I Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, April 13, 1972 I. Iii A FEW APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE 909 CHURCH - CO P ES 3c 3 to 100 Copies 101 to 200 Copies-2c " IBM Top Quality " Two Machines-No Waiting SPEED-A-PRINT 619 E. William at State 761-4922 Printing while you wait COME AND SEE! A BRITISH FILM OF AN ABORTION Narrated by Dr. J. C. Wilke, M.D., noted author COME AND HEAR! Richard Jaynes, M.D., OB., Gyn. Michigan Maternal Morality Review Committee 7:45 p.m.-Thurs., April 13 ANN ARBOR PUBLIC LIBRARY 343 So. 5th Ave. FREE!! PHASE III ALL DRINKS 14c Except Black Coffee 8c HOT CHOCOLATE LEMONADE ORANGE JUICE COCA-COLA ORANGE SPRITE STATE AND PACKARD STORE ONLY DUNKIN'' DONUTSE To your home from ours Fresh every four hours. "The difference is freshness" OPEN MONDAY-THURSDAY 7:30-9 P.M. FRI., SAT., SUN. 7:30-3 P.M. This offer expires April 17th PENALTIES GALORE: Sparta ns By BOB HEUER A fired-up group of Michigan State stickmen rode a wave of great goaltending, tight defense, and some helpful officiating to a 7-6 upset victory over Michigan yesterday at Ferry Field. The Wolverines had built up a 6-2 lead midway through the third quarter, but a scoreless final per- iod, brought on by an unending rash of penalties, paved the way for five straight Spartan tallies, the winner coming with 7:20 left in the contest by midfielder Bob Stevenson. The few times that Michigan was at full strength long enough to launch a serious offensive thrust in the second half, they were stymied by their own incon- I sistent shooting and some excel- lent goaltending by Spartan net- minder Ron Hebert. Hebert had looked like a hu- man sieve in last week's encoun- ter in East' Lansing, won by Mich- igan 15-13, and the Wolverines fhad good success with the high shots from 20 to 30 feet out. But Hebert was stopping the long ones yesterday and the strong cuts and feeds which usually led to point blank shots on goal seemed to be absent from the Michigan attack. Coach Bob Kaman was irate at the officials, particularly the ref- eree, who whistled Michigan for 22 penalties, compared to only six for Michigan State. "What can I say? We got ripped off,"said an ob- viously displeased Kaman after the game. "That's the second time he's done that to us this year, and this time it cost us." Attackman Don Holman collect- upset stickmen Daily-John Upton Dick Dean (5) flings a shot toward Spartan goal OPU ed his fifth penalty with just over three minutes left and was forced to sit out the remainder of the contest, a la basketball. The Michigan offense was slug- gish in the first half, but thanks to some fine individual efforts, the Wolverines managed to take a 4-2 halftime lead. State had opened the scoring at the 1:19 mark of the first quarter on a power play goal by Jim Walters, and led until Carl Burns tied it up at 6:49 with an unassisted power play effort. The Spartans regained the lead in the opening minute of the sec- ond quarter when midfielder Fred Hartman knocked in a rebound from five feet out. The lead was s h o r t l i v e d though, as three straight Michigan tallies gave Michigan the two-goal intermis- sion advantage. All three goals were unassisted. the first coming off the stick of midfielder Dick Dean who hit the upper right hand corner with a high hard one from 30 feet out. Chico Rogers gave Michigan the lead at 7:55 of the period when he found the upper right hand corner with a high hard one from 30 feet out. Third-line middie Dennis Burd- ziak made a great move to score Michigan's fourth goal, beating his own man and then splitting two more before hurling home a 15-footer. It was Michigan State's star midfielder Val Washington who made the difference in the second half for the Spartans as he scored three times as the Spartans racked up five consecutive taflies in the last 21 minutes for the win. But first Michigan scored twice in the early going of the half to stretch the lead to 6-2. Holman put one past goalie Hebert off a pass from Skip Flanagan with only 1:50 gone in the third quar- ter. And only two minutes later Carl Burns scored his second, marking the finish of Michigan's offensive output. Washington tallied twice within 1:10 to bring the Spartans with- in two at the close of the quarter, and giving State the momentum. Three goals in the final stanza by Don Gray, Washington, and Stevenson completed the scoring. while Michigan players paraded to and from the penalty box. P 4 ad~a'ce ah 0~ rd WLei tle spoW Iead d spriug bwst I% gope the peo tle Iar- 's can be applied'to 8mm and Super 8. 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