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April 15, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-15

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Cloudy, winds

Vol. LXXXII, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Saturday, April 15, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

N Vietnam
stuggls on



SAIGON (1 - The battle for An Loc raged into its third
day this morning as a tank-led North Vietnamese infantry
column launched a new attempt to seize the bitterly defend-
ed provincial capital 60 miles north of Saigon.
After a barrage of 300 rockets and recoilless rifle shells,
the North Vietnamese attacked from the north with nine
tanks. Eight were reportedly destroyed by ground troops with
anti-tank weapons and U.S. fighter-bombers and gunships.
Meanwhile, U. S. B52 bomnbers kept up heavy attacks on
North Vietnamese troops around the city with 12 more strikes
There were perhaps as many as 12 U.S. advisers at An

Johnson na
I verberger
Feature Editor
Chemistry Prof. Charles ^
Overberger has been selected
University vice president for
research, The Daily learned
In a letter obtained by The
Daily, President Robben Fleming
indicated Overber ger has been ap-
pointed to the research post'.
Overberger declined to comment
on the appointment last night.
while Fleming could not be
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith disclaimed--
knowledge of the appointment. "I
haven't been to any meetings on
it," he said,
Overberger is chairman of the
chemistry department, director of!
the Macromolecular Research
:Center and an internationally rec-
ognized expert on polymer chem-
Like his predecessor, A. Geof-
frey Norman, Overberger is be-
lieved by some observers to favor -
retention of classified research
projects on campus.
Fleming last year appointed
Overberger to head a committee to
advise the Regents on the role of
the new vice president for re- Students gather yesterday on the Dia
search. raffle. Pictured is the awarding of a
.The "Overberger report" on the
vice president for research post APPROVAL NEEDED:
advised that the duties of that of- *






Black School Board
member picked VP
City School Board member
Henry Johnson has been ap-
pointed new vice president for
s t u d e n t service, President
Robben Fleming announced
The appointment will take ef-
fect June 1.
Johnson's name was one of four
submitted to Fleming by the stu-
dent. faculty and administrative *
search committee.
His appointment ended a four
month search for a successor to
Robert Knauss. who left the vice
riresidency February 1 to become
dean of Vanderbilt University's
Law School.
Johnson, the associate director
of the School of Education's Pro-
gram for Educational, Opportunity
is currently running for re-elec- -Henry Johnson
tion to the school board. - --
As vice president, Johnson will
be resionsible for working with
the Office of Student Service'sdP r t s e


Ping11 pn
tea pay
h ere today
The world champion table ten-
nis team from the People's Repub-
lic of China will visit the Univer-
sity today on their only campus
tour during a two-week stay in
the United States.
The group includes fourteen
players-led by champion Chuang
Tse-tung-two members of the
All-China Sports Federation, four
interpreters, and eight reporters.
They will arrive by bus at the
Michigan Union this morning and
attend a reception with invited
students and faculty. The group
4 will then take a walking tour of
the campus, led by student guides,
and eat lun~ch in Bursley Resi-
dence Hall's cafeteria.
The Chinese delegation will take
a brie! tour by car of the Ann
Arbor area, ending at Crisler

"Loc with the three South Viet-
namese regiments defending
the city. There have been no
reports of any U.S. casualties.
Some lead elements of a huge
South Vietnamese relief force
south of An Loc broke under furi-
ous attacks from the north yester-
day and were driven back in dis-
array, a Vietnamese officer caught
in the battle said.
Nevertheless, An Loc's defend-
ers claimed at dusk they had dis-
lodged North Vietnamese troops
from all but two blocks in the
northern part of the town, 60
miles north of Saigon. An enemy
attack led by tanks had captured
the northern section of the pro-
vincial capital Thursday.
There were no official reports
on the retreat described by the
shaken Vietnamese infantry offi-
The man, who asked not to be
named for fear of official retalia-
tion, said armored personnel car-
riers moving toward An Loc broke
under furious rocket fire. The col-
umn had been stalled by enemy
attacks in the same general area
for three days.
The panic of some drivers was
such, he said, tha,t they ran over
some government soldiers accom-
panylne them. Tie reported some
dead and wounded were left be-
hind in the four-mile retreat.
As the fighting intensified for
An Loc. North Vietnamese troops
fired five artillery rockets into a
suburb of the capital. bringing the
war to Saleon for the first time
in the 1 6-day-old Communist-led
offensive. One round hit Tan Son I
Nhut air base and the others fell
into civilian housing. Although
only two of these exploded, they
killed 15 nersons and wounded six,
oclice said.
Fours earlier, overcast skies
cleared over North Vietnam and
a lar%'e U S. air armada went In

g as ENACT members distribute prizes in their bicycle
battery -op erated bicycle light.

fice be expanded. Specifically it
suggested that the office be re-

Group seeks student

to get an absentee ballot be-
fore you leave Ann Arbor for
the summer. Otherwise you
could miss voting in the May
S presidential primary, the June
school bioard elections and the
August primary for state and
county offices. You can fill out
applications for absentee bal-
lots in the Fishbowl this week.
The local visit will end this aft-
ernoon with an exhibition match

and directing and co-ordinating
the activities of the five senarate
divisions which comprise the of-
With an annual salary of $27.-
000. Johnson will be the lowest
naid Tlniversi~y vice president. He
is believed to be the first black to
be named a vice president.
Tn addition. Johnson was guar-
anteed that he could return to
his oresent School of E-aucation
'ob should he decide to at a later
date to leave the vice oresidency.
Tn making the announcement
Fleming said, "I am pleased to
have a man of Henry Johnson's
ability and experience in his pro-
fessional field - on this campus
and in the community - assume
the important post of vice presi-
dent for student services."
While members of the search
committee inidicated that they
were pleased that Fleming had
chosen Johnson from their list,
there was some doubt as to whe-
ther Fleming had considered the
entire list in making his decision.
The other three candidates for
the post were Education Prof.
Murray Jackson, Robert Ross, a
researcher at the Institute for So-
cial Research. and Elaine Reu-
ben, an English professor at the
University of Wisconsin.
Reuben has said that as of
Tuesday, ahe had not been offi-
cially told by Fleming that her
name was being considered for the
vice presidency, nor had she spok-
en to him since before the com-
mittee submitted its list.
Jerr'y De Grieck, '72, a member

parity on LSA


at Crisler Arena, including a dem- for the attack. Officials said the
onstration by University trampo- wea+her was "the best yet" since
linists. th Tinited States declared North
vietn'am nart rof the Tndnchina

In keeping with the continuing
drive for more student participa-
tion in literary college government
decision-making, an ad hoc stu-
dent-faculty committee has rec-
ommended student parity with
faculty members on the LSA Ad-
ministrative board.
The committee has also recom-
mended various changes in the
structure and function of the
board, which sets policy for the
literary college on a wide range
of academic matters.

late drops, charges of cheating and LSA Student Government Presi-
cases of suspension or probation, dent Diane Rapoport called the
are dealt with by the board. report "of utmost importance" be-
The committee, composed of cause "student government is a
five students and four faculty and farce unless students have real
administrators, listed their recoin- power, not just an advisory func-
mendations in a report at the Ap- tion, like they have now."
ril 3 faculty meeting. Students presently may vote on

on assalt
A demonstrator detained by po-
lice while picketing the Commis-
sion on Professional and Hos~tal
Activities (CPHA-) April 5, has
been arraigned on charges o'f as-
sault and battery and blocking
employes from using the plant's
tirrested Thursday, Richarci
Gockel, a non-CPHA worker, is
the first of five demonstrators de-
tained by police in the last three
weeks to be arrested. Students and
members of local unions have dur-
ing that time joined striking
CPHA employes in picketing the
hospital records corporation.
Gockel's case is scheduled to be-
gin June 29.
He said yesterday that he was
confident that he will be acquit-
ted. "It's something I didn't do,"
he said. "I can't really see that
they've got much of a case at all."
Gockel said police detained him
when he rolled off the fender of
a CPHA employe's car, as demon-
strators joined picket lines. The
car accelerated too fast to allow
him to get out o'f the way, he sai&
A policeman approached him
and began to grab him "as if he
wanted to shake me up,'" Gockel
The demonstrator then brushed
the policeman's hands away, he
said. "I wouldn't let him man-
handle me." However, he claimed
charges of assault were untrue.
Gockel was taken to the police
station where he was released
pending issue of a civil arrest
The CPHA strike began seven
weeks ago over the issues of work-
ing conditions and the establish-
ment of a union shop. Negotiations
are now in process between com-
pany management and the union-
ized workers - members of UAW
Local 157. Management officials,
however, have thus far refused to
give ground on the union shop is-
sue, which members feel is cru-
cial to their union's survival..

The exhibition games at Crisler
will include singles play by the
Chinese and doubles play between
mixed Chinese-American teams.
The team will leave for Metro
airport at 3 p.m. and fly to Wil-
liamsburg, Virginia.-
The Michigan Young Americans
for Freedom (YAF) plan a protest
of today's visit.
The team, ending a three-day
visit in Detroit, played a match
with an American team in Cobo
Hall last night. The match marks
the first of several games sched-
uled for the American tour.
The players visited in Detroit
yesterday the Latin Americans for

hattlefield and resumed bombing

The faculty is expected to vote
on the recommendations at a spe-
cial meeting on April 25, with re-
gental approval of any action
scheduled for the summer. If a
quorum is not present at the April
meeting, however, the faculty vote

several LSA committees, including
the Curriculum Committee and the
newly-formed advisory student-
Faculty Policy Committee. How-
ever, all final decision-making be-
longs to the LSA governing facul-

thei' lat week.
Targets were anti-aircraft de-
fanses and suoly routes that have
no b een bombed for the past sev-
eral days because of bad weather.
Radio Hanoi claimed six U.S. jets
were shot down. The U.S. com-
mand. however, said it had no
plane losses to report in the North.
In its daily war communioue
the Vietnamese hieh command
said there were 107 enemy at-
tacks in the 24 hours ending at 6
a m. yesterday. This was the larg-
est number for any 24-hour ner-
lod since the 196R Tet offensive.
At last report fighting contin-

Pui~n~ V (I'vro~<.L nn

Social and Economic Development ued on the outskirts of An Loc.
S(LASED), a Chicano community where a 12 000-man government
renter, and a Model Neighbor- force i5 under orders from Presi-
hoods program health clinic, dent Nguyen Van Thieu to hold
The Chinese presented the at all costs.
LASED with an art scroll and re- The force has been surrounded
ceived a tapestry and a pinata, a for nearly a week and Thursday
Mexican Christmas decoration. A appea red in danger of being over-
scroll depicting a scene in the city run. So far. the government forces
~'of Nanking was given to the di- say they have knocked out 18
rector ofthe clinic by the team. See N. VIETS, Page 7
'Fellow'ad s
By JAN BENEDETTI Otto Graf, chairman of the so
A student interested in French ciety.
literature may choose a stuffy '"We ask for three endorsement
library carrel as the site for fur- by persons who can vouch fo
$ ther study. But a few lucky stu- their talent, stamina and the via
dents each year can spend a year bility of their projects," Graf add~
in France studying at a location Seven new junior fellows wer
of their choice - and receive recently chosen from more tha
$9,500 to finance the experience. 150 applicants at a number o
The Michigan Society of Fellows universities.

in I mJ. xJ V Ul IJUI r Szuch matters as late adds and may be delayed until the fall. There are currently six non- Uf the~ commLIitte, declared I am
-- - - - - -- -- - - --- voting students on the adminis- very disappointed that Fleming
tratve bard.didn't take the entire list sei-
tr atve bard.ously. The fact that he ignored
The report recommends that the one person on the list, a woman,
ulty members, four voting student slap at the comnmittee."
e e emembers, and four non-voting ''I'm happy, however, that he
of i-1Ki r c n p l c e facuty and four non-voting stu- did choose someone from our list,"
- dent members. The chairman - he added.
the associate dean for student aca- Johnson, 35, received his BA at
By JIM O'BRIEN in Angola and South Africa. Union's Anderson Room. demic affairs -- would vote only Morehouse College, and a master
Th reustdinimnin n the case of a tie. of social work degree at the At-
The conitroversial question of Thues rqthed iformratiown in-f A presentation was given by At the April 3 meeting, the fac- lanta University School of Social
publicly disclosing all African wde hte alary rkdown foruf Tim Smith, representing the ulty approved five amendments Work.
crporae activite~ss o as Gul Oi Co. white an blaymrerts for Glf- Churchn Pojeto A U.S. Ivest- t the proposed revisions, mostly Dr. Charles Kidd will continue
and Ge era M tor, as eb ted andy GMtan paymentsPor .nl- m nsi ot fia h ru minor wording changes recoin- to serve as acting vice president
at a public forum yesterday. tayotectonto Gthe Portgues which proposed the resolution- mended by computer science Prof. for student services until May 31,
ThInvriy hc od ovne ntrbytulf andementaie- Edwin Walker, executive vice pres- Bernard Galler. when he will return to his former
The0 Univresiy which sold on theecontractnalthgreementubs- ident of Gulf Oil, and Jeffrey The five changes approved by post as assistant vice president in
55,600 shares of Gul stockan w oerentl n hePruus Field, a representative of Brain See AD, Page 10 the office.,
vote this spring along with other The forum, attended by over 30 chingute rese nterospodate
stockholders on resolutions speci- persons, was presented by the Iangcoicg tutu re to ''h-rprate..
fying that the companies should Senate Assembly Advisory Coin- anistnic drecgicall acce-
disclose information on operations mittee on Financial Affairs in the tal one," a log poyke.e
- Smith, in his speech, opposed '
FERED Gulf's presence in Angola, a Por- ;
tuguese colony in Africa, for giv-
ing tacit support to the Portu-
guese government, and for delay-
it dents' ro e C t .ngthe "natural process of libera-
P1 All three of the independence
movements active in Angola have
-for the second and third years, ac- expressed opposition to Gulf's.
cording to Graf. Those junior fel- presence in the country, according
s lows with three dependents or less ' to Smith.
r can receive an additional $500 per IWalker supported Gulf's pres-
-year. They may also spend a year .: Ience in the country, by saying
s.out of residence. that "the oil is there, and will be
e One is, currently in Prague stu- exploited by other companies if
n dying Slavic languages and lit- . ?Ot by Gulf."
f erature. He opposes the resolution,
The seventeen .iunior fellows. claiming that much of the infor-

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