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April 14, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-14

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Sfri i6a


Sunny and mild,
evening showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 149

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 14, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Senate limits
war power
WASHINGTON -'- The Senate yesterday approved, 68-
16, a bill to limit the President's power to commit U.S. armed
forces in undeclaredI wars.
During 11 days of Senate debate, the bill was described
by its sponsors as an effort to restore the constitutional au-
thority of Congress to participate in war-making decisions.
Although the bill exempts hostilities in which U.S. troops
now are engaged, sponsors said it is intended to prevent U.S.
involvement in another Viet-.
ds nanbOpposedby the Nixon Admnin-
istration,the bill now goes to the
House to an uncertain fate. The
House passed, without debate last
August a weaker resolution reaf-
firming the right of Congress to
declare war and recognizing the
authority of the President to move
on oarwithout prior consent of Congress
i emergency situations.
The Senate bill would allow the
By DAN BIDDLE President to use the armed forces,
without approval of Congress, only
Central Student Judiciary CSJ), for 30 days and only to repel at-
ruled last night to "leave vacant" tack on U.S. territory or armed
a contested seat on the Board for forces, forestall the imminent
Student Publications and invali- threat of attack, or rescue Amer-.
date the election of Ron Landsman icans endangered on foreign soil
('74L) or ships at sea.
The decision came in response Continued use of the armed
to ex-Student Government Coun- forces in hostilities, beyond 30
cil member Brad Taylor's charge days, would be permitted without
that Landsman could not legally approval of Congress only if Con-
be given the position. Taylor based gress was physically unable to
his argument on a Regents' by-law meet or the President certified it
which states that the seat has to was necessary to protect disengag-
be filled by an undergraduate. ing troops.
The court, however, made its de- Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.)
cision on the grounds that Elec- chairman of the Senate Armed
tions Director Dave Schaper vio- Services Committee, said the Unit-
lated the SGC Bill of Rights in ed States is already involved in
allowing Landsman's candidacy. Vietnam and should "tough it
out." But he said, the nation
CSJ stated that Schaper "in- should never again become en-
fringed on the right to be subject gaged in war without assurance of
only to such rules and regulations the moral support of the people as
as have been fully and clearly pub- expressed through their elected
lished and generally made known representatives in Congress.
to everyone concerned," The bill was viewed by its op-
In effect, the court ruled that ponents as an unconstitutional at-
Schaper did not have the authority tempt to interfere with the Presi-
to allow Landsman to run in viola- dent's power as commander-in-
tion of the regental law without chief of the armed forces and his
a mandate from SGC. constitutional duty to defend the
United States.
The bill came to the Senate
STRIKE'S OUT! floor from its Foreign Relations
See Page 9 Committee by unanimous vote aft-
er hearings extending over a year.
Taylor, who ran second behind The Senate voted down propos-
Landsman in the voting for the als to send it to the Judiciary
publications board seat, expressed Committee for constitutional stu-
satisfaction with the ruling. dy, or to appoint a national com-
mission to review the war roles of
Co-plaintiff Bill Krebaum, also Congress and the President.
an SGC member, said he was Before the final vote, the Senate
"glad to see CSJ finally rocking turned down 55 to 27 an amend-1
the'oat a little on these charges." ment by Sen. James Buckley (R-
Landsman commented that the Con-N.Y.) to require similar ap-f
court "fudged the issue and took proval by Congress for assignment
a very narrow view of he facts," of U.S troops to "peacekeeping
but added that the decision to forces" under control of the United1
vacate the seat was "not an un- Nations Security Council.f
reasonable one." Sponsors of the bill said the U.N.E
Prof. L. Hart Wright, the chair- participation act of 1945 already
man of the Board of Publications, requires congressional approval of
commented that the board would any agreements under which the
"have to examine the problem of President may commit troops to
-f" cthe United Nations.





Provincial capital on the verge
of collapse despite air support
From Wire Service Reports
SAIGON-Communist forces
yesterday captured at least
half of provincial capitol An
Loc, climaxing the third week
of their spring offensive drive

--Daily-David Margolick
Spring, sprang, sprung
Students bask in the midday sun yesterday on People's Plaza, as a local rock band blared. Some fell
asleep, some studied for impending exams, dogs barked, but the Happy Daze band played on.




Cuts in

budget likely

An Loc, 60 miles north of Sai-
gon, has been the scene of fierce
fighting recently. President Ngu-
yen Van Thieu has ordered the
city "held at all costs." since its
downfall could render Saigon's
capture imminent.
The Communists are said to be
in control of An Loc's airport and
the entire northern end of the
city. with the Fifth Division of the
South Vietnamese army- holding
the rest. Although U.S. officials
allege that- American airstrikes
have knocked out half the Com-
munist's 60 tanks. it is doubtful
that the South Vietnamese can
maintain their tenuous ground.
A relief column of 20.000 troops
remained stalled fifteen miles to
the south of An Loc. The force
has been in the same position for
three days, and cannot advance
because of heavy Communist re-
For the North Vietnamese the
capture of the provincial capital
would mark the high point of the
current fifteen day offensive. An
Loc controls strategic Highway 13.
which is the area's only link with
More than that, however, the
loss of the city would have a tre-
mendous impact upon the troops
and civilians loyal to the Thieu
government. The United States
has responded to the crisis by
sending in a fleet of B52 bombers
which hammered the city with 500
pound bombs for most of the day.
No U.S. ground troops have been
committed to the struggle and
there are no indications that
Washington plans to take such
Some 100 miles west of Saigon,
another potential serious trouble
spot for the allies continued to
fester. A combined South Vietna-
mese and Cambodian task force at
last reports had counterattacked
and pushed Communist troops back
very slightly from the center of
Kampong Trach, a southern Cam-
bodian border town.
The Communists h a v e been
launching assaults in the area for
two weeks, apparently trying to
open a long-time invasion route
from Cambodia into the Mekong
Delta. A North Vietnamese Divi-
sion has its base camp some 50
miles inside Cambodia in the area.
The Mekong Delta region was
seriously weakened militarily when
two regiments of South Vietnam's
best troops plus armored units
were pushed north to help relieve
An Loc.
Today is the last day you
may register to vote in the May
16 presidential primary. To
register, you must have lived in
the city 30 days and in the state
six months; you cannot have
voted or registered in another
state within six months. Regis-
ter at City Hall, Fifth and
The recent Communist offensive
clearly had an effect on the war
casualty figures released yester-
The weekly summary said 12
Americans were killed in combat
last week, 32 were wounded and
19 were missing in action. All the

-Daily-David Margolick
Protest parade
Picketers yesterday parade to protest Hoover Ball and Bearing
Co.'s alleged involvement with the Indochina war. The parade
was organized by People Against the Air War, a group aiming
to educate the public about the continuing air war in Southeast
Asia. See story below.
Forum on 'U' stock
holdings set today
Should the University, with its almost $3 million worth
of Gulf and General Motors stock, vote in favor of a resolu-
tion which would force disclosure of information about those
corporations' activities in Southern Africa?
That is the issue to be discussed at a forum set today in
the Union at 2:00. Representatives of the corporations and
the insurgent stockholders will debate a proposal which would
force the corporations to divulge previously secret informa-

for city departments

Several city departments face
budget and employe cuts for theI
next fiscal year, according to a1
report released this week on the:
proposed city budget.
According to the report released
by the city administrator's office,
funds for some of the city's larg-
est departments are slated to be
cut, and in severaledepartments,
including police, fire and public'
works, employes may have to be
laid off,
However, some observers cite

tilling the e im p t y seat very
Meanwhile, five members of SGC
boycotted last night's SGC meet-
ing, preventing a two - thirds
The members say they will con-
tinue their boycott "until all elec-
tions charges are resolved."
CSJ is presently considering
charges of "gross fraud" in last
month's all-campus elections.
After five hours of testimony
and cross-examination the CSJ
could not reach a decision on
charges of "gross fraud" in last
month's all-campus elections Wed-
The hearing had been called to
examine SGC member Joel Silver-
stein's allegation of massive bal-

Chinese table tenniS
spar off tomorrow a

possible additional income sources ing to Assistant City Administra-
- including an eventual settle- tor Kenneth Sheehan.
ment between the city and the The city's refuse collection may
University, and the possibility of be the hardest hit by the belt-
new monies from increased local tightening according to city ad-
taxes and federal revenue-sharing ministrators.
plans - which may help ease the Included in the new budget is a
city's fiscal situation. plan to shift to a system of curb-
The proposed budget for 1972- side refuse pickup. This system
73, totaling just over $13 million would allow each collection crew
dollars, represents approximately to reduce its number from four to
a two per cent increase over this three. This will mean a reduction
year's budget, but with the pres- from fifty-four to thirty-five em-
eastbetbufltithathncrese.ployes on a city-wide basis, said
ent rate of inflation, that increase Bud Greenlick, a Public Works
will be completely erased, accord- Department official. Those em-
---_ -~ ployes will have priority in get-
ting jobs in other departments, he
said. But with the present finan-
Splay e cial situation, it is unlikely that a
great many positions will be avail-
! The police department, the
a Trisler city's largest department, is faced
with the prospect of laying off ten
officers, from their 144-man staff,
Eckstein is chairman of the Sheehan said. This decision, how-
National Committee on U.S.- ever, rests on the outcome of the
China Relations, a' non-political negotiations between the city and
group founded in 1966 by aca- the university over police protec-
demices interested in improv- tion for the campus.
ing public understanding of Until last year, the University
mainland China, paid 18 per cent of the city's po-
The National Committee was lice budget, which came to over
approached by the U.S. Table half a million dollars. Those pay-
Tennis Association after its ments were ordered stopped by
visit to China last year to help Governor Milliken, however, when
bring the Chinese here, and was it was learned that Ann Arbor was
responsible for raising funds the only city in the state that ex-
and making the necessary ar- acted such payments from a 10-
See CHINESE, Page 7 See CITY, Page 10

protest at
local plant
Seventy demonstrators picketed
the Hoover Ball and Bearing Com-
pany yesterday, passing out leaf-
lets to protest the company's in-
volvement with government war
The demonstration, sponsored
by People Against the Air War
(PAAW) was designed to "make
the workers more aware of what
they're producing."
Upon arrival at the plant, dem-
onstrators learned that the com-
pany no longer produces war ma-
terial. The company has engaged
in the production of such mater-
ial in the recent past, however.
PAAW claims that Hoover made
steel pellets that were used in
anti-personnel cluster bombs in
Vietnam. PAAW spokeswoman Ar-
lene Griffin said, "They told us
that the only reason they don't
See PICKETERS, Page 10

tion about their operations in
South Africa and Angola.
Last year, in a related case, the
Project for Corporate Responsibil-
ity asked the University to vote
against GM's management on the
South Africa issue. At that time,
the Regents refused that sugges-
tion and voted with the manage-
The Senate Assembly Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,
the faculty executive body is spon-
soring the forum.
If the committee decides to vote
in favor of the disclosures, they
will present a recommendation to
that effect to Wilbur Pierpont,
vice-president for financial affairs.
If the Regents do not accept
the recommendation, the commit-
tee can still attach a letter to the
Regent's decision expressing their
concern about the issue to the
At issue is the involvement of
these corporations in Africa. Gulf
has operations in Angola, one of
the last colonial areas in Africa.
The charges are that Gulf sup-
ports the Portuguese government,
which owns the colony, by subsi-
dizing its armed forces.
The charge against GM is that
its operations in the Union of
South Africa support apartheid by
paying black workers at lower
rates than whites for comparable

International relations arrive
at the University tomorrow in
the form of the People's Re-
public of China world champion
table tennis team.
The University is the only
campus scheduled to be toured
during the team's two-week stay
in the United States. But it will
be a whirlwind tour with prob-
ably more American reporters
and security people than Chi-

nese seeing the sights.
The 28-person Chinese en-
tourage will include 14 table
tennis players headed by Chu-
ang Tse-tung, three times men's
singles world champion, two
members of the All - China
Sports Federation, four inter-
preters and eight reporters.
They will be accompanied by
the U.S. table tennis team, four
American interpreters - one of
whom, Vee-ling Edwards, is
from the University's Center for
Chinese studies-several Amer-
ican journalists, an unknown
number of security guards from
the State Department and con-
tingents of Ann Arbor police
and University security men.
Representatives of the State
Department yesterday met with
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny and University Director
of Safety Director Frederick
Davids about laying out security
precautions. Krasny had no
comment except that "it's all in
their (the State Dept.'s) hands."
Daivds later commented that
the precautions "aren't elabor-
ate" and there will be more
people to handle traffic than
security. He acknewledged that
there will bP security agents in
the crowd but said he doesn't

Beware of friendly notes from Ma Bell

If you are a local telephone
owner, you have probably receiv-
ed a polite notice cheerfully ask-
ing you if you want your tele-
phone service disconnected for the
summer. Read the notice care-
fully: The money you save may
be your own.
c Eonb 1uer1EkE

in the company's offices to instal-
lation of as many phones as de-
Persons planning to live in the
same residence in the fall are the
most likely to be hurt by the new
policy as they ma-y unknowingly
have their phones disconnected
for the summer. In actuality, it is
just as cheap to leave them in-

phones placed on "suspension,"
under which no calls can be,
made but the actual telephone
lines remain connected.
Suspension costs half the 'mon-
thly rate - for most people only
$2.50 per month - and carries
with it no charge for renewal of
phone service.
Even students planning to be
away for the entire summer would


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