t in ait Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Joyous debut for City Council 'Humans' #i 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: GENE ROBINSONI Pass-no entry: Yes and now THE LITERARY college Curriculum Committee has approved a novel pass- no entry grading system. which now awaits approval from the faculty, the col- lege's executive committee and ultimate- ly the Regents. The proposal is a progressive, non-re- strictive approach to revamping the grading system. Those who want grades could request them, and those who don't could do without. Students would have almost all semester to decide how they wanted to be marked. In either case, how- ever, there would be no failure. At a Regents open hearing last year, pass-fail grading was criticized because it supposedly rendered graduate admis- sions more difficult and eliminated disci- pline. JRUT PASS-FAIL critics should find little to criticize in the proposals set forth now. Students who want letter grades re- corded - for graduate school admission, for honors records, for posterity, or for the sparkle in their grandmothers' eyes- could still choose to receive regular grades. Students who now pack their terms with undemanding courses, some of which are already pass-fail, can venture back into 'honest to goodness' academia with- out fearing the grade grubbing that hope- fully would fade away with the advent of pass-no credit marking. It is no secret that some students have been seeking shelter from the grade grub- bers and their competition by taking courses which are considered easy. How- ever, unconcerned about losing out on a strenuous marking scale, more students would be likely to return to the classroom for at least some of their learning. Those who cry so loudly that pass-no entry grading will ruin the University's academic standing and let asudents stop working should realize that many stu- dents already take easy courses for cred- it and read or work on their own in areas that interest them. That way, though there is no worry of besmirching one's record with low grades, something is lost in the lack of classroom participation and interaction. PASS-NO ENTRY, pass-no credit, or pass-fail, however one wishes to label it, isn't an alien concept suddenly sprung upon the University. Oberlin College has recently instituted a pass-no entry sys- tem. Brown University has had a pass- no credit option for close to three years as has Yale. Thus, to those who decry dilution of the academic fortress, it should be made clear that pass-no entry grading will not be a destructive force, but is actually a good thing. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN --Daily--Terry McCarthy By CHARLES STEIN MONDAY NIGHT'S City Coun- cil meeting was billed as a clash between two worlds. The straight world's monopoly on political power had been shat- tered in the recent council elec- tions by two 22-year-old radicals and an army of young followers. They had defeated the opposition at its own game, and they h a d come to challenge the establish- ment at City Council. The "humans" came in huge numbers, perhaps as many as two or three hundred, to watch their heroes in action. For many it was their first council meeting and probably few knew what to ex- pect. But they did know how to tell the difference between t h e good guys and bad guys, and tuey acted accordingly. WHEN HRP Councilman Jerry DeGrieck was called up for the swearing in ceremonies, the gal- lery gave him a thunderous ova- tion. Such outbursts are few and far between in august bodies like the City Council - but who could blame the crowd for its enthus- iasm? Standing before them was a stu- dent, a senior history major at the University, who only two years ago was a vice president of Stu- den Government Council. He was about to become a member of the Ann Arbor City Council, no tinker- toy organization where students make believe they are real people, but the governing body for t h e whole city. An even greater optburst greeted the announcement of Coun- cilwoman Nancy Wechsler. Not only young and radical, but she is a woman as well. In recent years an exclusively male organization, the council now had a member who would force it to deal with issues relation to women. Wechsler's presence had )n im- mediate impact upon the meeting. The other council members were careful to refer to her as Council- woman Wechsler, and when femae speakers were called up to ad- dress the group, Mayor Robert Harris exaggerated his words to make sure everyone heard him say 'Ms". HARRIS' EFFORTS to please the radicals were based more on political considerations than on any great love for the HRP repre- sentatives. The Democrats hold only four seats on the 11-member council, and they know they must get the two HRP votes to achieve a majority. The Republicans, on the other hand, were not as charitable to the new radicals or their noisy sup- porters, and understandably so. For the crowd had come to laugh at all the values the Republicans held sacred, and in the first poli- tical action bf the evening, they did just that. That action concerned the elec- tion of the mayor pro tem, a large- ly ceremonial position. Councilman John McCormack (R-Fifth Ward) nominated his Republican collea- gue, Lloyd Fairbanks (R-Fifth Ward), and proceeded to extoll Fairbanks' virtues. "He is a banker, a member of the Jaycees and a member of the chamber of commerce," McCorm- ack proudly stated, but his words were pure satire to his young listeners. Boos, hisses and laugh- ter greeted McCormack's state- ments, and this lack of respect for the old order was just the last straw for some members of the audience. "Why, these damn kids are try- ing to make fools of us," one eld- erly matron exclaimed, and she promptly left the meeting. Fairbanks fell one short, of the necessary majority and the mea- sure had to be tabled. The y o u n g audience cheered the vote because to them it repre- sented the independence of their new party. HRP's two votes could have elected a liberal Democrat, but instead the party chose to block any final action rather than compromise. HRP chose the same route on resolutions concerning the Com- mission on Professional and Hos- pital Activities strike and weaker liberal legislation failed., THE HRP PEOPLE who attend- ed the meeting probably went home pleased with the perform- ance of their representatives. They had met the enemy on its home turf and they had refused to be co-opted by establishment princi- ples. They had remained seated dur- ing the pledge to the flag h a d given clenched-fist signs to the audience, and had grilled Police Chief Walter Krasny is public. Clearly they were a force to be reckoned with. WHETHER HRP will be able to translate that force into genuine political power remains to be seen. Strong statements and revolution- ary gestures may keep students entertained for awhile, but it will take real accomplishments to make HRP more than just a one term party. For the moment, how ver, HRP has at least made the council aware of its presence and May have made Monday night council meetings "the late night place to be." Vetnam 4' Dropping 'low profile' bom bs on From Taiwan: Another view AT THIS CRITICAL and decisive mo- ment when the life or death of the na- tion is at stake, we must look to Mr. Chiang (Kai Shek) for transforming our, ominous destiny and instilling new hope (in his fifth six-year term) in the nation with his exemplary leadership and inter- national stature. The National Assembly is wholly con- vinced that the final goal of the so-called world revolution and people's war of the Maoist Communists is the conquest of the earth and the enslaving of all mankind by first subverting the United States. To achieve the aims of national salva- tion and construction and to maintain ALAN LENHOFF Editor Business Staff ANDY GOLDING Business Manager BILL ABBOTT'..........Associate Business Manager HARRY HIRSCH ................Advertising Manager FRANCINE HYMEN ...\ . Personnel Manager DIANE CARNEVALE................. Sales Manager PAUL WENZLOFF............Promotions Manager STEVEN EVSEEFF ............Circulation Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS AND ASSOCIATES: Classi- fied: Judy Cassel, Jim Dykema, Dave Lawson; Cir- culation: William Blackford; Display: Sherry Kastle, Karen Laakko; National: Patti Wilkinson; Layout: Bob Davidoff; Billing: L'Tanya Haith. ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Debbie Alcott, Ray Catalino, Linda Coleman, Pankaj Kumer Das, Sandy Fienberg, Nelson Leavtt, Susan Morrison, Sharon Pocock, Ashish Sarkar, Pat Saykilly, Alan Weinberger, Carol Wieck. Sports Staff JOHN PAPANEK Sports Editor ELLIOT ILEGOW Executive Sports Editor the democratic and free way of life, we must thoroughly carry out our basic na- tional policy of counterattack and na- tional recovery. We hope the democratic countries and freedom-loving peoples of the world will clearly understand the evil nature of the Maoist Communists, as well as their cal- culated intrigues to bury the United States, throttle Japan, wield absolute hegemony over Asia and communize all the world, and will, in coordination and in cooperation with the Republic of China, help liberate the 700 million people on the Chinese mainland, safeguard the freedom and welfare of Asia, eradicate the sources of evil for a mankind and open up a new destiny internationally so as to establish an ever-lasting peace for the world. -NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF NATIONALIST CHINA MARCH 25 Inflation! 0Oy! TESTIFYING BEFORE the Price Com- mission in Washington, AFL-CIO President George Meany provided a graphic illustration showing how con- sumers are being cheated under the Nix- on Phase 2 program even when prices aren't being raised. He held up cans of chicken soup point- ing out that famous Mrs. Adler's matzo ball soup used to have four matzo balls but now has only three. -MICHIGAN AFL-CIO NEWS APRIL 5 By BRIAN SPEARS THE WAR in Vietnam has reached a new phase of crisis proportions. The system- atic, electronically controlled bombing of North and South Vietnam is being step- ped up, day by day. Seven U.S. aircraft carriers are being stationed off of the coast of Vietnam. Well over 500 bombing missions are flown daily over Vietnam. American ground troops, called "advisors" by military spokespeo- *ple, are used to conduct a "dynamic de- fense" of cities and bases where they are stationed. "Dynamic defense" is a phrase meaning that U.S. troops seek out North Vietnamese to engage them in battle. The seriousness of the new phase in the war is lost to the American public because of restrictions put on newspeople. No newspeople are allowed to accompany U.S. helicopters, as they had done in the past. More and more areas of South Vietnam have been declared "off limits" to report- ers. Mounting air strikes, expanded during the Christmas and Tet seasons, h a v e grown to intolerable proportions for the Vietnamese. With the widespread introduc- tion of electronic weaponry, the U.S. mili- tary has been able to maintain a 'low pro- file' before the American public, while maintaining sustained, massive air and naval support for Saigon. Most political leaders in the United Stat- es have withdrawn from debate about the war. Thus, the American public is re- ceiving no sense of the constant destruc- tiveness of the war. THE GREATEST single factor prompt- ing the new phase in the war has been the failure of Vietnamization. The victories of the non-Saigon and North Vietnamese forces have shown that they can defeat economy will continue to be great, and this burden will not be lessened by the step- ped up military attacks on the North. Pentagon spending is on the increase. IRONICALLY, the only sectors of Amer- ican or Vietnamese society which stand to gain from the crunching phase of the war will be those which have benefitted in the past; those in power in Saigon, those in power in Washington, and those corpora- tions involved in war research and pro- duction. The government no longer contends that massive bombing will bring 'a hasty end to the war and corporations no longer con- tend that it is their moral obligation to serve the Pentagon. In a recent interview, officials of the Hoover Ball and Bearing Co. 'of Ann Ar- bor commented that they manufactured steel pellets for anti-personnel cluster- bombs because if they "didn't do it some- one else would." KMS Industries of Ann Arbor responded to a charge that its radar was used for military purposes by saying, ". . . but we do ecology research." Thus, corporations, along with the gov- ernment, now maintain a 'low profile' con- cerning the war. THE NORTH Vietnamese and their al- lies, however, cannot afford a low profile. Their recent offensive demonstrates their resolve to battle American presence in Vietnam. The U.S. response demonstrates its de- termination to bring about its own reso- lution to the war - either an anti-com- munist victory, or the destruction of Viet- nam. Brian Spears is a member of People against the Air War. Saigon. When there was sufficient cloud cover to inhibit bombing, the ARVN troops were rolled back. The only way in which the U.S. can en- sure an anti-communist victory in the" South is by remaining indefinitely in Indo- china. The major effect of the continuing Amer- ican involvement is devastation of both North and South Vietnam. Although Saigon is claiming military victory, and stating the North Vietnamese do not.control any politically or militarily vital areas, the United States is 'conducing the most mas- sive bombing of the war. Weeks ago the U.S. suspended the Paris Peace Talks. This, combined with the new phase in the war, will make a "political" solution to the war more difficult to achieve. In the past, American bombing has served to strengthen, not weaken, the Vietnamese resolve to win. The prisoner of war issue, which for some time dominated American interest, is not being discussed by government of- ficials. In light of the continued bombing attacks on North Vietnam, it is especially unlikely that the North would release the prisoners without American agreement to a withdrawal date. The effect of the wa' on the American + I J S Sr ,- , ,, . k' , 4. S !+ .M fs A' 4' Full , t, ' ; tR r Sex,j By MARTY PORTER I NTRIGUED BY signs asking "Do you have the guts to face JOSH?" and an intensive leaflet and blackboard campaign, hund- reds of curious students attended speeches this week by evangelist Josh McDowell, the "international spokesman" for Campus Crusade for Christ. Josh, a young bell-bottomed, Billy Graham, arrived Monday after "touring 38 countries and speak- ing at over 400 universities," equipped with a crisp energetic voice, a not-too-long-not-too-short haircut, and the spiel of a door- to-door encyclopedia salesman. "Christianity is one of the most -misunderstood things in the uni- versities and in the world today . . . What we are trying to do is clear up widespread misconsep- tions about Christianity so that each person can evaluate for him- selm the power of Jesus Christ," Josh said. But Josh's aim was not simply tutorial. Josh was here to sell Jesus to the college community and to achieve this he resorted to the techniques of the average tal- ented salesman. FOR AT LEAST a week before Prophecy, hue of a medicinal tonic pusher pandering to the tastes of his cus- tomers-flattery, a good laugh,, and an easy answer. Josh portrayed himself as a rebel against society: "I think there are a lot of things wrong with the U.S. government." He made sure that his speeches in- cluded such pat phrases az "blow my mind," and the traditional "amen" was replaced with the col- loquial "right on." Everyone was made to feel right at home when Josh referred to the saints as "Jimmy" a n d "Mat." He pictured himself as the rugged individualist: "I am not afraid to voice my opinions and I respect people who have con- victions." JOSH TRIED to make Christ- ianity appeal to the "turned-off" generation and to accomplish this he repackaged the product t. make it more appealing. When the audience was wholly captivated by his presentii-ion, Josh tried some good wholesome "true to life" experiences t h e viewers could empathize with. "My father was the town drunk . . . I hated him so bad that I used to urinate in his whisky bottles . revolution and JOSH A LECTURE on prophecy "pro- ved from his own studies" and by quotations from world personali- ties that the Bible, particularly Revelations, can tell us "tomor- row's headlines today." His most popularly attended lec- ture, "Maximum Sex," did not offer hints on how to achieve a triple orgasm, but described sex as Josh saw it in the Christian sense. Josh related, "Sociological re- ports prove that Christians are getting a lot more out of sex than anybody else . . . Man ought to be the head of a woman. Men are threatened in sex and religion by women who take the initiative in sex life, . . . Premarital sex. is wrong because you are taking something that isn't yours." JOSH'S MESSAGEis not exact- ly suitable for refutation. But one disillusioned student comment- * '0 ed, "He was so much like a TV advertisement for Alka Seltzer that I couldn't believe him." Though his lectures were ear- marked by an enormous amount of sincerity, even this was cheap- ened by his Fuller Brush man technique. After three days of lec- tures one was either left with great respect for 'Josh or wonder- ing if he would staple Jesus to a neon cross to achieve the :"Maxi- mum Publicity." rtt'7"t'hl I 0".