Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Ex-spy n search of
greener pastures
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints,
CPHA employes vs. the city
SINCE February 23 workers at the Com-
mission on Professional and Hos-
p; al Practices (CPHA) have been ox
strike over a number of employment is-
sues, including establishment of a closed
union shop.
The CPHA plant, which does computer
processing of patient information for
hospitals across the country is an ana-
chronism in the twentieth century, with
rigid work conditions, low pay and little
job security.
CPHA is the only firm of its kind to
pay by piecework. This means employes
must work as fast as they can to reach
quotas of production. Pay is adjusted by
the worker's speed. Since the work is
easier for very young people, the com-
pany tends to demote or fire older em-
CPHA employs a majority of women,
approximately 85 per cent in the job
categories presently unionized such as
keypunch, scanner and machine oper-
ators. And women fill the less desirable
and less protected positions at the plant.
'W[HME CPHA employes, continue to
fight for civilized job conditions, city
and police action has been far from com-
mendable. Police attendance at anti-
strike-breaking demonstrations has been
heavy - often up to 4 uniformed police-
men to each demonstrator. This close
supervision, according to police officials,
is to "keep the peace" and prevent de-
struction of CPHA property.
But when police make a practice of de-
taining one or two demonstrators at the
beginning of a protest, on charges that
have been dropped due to insubstantial-
ity in each of the five cases so far, it is
hard to believe that intimidation is not
City government's ostensible neutrality
with regard to the strike has been con-
tradicted by the city's failure to protect
strikers from scabbing.
CPHA strikers are determined to reach
their goals of a union shop and fair
working conditions. Perhaps the appar-
ently swelling support for the strike from
students and other unions will help in-
fluence the management's position.
In the meantime, the Ann Arbor Po-
lice and city government can hardly be
excused for active or even indirect con-
tribution to the management's unfair
SOMEWHERE in a back issue of the
London papers there should be an
article about Kratkov. After all, I've seen
many of those stories myself, about how
the smooth, suave KGB agent abandons
his past and asks either London or Wash-
ington for asylum. They say yes of course
and we all breath a little bit easier;
there's one less slick agent to worry about,
the state secrets are safe, he says bad
things about where he came from and
good things about what we have. Ah,
cathargic relief.
And so we're all sitting back in the
auditorium last Monday waiting to hear
what Comrade Kratkov has to say. Next
to me is my old friend X, who came all
the way from East Lansing. I remember
him telling me in a moment of strictest
confidence how he used to be an intelli-
gence specialist in the U.S. Army. Not
much really, it turned out. He just man-
ned some radio in Turkey and translated.
But the KGB - committee for state se-
curity - now that was a different matter.
I just couldn't imagine them doing any-
thing more mundane than plotting to steal
designs for a, missile or something.
In he walks. Later he would pull out an
Arizona newspaper clipping that called
him "short, spare and looking somewhat
like Alexei Kosygin." But now he is rather
tall, well-built and doesn't look a bit like
any of his former bosses. And he starts
off, arms gesturing, his face a tanned
mobile conveyor of a thousand expressions
with a mouth that emits broken English
like an overaged extra practicing for a
role in an old spy flick. "I wanted to
spend hours in these supermarkets of
yours . . . such a nice paper on the pack-
ages . . . so many things that we don't
But now he goes on
really why he left, he
You can't write what
is a significant pause . .
BUT SOMETHING'S wrong. This guy's
supposed to be an ex-spy. S-P-Y. Intrigue,
suspense, adventure. But here he comes,
mile-a-minute with anecdotes, like a stand-
up comic without portfolio warming up his
audience. Have-you-heard-the-one-about-the
-tailor-in-Moscow? It was almost like that.
Comic side of the rigors of living in a soc-
ialist economy. Not exactly what I ex-
pected, but I laugh too. He really is fun-
to freedom. That's
says, now serious.
you want. There
So now it is evening and Yuri Kratkov
is ea ting with us, but he is no longer a
spy. He is a misfortunate who got tabbed
through his work as a writer and TASS
correspondent to do a little intrigue. You
can't say no. He's supposed to compromise
the wife of the French ambassador in Mos-
cow while a floundering blonde starlet went
after the ambassador himself. "L' amour,"
says Yuri, "you know the French . . . he
was in love with her." But what about
Yuri? "As God is here I never did any-
thing with her."
I breath a sigh of relief. I don't want
Yuri to be a spy, I decide. There was no
need for adventures, intrigue and suspense.
He's written a play about'the incident and
Reader's Digest (who else?) has published
an article of his about his involvement with
the KGB. But it doesn't matter. I don't
have to consider him a suspenseful strang-
er anymore. He's just a man disenchant-
ed with where he came from who knows
that where he is now is far from perfect,
That's good enough for me now. I hope
Yuri sells his writingeto someone now that
he's in New York. He wasn't a very god
spy. And that's good' enough.
Justice in the streets
C.L.R. James:
Revolution in his time
E BODY count is going up in the city
these days as gunmen drill each other
with shotguns, pistols and impunity. The
killers are rapidly writing finis to several
unfounded notions, fictional and real. To
dismiss the most obvious first: all those
stories honoring the Mafiosi as chivalrous
family men engaged in good government
Editorial Stiff
SARA FITZGERALD...............Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS.................Editorial Director
CARLA RAPOPORT................Executive Editor
ROBERT SCHREINER........ ......... News Editor
ROSE SUE BERSTEIN...............Feature Editor
PAT BAUER...............Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY ............. Editorial Page Editor
MARK DILLEN ................ Editorial Page Editor
ARTHUR LERNER .............. Editorial Page Editor
PAUL TRAVIS ........................ Arts Editor
GLORIA JANE SMITH ..........Associate Arts Editor
JONATHAN MILLER,.....:.. Special Features Editor
TERRY McCARTHY..............Photography Editor
ROBERT CONROW .-...................Books Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks, Gene
Robinson, Zachary Schiller.
COPY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, John
Mitchell, Tony Schwartz. Charles Stein, Ted Stein.
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Mary
Kramer, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink-
lenberg, Rebecca warner, Marcia Zoslaw.
Brown, Janet Gordon, Meryl Gordon, Scott Gordon,
Lorin Labardee, Diane Levick, Jean McGuire, Jim
O'Brien, Martin Porter, Marilyn Riley, Linda Rosen-
thal, Marty Stern, Doris waltz.
cey, Nancy Hackmaier, Cindy Hill, Jim Kentch, John
Marston, Nancy Rosenbaum, Paul Ruskin, Ralph
Business Staff
Business Manager
BILL. ABBOTT .......... Associate Business Manager
HARRY HIRSCH ............... Advertising Manager
PRANCINE HYMEN.......... .d..Personnel Manager
DIANE CARNEVALE ...............Sales Manager
PAUL WENZLOF ..............Promotions Manager
STEVEN EVSEEFF.............Circulation Manager
fied: Judy Cassel, Ji' Dykema, Dave Lawson; Cir-
culation: William Blackford; Display: Sherry Kastle.
Karen Laakko; National: Patti wilkinson; Layout:
Bob Davidoff; Billing: L'Tanya Haith.
or civil rights activity ought to be given
indecent burial.
But the story in the streets and in the
law enforcement agencies is more serious.
The victims in the long run are the busi-
nessmen, many small owners, who fall
prey to loansharking, labor "contracts,"
extortion through "protection," and hi-,
jacking. These, plus gambling and nar-
cotics, are the main sources of Mafia
revenue. What the street killings suggest
is that the "families" are still formidable
-and that they can enforce their terri-
torial demands with gunfire.
The use of public places as'.shooting
galleries conveys a message that is ac-
tual and potential: it is wiser to pay off
than rely on law enforcement officials
for protection and prosecution. This is
not a matter of police corruption -on
any level - but of priorities and neglect.
The Mafia appears to be too far down
the list.
THE Justice Department's Law Enforce-
ment, Assistance Administration, an
cutgrowth of the Omnibus Crime Control
and Safe Streets Act of 1968, has distrib-
uted hundreds of millions of dollars to
upgrade police and corrections depart-
ments. But the figures disclose that, in
New York alone, only a small percentage
of the Federal funds were directed
against fighting organized crime.
Events in this city and elsewhere show
that, from petty to big time crime, the
streets are anything but safe.
The Mafia "hit" men have not withered
away; they still have hundreds of guns
for hire. They need to be vigorously
counterattacked by all levels of police and
the law enforcement agencies.
April 14
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article was prepared by the Black
Matters Committee, an organization
of black students and professors in
the political science department.
CERTAINLY, C.L.R. James re=
mains one of the most influ-
ential revolutionary Pan-African-
ists in the history of the black
liberation struggle. The seventy
year old native Trinadadian re-
cently attended a conference held
in his honor here in Ann Arbor
where he continued to offer his
political perspective on the condi-
tions of oppressed peoples.
Perhaps best known for his books
Black Jacobins, a major historical
work on the Haitian revolution,
and A History of Pan African Re-
volt, James has been a prolific
writer. And his incredible range
of writings spans colonial poli-
tics, cricket commentary, novel,
short stories, political theory,
philosophy and literary criticism.
But James does more than
chronicle history. He creates it.
From his particular experience as
a black man, he helped organize
the African International Services
Bureau in London in the 1930's -
which played a key role in the
anti-colonial struggle.
One of James' earliest works,
World Revolution 1917 to 1936,
published in 1937, put him in his
role as, a world revolutionary fig-
ure. Attracted by creativity,
James became a follower of the
brilliant Trotsky. His first book
took the Trotsky line in its de-
nunciation of Stalin.
But James' persistent commit-
ment to the true humanism of
Marx and Lenin, began with an
analysis of Stalinist bureaucracy
as a negation of Leninism. For
James was and is a humanist -
A year later, after conversations
with Trotsky, he travelled to the
United States where he organized
Missouri sharecroppers into a un-
Returning to Trinidad in 1955.
James helped form the People's
National Movement, edited its
Letters to The Daily
Presidential primary campaign in
Michigan here, I would like to
clear up some prevalent misun-
derstandings about Shirley Chis-
holm's candidacy for the Demo-
cratic nomination.
There seems to be two problems
of public attitude facing the peo-
ple who have been working for
Mrs. Chisholm.
The first is a misguided "real-
ism". The frequent question, "Why
bother, since you know she hasn't
got a chance?" reflects a, naivete
about the political process lead-
ing up to the nominating conven-
The point of Mrs. Chisholm's
campaign is twofold: '
-To go to the convention with
power - bargaining power, which
means to go with delegate votes.
If she controls a sizeable number
of delegates, the Democratic lead-
ership will get the message that
formerly unrepresented peoples
and views can be organized f o r
- To prove that the Presiden-
tial candidacy of a black and a
woman must be taken seriously.
Not until either a minority mem-
ber or a woman makes a. good
showing in primary races will the
country as a, whole accept the pos-
sibility of a minority or a woman
If, through some "unrealistic"
impulse, Democrats put off sup-
port of such a candidate until
1976, there will be none with a'
strong chance until 1980!
-Kay E. McCargar
April 3
Zero Population
To the Daily:
TO ALL those people who saw
the movie "ZPG" (Zero Popula-
tion Growth) at the University
Drive-In (April 5-11) or who will
see it when it comes to another
local theater:
The 'organization Zero Popula-
tion Growth, Inc. is in no way
the movie).
Please keep these facts in
when and if you see the mo
-Miriam Wolf, coordin
Ann Arbor Chapter of2
April 11
To The Daily:,
about Josh and his preachi
minded me of Michael Greh
perience at a South Africa
(Rev. Green is Registrar
London College of Divinil
reads classics at Exeter C
Oxford, and Theology att
College, ,Cambridge).
Rev. Green was speak
radical ideologies of the 64
the gospel and I quote Mr.4
"I was speaking on this
in a South African universe
after my talk a fine, strong
some young man asked if he
print my address in as
"I looked him in the ey
asked him what he was g
do about the adventure of
ing himself with so challen
leader as Jesus Christ. H
fell and he muttered, 'IY
the guts'. He wanted to pr
talk but he shrank from1
"I have found the lack of
courage to be a notable cha
istic both of the sixth-form
the university opposition to
tianity which I have met.
"As one Oxford friend w
his father about his friend
problem with most of them
cover, is not to convince
that Christianity is true; ma
honest enough with themse
admit they are convinced
they are not honest enoug
themselves to act on wh
believe' ".
I hope that any person
uses the "medicine man"
provided by Porter's comi
as an excuse for dismissing
n mind
We are objecting primarily to
the blurb describing sorority life.
Josh It is obvious that the writer has
never lived in nor been a part of
a sorority experience. We are not
Aemarks waited upon and told what to do,
ing re- nor do we view sororities as a
n's - chance for "luxurious security."
n Uni- Greek communal living is as
viable an alternative as apart-
at the ment, co-op, or dorm and there is
ty and no reason why it shouldn't have
College, been presented as such.
Queens --Dinah Stein '72
Phyllis Lambert '72
ing on Mary Ann Guillaumin '72
0's and April 12
ity and Stadim
, hand- To The Daily:
might I RECENTLY received a report
student from the Board in Control of In-
res and tercollegiate Athletics which con-
oing to tained some information which I
falign- think very important, but which
aging a has received very little publicity.
is eyes First, the Department of Inter-
haven't collegiate Athletics made money
int the last year, a change in the trend of
getting the last few years.
Second, the stadium, or at least
f moral the concrete portion with '80,000
aracter- seats, needs renovation. The board
and of estimates that this will cost $12-
Chris- $13 per seat, for a total expense
of about one million dollars. They
rote to are now considering undertaking
is, 'The the renovation over a five year
i, I dis- time period. It would be financed
them by board income if present finan-
any are cial trends continue.
elves to I personally think it would be
, yet unwise for the University to spend
gh with $200,000 per year in 'that way at
at they this time, even if the $200,000 were
n ho generated in the stadium itself. We
are in the middle of an academic
excuse depression, with resources decreas-
nentary ing and costs rising. There must
Josh's be several dozen other needs more
ginning of the 1972 Michiganensian
and seems to make the claim that
the yearbook will be a full, round-
ed, and unbiased view of campus
life. However, this does not seem
to be the case.
paper, and fought the political is-
sue of independence.
JAMES HAS SPENT his entire
life fighting the elite, bureaucratic:
concept of government in all of its
forms, whether it appeared as
colonialism, under the guise of,
monopoly-capia list imperialism, or
Stalinist state capitalism.
His numerous and early writings
on the struggles of American
blacks against the white elitism
inherent in the social and eco-
nomic structure of the United
States, his insistence that black
Americans should be free to or-
ganize their own independent
movements against oppression,
and his early assessment of the
Garvey movement played a large
role in the growth of conscious-
ness of the black masses.
Just as James was detained on
Ellis Island in the early 1950's by
US immigration officials under the
McCarran act, several of the
speakers scheduledat the con-
ference had difficulties receiving
visas. One lecturer, Trevor Mon-
roe did not receive a visa until
after the beginning of the ses-
sions, and only after the Con-
gressional Black Caucus was noti-
fied, prompting a resolution adopt-
ed by the conference asking t h e
Congressional Black Caucus to im-
mediately investigate all acts of
discrimination undertaken by this
government against black and
Third World peoples.
political activity in Trinidad in
the mid-1960's, James now concen-
trates his activism in North Amer-
ica in the new phases of heighten-
ed black consciousnesss in Canada
and the United States. As a visit-
ing professor, and lecturer at sev-
eral universities, by attending in-
numerable conferences, J a im e s
addresses himself always to the
immediate issues of the day, some
particular in scope, some interna-
However James poses China as
the real issue in world politics,
saying that few, if any, of his gen-
eration of Marxists would h a v e
dreamed that the vast peasant
forces would have taken the pri-
mary revolutionary role. Pointing
to the immense disparity in the
economic wealth between China
and Europe, he observed that the
Chinese remains an ongoing pro-
cess rather than an accomplished
Moreover, James stresses the
urgent need foir a theoretical
framework for all' aspects of the
struggle to humanize the world
through the material and cultural
liberation of its peoples.
In addition to his lecturing,
James 'works on his memoirs of
fellow Pan-Africanist George Pad-
more, on a book on Kwame Nkru-
mah, as well as on his autobiogra-
He has been recognized for his
massive contributions to litera-
ture, political and philosophical
The University of the West In-
dies honored him with an honorary
doctorate. In 1970, a special C.L.R.
James issue of Radical America
was published. And at the con-
ference here, Professor Cedric Ro-
binson from the university's poli-
tical science department asked the
conference to accept a resolution
which he described as a contra-
diction. Saying that James needs
no degrees from universities and
that such recognition could be in-
terpreted as an ifnsulit rather than
an honor, he stressed the import-
ance to emphasize to black and op-
pressed people that black intel-
lectuals have a long and honorable
tradition, and therefore proposed
that the University grant James
an honorary degree.
However, a visiting professor at
the university intervened, while
admitting support for the resolu-
tion, moving that in the radition
of Africa, James should hence-
forth be addressed as mzee, a
Swahili word for wise old man.
AND HIS WISDOM was certain-
ly evident as he gave the conclud-
ing remarks at the conference.
Totally confident fo rthe future,
James pointed out the heroic
struggle of the Vietnamese people
who are winning against all of the
technological terror released by
the United States.
But the revolutionary legacy of
C.L.R. James must be honored by
more than a small group at a con-
ference. James has promised to
continue the struggle and in 1982
to return to predict the events of
the following decade - an event
worth anticipating.
W "W - .A