k 4 - 4 ' ; t4; Post prison notes with John Sinclair, The Godfather: Violence i Question: A year ago, while you were still in prison, you wrote a review for The Daily on Charles Reich's "Greening of America." Would you like to say something about what changes have taken place since then? John Sinclair: Well, a year ago when my "Greening of America" piece was written we were moving into this intensive period. Three weeks after the piece was published we announ- ced the disbanding of the White Panther -party, and the forma- tion of the Rainbow People's Party. We announced that our priorities were going to be in local community work, in build- ing alternative institutions, in developing the tribal council as an alternative political social in- stitution, and we were going to come out and set up community .service programs. The newspaper was one of them. We were com- mitted to putting it out regular- ly. It came out weekly for sev- eral issues and now biweekly. All of that worked. The points we were trying to make were the kind of things I was saying in the Greening of Amerika, that changing consciousness wasn't enough, that it's going to take a struggle, that reactionaries are- n't going to let this massive change in consciousness take place. And not just conscious- ness; but the manifestations of that, the actual way people live, the actual way they organize production and organize their lives, they're not going to stand by and let this happen without a struggle. And the struggle has ben going on. People have been killed for living this way, and people like myself, Skip, Jack, and many other "people were in the penetentiary, for promoting the kind of consciousness and the kind of values that were glorified and codified by Char- les Reich in his book, which ev- eryone was picking up on, say- ing it's groovy, it's all happen- ing, nothing can stop them . . that's what we said in 1967. And we learned very painfully ... that the reactionaries could- n't stop it, that didn't mean they weren't going to try to stop it and we would have to be pre- pared to pay for it. Those -are the things I laid out in my piece. And I would say, that in the year since then has been based on those principles and (Continued from Page 10) merely decaled the movies of the period as Peter Bogdariovich is doing these -days. His is neo- classicism in thebest sense: a reshaping of the formula. And his film is really a poetry of the decade's images in much t h e same way that Agee described Birth of a Nation as a visual reification ofiour mental pic- tures of the Civil War, The elder statesmafi. of the age and its holy spirit in the criminal world is Don Vito Cor- leone, the Godfather of the title. Corleone is one of the few vet- Borges in Ame rica (Continued from Page 3 unreal. Because reality includes everything. It i n c 1 u d e s the dreams that I had this morn ing. the dreams I forgot when I awoke, it includes my child hood memories, and of course oblivions, in fact. it should in clude everything. Not least lan guage. Language is a very curious in vention. We put them in diction aries because we think of lan guages as sets of similes. O course, they're not. Every lan guage is a different way of feel ing the world. We are deceive by dictionaries. - Q: How do you feel abou leading a literary life? Borges: My English forefath ers were professors, teachers thinkers, quite literary men. Bu my other forefathers were mili tary men. When I was a youn man, I was foolish enough t think that they had led rea lives. And I felt very remorse ful about it. I said to myself were I a real man, I would hav died in action in 1874. But, i seems that I am living now, i1 the 1920's, or so. Were I a rea man of action I would hav fought the Spaniards, the Bra zilians . . . I would have kille my man, or my men, I suppose And I am a mere literary man. . ,.I will say, that there i perhaps but a single moment i one's life, the moment when on discovers who one is . . . espe cially when we find out ou essential limitations. And tha moment will be a turning poin for our whole lives. For example, it has taken m a very long time to discover tha I am merely a man of letter And to be a man of letter after all, is to be something- something-not to be admire but not to be despised by yot It is a way of existence. Bu after all, since I am blind, thi is the one form of life left t me. Literature, and of cours friendship, and perhaps the po sible hope of personal love. Bu being 72, I am greatly daring i saying this. graphics erans of the first great gang war that flared back when beer bar- ons were establishing their duchies. Now, fifteen years lat- er, he has power, wealth, leis- ure. He has moved, significant- ly, from his old haunting ground in New York City's Little Italy to a Long Beach suburb, a n d like any doting papa he waits for the day when his son San- tino can take over the family business, retiring the old Don to his garden and his grand- children. Life has beengvery good to Corleone but he under- stands the -compromises that made it all possible. Echoing Little Caesar, he says wistfully, "I refuse to be a tfooldancing S on a string held by all those big shots. I don't apologize. It's my life." Robert Warshow once labelled Alan Ladd's Shane "hardly a man at all, but something like the Spirit of the West," and doubtless there will be some termite art cultists who will level the same charge at Cor- leone. Spirit of the Mafia. Grant- ed there is always the danger that masscult aestheticized (and The Godfather is certainly aes- theticized) will become a self- conscious mishmash of Simple Truths. The Godfather manages ~ to avoid that trap because Cor- ~ leone is. to his family as well f as to us, a mythic presence, and - the film diesn't waste time es- tablishing t h i s mythology. We d don't have to romanticize it; we know it. We've seen it in other t films. We can sense in his car- riage and his hoarse voice that - Corleone is a man who has ' fought the battles and won. Much of his greatness can be - credited in equal parts to Marlon C Brando's performance (if not his o best, still exceptional) and to l Brando's own persona, since he is a cultural icon as well as an , actor. Brando by no means dom- e inates the film, which is one t reason why the aestheticizing is n checked; he is held in reserve, l pulled out when the fil mneeds e his great face to register the - sonquences of an action. His d three arias-his daughter's wed- ding, his tears in a funeral parlor where he takes Santino's s body, his own death-are the n markers of the decade and the e signposts of the old gangster's decline. tr t And yet the film really cen- t ters not so much around the Don as around his youngest son Michael (Al Pacino) - a stock character in the gangster can- on, the other side of the Ameri- can Dream: He has matured since the 30s. from the hoodlum's handsome young brother to the son of Horatio Alger; bene- ficiary of his father's hard climb,' he is Ivy League, a war hero (patriotism as in Public Enemy and The Roaring 20s seems to signify the final assimilation), and fiance to a New Hampshire blueblood. Having been singled out by his father to become the first "legitimate" Corleone, he has, in short, been disassociated from his family. His girlfriend is incredulous at the Don's ac- tivities. .Michael reassures her, "That's my family, Kay. It's not me." When trouble brews in the business world, though, the dis- association doesn't stick. One of the gangs wants the Don's pro- tection and finance for its new operation. C o r 1 e o n e refuses, thereby violating the old con- vention that a boss must never rest on his laurels. The refusal triggers the Second Gang War, and Michael, seeing his family under seige, cannot remain neu- tral. After committing himself to the fray and revenging an at- tempt on his father's life, he is sent to Sicily for hiding; and it is there, in the dusty peasant villages that contrast with the pace and color of New York, that Michael gets reinitiated into his Sicilian heritage. His two bodyguards yell at passing jeep carrying American soldiers. Mi- chael, a soldier himself just a short while ago, doesn't bat an eyelid. He has become Italian. But if Michael has been re- enthnicized by his long stay in Sicily, his return to America as heir to his father's empire spells another initiation-the initiation of his family (and the Family) into the new American Way of Life. Michael is a businessman, and he has less taste for rackets than for legitimate acquisition, though- one of the film's sillier points is that the leap from banditry to business is a very short one. Once again, the re- spectable is associated with the criminal, as it was in the 30s gangster pictures and in the tra- ditionally close resemblance of hoodlum to cop. The Five Fami- lies hold their peace-making ses- sion in a bank board room, against the backdrop of a huge roalroad mural that can't help but recall the robber barons an earlier day. One gang c even settles an argument m the decidedly capitalist c ment, "After all, we're not c munists." These are the early harbing of the underworld's impend transformation. With Micha ascension to power, we know Coppola knows that the gro rules have been changed. chael assumes the reins not the traditional rites of manl -the garrotings, machine-g nings, pistol-whippings-but inheritance; and he only.prc himself after he has been stalled by his father. There signficance too in what the - has come to mean. The g2 sters of the early 30s invario had monikers and these ser as a kind of alter ego. Dy Little Caesar asks, "oMthe: God, is this the end of Ric because he sees his career terms of a third person (the mate alienation) and real that another tough will soon his mantle. When Bogart's Earle bursts upon the scene ter the old crime structure cracked, he bristles at the n( papers headlining him " Dog;" a status label has bee a media tag. With Michael see neither a status label n< media tag but the institutic ization of rank. Like his fa before him, Michael is " Corleone." The triumph of Whyte's Or ization Man over the orgar tion's man has one other tremely important consequ for the gangster film: In el Fourth Ai 217 Fo1 In A OPEN We Tak( and other things, like people's hospitals. If this happens it's really nice, but what it repre- sents politically . . . then you would have a base right, and you'd have a mass movment of all th Rainbow people and the Blacks and other - oppressed minority peoples, and large masses of what we would call American people, straight peo- ple. So that you would be rela- tively secure. So there would be in effect, within Michigan . . . this area, this revolutionary- based area so to speak. "People have been killed for living this way, people like myself. Skip, Jack, and many other people were in the penitentiary, for promoting the kind of consciousness and the kind of values that were glorified and codi- fied by Charles Reich in his book . . 5 ":f l: f.. 44f ""L":"::"'::'::::""r::"" ""a: ::: ::i a:"":."": a :G goes back to those principles because the work that we do is- n't just sociology. Community service work, that's going to be the solution, you know, we have a free people's clinic and that's going to handle medical prob- lems . To take care ofhthese people, that'll be it, we have a food coop, vegetables will win, all of that kind of thing. We're trying to put work in a clearcut context, which we con- tinually try to redefine by writ- ing statements, formal party statemnts in the paper, so some people can understand what we're doing, so that all the work w're doing will be placed within a context of revolutionary strug- gle, protracted struggle. These activities are not just to deal with their needs but also to cre- ate an organized strength which increasingly can deliver the peo- ple from the whole .. . mater- ialistic order. In other words, w don't say, okay, even if we develop Ann Arbor into a really exemplary community, with peo- ple's institutions--which we in- tend to do-the university in- creasingly coming in with the community as a whole, with the hospitals increasingly forced to be more and more socialistic, Do you now consider Ann Ar- bor as your operational base? J.S. Oh definitely, we insist on that. We insist on that on a national level, now that we exist as part of the national move- men-because we got John Len- non and Bobby Seale ... our credentials are impeccable . .ur Bobby Seale comes to Ann Ar- bor, and essentially runs down the White Panther Party 10- point program of 1968, which in 1968 was blasphemy and cant . . everything free for every- body' . . . so now, people are saying 'we want you- tocome for a two week conference,' two weeks! Maybe a day . . . We gotta get back, tribal council meeting, put on a dance, de- fense committee meeting, the elections, food coop . . . so- we insist on it . . . and the whole point of it is we have ideas and theories about methods of revo- lutionary social change. Every- body has ideas, you know, and ideas are all equal, because they're just something some- body says . . . but social prac- tice being the criterion of truth, we decided the only way to do it was to try out -our theories and practice in this particular 10- cality. Then, if these things work, we can abstract it to a higher level, and say if we can do it here, maybe this will work in Detroit . . . Q. Do you see going back to Detroit yourself? J.S. Oh we already have a committment to Detroit. We have an initial commitment to this whole state .. . Q: But I mean basing your- self in Detroit. J.S.: Moving back there? Don't be ridiculous . . . Detroit, nobody should have to live in Detroit. We're able not to live there, so we got out. Actually, we were run out of Detroit, more or less. We're working now with Detroit people . . . trying to transfer our skills and abilities to this cadre of people in Detroit - - Maybe soon we'll set up a par- ty chapter in Detroit, to recruit people, and train them, that's in the future. Right now, our main goal is to set up a separate autonomous Ann Arbor chapter of the party which would be our cadre. Get them set up in their own house, with their own eco- nomic base, so they'll start re- cruiting their own cadre. We are already 19 people doing the work that's necessary. Q.: Did being in prison change your view a lot? J.S.: It's hard to say, because I know, the one think that I did that already changed me in pri- son . . . was studying, thinking. Now, I haven't read anything, I can't even keep up with the pa- pers, I'm always on the go. But there I read four or five news- papers a day, including The Daily. In the first year, at Mar- quette, I had almost unlimited access to books, I studied daily . . I had a job in the laundry, I worked in the mornings, but in the afternoons I would go back in. I stayed in most of the time, I didn't go in the yard much. Except some periods I had study groups going . . . Q: What did you read? J.S. Well, I justrset out to give myself a revolutionary edu- cation . . . My roots are in the whole hippie-beatnik, freak cul- ture. That's what we came out of -and our politics, not to say we didn't have any politics, but our politics were just politics of . . alienation, rejection. The White Panther party turn- ed us on to the Red Book in the spring of 1969, and said you got to read this, so we started read- ing this . . . carried it around in our pockets all the time . . . But then we'd been through the writings of Eldridge Cleaver, and Huey P. Newton, who we'd almost memorized, you know, Malcolm X . . . but not any- thing systematic, you know, just the popular books would come out andt we'd say "Hey, this is really great!" Eldridge Cleaver was a great turning point. He seemed to be the first person in the black movement or in any radical movement who under- stood what rock and roll was all about, outside of the yippies, who didn't understand what ev- erything was about. When I went into the pene- tentiary . . . I said, well, we used to get into arguments with all these people, and we'd be trying, the White Panther Party was a really conscious attempt to unite what we called the mass culture movement and the rela- tively miniscule new left politi- for us, they wanted to get into it. But people in the movement, they didn't want to hear it. Eith- er it was co-optation, or rev.lu- ionary hype, which is appropri- ately enough a title they got from Time magazine, which is what they called the MC-Five, revolutionary hype, you know, . . instead of saying, wow, these people are really far out, they're really taking a giant step forward, moving with our posi- tion . . . they make noise . . . I started reading all the revo- lutionary literature I could get my hands on . . . starting with the Wretched of the Earth and The Selected Works of Mao Tse Tung. I read the Red Book every day, over and over again . . . What is to be done? by Lenin. That was one of the first ones that I read. Then I started all the writings of Che Quevara, speeches of Castro, Ho Chi Minh on revolution, ' all the Lenin books I could find . . . all the stuff that I could get my hands on. Q.: Did they just let you read and discuss those books in the prison? J.S.: Well, they didn't know what the deal was. In Jackson expanding to fill all your needs... the UNIVERSITY Ci Come see us for books, all kinds an all new chil "... My roots are in the whole hippie- beatnik, freak culture. That's what we came out of and our politics, not to say we didn't have any politics, but our politics were just politics of .. . alienation, rejection." Y.YJ1"X.: :::"": "I:.":::4:.,.:4t }"M.K}::YR # e i::: ":i " :.}:}"t~e ii Ri":; l :}L".^:::r0l tion, crafts, the latest fiction and non fiction, etc., cal movement, and that was what the whole White Panther thing was about, supposed to be a dialectical thing. Now kids in the street related to the media. Kids who went to the rock and roll dances and stuff like that, we'd talk about revolution and Eldridge Cleaver and Huey P. Newton and the White Panther Party and this and that and Ho Chi Minh, they loved it . . . we distributed about 20,000 White Panther buttons in the Detroit area in a period of a month and a half, because kids were just deep into it ... kids were ready they don't. They enforce the rules. I don't know why they did it, just stupid I guess. There was a bunch of black inmates related to the Black Panther Party and I was helping them organize themselves, and we set up study classes, and the people's library where we combined all these books . . . The education officer was in charge of circulating the books and keeping track of ev- erything, we'd discuss them in the yard, and everything like that. Q: Was this feeling pretty -(Continued on Page 12) kawashima 0a 31 uMti . mail i . u i also ... hardware, art and photographic sup sundres, records, knitting, weaving and macramE and offset services, cokes by the case, posters, ca ... all at great discount prices.4 the university cellar in the union basement - '.1 Pale Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, April 16, 1914 Sunday, April 16, T197A THE MICHIGAN DAILY