Page Eight
Saturday, April 15, 1972
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e leaguered
haseball omens
Fischer leads defense
Ride, r Chicago Ridec
7 and 9:30 p.m.
"'Dr. Chicago' is a brilliant comment on
modern life-the retreat to the woods, the
sacrifice of innocence (brilliantly con-
ceived here as silence) and the cynical but
funny (ultimately comic exposure) of the
shoddiness of Dr. Chicago and his 'gang.'"
-Prof. Marvin Felheim
Special Benefit Sponsored by Students for
Walter Shapiro, Candidate for U.S. Congress
Modern Language Bldg. Aud. 3
Tickets $1 at the Fishbowl or at the door
By The Associated Press Ken McMullen. "But how many games in his club plays against
The 1972 major league baseball are? We'll just have to play our- Chicago this weekend because the
season will open today in unique selves back into shape." White Sox disregarded a league
circumstances and under a sha- The White Sox-Kansas City directive and allowed their play-
dow of doubt caused by the first game will underscore an immedi- ers to work out in White Sox Park
general playersestrike in history. ate aftermath of the strike while during the strike.
The doubt stems from how the the Pittsburgh-Mets game will
layoff will affect the players who pinpoint a long-range effect of The Pittsburgh-New York game
have not had organized workouts the strike. between the tofL4Eastnn
or performed under game condi- Ewing Kauffman, Kansas City between the two NL East contend
era instead of what would have
tions for two weeks. owner, said he will protest any
"They, the fans, will see major been 18 games since the strike
I :wiped out three games at Pitts-
league baseball," outfielder Rusty TOdayS Pitchers burgh and one in New York.
Staub of the New York Mets said AMERICAN LEAGUE On the other hand, the Cubs.
!when asked how he felt the strike O h te ad h us
will affect the caliber of play dur- New York (Stottlemyre 16-12 or Pet- another strong NL East contend-
ilaffct the irst erlfgaerson 15-13) at Baltimore (Palmer. 20- er. will have to play PittsburghI
n the frst se eral gam Boston (Pattin 14-14 or Cup 14-16) 15 times and New York 18 times.
Kirby of San Diego said yesterday, at Detroit (Lolich 25-14). The strike did knock out three
Minnesota (Blyleven 16-15) at Oak- Cubs-Pittsburgh games but three
"I think the games are going to land (Holtzman 9-15). ohrcnee hcg ae
be an amazement to everyone. A Texas (Bosman 12-16) at California'Oter canceled cago gamesI
lot of guys think they're in shape (Messersnilth 20-13). were with weak Montreal and an-
and will find out they are not. Chicago (Wood 22-13) at Kansas City other was with Philadelphia which
I The pitchers will suffer the most. (Drago 17-11). finished last in the division in
I Te ptchrswil sufe th mot. Milwauikee (Parsons 13-17 or Lock- 1971.
A hitter will always hit. But when wood (10-15) at Cleveland (G. Perry
you're not throwing in game con- 16-12). Cancellations such as these
40,000 is expected to see Detroit's
Mickey Lolich and Marty Pattin
of the Red Sox meet in the opener. DaBy FRANK La
However, the Weather Bureau m Dave Fischer, stalwa
forecasts a 50 per cent chance of j man for Michigan's
"We can't be expected to turnj
it on overnight," was the assess-
ment of Tiger manager Billy Mar-
tin as he prepared to put his teamt
through a four-hour workout Fri-
day. All pitchers except Lolich
were slated to get some work Fri-
day as Martin sought to get some
of the kinks out of their arms.
Midwest champion lace
can be a very paradoxi
In his civvies, Fisch
curly hair and thick g
bine with his thick-se
give one the impressio
dious economics major
crosse player.
But he is both.
/RjIVIre 'I"i littlfl L"tI
ditions. it's tough to be sharp."
"I'm not really ready to get into
it," said California third baseman
TV & Stereo Rentals
$10.00 per month.
Los Angeles,(Sutton 17-12) at Cin-
cinnati (Biliingham 10-16).
Atlanta (Niekro 15-14) at San Diego
(Kirby 15-13)
Pittsburgh (Ellis 19-9) at New York
(Seaver 20-10).
Philadelphia (Carlton 20-9) at Chi-
cago (Jenkins 24-13).
Montreal (Stoneman 17-6) at St.
Louis (Gibson 16-13).
SanFrancisco (Marichal 18-11) at
Houston (Wilson 16-0) night.
could effect the outcome of the
other three major league divisions.
The Tigers and Red Sox, whose
first four games against each oth-
er were canceled because of the
baseball strike, will open their
American League seasons on tele-
vision - if the weatherman co-
A crowd of between 35,000 and
The Michigan A.A.U. Boxing
Tournament moves into Yost
Fieldhouse today with a slate
of 47 bouts divided among both
an afternoon and an evening
Boxers from all over the state
will take part in the meet, the
first time in history the event
has been held on the Michigan
campus. Michigan state boxing
chairman, Art Mahlebashian,
predicts the fans will see some
terrific action :
"These kids will give every-
thing they have. They have
fought hard to get here and
there's no way they're going to
give any less than 100 per cent
Mahlebashian says one of the
main reasons for holding the
championships here was the
I, I I
EIU G G Aq tu 1-
i 1" \
L .
_ ,== ,
, 1
at ,
"But I want friends,
diversity, action and
something to keep my
interest, too!"
magic name of the1
"I've heard them (the
of nothing else sinc
nounced Michigan as
All of the guys have
excited about the p
actually fighting on
campus," he said, "esp
University of Michiga
Tournament official
bones about what the
of the meet is. Co-spc
the Michigan A.A.U.,
igan Intramural D
and the Ann Arbor
their real goal is to ra
money from the two
ances today to be ab
the winners to Las
the nationals. Thf
amounts to some thr
thousand dollars.
But if that figure
it will be a credit t
boxing program in Mic
to the boys fightin
Michigan has the m
tered amateur glove
country. Of the 120(
ones will be competin
hopes of taking that
magic city in the de
Tickets will be on
door. for both the 1:
and the 7:30 affair
with an I.D. will be a
the afternoon novice
1$1.50 and $2.00 in th
All of the proceeds wil
go to send the winn
open division to the
Columbus club
)NGO Put nim in his lacrosse outfit,
rt defense- complete with helmet and pads,
defending and the "30" on his back, and he
rosse club, immediately becomes a hard-hit-
cal type of ting, body-checking defenseman
' playing what, is known as "the
her's short, fastest sport on two feet,
lasses com- "I love the hitting," says Fisch-
t . frame to er, but he also admits that "the
n of a stu- greatest satisfaction is in shutting
, not a la- your man out." Lacrosse teams
play man-to-man defense, similar
to that of basketball. Each de-
-- fenseman is matched against and
must guard an opposing attack-
Fischer also admits that his po-
K t sition, that of the crease defense-
Sman, carries with it a little more
responsibility than for those play-
University. ing the outside.
kids) talk "You're the last man between
e we an- an attackman who's lost his man
the site. and the goalie." Does he badger
been very the man he's guarding? "Sure, I
rospect of do. I let him know I'm around.
a college But there are ways the attackman
ecially the let the defense know they're
n." around, too."
Ls make no Indeed, with a 6-2 frame sup-
e objective porting 200 pounds, Fischer has
onsored by the tools to let the opponents
the Mich- know he's there, and he doesn't
}epartment hesitate to do so. He is equally
p Jaycees, adept, however, atscarfinguup
ise enough ground balls and running 50 yards
perform- down the sideline to clear one.
le to send This weekend Fischer and his
Vegas for mates play host to Columbus La-
at figure crosse Club on Saturday and
ee to four Cleveland Lacrosse Club Sunday.
Both games will be played on the
is reached Tartan Turf of Ferry field, begin-
ning at 2:00.
o the fine Said Fischer: "I think we can
g tonight. and beat them both." In fact, "I think
g toris- we can win the Midwest this
rs in the year." Michigan is now 2-2 in
s the top league play.
0, today in In last Wednesday's game with
Michigan State, the Spartans
trpto h slipped by 7-6. aided by some
sert. o uestion able officiating. Michigan
sale at the had 22 nenalties to MSU's 5.
:30 session "Tt was just too difficult playing
Students a man down for almost the whole
dmitted to game. It wes like we were playing
bof twelve us the ten Michigan
ie evening. 5t'~a players and the two referees.
11 of course. With the two losses in 'leaguie
ers in the n7av to Bowling Green and State,
e national Michigan will need a quick turn-
around stnrtina this wixkend if it
Ih s to capture another Midwest
.tin e .................. ...................
Come see FRAN M-F, 10-2 and
M-W-F 2-4 at 420 MAYNARD
Staff members needed in advertising, cir-
culation, classified, and finance.
Help Your Brother!
Prepare now for training
sessions in May. After
the training p r o g r a m,
counsel one two-hour ses-
sion per week.
502 East Huron
(Baptist Center)
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Sat. 10-Noon
- AS-
Army-Navy Surplus
761-6207 11-5
For The Student Body:
State Street at Liberty
A cheerleading training ses-
sion for any male students in-
terested in trying out for the
Football Cheer Squad will be
held during the week of April
17th through the 21st. Those in-
terested please report to the
Wrestling Room in the IM Bldg.
at 4:30 p.m. any day that week.
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