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April 17, 1972 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-17

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An Editorial...

U. S., World Reaction Critcal

President Nixon's decision to init-
iate massive air attacks against targets
in Hanoi and Haiphong is simply the
latest chapter in a long history of an
arrogant and often inhumane Ameri-
can policy in Southeast Asia.
Despite Nixon's promises so end
the war and bring American troops
home, he has continoed to provide
massive military sopport for the lee-
bie Saigon forees--justifying his ac-
tions hy stating we most preserve the
Thieo regime at all costs.
It is clear that Vietnamization has
been an utter failure. Withoot mass-
ive U.S. military assistaice-both on
the grottnd and in the air--ARVN is
soire to soffer devastating defeats at the
the- hands of the V iet Cong and the
Nco th Vietnamese.

The result has been that while Am-
erican troop withdrawals continue --as
Nixon continctes to look for re-elec-
tion insurance-the American bomb-
ing of Communist positions and cities
hsas been proportionately increased to
fill the void.
But what is this regime that we arc
working so hard to defend?
Thieu, who won re-election last
October in a rigged, one-man contcst,
has been a severe diettomr.lie sas
lied to both his aslies and his couintry-
men. whtile censoring the press and ig-
ncoring te corruption w ithtin ltts guy-
erntment-which ranges f rum involve-
ment in Indochinese narcoties traffic.
to profiting from hlick inarket sales
of hijacked U.S. supplies.
Aitel while Ntxoii publicly deetes
that lhe subscribes to thc so-calied

'domino theory" of tihe cold wari al-
armists, the only juistification lie itas
given for the Tihieu regime is thit it is
stauinchly anti-C ommuinist.
What is implicit in teex-panded
bombing is that it eUsited States is
willing tio annihilate -in Intieleiitese
country for tweo senseless piuiposes:
To save te U.S. fruitsaihumiiiating
defeat ini a war it cannot yritsl(tilthsie
groiind, and to protect a Itrieindly
We view titis latest ecaleai tions ef
te war as typical of te snosvballinti
irratiotnality cof American foreigrn pol-
icy inite Thsird World. tnthset we
fear thsat if' these polieies ire alhowed
to constinue eunimpeeleed, tile ireult
miay tel be te use of tictical sic-
lear sveapons and/utrite tiotades-
truettion uf Inedochina tihtoughliceoi-
tiiuedcicinleittisnal buttshinis.
We tlhcelefre holce e riediys siip-
por-t, 11d 1utr-e vUni s rlip It i tn Ils.
OH ii r w11- thai t iiuneitileds sill he
ol-gaii/tcl tacrssthe citinitrv itst
We aik vost iisciitiittos c rd ind to
ai swiarliteli its alieadcictiitedcithe
live-s itftmore th lad 0,d00 iit cuns.
anisuiitisraciitialt cltit i i ttnent-
tire yettert titia Of \iiitn ese netn.
WsC Ciliil on litttt011 ItS ItsOuir
ouirae ocver the expas iont otft te Amit
ericanin iterIvenit tinits1ndtcheintsa tnd
to ifrmlsrttthe goverisnment fircicully
haitte Atmericaitspeopile wtillnttotit-
eratc a rc-pi layiflte ciiastrouts polic-
ies Ifirst ftili tie cib1 thei le I titsctt11 iii-
-the Sceitior Flbitosue
Owing to production problems,
this special issue bf The Mich-
igan Daily could not be printed
in The Daily shop. The Daily
therefore wishes to thank the
Rainbow People's Party and
the University Cellas- employe-
for their help in bringing you
this extra edition.

Sr tihe AissociatedIPres
Nationtal antd internsationtal lead-
ers yesterday blasted Presideist Nix-
oil's order stlsomts Hansoi antdether
North Vietnamtsse sites. attd several
itsed at possible actieot by Cosigress
or te Uttited Nationts to stop te
Sen. Edmuniid Muskie, Deisoeratic pres-
idetiai aspirant frttn Maiine, said lie woetld
inritrdcice a Seitate r esoluitioto iday tailing
fr an intmediate eiiitoi"all American mil-
ntary activity, whether lans, ted 0r dir,
againtis the ierritiory cof Ncrths Vietnaim."
Meanile, Nixont watched tse Apolci
its is toftflonteilevisiontatsd vticcd best
wishes tothue crew iemserei He cotiinued
ts mtaintains a 110o(cmitent"staitce otilhe
weekend bsomtbingts wticht lie tat ordered
river SHaiphtittg itid Hanti.
iektrr's oricrtilNewChiSa-iNewsAgencre
reported that Pir ouItrat n-tar vs Cterdas
commentedi thriatte Crrnidstte5s ats ertarked
se-ai to r ir tetoldtrickef atr atscalattirir."ilChou
sadtirebornii, tiltnnts revealI territd
S tts'r"waknrrcads avrage rature.
tentateSIMajorrnit L titerStikeStMansf ilto
Mottaatttet rotecttt tirePeopie'siRcptlitc 1
Cinar I hree-weektt cvisittsidtlyestetdayrtht
tire btormti-intttulti er-- itthie itarr-rndilhurt
te diplratirrissibittierstrf is rp
Thetarnrrraisalsoi drew istrorrgacrititcistromIri
liortoteI otinin tisitvltie Inst ritrirt anti
_asic litrean llrsstrof ro itlt .toliritlas i sh tl-
Anoirstiatetiissuetdibyii ass tire Soiet
"Soitppesi ii ritits triitcdrmn tese 1.
acit frgressin inVitnali.til
ai forcets ii il tetiro fIndicinthe lttresumtion
ofi rrrds ioitetcrtrirv t ofltthiDemocratilt Re-
pbicio itVietnm'Wigton's deistin toiniiter-
rupt idefinaiteitlyteiarits Iticksalt tis is ir ir-
met io t estriing of' Itilnt'tedSttes
iiiar a peacefu ltliltent i thtat arca.I
"Norfalse txtcanconcealtu heIct thtin
IrilittereIs atcttinuatttion arid expansrino
t crimesfthe Amitesrcantt mil itrary dareist tire
peoiples ofIndotltcina.rThtiis tannotnbSttleaito
still g rtt compilitilnothercituoalt i itIdo
cin tridr ofi thitealcriolsituslratrin asa
ii unithliltstatlt cli clidt a
Offiasc tt ii i t that tlrefreceto
ferretithstisaicteilente at ae seen lrirrting.
thatI Nixns 5schldis i tlloiRCussia liltMSi
In Ptisitp Xtuan h edo h ot it
namrese deeration to tliltninnstaliltedipeaItttalks
sai hisitrtoup itoulrie.tutdy" its demtandthliat
th eta ion e resumed.rt Byitsemcic acts
of \ rr teNitxtn adminirrstrationr hrstopcnre-
veldits -aggrressiv'eatre and tits Isarbrarityih
Ihe taks itavc brenistallt itc MactSrchr 21
tvenit. ii1 5Armbassitdor 'i th Preri idh
wuditt ratori sr threorthrietnmdir
an it('il,,ri tt 'theyterit ready5 Str teriou
PrsdnilasiraniiItSen.Cenre McSern
step puthecr awItaytr tr theee Nisortmad
fourryears aeroltriathe tplanned tilot tsresaltt
srar Sut t ingrreit to n led."

A SOUTH VIETN AMESE SOLDIER yesterday evacuates the area where
an ammussition dump had blown up. The dump, at Lai Khe, was ig-
nited by a blast of undetermined cause. The ammunition had been in-
tended for South Vietnamese airborne troops recently airlifted into
An Loc, 10 miles further up Highway 13.
Sen. Hubrert iinmphrey 1(D--Miee.) sriirnfy and approvedi sohateoer action is necessary in de-
tlasted tireasnacks. "I soatrdthrope twedlake this deed the ireaith trod saeiy..od the sAmerican ser-
case-tire regression tndtirerehale bursiness-tlo vicemee stltledt trere in Vietnam."
tire Secrrritydounecil ridtSe Coiled Nariloos." Maor Sam Yoriy ad Las Angeles sald of ihe
bomb~ine,"It tons a very eourageous act. I hope
Alabarma Ono. deorge Stallace, trhoever, said President Nison wili pa directly in the American
ire rwouldtri pass ju deentr ro ihelbaombing. people anti ask for their suppori in Ihis action to
lit saidhI tavo red "aur 1ontinued witrdrawral," slopdCormunrnist agerestron.
Eighty-mole years of editorial f reedomn
tited and managed by students as the Univernity af Michigan
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phane: 764-055.2
Editnrials printed in'The Michigan Doily expreis the individruai opinions o staff wriers
or the editors. This must b noted in ali reprints.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

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