmoreland, Army Chief of
Staff, Henry Kissinger, presi-
dential advisor, and other top
are given a 30 to 90 day waiting
period after which they must join
the union to continue working.
Strikers feel the union shop is
crucial to the union's survival.
"We feel that the company is go-
ing to try to break the union,"
Shapiro said. He said "concrete
protection" of the union is the
union shop's only purpose, and
that without a union shop the
company could use hiring, promo-
tion and firing to discriminate
against union members.
At present, CPHA gives no
From Wire Service Reports
U.S. B52s thundered over Hanoi
and Haiphong again yesterday in
the second day of the heaviest
bombardment of North Vietnam
of the war.
Official U.S. sources said last
night that strikes against the
cities wilt be continued unless the
Communist offensive in the Soutb'
is ended.
Fighting on all fronts in the
Communist offensive was light
as this new phase - massive air
strikes deep into North Vietna-
If . $ -
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