:r 0 4 g A I F * if * * .1 t I A .r "I 4' " r - Gangs ters and Godfathers ALDRIDGE'S 'DEVIL IN THE FIRE' Countryof the Old? (Continued from Page 9) the Prohibition retreads. Ex- cept for rare appearances, the blazing robbers of the post-Pro- hibition 30s had been banished from the screen. Now, with the Code dying and nostalgia in vogue the public saw a whole cycle of film limn the careers of the couniry-s legendary bad- men (]Raby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kel- ly, Young Lillinger. Theirs was a different kind of crime than the racketeer's or soldier's or schemer's. The gang operated spontaneously but it was not ad hoc as it was in the heist movies. More mobile than its predeocessors, it shifted its headquarters from the board room of the Prohibition boss to the automobile, and its field of operations from the city to rural outposts in the West and Mid- west Most of all, its members were rural-based native Ameri- cans, folks seemingly more in the cowboy tradition than in the immigrant tradition of the old gangster films. It is remarkable, then, t h a t even after all the gangster's various incarnations a kind of internal chronology binds all of these films together -- f r o m Underworld to Bonnie and Clyde, from the racketeer to the footloose bandit. The boss rises to the top only to get bumped off, or he survives only to escape from piison and get hunted down by the, G-men, or he carries on as before within a Syndicate only to get squeez- ed by the aggressive DA. All of these disruptions have brok- en the gang's social structure so that by the 40s it remains only a shadow of its former self, Consequently, with Walsh's Roaring 20s, the boss goes into hibernation and the attention turns to the ex-con and "sold- ier." the disillusioned men who do the gang's dirty work. After the war the bosses resurface in the expose film, while the heist film concentrates on the "sol- dier," this time with a gang of his own. The bandits, zoom- ing around the country and ad- libbing hold-ups, signify t h e widespread breakdown of the olci Organization. Short-cutting the traditional process, they live and die without ever rising to the top. In the Western the internal chronology is fairly obvious. Time passes. The rugged land is settled and a community is built. Individualism dies. The light- ning.-quick young gunfighter becomes Gregory Peck's G u n- fighter, the band of outlaws be- comes the Wild Bunch, the in- dependent saloon-keeper be- comes Warren Beatty's McCabe. The chronology of the gangster film, though, gets obscured by a number of things. First, unlike the Western, the gangster pic- ture is usually contemporary in setting; it changes as we change. Second, the gangster picture shifts from one type of criminal organization to ano- ther, and within each organiza- tion, from one stratum to ano- ther. Third, and this is illustrat- ed by the WASP heroes of the nomadic nostaligia films, there has been an assimilation of type: the jump from Robinson to Bogart to Widmark to Mar- vin is a jump from, the first generation American to the full- blooded WASP. Consider h o w silly Robinson. Cagney and Bo- gart (the last two seen in The Oklahoma Kid ) look on hors- es, Then compare them to Wid- mark and Marvin, who seem rig:ht at home on the range, and you'll see how interchangeable the types have become over the years. There is still another, rather obvious, element that obscures the chronology. Since most gangster film are contempor- ary, the nostalgia picture seems to bolt out of nowhere, a chron- ological misfit. This is due in large part to the previously meointned mentioned fact that the glamor- ous outlaws of the 30s were exil- ed from the screen; but the ab- sence and sudden appearance doesn't mean that the historical chain is snapped. Out of place in time and setting, the nomads are nonetheless very much a part of the 60s in their values, and few would deny that t h e young hellions drifting from bank to bank in Bonnie and Clyde mirror .our own drift, or that their foolish gunplay mir- rors our own foolish violence, es- pecially in Viet Nam. Bonnie and Clyde, for better or worse, are children of our time, and they continue the progression of values in the genre. In the same way that Penn's film fits, Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather fits neatly in, or per- haps I should say above, gang- ster history. "Above" because it is not just a. handsomely mounted, three-hour, behemoth melodrama based on a shabby best-seller ala Gone With T h e Wind. The Godfather is noth- ing less than a brilliant coda, an apotheosis (almost literally from the title) of a major genre, and though it is set within all the larger conventions, it ends up by crushing them acid trans- cending them. There will, of course, be other gangster pic- tures: a Son of the Godfather is reportedly on the drawing boards. They will all be anti- climactic. Coppola has success- fully taken the movie gangster of the early 30s and modern- ized him, not by dragging Scar- face into the 60s as The Broth- erhood mistakenly tried to do, but through a, revisionist his- tory which reveals our values by imposing them on the past. In fact, when you consider the modern romanticism which sanctifies those decades before Viet Nam, The Godfather seems more a part of our time pre- cisely because it is not in our time, and it is definitely at its .k pS It1 c;f".. . F"v;}; " :.". . ....... ,+.a .e,:.. . 'x'N: ti :. ":; >..S.... " . +.. D . For the nicest choice of fine chinas, crystals, stainless steel and silver' you will enjoy shopping at the F JOHN LEIDIY SHOP . 60-607 E. Liberty St 668-6779 Ann Arbor worst when it shuns the circum- spection of is screen period for the gory catsup of "Now" film aesthetics. Blood is very red. The time is 1945 to 1955, what historian Eric Goldman has called the "crucial decade." For Americans in general the war is over and they can settle down to the good life. For the gang- sters of moviedom in particular, the internecine battles of Pro- hibition are long over, and the bosses can settle down to their good lives. It is a time of both growth and consolidation, even in crime. Scarface riled his foes by edging in on their territory. The new boss, more self-satis- fied, recognizes spheres of in- fluence - a kind of domestic containment. The pie has enough slices for everyone, so long as no one tries to g r a b someone else's piece. Stylistically the decade is now far enough away to have a dis- tinctive look of its own, and the film's physical achievement is that it captures this look right down to the last veristic detail, in hats, cars, homes, hair styles, signarlights, billboards. And more, through Gordon Willis' photography it captures the de- cade's color schemes from t h e candied reds, yellows, greens and browns of the late 40s (the legacy of the period's graphics), to the more naturalistic blues and grays of the 50s. There is to all of this a strong scent of neoclassicism, which in movies means reaching back all the way to the 40s for the proven form- ulas. Coppola, however, has not (Continued on Page 12) John Aldridge, The Devil in the Fire, Harper's Magazine Press, $12.50. By R. C. GREGORY John Aldridge is not only a Professor of English, he is a ma- jor literary critic - in Ann Ar- bor. Harper & Row's recent re- print of his reviews and miscel- lany, at ten dollars, is some- thing less than a bargain. The book is certainly a backward glance o'er travelled roads, most of them deadends. The judging of critics is never a very interesting task because it is so easy; a useful list of cri- teria can be found in W. H. Auden's "The Dyer's Hand," and it isn't a long list. The rest of judging a critic consists of asking whether he provides plea- sure different in kind but not inferior to the pleasure any writer must provide. There isn't much else the reader can ask -for the means by which a critic achieves his effects are his own affair. A book Critic, however, knows he is peculiarly a child of his time: his subjects may be new books or old books, but in any case they exist both in them- selves and as fragments or re- flections of the consciousness of a particular time - this Profes- sor Aldridge almost spells out in his preface. Like it or not, crit- icism from Aristotle this way lives only when it succeeds as an indispensable document of its times - in the minds of later times. If Professor Aldridge be- gan as a child of his times, he has become less an adversary than an orphan. Who would read Leon Edel to learn about Henry James, when James is there to be read? Who would read T. S. Eliot, OM, early or late, to appreciate Mil- ton? (One might read those es- says to. learn career-building tactics.) If reading Leon Edel and T.S. Eliot on James and Milton answers to your sense of seriousness, then you may like Professor Aldridge's book, par- ticularly his essays on Norman Mailer. No one has ever read Norman Mailer so often as Professor Ald- ridge, certainly not Mailer him- self, for his books give small evidence of having been care- fully made. Mailer seems never to find the light in the men's room but he always finds his typewriter; Professor Aldridge seems willing to clean up .he disasters. His essays on Mailer ridge to complain about Miss Katherine Anne Porter's pro- duction: "She is widely 'ecog- nized as a creative artist of al- most awesome fastidiousness, whose very paucity of produc- tion has come' to be regarded as the mark of a talent so fine it can scarcely bring itself to func- tion.' That's a strange critical touchstone to apply to art, any- way, but it may be an important one to Professor Aldridge be- cause he has, elsewhere, ex- pressed a certain admiration for P. G. Wodehouse who has never done anything except function. One thing this book, does not do is what a sentence quoted above says that it does. If these essays reflect Professor Ald- ridge's concerns for the past twenty years, he has not only missed a great deal, he might better have worked on the Mid- dle English Dictionary. Even though Rip Torn's pugilistic friend, "the best literary mind of the war generation," dislikes lists, and therefore Professor Aldridge dislikes lists, some names at random invalidate his claim: Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac' Clancy Sigal, Ken Kesey, Doris Lessing, Tom Wolfe the Young-. er, Hannah Arendt, W. H. Au- den, Pablo Neruda, Gary Snyder, Lewis Mumford, Sylvia Plath, Kenneth Rexroth (now there's a poet and arman of letters), James Agee, Wendell Berry, James Baldwin, Leroi Jones, John Fowles, Theodore Roethke, Ray *Iungo. All these writers are not makers of fiction - but if Professor Aldridge means fic- tion, he should say so and not say, "the social and literary development of (the) period." Fiction may have been that im- portant once and still may be that important in France; it certainly was not from 1951 to 1971 in the United States. Pro- fessor Aldridge uses fiction as the figure for literature and lit- erature as the figure for art or culture. He found paralysis by virtue of ellipsis. Professor Aldridge may have evidence that James Jones has participated in the social and literary developments, of these twenty years, but who else has any? Mary McCarthy is the old- est living undergraduate of Vas- sar, "one of the last beleaguered species of birds of America," but she has never developed, which is a charming trait, perhaps her only charming one. John Cheev- er has developed - graduate Life? To spend twenty years with the tenants of his table of contents may not have been systematic on Professor Ald- ridge's part, but it were world enough and time to become "what the writers of obituary notices call 'an interesting link with the past'." One suspects the inadequacies of The Devil in the Fire are so- cial and generational and insti- tutional - and therefore liter- ary. This book provides a use- ful model of just how many changes have occurred, by omit- ting most of them. The War (Two) Generation of which Pro- fessor Aldridge writes little not- ed nor long remembered the monstrous lessons; to admit as much would be, one supposes, contrary to the Fifth Amend- ment. Professor Aldridge, along with Mailer and Salinger and James Jones and That Crowd, came back to civilian life after War Two and began careers under the never-strong and then wan- ing powers of the New Critics and other academics: "And nerves that steeled themselves to slaughter/Are shot to pieces by the shorter/Poems of Donne." Since they were young veter- ans, they found jobs, got pub- lished by, or were otherwise as- sisted by those who had kept the literary lamp barely gutter- ing during the War. They were veterans, remember: they appre- ciated the uses of rank and con- nections and pull and deference. But two, three, or four-years in the military had dis-equipped them from living in Faulknerian isolation and doing their work. The universities, for example, were a demilitarized zone; they occupied the spaces; "they didn't miss the killing and dy- ing, but they missed their war." Their alternatives were few- given their desires, for the war generation was more rigorously materialistic than the preceding one or the succeeding one - and not everyone was as gifted with money-laden maladjust- ment as Norman Mailer. A goodly number of the war gen- eration writers -who went into universities stayed and came to regard their students as the enemy. In a few years they had, somehow, dwindled into tenure and administration - while old buddies ran the Pentagon and the Foundations. Almost any- thing organized or institutional I - ~~N',4~bĀ±ONN'.~N4% ' DOWNTOWN HONDA This store is prepared solely for use by a special and limited audience, namely ADULTS who request and desire sexually explicit material for the infor- motion and education which this store provides. The right to freedom of speech and press entitles you to satisfy your personal, intellectual and emo- tional needs by reading and viewing sexually oriented guides which this store provides. ANN ARBOR ADULT NEWS 215 S. FOURTH ANN ARBOR, MICH, Europe This Summer? Most of the scheduled air carriers have just an- nounced the return of youth fares to Europe on much the same basis as last year. These fares WILL apply through the age of 25.I Call us for an estimate on your travel plans. You (and your pocketbook) may be pleasantly sur- prised-with the results, 119E.Liberty Street 761-1300 "The subtitle of Professor Aidridge's collection should be 'In the Country of the Old.' He fails as a critic of the 1951-1971 years pre- cisely because he cannot recognize that the young have done and are doing what he thinks they should do, 'create in this country . . . a civil- ized and vital culture...'" "i{ .".:":.". S.iLmr.. ..,...v:: ss.,...,,... .......; v ... . 4, 7:.i.,.......,.......,.,.......,t'.......:..... . . .., but to which they never ceased to go, seems to have been the want of seriousness in the young. There's scant evidence that the war generation ever questioned its own seriousness; they took that for granted. It's much easier to put down poor old Hemingway or, 30 years late to announce the arrival of Eu- dora Welty than it is to ask why "The Last Whole Earth. Cata- logue" should have been the first million copy seller since "The New English Bible" - to which, metaphorically, it bears a certain resemblance. Perhaps, too, these aging vets were embittered by discovering they were no longer the sole dis- pensers to the young of the grace and favor of getting pub- lished. Professor Aldridge has not to like Rolling Stone or Ramparts but thousands do. Never, probably, have so many presses and periodicals existed in this country as during the past 20 years - and that is, surely, something a man concerned with social and literary develop- ments might study, The young, Professor Aldridge and Mr. Theodore Solotaroff agreed last spring, aren't very much interested in, literature. It would be more accurate to say that the young aren't inter- ested in what Professor Aidridge and Mr. Solotaroff have always thought literature is - New York publishing. New York hasn't, for. at least a decade, been the center of the country's literary life: the old timey per- iodicals, Harper's, Atlantic, Par- is Review, Partisan Review, Yale Review, among others, are dying or would be dead were they not subsidized - and The New York Review of Books has succeeded, modestly, only because it finds an apocalypse every fortnight. Literary seriousness and-literary consciousness simply aren't the narrow, clubbish matters they once were: the times have changed and the old soldiers haven't changed with them. Too bad. The subtitle of Professor Ald- ridge's collection should be "In the Country of the Old." He fails as a critic of the 1951 to 1911 years precisely because he can- not recognize that the young have done and are doing what he thinks they should do, "cre- ate in ized an is mos been gc has no but rat] on a wi are Ind life is, lessoni that B imports figures tury. O a novel But give Fl and Pa and It the greA ican 19 United is in h Place with CI the '20 ists: "I the truf We live time b by it, realize sumes F with cr with Ed as artis whom bilious tea of book, t even in Most country twenty- Two en know c governn additio. paper, e little la in a ci ful wor scribed. er the 1 were ca Since found , here in ate to j tured d in the trast, 0 of his What I needs is of hlki them, awarded an oak make this small documentary point: that sergeants need lieu- tenants and vice versa; sooner or later someone will discover these two in their foxholes and tell them World War II is over and tht the peace was lost. Professor Aldridge says his book was written, piece by piece, between 1951 and 1971: The result is that these essays, taken together, represent a kind of running commentary on the social and literary de- velopmentsof a period we can now recognize as having a dis- tinctive beginning, middle, and end, a period which be- longs to history even as we continue, to think of it as im- mediately contemporary. Well, 364 pages, including In- dex, works out to eighteen and one-fourths pages a year; it seems absurd for Professor Ald- students write dissertations about him. Ditto Saul Bellow. James T. Farrell? John Dos- Passos? All these writers aren't regarded favorably by Professor Aldridge, to be sure, but one would like to know which were in on the beginning, the middle, and the end of these two dec- ades. These undoubtedly were the writers Prof. Aldridge was asked to review - and, after all, he's4 not Edmund Wilson. This may explain why, in one prefatory paragraph, he says he's written this twenty-year running com- mentary and somewhat later says that while he's not been systematic in his coverage, his book "may have value as the expression of one man's sus- tained involvement with the life and literature of this country during the past two decades." and equipped with funds began to wear - still wears -- an old soldierly quality. Business was don't rock the boat and the grants as usual. Indeed, it may be that one reason the fiftyish generation, now running the universities and lamenting the literary life of the country, so resents the young is that most of them can- no longer cut a figure in army surplus clothing - and the young can. The Beat Generation began the change in the 1950's; the Cuban Revolution, the Civil Rights movement, and Viet- Nam changed the country while the vets were at one of the cock- tail parties so liberally mixed through the pages of Professor Aldridge's book. The chief topic of conversation at these cocktail parties, which everyone cursed FROM MIGHTY TO MINI HONDA HAS IT ALL CYCLES PARTS ACCESSORIES 310 E. Washington Ann Arbor COLLECTOR'S HOUSE OF ART 217 E. Liberty 668-6830 9:30-5:30 Mon.-Sat. 9 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ten THE MiCH FGAN DAILY Sunday, April 16, 1972: Sunday, April 16, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY