* U. I J iv U, V 5- I A t g f A Post prison (Continued from Page 4 h unified within the prison lid you get flack from other ates? S.: Oh, I never had any Lble with any inmates in any itution I've been in. 'Cause all know what I'm doing 'e, and what it's about. Even most reactionary, redneck knows that I have no busi- being there, I was a poli- 1 prisoner, _ and I'd been roaded, and they'd come over say, "Man, I've never heard no shit like that before." I I to get along with every- y anyway, particularly people ;hat position. Did they keep you in isola- in Jackson? S.: Yes, I was locked up. I in segregation a long time. 'ards the end they put me ide, on a farm. You aren't pletely isolated. There's peo- campus of course. It was really good for me. I was constantly studying, and talking, and developing myself, and it was really good all the time. And I really charged my- self up to the point where I was ready. Then I got run down to Jackson and locked up, from September through December, including the last month and a half in the hole. While I was down there I continued to -ead a lot, friends would smuggle books in, and newspapers, and I read just about all the literature available about the women's movement which is really tre- mendous. It's the best thing that's happened. Then I got sent back there and locked up, and I was getting frantic because I was ready to go home. I had all these things going on in my head, and not notes ner with these guys. I almost flipped out, I was getting really wierd, especially after my bond was denied in September. Actually the period of waiting for the bond was ten weeks, before , they denied the bond. I just got real wierded out, everyday I was expecting them to say ok you can go home, or not, and nothing would hap- pen. And finally they denied it. Q: What effect do you think the concert had on your release? J.S. . . . When the law was changed on the ninth of Decem- ber, we knew that everything was coming, at least by Friday. But the way it worked was just perfect. I was nervous at the idea of getting out, I was so used. to being in these. People have a misconception about that phone call during the concert. I was just so excited. All they wrote was so dippy. How I broke down and cried, poor man ... I was so excited, I was sit- ting in this telephone booth and I was just sure that they were going to hear what was happen- ing and run in and grab me and run me off to the hole, you know, for abusing the privileges of jail. As it turned out, they didn't even listen, I just got so excited I was shaking, the whole phone booth was shaking, and I had all this stuff written down, I was going to read this stuff ... and I heard all these people and I just started laughing. Q: No one knew you were real anymore and hearing your voice seemed to prove this. J.S.: That was the whole point of the concert, even before, that was being planned. In Septem- ber when they denied the bond. and the first of October, that was my birthday, I was thirty years old. And I just started thinking about it, the way we'd been going all along, realizing that we'd been making a mis- Pat Okeia.k- 'No mean achievement, my dears' asa~:1:ii::::ia*:ss~i::::3::i::::si::::ssiseimsi::r: :.Siis i:"::":": "' ::"siiiit:s:si:'si: : "':io":"::":"::t:::'1 : : :':: a i:: i: 'r::":s i '::::tisi : }::"i "The only way we've been able to sur- 'ive is through the strictest communal eco- iomic organization, no one has any money >f their own.... There's no individual money it all. Like I've got $1.20 . .. around, but you can't talk to n. That was the most horr- e part, the first year was al- it, I kind of cruised through first year . . first six iths, you see you have to r six months before you car- the appeal any farther. So I lay back for six months, and ight, well it'll only be a few re months until something pens with this, you know, so ist cruised on through that. I all the time I was studying there . . I had a record Ter in my cell, and records my electric typewriter, I just like going to college ept without any sisters on only couldn't I go on and prac- tice it, but I couldn't even talk to anyone about it. The last six months I was on this ward with 24. inmates. People who've beat up someone and are afraid of re- prisals, people who've been rap- ed and are afraid to go back out, and just sit in a corner adn cower . . . People who are afraid of getting killed if they go back out, just the worst elements of the prison population. I wouldn't even go out into the yard be- cause there was no one to talk to. Going down to eat . . . I started following the Lions game and the Tigers just so I'd have something to talk about at din- take, laying back and waiting for the liberal judges to rule reasonably on this important is- sue. We were putting forth the propaganda that this was a po- litical persecution, which was right. Not relying on the people to get me out.. but relying on the judges. But when they denied the bond it became apparent that. there was no way in the world they wanted totdo the right thing. We gave them every op- portunity. The Detroit Free Press had editorialssaying it was alright. The stage was set. if they wanted to come off as liberal justices. A lot of people signed the full page ad in the Free Press. It became apparent they were not, they were going to try and keep me in there as long as they could, as long as we lay back and let them get away with it- So we decided that the'only way was to go forth and try to draw as much attention to the case as possible because it was just too outrageous. It was over two years now that they'd denied the bond. That's when we started the Calley stuff. Be- fore then we'd been reasonable. So we just decided to go to the cosmic level on it. We put out posters saying "William Calley murdered 109 Vietnamese ci- vilians and he's out on appeal bond, John Sinclair, two joints. and he can't get an appeal bond." We were planning this thing for the second week in December 'because we knew the legislature had some marijuana legislation for that time and they were going to try to slide out under it. We wanted to-focus as much attention on it as we could, that's why we were send- ing people to~ make statements at the Senate and having letters read to the Record, and all that ridiculous stuff that in reality means nothing. It's just media stuff, that heats up an issue. So Dec. 10 was arranged. everyone but John and Yoko was ar- ranged - even without them it would have been a big thing. We might not have filled Crisler Arena but we would have had, I bet. 7.500-10.000 people. It would have still been monstrous. It was meant to focus attention on the marijuana issue in the Senate, to make sure they would pass it. So they passed it the day before the rally, which was great. That whole campaign. we felt, was really good, really good. (Continued on page 14) By MARVIN FELHEIM Pat Oleszko's theory of arts begins_ with herself and her body. which she perceives ,as a kinetic structure, a moving ob- ject in space, upon which to build. Her body is thus like the scaffolding of -a building. This very personal approach to wit is, I hasten to point out, basically characteristic of our times: painters have dialogues w i t h their canvasses; poets write con- fessional verse; the "I" in many novels, from Baldwin to Brauti- gan, is no longer a convention but an insertion of the self as an actor into the work of art. Oleszko's art - the' construc- tion of moving statues - is also closely related to another phe- nomenon of our time: t h e cinema, where, indeed. every ac- tor is a decorated object. from the hair styling, elaborate face and/or body make-up, to the costume including the accessor- ies and ultimately the shoes. One thinks, for example, of J a n e Fonda in Kiute or' of Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider (there are thousands of others, of -course) who are. like Pat, walking, mov- ing, alive pieces of sculpture. The daring of Oleszko is that she adapts herself and thus her sculpture to the total environ- ment - to the city streets, or to the Ann Arbor Film Festi- val; in adition, she approaches her materials (including her own magnificent body) with a most stupendous sense of humor, Humor, both about herself (about the human being, in oth-' er words) and comment upon the individual in his/her . en- vironment leads Oleszko natur- ally to satire. Prominent exam- ples are her two dramatic l'vis- ual editorials" in Esquire, one on Norman Mailer, the other on the New York police. Indeed, there is a very significant ele- ment of potent journalism in all of Pat's work. She is comment- ing upon her world in the most intimate and yet persuasive way possibly- - through her very own body and personality. Thus her appearance, say, at the Ann Arbor Film Festivals and her inventive spoof in entering the 1970 Homecoming Parade. Every gesture, as any good actor or dancer knows, is a comment: but most performers restrict themselves to the limited space of a stage. Pat, again. has dar- ingly and courageously (if you think it's easy or silly, try it) put herself on the line, where the action is (here again a par- allel: the new outdoor murals, by Al Loving and others, in Detroit, but they, ultimately, lack the human dimension after which Pat strives). She has one striking advantage: her statues- que body, magnificently propor- tioned, with clear-cut features and a glorious mass of fine- spun golden hair. She is a Zieg- field glorified American Girl (or a drag queen if you prefer) come to life. Her rhythms are not, then, merely those of the mannequin, but those of a hu- man being mingling with others of his/her kind. Note: Pat's dif- ference, as the "Hippie Strip- per" (her Toledo "billing"), from the other strip-tease "ar- tistes"; they dressed and moved in the conventional pattern of their kind, ultimately false. Her a p p e a r a n ce (flame-colored many hued costumes contrast- ing with the absolute nudity of her wildly dancing body as com- pared with the barely moving professionals) wasboth a joy- ful release in itself and a dash- ing comment upon the very "art" of burlesque, which, right there in the theatre itself s h e transformed and elevated. She does the same'thing everywhere. What shocks people - or de- lights them, too - is the ar- tist's involvement and honesty. Like Warhol in his movies or Rauschenberg in his dancing Oldenburg. Again, one is re- minded of poetry, in this case of e. e. cummings' "this little bride and groom" who are standing on thin rings: and all one two three rings are cake and everything is protected by cellophane against anything (because nothing really exists) As in cummings whose poem really does not conclude b u t thrusts itself into space, so Pat's sculpture is conceived in an am- bience of daily life, with pre- tend or even funky elements an integral part of that totality. She is simply extending with absolute logic, the point of view of today's youth, who dress to be seen, who in fact "dress up" whatever their material, from blue jeans to discarded army uniforms. Hence, Ann Arborites will remember Pat in her stu- dent days, striding along State Street in original creations made of old curtains (shades of Scarlett O'Hara),.the American flag (patriotism ala mode), enormous quantities of old cos- tume jewelry (all this and Glor- ia Swanson, too) which jingled in tune with the inevitable bells around her ankles (a symphony, no less, of quasi-electronic por- portions walking down Packard Road and all for free! to delight eye and ear!) Her opening number for the Film Festival was a "toast" to the Tenth: on shapely legs,-en- cased in black and white spiral stockings. she mounted, coin- cident with the body, a cock- tail glass, filled to the brim (the top of her head) with liquor and fruit (remember Carmen Miranda? who did it before cameras?). There was a recorded sound track in which Pat's own voice explained and expanded her meaning. She moved to thefront of the thea- tre, got onto a circular disc and showed us all sides of her crea- tion. Thus the triumph of Pat Oles- zko. She has seized imaginative- ly upon the one significant ob- ject which Louise Nevelson has not found: the human body. She has made it the glorified basis of her work, bringing a Wessel- man painting to life. But all this she knows. What she may not know, at least completely, is how much we in Ann Arbor, her friends and admirers, enjoy (love is not too strong a term) and admire her creations. She is a true contemporary artist, of the Street (the people) as well as of the theatre (she ear- ly found an absolutely appro- priate setting, not the museum but the Ann Arbor Film Festi- val, whose goddess she unques- tionably is). A lively Statue of Liberty, she symbolizes the 20th century attitude, throwing light upon our condition, exposing our pretentions with the gaiety, beauty and thrust which has always been the highest pro- vince of art. Cheezrs, Pat! performances (or Jackson Pol- lack in photographs. or any contemporary sculpture. Giaco- metti, say, in a movie) ,-she is Yeats' ideal: O body swayed to music, O brightening glance How can we know the dancer from the dance? -Olezko's art also derives from and is a statement about con- temporary life. Like other ar- tists today (Oldenburg and Pat's friend, Buster Simpson she uses materials from her en- vironment, frequently mass pro- duced objects which give the es- sence of American society. So, her comments on the Playboy "bunny" or her birthday cake ("Patty Cake") to celebrate the Film Festival's tenth anniver- sary, a concoction (like the car she wore which, she said, trans- ported her to Ann Arbor: which, the car or the body?), a moving soft sculpture; she literally out- does Oldenburg. No mean a- chievement, my dears. Her materials are often bright and shiny. The car and t h e birthday cake were not only done with infinite care, but were, in addition, covered with a layer of gleaming plastic, an extra touch, which goes beyond I Our Superb Cheese Pizza 12-inch Small Pizza 14-inch Medium Pizza 16-inch Super Pizza $1.55 $2.15 $2.50 fre delivery Additional Items Ham - Mushrooms Onions , 12-inch 14-inch Pizza 16-inch Super Olives Green Peppers Bacon Pepperoni Ground Beef Fresh Sousage each 30c each 40c each 50c CALL YOUR NEAREST Our Deluxe Pizza-Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Green Pepper, Onion 12-inch Small Pizza $2.75 14-inch Medium Pizza $3.45 16-inch Super Pizza $4.50 Soft drinks also available. ANN ARBOR LOCATION DOMINOS PIZZA Woo e Twelve THE MICHIGAN. DAILY Sunday, April 16, 1'P72 Sunday, April 16, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY,