Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: CHRIS PARKS The new OSS VP JNIVERSITY officials ended a fours month -search to find a new vice president for student services Friday by appointing Henry Johnson, a city school board member, to the post. The vice president for student services is in a sensitive and important position. He is the director of an office which takes, in a wide range of student concerns, from health service to housing and counseling. ., He is responsible, along with the stu- d e n t - dominated policy board, for * making the major decisions within the office. At the same time, the vice president often must act as a Smiddleman of sorts, balancing his inter- Johnson ests as an adminis- trator with those of a student advocate. Johnson comes to the office with the recommendation of a faculty, student and administration search committee which was set up to provide President Fleming and the Regents with a list of qualified candidates. While Johnson was not considered by the students to be the most promising candidate for the post, his was one of the final four'names sub- mitted to Fleming about three weeks ago. The simple fact that Fleming picked from among these four finalists is in it- self a hopeful sign. Two years ago, Flem- ing ignored the recommendations of a similar group and instead, with regental approval, selected retiring OSS vice presi- dent Robert Knauss. HOWEVER, the appointment is unfor- tunate in that it appears that Flem- ing bypassed two excellent candidates, Murray Jackson and Elaine Reuben, when making the selection. .Johnson's attitude towards the' policy board is one of constraint. He sees him- self working with the policy board as op- posed to strictly abiding by it. He is too vague on his relationship between the board and the administration to deter- mine what type of vice president he will make. Johnson has the potential to go either way - to become either a student advo- cate or Fleming's "yes" man. Johnson has said that he is a student advocate and is willing to work for students. This must be borne out by his actions once he begins his term in office. The Office of Student Services needs a good student advocate, one who will lend direction to the office, support the ac- tions of the policy board and will oppose the administration when necessary. It is now up to Johnson to demonstrate his ability to do these things. jT IS, however, unfair to condemn John- son before he is given a chance. Johnson appears willing to listen and is enthusiastic about the post. He deserves student support and co-operation until he proves. his competency one way or the other. -JUDY RUSKIN The Light at the End of the Tunnel t Letters to The Daily The Paris talks Veterans' benefits To The Daily: AT THIS time, there is much activity in the Congress concern- ing an increase in the Veterans' Educational Benefit (GI Bill). The House of Representatives has passed a bill providing for an in- crease of almost 15 per cent across the board. This bill has been sent to the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, where it is now await- ing action. Additionally, however, Congress- man Marvin Esch has introduced a bill that would effectively re- vamp the system of payment to include not only subsistence allow - ances (as is now provided) but also a payment to the educational institution of up to $1000 per year for tuition and fees. .Esch's bill, although introduced into the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, was not favorably re- ported on, for obvious reasons. Our representatives in Congress are unwilling to provide for a commitment to provide education for veterans: they are happy with giving token increases in election years. These same representatives decry the present situation which sees a small percentage of veter- ants utilizing the Educational Benefit. They are unable to see, or are unwilling to see that the rea- son this situation exists is be- cause it is virtually financially impossible for the returning vet- eran to support both himself and his education (and may be even his family) on what the govern- ment is providing, All veterans are urgedtto ex- press their views, both to Esch- and the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee on this pending legis- lation. -Lloyd A. Fox April 9 Criticism To The Daily: I WAS TERRIBLY disappointed by Golding's answer to A 1 a n Shaw. The ethical problem involv- ed in the use of bought term pap- ers cannot be dismissed by citing rules pertaining to the accept- ance or rejection of classified ads. I was reminded a bit of the Dow Chemical Company reaction to protests regarding their manu- facturing of napalm: "We o n 1 y make the stuff; we have no con- trol on how it's used." It's admirable that the Daily has a moral policy for the edi- torial page and a don't-ask-me- what's-going-on policy for the ad- vertising page. Keep up the good work and maybe you will get a position with ITT. -Frank P. Casa Associate Professor of Spanish April 5 Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to M a r y Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters sub- mitted. - ROSE SUE BERSTEIN T'' and investments: Decision time aain TIHE SPRING corporation meeting season is here again, and with it comes the annual debate on whether the University should abandon its "neutral" position on the stocks it owns. For several years now, this controversy has arisen, each year with the 'same result. Some students and faculty members argue that any stance of neutrality is not, in fact, neutral at all. But their complaints are ignored, the University continues its policy of voting with management and the issue dies for another year. Last year, there was even a large public hearing in the Michigan Union Ballroom, with representatives of Project GM, a group aiming to make General Motors more accountable to the public. Then, the University reasserted its stand that it should not meddle in the internal affairs of corporations but should give its proxy votes to management representatives. The issues raising protest are varied. First, there is some sentiment that mammoth corporations could be rendered more open if groups controlling hefty chunks of their stock voted together. For example, automobile manufacturers might be forced to enact stronger safety and anti-pollution measures if enough votes were cast properly. Another example is general corporate policy. This year's primary target of corporate responsibility groups is the widespread praetice of multinational corporations locating plants in South Africa, tactly abetting its apartheid discrimination policy. Also under fire is Gulf Oil's operation in Angola, indirectly supporting out and out colonialism. Previous attempts at raising consciousness among University administrators have failed. Harvard, Yale, Princeton and other pres- tigious, well-endowed universities have also turned down proposals to transfer their proxies from corporate representatives to public interest groups. BUT THIS YEAR may herald a turning point. Just last week, Yale University announced that it would no longer passively vote with management. Instead it promised to take a more activist role in voting its estimated $500 million worth of common stocks. Yale's announcement said it would not be "militant," but would examine policies - especially non-financial ones - of the com- panies it partly owns. The directives to govern Yale's experiment in corporate re- sponsibility are sound tones that could well be used at the Univer- sity. "The guidelines require the University to take shareholder action to deal with company practices which appear to inflict sig- nificant social injury. According to the Yale guidelines, social'injury includes "A vio- lation or frustration of domestic or international legal norms meant to protect against deprivations of health, safety or basic freedoms." By following Yale's example, and Yales experimental guide- lines, the University can move toward the social progress it claims to foster. It is time that University administrators realize there can be no neutrality, that maintaining the status quo is at best tantamount to moving backwards. Neutrality is but a vague cover behind which apologists for the behemoth corporate mentality like to hide. Why should a liberal Univer~sity find excuse any longer to sup- port colonialism and apartheid in Africa, or to ignore wholesale violations of public interest within our own shores? YALE HAS SET a fine example. And now, no other institution need fear being alone-amidst a sea of management hostility. Faced with formidable public opposition, provided by unified university investment proxies, corporate abuse of public uterest can be halted. Not to follow the Yale example would only enhance the im- morality of profiting from unethical investment. or lunch. HAVING SURVIVED the Reuben stared and smiled at the Mao post- sandwiches, waffles and Canad- er, while others took photographs ian bacon, the delegation started of it. to leave. Perry Bullard, candidate And then they left, almost the for State Legislature, from A n n same way they came with the po- 'Arbor, was: there campaigning. lice followed by the Secret Serv- Bullard supporter Stuart Cohen ice, The Press and finally the po- was diplomatic enough to hand lice escorted buses bearing t h e while greeting the Chinese with delegation. I turned to leave when out leaflets to Bursley Residents I was faced with a tall man in a "Huanying" ("Welcome"). There dark suit. He told me that he were several frisbee games going worked for the Michigan Depart- on, and one Bursleyite somehow ment of State. "Well, how was managed to - give the Chinese a frisbee. They gave him a button lunch?", I asked. "Not too good" in return, to the cheers of many he replied, "they had Reuben residents. Many of the Chinese sandwiches." V A, * NORTH VIETNAM asserted yesterday that /it replied affirmatively to Presi- dent Nixon's secret proposal to resume the Paris peace talks. With no comment from the State Department and no way of telling if the North Vietnamese did in fact agree to start talking in Paris again, the announcement becomes another top- ALAN LENHOFF Editor Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD ............... Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ... ..........Editorial Director CARLA RAPOPORT...............Executive Editor ROBERT SCHREINER ................... News Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ................. Feature Editor PATDBAUER............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY........ -.. . Editorial Page Editor MARK DILLEN ..............Editorial Page Editor ARTHUR LERNER...........Editorial Page Editor PAUL TRAVIS ................ ........ Arts Editor GLORIA JANE SMITH...........Associate Arts Editor JONATHAN MILLER..........Special Features Editor TERRY McCARTHY ..............Photography Editor ROBERT CONROW ............. ..... Books Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller. COPY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, John Mitchell, Tony Schwartz, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Mary Kramer, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Rebecca Warner, Marcia Zoslaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Mark Allshguse, Susan Brown, Janet Gordon, Meryl Gordon, Scott Gordon, Lorin Labardee, Diane Levick, Jean McGuire, Jim O'Brien, Martin Porter, Marilyn Riley, Linda Rosen- thal, Marty Stern, Doris. Waltz. ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Dan Biddle, John Glan- cey, Nancy Hackmaier, Cindy Hill, Jim Kentch, John Marston, Nancy Rosenbaum, Paul Ruskin, Ralph Vartabedian. Business Staff ANDY GOLDING Business Manager BILL ABBOTT ..........Associate Business Manager HARRY HIRSCH ................ Advertising Manager FRANCINE HYMEN...............Personnel Manager DIANE CARNEVALE .................. Sales Manager PAUL, WENZLOFFP. .... ...Promotions Manager STEVEN EVSEEFF.............Circulation Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS AND ASSOCIATES: Classi- fied: Judy Cassel, Jim Dykema, Dave Lawson; Cir- culation: William Blackford; Display: Sherry Kastle, Karen Laakko; National: Patti Wilkinson; Layout: Bob Davidoff; Billing: L'Tanya Haith. ic for the propaganda machines of both countries.- In the same established pattern, there will be public charges and cointer- charges, with what 'actually transpired differing according to whose statements you believe, If the past is indeed a basis for judging veracity, then there is some cause to trust the North Vietnamese before our own government. After the My Lais and the censorship and the protective reaction it is hard to find a basis for believing that we have had the best interests of the Vietnamese. at heart all along. However, the North Vietnamese' state- ment more directly points to the fact that the peace talks themselves have failed to produce anything than it shows right or wrong in this latest exchange. For the talks themselves have never really been the site for negotiations for peace, but rather a tool to be exploited by each side when it seemed beneficial to do so. Of course, for the North Vietnamese to ask outright for renewed talks now, aft- er the,-record bombing raids, would clear- ly not be wise politically. And, naturally, neither side wants to feel it is bargain- ing from a position of weakness. And so the farce called the Paris peace talks remains in limbo. The only uncon- tested point is that while the United States still remains a supporter of the re- pressive Thieu regime, the moral goals of peace and democracy which supposedly prompted its involvement will cast a bit- ter echo of doubt on all our negotiators' ,words. -MARK DILLEN Editorial Page Editor 4 #. Reuben sandwiches By ANTHONY CECERE SATURDAY WAS a typical Ann Arbor day; a cold breeze. overcast skies and high humidity made it a day to be forgotten and slept away. However, for twelve hundred Bursley Hall residents. Saturday was the day that the People's Republic of China sent its Table Tennis team to eat lunch in the BursleyCafeteria. The motive for having the Chinese eat here was not entirely clear. One general reaction from Bursley residents was that it was very ironic for the team to travel such a .distance only to be exposed to the pitfalls of dormitory food. But. as one United States Information Agency reporter told me, "T h e y want to eat what you eat." Well, each to his own taste. Subtle preparations began early in the morning. Important looking well-dressed men were seen scut- tling aboutktheir secretivenbusi- ness. "No Parking" signs went up in front of Bursley and Tony Red- er, a Bursley Co-ed Corridor resi- dent, put a large picture of Chair- man Moe in his room window. "I was expressing my solidarity with the People's Republic of China." said Reder." I wanted them to see a picture of Mao here in Amer- ica." At about eleven o'clock t h a t morning, the tide started coming in. Miscellaneous Security Guards were followed by The Press, the Ann Arbor Police, the Michigan State Police, the U.S. Secret Ser- vice, and finally three Greyhound buses that held the American and Chinese Table Tennis teams and the rest of the Chinese delegation. The official entourage was approx- imately two hundred strong. Bursley residents thronged to see the Chinese, and a few were sport- ing shirts and blouses with Chin- ese calligraphy, Residents ap- 'plauded enthusiastically as the Chinese entered and the Chinese, according to their own custom, applauded in return. One Secret Service man touched me on t h e shoulder and said "Quick - Where is the cafeteria?" I thus pointed him towards his rendesvous with gastric destiny. THE PRESS was there in full plumage. Most of the near-biggies showed up in lieu of the super- stars (who are in Houston for the next Moon shot). At first T h e Press was barred from entering the dining room due to lack of space. With all The Press around, many Bursley people were inter- viewed and probed as to the na- ture of their views of the proceed- ings. I somehow managed to speak with reporters from Time maga- zine (an erudite man with an Ox- ford accent, of course), the Chi- cago Tribune, the USIA radio net- work, and the Lansing Journal. Dave Margolick, a Daily photo- grapher, reported that Connie Chung, a prominent CBS report- er, was there and was suffering from a bit of a culture barrier. It' seems that she wanted some shots of he Chinese eating hot. dogs, but these were impossible to get because the Chinese took the hot . dogs out of he rolls and ate the rolls separaely. Several Bursley people slipped past Security while the Chinese were eating and had a chance to converse with the delegation. There were four interpreters pre- sent, and some of the delegates spoke English. A wide variety of topics were discussed. "I was very impressed with their openness and their eagerness to talk to us" said Bursleyite Meg Grossman. "We asked one of the girls on the team what she thought of Women's Lib- eration in America and she said that she liked the idea. She told us that in China, men and women have equal roles and that one vice- chairman of the Party }s a wo- man." Residents Chris Renznich and Nancy Niparko spoke with the sec- retary of the delegation on some political matters. Said Nancy, "I asked him what he thought of the American radical student move- rnent and told him that they were trying to change laws here and he old us that in China the govern- ment 'is made up of the people and LAtLARC APDF25G1tU1 r1{G R'ESotf 5 FWW l-XKS, GIW &ULAJ6&(P U6&T~ ~Jt-1UQ d-ui- STC, AQACN*Y O~L? 6ET AL')A 5c0 PFOYCU{U O~t' CQII&AL rR6 PfS O&T is (S «&G V&7M..tCQc CIME «) 7N,5T6$ AkCiY WJHEK 61 COOPPRATlG URF\ C- LAW A)P DON'T 6r AW\Y, WU~H. I- KEE6P AMERI'CA S1hWE2! 0